The Jojo's Cafe
7 posts
Hello! Welcome to The Jojo's Cafe! - We are closed!! Order some coffee - 5/5 tables taken
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
I'm back from the trip! Got some things to organize, but I'm gonna get back to writing soon! Thanks for your patience
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
Going on a trip for the next few days! Wont be able to write or post, but once I come back I'll get to any orders that may have come in
Also, feel free to send in some!
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
Hi I sent the ask about the giant teddy bear stand and I just wanna say thank you 🥺 that was super cute!! Loved their reactions
Hello! Thank you for requesting and for the kind words! Ok glad you liked it. I had an epiphany when I thought of them doing little drawings with stiches haha
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
Is it okay if I request the members of passione from Golden Wind reacting to a stand user whose stand is legitimately a HUGE teddy bear?
Hello!! Sure! Here's your coffee, enjoy your drink!
Bucci Gang with a reader that has a teddy bear looking stand
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Giorno Giovanna
Giorno finds its appearance interesting, although he isn't very shocked by it, as he just presents himself. 
"Hello, I'm Giorno Giovanna," he says as your stand opens for a hug, and he complies. 
If a small part of the teddy stuffing happens to come out, Giorno turns it into a butterfly or ladybug that goes either to you or your stand.
Sometimes, he will bring home little flower crowns he made for your stand, as well as small flowers, which look adorable due to the size difference between your teddy and the flowers. 
Giorno brought home a little silk magenta bow—the color of his suit— to place around your stand. 
He stitched a little flower and a ladybug somewhere on your teddy.
When Giorno arrives home from an exhausting mission, he isn't much for talking, avoiding contact since he's stressed and interactions could make him snap easily. On those days, sometimes you surprise him with your stand in his room so that he can relax (even if he isn't as attached to it as much as the others are) On those days, you are greeted by the sight of a ladybug on your stand's nose the next time you see it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
At first, Fugo is curious about it, asking you questions about its abilities and why it has that appearance. 
If it ever rips a stitch or two, Fugo would certainly like to help sew it again, as it will give him a chance to learn more about your stand. But it also becomes a kind of therapeutic activity for him. So, after a fight, when your stand has lots of rips and stitches open, Fugo likes to sew it together. He also enjoys talking with your stand while he stitches it.
"We're done stitching. That was more than the last time, [stand name],"
He says, patting your stand as it stands up, opening its arms, offering a hug that Fugo obliges and accepts.
"Y/N should buy a stitching kit for you"
Fugo always checks to see if the stitching is holding up and if it doesn't have any rips. Although Fugo likes it, he isn't a fan of lying down or sleeping on it, but he still enjoys spending time with it.
As we all know, Fugo has anger management problems, and if you let him, he'll use your stand to help with his anger. When angry, whether at someone else or your stand, Fugo will sometimes hit your stand, usually with punches or slaps. Unfortunately, if Fugo has a sharp object around, he will use it on your stand. Luckily, it doesn't let Fugo hurt itself or you.
Although Fugo enjoys spending time with it, its large body and lack of size awareness don't make him the most agile of stands. So, Fugo sometimes gets very angry at it for knocking things over and bumping into people. 
Fugo stitches a little chibi Purple Haze face on it.
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Bruno Bucciarati
Although everyone has a soft spot for your stand, Bruno is the one who actually takes the most care of it, as he tells you when a stitch is loose, the fur is dirty, or when there's a rip in it. 
He absolutely loves to run his hands through its fur when relaxing.
Bruno, as the Capo, is a very busy man. Often, his stress builds up, whether it be from a mission or taking care of the other 6 children gangsters, and he just needs a moment to be vulnerable. Although he doesn't show it very easily, as your relationship progresses, he asks if you can "lend" your stand sometimes. He goes to more private places, hugs them, vents, or cries, letting his emotions out. 
After having many of his hair clippers stolen by Narancia to put on your stand, Bruno gives one for your stand to use. He also sews a zipper from Sticky Fingers.
Bruno also likes to talk with your stand.
"Good morning, Y/N, and you too, [stand name]," he says, caressing its fur.
It has also made Bruno cry a couple of times. On days when he was very stressed, it just offered a hug, and Bruno reciprocated, shedding a few tears, proceeding to thank it.
In fights, both your stands make a good team, as Sticky Fingers can open your stand and place any valuable or sensitive items inside it, protecting them. 
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Leone Abbacchio
At first, Leone pretends not to care that much. In fact, while the two of you don't have much of a connection, Leone won't have many reactions or interactions with your stand. But as your relationship evolves, Leone will slowly but certainly loosen up with your stand.
He will start out by caressing its short fur when away from others or laying his head on its shoulder. Even if sometimes you are away (you can still tell what is going on, as you can feel it). He then starts to get more physical, laying his head, then his torso, and slowly relaxing.
Let's agree, that man doesn't get much sleep for whatever reason it may be, so he frequently takes a nap on your stand when no one is around (although you can feel it). 
When Abbacchio comes back home drunk, he lays down and sleeps on it.
Overall, as your relationship progresses, Abbacchio feels more and more comfortable with your teddy. So, when he's already comfortable talking about his problems, he goes to your teddy, hugs it, and rants about his problems, which you can hear. 
There are very few wine droplets on your teddy bear from those nights Abbacchio comes home drunk.
Sometimes, when away from you, he likes to use Moody Blues to lay on it and find some comfort."
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Narancia Ghirga
Certainly, the one who has the most fun with it.
Narancia was very excited the first time he met your stand. He ran towards it with arms open, jumped, threw himself at it, and hugged it as it fell back. "It's so soft!" he exclaimed, caressing the teddy bear's fur.
Narancia loves its fur and really likes to tug and play with it, making silly patterns. 
He also enjoys sleeping on it and uses it as a sofa and a pillow. He's definitely attached to it 24/7 and even tries to give it food, shoving it into its stitched and sewn mouth.
Narancia also has a lot of fun trying to dress your stand, putting it in shirts that are huge and still too small, and placing little hair accessories on its fur, such as bows and hair clips (he even stole some from Bruno to place on it). He and Mista do this together.
Narancia saw Fugo stitching on your stand, so he and Fugo spent some time together, as Fugo tried to teach him to stitch. After some stabs on the cheeks and hands, he is able to stitch a poorly drawn plane with "Aerosmith" written on the side.
Like Abbacchio, your stand is a source of comfort for Narancia. That's why he's constantly hugging it, seeking the attention and care he didn't really get in his younger years.
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Guido Mista
At first, Mista is very scared and untrustful of it, but soon he loses his fears and grows to like it very much. When he first sees it, he's very shocked and scared.
"HEH!? WHAT IS THAT!?!?" he yelps the shock causing him to make his figure smaller and take a few steps back.
'It is just [stand name],' you say as Mista approaches the teddy bear, placing a hand on its eyelids and opening them, inspecting it with a very investigative face. He furrows his eyebrows and, when he is done, crosses his arms in front of his chest.
'Yeah, but it's so strange that-' Mista stops mid-sentence as he's embraced by your stand's hug and falls along with it, laying his head on its belly.
'Y/N!!! What are YOU... doing?' The last word is said softly as Mista relaxes and snuggles against your stand.
'Okay, it isn't that bad,' he says as he finishes snuggling and is now finally relaxed. You let out a small laugh. 'I told you.'
After meeting your stand for the first time, Mista talks to it, even if it doesn't answer back.
'You know, big guy, at first I didn't like you, but we're on good terms, yeah?' Guido says, with his head laid on your stand's belly.
After fights and just overall tiring days, Mista likes to sleep and rest on your stand. The Sex Pistols also really like your stand; they like to play on it, climbing on it and using it as a slide, and, just like Mista, sometimes rest on it. The Sex Pistols like to sew with loose strings on your teddy bear.
He and the Sex Pistols are deffinetly the reson for most of your stand's rips and loose stitches.
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
☕ Welcome to Jojo's Cafe ☕
We are back with another establishment, from the same owners of @jjbarestaurant & @jojohotel: Jojo's Cafe!
With our unique recipes, flavors and scents, we are able to bring your dreams to life! Each coffee unique, and made especially for your desires.
🔓 Status : Closed 🔓
Where would u like to seat?
☆ Table 01 - Taken - SDC with a reader that had Egyptian demon Ammit as a stand
☆ Table 02 - Taken - Cuddling HCS
☆ Table 03 - Taken - Giorno as readers younger brother
☆ Table 04 - Taken
☆ Table 05 - Taken
Here are the cafe rules and menu! Please read before ordering your coffee!
If you'd like to see other drinks we've served along our working time! Feel free to check the list (masterlist)
The owner of the franchises is very happy to come back once again! And hopes to be able to create more stories to a fandom that provided him so many good memories.
If you'd like to know more about the owner & the restaurant, feel free to read our about us.
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
Rules & Menu
Someones interested~
The Rules
☆ If the restaurant is closed, don't try to ask for coffee (a.k.a don't send in asks), your order won't be taken into account.
☆ Respect the workers & other clients! Don't be disrespectful towards anyone, or else you'll be expulsed (blocked)
☆ if your coffee contains ingredients that people can be allergic to, please warn before offering (put trigger warnings at the beginning of asks)
☆ We don't serve coffees that contain spicy ingredients (+18)
☆ Ingredients that people can be allergic to (triggering topics) will be used the coffee if the workers feel comfortable doing so, if not, it will be discarded.
☆ On the pinned post, each table has written what was requested, just so the clients know what's already requested and if it was approved or not.
☆ Don't order coffees about mental disorders or ilness (emotions, SH, and other topics ae fine though, just not for a specific one), as It is a sensitive topic which our workers dont feel confident working with.
☆ We only serve headcanon coffees!!
☆ You can only ask for 3 characters per request, the only exceptions are : The passione gang, the SDC Gang and the DIU gang!
The Menu
☆ We serve comfort, angst and fluff! as well as family dynamics, romantic and platonic fanfics!
☆ Each ongredient is from a unique and special collection curated by us!
⚔️ Phantom Blood ⚔️
☆ Jonathan Joestar
☆ Dio Brando
☆ Robert E. Speedwagon
🩸 Battle Tendency 🩸
☆ Joseph Joestar
☆ Caesar Zepelli
☆ Lisa Lisa
☆ Kars
⭐ Stardust Crusaders ⭐
☆ Jotaro Kujo
☆ Joseph Joestar (Oldseph)
☆ Jean P. Polnareff
☆ Muhammad Avdol
☆ Dio Brando
💎 Diamond is unbreakable 💎
☆ Josuke Higashikata
☆ Jotaro Kujo
☆ Koichi Jirose
☆ Nijimura Okuyasu
☆ Rohan Kishibe
🍃 Vento áureo 🍃
☆ Giorno Giovanna
☆ Guido Mista
☆ Narancia Ghurga
☆ Leone Abbacchio
☆ Fugo
☆ Bruno Bucciarati
☆ Diavolo &/or Doppio
☆ Jean P. Polnareff
☆ Melone
☆ Risotto Nero
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jojo-cafe · 1 year ago
About Us
Hello! The one who writes here is Riku! the creator of @jjbarestaurant @jojohotel and @jojo-cafe
I am a minor, and i'm brazilian!
I started writing about jojo in 2020/2021, and it was a very fun experience, so i am slowly coming back to it.
Anyways! i'm coming back and a hope yall like it
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