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Happy 8 months! We were supposed to take you to Disneyland but that was cancelled so at least the clothing came in handy for a Disney themed photo. #disneyland #disney #minniemouse #8monthsold https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCTSb5pn1P/?igshid=15wrs1x002w10
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Blueberry picking with baby! A lesson alot bees too!! #blueberries #berrypicking #blueberrypicking https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzVCJYJOAP/?igshid=z5n7iscrjita
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And I think I can, I think I can, I think I can SIT!! #babymilestones #icansit https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrdHRxpLsC/?igshid=1kaxpis2rzncu
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Bedtime smiles!! The perfect end to my day. #3daughters #my3girls #blessed https://www.instagram.com/p/CCaH2C4puAm/?igshid=yqlfbic404ef
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I just want to smack my food!! #watermelonjuice #babyledweaning https://www.instagram.com/p/CCY_B6lJXih/?igshid=j61ypzzrj5th
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Lucky baby. She gets live entertainment. #violin #dancing #oldersistersarethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/CCXVFfDpC9B/?igshid=1pivjwawr9uid
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3rd times the charm!! Finally our #watermelon jelly worked!! #agaragar #summertreats https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUZyxspQp7/?igshid=7fqkusyj0o62
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I want to give my mom and dad a surprise. Tonight I'm going to cook dinner. First, I'll chop the vegetables. Then, I'll add the sauce. I'll taste and then add salt. I'm also cooking macaroni. Dessert will be chocolate cake. I hope they like my dinner. #mandarin #learningchinese https://www.instagram.com/p/CCB_d23pXGx/?igshid=1vqbmtgfl67np
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When she doesn't want anymore she.... growls...lol #babyfeeding https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1HWE_pyvM/?igshid=17dg9ed5uvgql
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Strawberry picking 2020. Had to keep the tradition alive. Berries were glorious and even baby approved! Most were gobbled up but we still had some for breakfast parfaits. #strawberrypicking #strawberry https://www.instagram.com/p/CBo1wXWpN0F/?igshid=15vtg3cyowzga
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Happy 7 months baby!! You are one in a melon!! Always happy and super sweet, your smile can't be beat!! #7monthsold #babygirl #babymilestones https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjRzpPpmy-/?igshid=66tr6r3ae4tl
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This week's mandarin practice: Every week i have music class. My mom is my music teacher. I play the piano. I like playing piano. Playing piano is fun. I practice everyday so I can improve. I hope you like my music. #mandarin #learningmandarin https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbXadEp6yt/?igshid=1lk91t50lr8ti
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Im eating food now!! I'm a messy but too cute for mommy to get mad #solidfood #babymilestones #6monthsbaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWPTriJ0UG/?igshid=1wn9u69wv64zw
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Who wore it best? #photorecreation #photoreenactment #handmedowns #sisters https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyT1HbpEfR/?igshid=18bvwsedu7nmn
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Mommy dressed me up today. Im happy to be out of a sleeper for once. #happy #happybaby #6monthsbaby #momlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CAs2r7Jp5fb/?igshid=3l7e4mmoss9h
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Jasmine drawing from my 2 little artists. #aladdin #princessjasmine #jasmine #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdLL5LpBgY/?igshid=78wzbxk6in6e
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