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A collection of multi-chapter kurt and blaine fanfics for my main blog: blaindersonkummel
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bkficrecs · 6 years ago
I Do
Author:  pulling-the-puzzles-apart
Rating: K
Status: Completed in April 2013
Word Count: 14,115
Summary: Glee crossover with My Best Friend’s Wedding. Kurt realises he is in love with his best friend as Blaine prepares to marry someone else. Can Kurt stop the wedding? Will Blaine realise he still loves Kurt? Loosely based on the film.
Tropes/Genre: AU, movie!fic, romance, humor, bestfriends!Klaine
Lynne’s review: Stupid, stupid boys…sometimes it just takes a serious wake up call…very cute story with a funny OC as Kurt’s great friend.
Read at: FF.net
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Fic: With Song and Celebration
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Title: With Song and Celebration Fandom: Glee Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, mild Blaine/Dave Karofsky (season 6 compliant) Author: redheadgleek Rating: Mature
Summary: Pride weekend has always been a place of home and acceptance for Kurt and Blaine throughout the years. A 5+1 fic. Written for the 2018 Klaine Fic Exchange for @mshoneysucklepink. Endless thanks to @snarkyhag for her excellent betaing and encouragement. 
Read on AO3
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Spring Showcase
Author: PurrfectStories
Rating: NC-17
Status: Completed in November 2014
Word Count: 10,188
Summary: “How about you and me go talk in private? Hmm? I could give you some…pointers maybe? I think tonight we can definitely work on you hitting a high note.”  This one-shot is an alternate Klaine meeting that consists of pure PWP smut with maybe a sprinkle of fluff and feels.
Tropes/Genre: D/s, dom!Kurt, sub!Blaine, fluff, humor, romance
Read at: AO3
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
TDB Exchange Fic: Category Is...
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Summary: It’s 1989 and Blaine has been disowned by his parents. Lost in New York, he stumbles upon a found family in the House of Evangelista, but his heart is drawn to the vogue champion Porcelain Abundance. A Glee/Pose AU.
Rating: Mature
Words: ~10,000
Read on AO3 I’m happy to present my 30th fic overall and my contribution to the 2018 To Daydream Believers Klaine Fic Exchange! All the information about the project can be found on @todaydreambelieversfic and I encourage you to read, comment, and kudos all the other fics and authors. Extra special thanks to @slayediest (a.k.a. @notarelationship) for the beta and @datshitrandom for the artwork. This story is based upon a prompt provided by @cinnamon-t. Hope you enjoy!
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
How I Met My Soul Mate - A Drunken Kurt Story (Klaine Fic)
Title: How I Met My Soul Mate - A Drunken Kurt Story (AO3)  Summary:  Over drinks one night, Kurt tells Elliott the story of how he met his soul mate. Soul Mate AU! Also - Kitties! Superheroes! Drunken Shenanigans! Sappy love stories! Rating: T - For drunken shenanigans, a few bad words, and some soft-core porn.  Word Count: 6609
Notes: Written for the 2018 Klaine Exchange on @todaydreambelieversfic 
Thanks @snarkyhag for beta'ing - I know it was an epic battle of dashes and commas, but I appreciate your amazingness <3
For - @lillemlan - I hope you enjoy it dear! 
I smooshed together two prompts: Soulmate!AU where your true love’s first words are tattooed on your body. The words written on Kurt/Blaine is utterly ridiculous and ‘holy shit is this real?!’ and Kurt/Blaine volunteers at the animal shelter. The other comes in to adopt an animal. Think of the cuteness!.
Then I dumped a ton of glitter on it, doused it in alcohol, then lit the whole thing on fire.
It’s better than Thor 2.  Maybe.
Kurt’s at the bar, swaying gently to the live band playing questionable-at-best music while fiddling with his phone.  He keeps staring at the text message - running late, be there soon - it says.  He’ll come, Kurt assures himself as he sips the brightly colored drink he had ordered.  The bar is a little too warm and little too loud but it’s not like they have to stay there all night, they could go other places… if he comes.  When. When he comes. He’ll be here.
He’s anxious at first. There haven’t been that many dates and it’s been… Kurt can’t describe it.  Wonderful, amazing, scary, cliche - adjectives writers of rom-coms use in their mediocre and unrealistic but completely addicting films.  He shouldn’t get too worked up about any of this. He can’t - because things never go quite his way, do they.
He flips through his phone more and goes to his photos where there’s a selfie of the two of them.  God, he found a handsome one. So fucking handsome. He sips his drink, sweet and tart, and maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe not, but his anxiousness begins to slide into giddiness.  He giggles into his drink, finishes it, and continues to stare at the photo. Kurt thinks they make quite the lovely couple, thank-you-very-much.
Elliott slides onto the stool next to him, because Elliott is of course there every night, even if he had been away at a yoga retreat for a while.  He peers over Kurt’s shoulder, “Cute.”
“Find your own,” Kurt jokingly snaps, holding his phone close to his chest.  The picture is for him, not for Elliott. “I’m keeping this one.”
Elliott laughs easily into his beer.  “So, you must really like him?”
“This one has eyes you can get lost in,” Kurt says, breaking down into giggles.  Did he just say that out loud? He just had the one drink, right? He glances back at his phone, at the beautiful guy he’s found and remembers… sweet kisses and soft hands and breath on his cheek and…  Elliott is sitting far too close and invading his thoughts. It’s getting way too hot in here, and he’s going to need another drink. “Don’t you have a set to play tonight?” he asks as he waves down the bartender.  Yes another, he’ll worry about his tab tomorrow.
“Not playing tonight,” Elliott says.  “I’m just here to listen to these lovely ladies play.  What’s his name?”
Read the rest on AO3
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Verse: Story of My Life
Author: klaineanummel
Words: 94,545
Kurt as Cooper’s best friend / “younger brother” Blaine pining for Kurt
Summary of Part 1: Kurt reflects on the past twelve years of his life, coming to realize that one man in particular has affected him far more than he ever thought he would
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Kurt / Others and Blaine / Others throughout. Each section is tagged for warnings.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 17/17 Fandom: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, OMC Summary:
Kurt and Blaine have been together for nineteen years. Kurt's a high powered fashion designer and Blaine is a successful composer/song writer. They share a home in New York with their two beautiful children. Then, Kurt's doubts threaten to ruin their perfect lives. Again. Is it over, or will it just be another interruption?
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee, klaine - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Original Character(s), Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Original Male Character(s), Rachel Berry Additional Tags: Infidelity, Smut, Alternate Meeting, Neighbours, Lust at First Sight, Glee Prompt Meme, 5 Years of Klaine
Summary: "It took a while for Blaine’s brain to register that Kurt was talking to him because holy Mother of God, was the man in front of him a sight to behold."
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Glee Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Santana Lopez, David Karofsky, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel Additional Tags: Future Fic, Angst, Lots of it, Mpreg, but only mentionned, Intercrural Sex, Desperate Sex, Lack of Communication Summary:
At the end of his senior year, Blaine left Kurt and Ohio without explanation. When they are forced to work together Kurt just wants to get it over with as painlessly as possible. Little does he know that Blaine's secret will turn his life upside down.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Verse: Collide
Author: AntarcticBird
NYADA Teacher!Kurt / Student!Blaine
Words: 34,918
Summary: It's his first week in New York and it's as much fun as he hoped it would be. Maybe even more.
Rating: NC17
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, I'll add more tags as I add chapters, Light Angst, Barista Kurt, Teacher Blaine, Fashion Designer Kurt, Musician Blaine, Homophobia, Falling In Love Summary:
AU where you know someone is your soulmate when they make a certain noise. It could be laugh, a sneeze, a moan, or simply them talking. Whether you decide to listen to that noise is up to you.
Blaine Anderson is a 23 year old fresh-out-of-college music teacher. Kurt Hummel is a 25 year old barista and aspiring fashion designer. They hear each other, but will they listen?
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
fic: a lost boy (ready to be found)
This is my fic for the Todaydreambelievers 2016 fic exchange! My prompt was: husbands!Klaine finding each other again after one of them has been missing for a long time (years) because of some dramatic event - kidnapping, amnesia, voluntarily needing time away, midlife crisis, etc … Once they find each other again they have to then start over, getting to know each other, catching up with each other’s lives, etc. Title is adapted from Troye Sivan’s song, Lost Boy.
warnings for kidnapping, some light physical injury, depression and angst.
word count: 41k | on AO3
for @fearlesslysgleefics. hope you enjoy it!
Kurt will not give up on finding Blaine.
Three years, and he refuses to give up. He still looks for Blaine on the street, listens for his laugh on the subway. Blaine’s clothes are still in the closet, and once every few months he gets them out and washes them, keeps them fresh and spritzes them with Blaine’s favourite cologne. He still goes to sleep on his side of the bed, even though more often than not he wakes sprawled across the entire mattress, or curled around Blaine’s pillow.
He still has his wedding ring, on a chain around his neck. Wearing it was too hard, people would ask after his husband and the explanation would leave Kurt cracked open and raw every time. He prefers it this way - it’s his reminder of Blaine, kept close to his heart, against his skin. He never takes it off.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry/Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans/Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray/Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Cooper Anderson, Blaine's Parents (Glee) Additional Tags: Suicide, suicidal!blaine, Self-Harm, Suicide Attempt, Klaine, mental health, Self-Harm!Blaine, Friendly!Blam, AnderBros, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal!Klaine, Cutting, Blam, Finchel - Freeform, samcedes - Freeform, quick, Tike - Freeform, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, Depression, References to Depression, Depressed Blaine Summary:
"Why are you here?" It's the first thing out of Blaine's mouth as he gets out from the car, Kurt not far behind him.
When you get home from the hospital, bandages on both of your wrists, the last thing you want is for all of your high school friends to be on your front porch.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Glee Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Original Characters, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, A/U, slave!Blaine Series: Part 1 of Threadbare Summary:
Slave!Blaine AU. Blaine is a service-slave owned by a hotel. He is available for rent as a courtesy to guests to entertain them during their stay. His life is irrevocably changed one night when he is called to to serve by fashion designer Kurt Hummel.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
title: play my soul rating: nc-17 word count: 30 000
summary: Music is Blaine's great love, but when Cooper takes him to see famous pianist Kurt's concert for his birthday, he gets more than he ever bargained for.
warnings: infidelity, domestic violence, abuse - verbal and physical but just brief flashbacks
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Pam Anderson Additional Tags: Klaine, Canon Compliant, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Fandom Loves Puerto Rico, And there are letters, Sexy Letters, Husbands, Road Trip, Road Work: Expect Delays, If you thought construction was bad… Summary:
Still in the honeymoon stage of their marriage, Kurt and Blaine embark on the journey that will take them from Lima to New York City and to the beginning of their fabulous married life together. But getting there isn’t as easy as it sounds. Kurt and Blaine learn what it really means to be works in progress.
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bkficrecs · 7 years ago
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I Like It Like That (a 3 part series) ↳ 2 year anniversary celebration 
‘Til I’m Screamin’ For More (part 1 of 3) [published Jan 14, 2016] Rated NC17 - 1,836 words - Friends to Lovers AU College friends!Klaine get drunk, talk about sex, and jerk off together Fill for a prompt on the Glee Prompt Meme [full prompt in author’s notes]
*this is my very first published fanfiction ever
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