jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
I havent posted anything in so long.. im sorry... im tired and stressed and depressed.. ok talk later
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 23rd•2017 (another gorgeous day in Ottawa wishing we were home in the country though. After work we went and found a walking trail and had chickadees Land in our hands!! I can't remember the last time that a bird did that with me! I'm thinking it was a good rich Loomis on a field trip when I was in grade 4 or 5!! We also went shopping at the outlet mall beautiful day for an outdoor mall!)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 22nd•2017 (after my first day of work at Lowe's we decided to do a typical Ottawa tourist day. We went to Parliament Hill in the market)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 20th•2017 (Trying not to have alone time as much as normal means going to the hockey game with mom and dad. It was fun I'm going to miss moments like this. Also had a nap on the floor with my girl Ill miss her so much too)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 21st•2017 (first night back at Aunt Kelly'sin Ottawa can you tell I'm allergic to cats???? here's to hoping our apartment is done ASAP.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 20th•2017 (Trying not to have alone time as much as normal means going to the hockey game with mom and dad. It was fun I'm going to miss moments like this. Also had a nap on the floor with my girl Ill miss her so much too)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 19th•2017 (Last Friday i had my blood work done, i've always been a very tired person but I always figured it was just because I was a teenager and i was attending school everyday. But I went and got blood work done thinking maybe it might be an iron deficiency. After waiting a week for the results and nothing being wrong with the results my doctor told me some hard news which honestly I already knew but hearing it from a medical professional was hard. With so much happening in my life it's hard to really focus on my mental health as much as I should. Im coping.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 15th•2017 (Happy Easter! cant believe i spent 4 with Cameron. We bought these beautiful tulips from a local stand (wooler) called Dahlia May Flowers. We went at 9:30am and she was selling so fast!!!)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 14th* 2017 (Hey the Titanic sank 105 years ago today...
Enjoyed a beautiful spring day at home in Wooler with Cameron. We only have so many of these beautiful country days left. Ill miss them so so much.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 11th*2017 (As i was driving home from Ottawa with the good news of a well paying job... I got my very first speeding ticket. Near Maple Dale Cheese.. going only 15 over in an 80! Come on! I finally arrived home in Wooler after a long 4 hours on the road and stopping in at the cottage. I decided id pay my ticket off online right away so i didn't forget.... The website sent me a verification code to my email. So after not check my email all day i had a couple of unread emails. One was from a Debra Joyce ( i don't think ill ever forget that name) She was a recruitment officer from kingston emailing me with an offer to be an Image tech in the army. WHAT A CRAZY TURN OF EVENTS. Emotional af i managed to get the offer letter in envelopes before mum and dad could get home to surprise the heck out of them!Here goes nothing! Accepted offer April 13th.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 10th*2017 (Today I got a job as Head Cashier at Lowest Stittsville! I start making $14.84 an hour. I start my orientation shifts on the 22nd and 23rd)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
So much has happened this month and ive been brutal, i havent updated at all.As soon as i get back to Ottawa ill update everything thats missing.
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 6th•2017 ( I will never get sick of buying super cute couple-ly things for the apartment ! Cant wait to live with my bestfriend.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 5th•2017 (Wowie! We have accumulated so much stuff! Tomorrows plans involve trying to bring things down slowly and start boxing and labelling. Kitchen... bathroom.... bedroom. Approx 4 weeks. The countdowns on. Landlord says the electrical will be completed when drywall is done . Shes ordered all of the materials such as flooring , bathroom shower , vanity , fridge etc.....for delivery this Saturday . drywall is in the process .. We hoping for May 1st move in. Praying for sooner. Starting to get a little impatient for a space to call ours.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
I saw my earlier selves as different people, acquaintances I had outgrown. I wondered how I could ever have been some of them.
Roger Zelazny, The Courts of Chaos (via wordsnquotes)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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March 3rd•2017 ( HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVOURITE PERSON🎈 You are so full of joy. You are the most genuine person i have ever met. You give the world to everyone that comes your way. You make me happy when everything seems too much. You have my whole heart. I love you.)
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jojosephinee-blog · 7 years
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April 2nd•2017 (What a beautiful day!! Im back in Ottawa with my boy. 11 degrees and so sunny. Got a new phone and had a beautiful walk with camin.)
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