johtokris-blog · 9 years
Send "WA-PISH!" For My Muse's Reaction to Your's Slapping them good and hard in the Rear. (WARNING: This Blog is Not responsible for Loss of Life or Limb Your Muse might Endure...Swat at your own RISK!)
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Finally found the email to this Blog, omg!
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
talking to someone and they go offline straight away
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
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Some caps of Sunny Day are out! (Source)
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
You now have my permission to break my muse right here right now. Tear them apart. Find their weak point and make them suffer. Break them and make them snap
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
It wasn’t the sanest request, but no less. She had taken more drastic measures herself, so who was she to judge? Everyone did something drastic once or twice in their life, seemed to be how you grew. Through smiles, through tears, through depression and through happiness. True bonds are never broken within such chaos. “That is good then.” Following Silvia to the Pokemon centre, she gave a simple wave of acknowledgement to the nurse. “Here? Well, if you wish. I will try to do it as quickly as possible.” Then again, was she sane to agree to this? She didn’t want someone else to suffer like she had or her other friends.
Walking with Silvia as she got the room key, she kept quiet and observed the building. Was awkward being so famous- being stared at. Such a pain. “Huh? Oh-“ Snapping out of her thoughts, she smiled lightly. “It is certainly a…odd favor.” She admitted before thinking for a moment. “Hm. Not sure what questions to ask.” Walking into the room, the female glanced around before walking closer to the bed and stretched slightly. “Thank you, for opening the door for me that is.”
She had a feeling Silvia was nervous, really who wouldn’t be? Walking into a room with the intention of having your arms broken. Not something she’d ever wish on a friend, but at the same time, she could never deny a friend. “Well, I imagine none of your other Pokemon could have saved your friend or you, or were they captured as well?” It sounded horrendous. Thankfully none of her Pokemon had ever died, although she had been almost thrown into lava in Sinnoh when she was younger, wasn’t fun.
Different fates entwine.
Losing herself in the path she took… was that something she already did?  No sane person would ask a friend to break their arms.  “I will try not to do so.”  She offered a half smile before walking with the blunette to a pokemon center.  “We can do it in here.  The television should work as adequate noise to cover any scream…”  
Silvia walked over to the nurse and took a room key.  “Kris…If it makes you feel a little better….I can explain better or answer any questions you have before hand.  It might make you feel a little better about doing such an odd favor.”  Opening the door for the blunette she walked in.  She knew she was about to be in a hell of a lot of pain, and she refused to show weakness…If possible in such a situation.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Now accepting curious anonymous messages 🌚
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
"Why are you so _____?" Finish the sentence in my inbox and my muse will respond.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Sorry for late replies everyone. Had it pretty rough lately. And Uni is starting to eat up some of my time. Let me know if I missed anyone.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Shaking his hand in return, she grinned her usual friendly grin. “Like-wise, Black.” Never been to Johto? She nodded her head for a moment. “Well if you ever need a guide in Johto, let me know. And thank you, I rather like Unova over-all. I know my way around well now.” More like off by heart.
Oh someone else?
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 Ah of course, N. Ghestis’s son. Poor boy, he surely had a difficult life. Placing her hands into her pocket, she thought for a moment. “I think heroes are the ones who do not try to be one for glory or for the title, but because they follow their passion and their hearts.” She spoke truthfully, there was a lot more to it than what a lot of people believed it to be.
"Are you the man known as the Hero of Truth, or were you the Hero of Ideals?" She spoke calmly, a cold air to the woman but a warm to her eyes. It had been a while since she walked on Unova land, having already completed their Pokedex. But- she was curious.
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Black looked at the strange woman with the frigid voice. He wondered how she even knew about that, and how she figured out it involved him.
“I suppose I would be the Hero of Truth; I don’t know about my being a “hero” though.”
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Hearing Silvia’s words…her heart dropped A small moment of sadness could be seen behind crystal orbs. ‘Even this Silver lost someone precious to them…?’ Damn-it all. Just like the trainers and family who had been hurt by her father as well. Sighing softly, she didn’t feel…nice about agreeing to this. But, if it would help someone- so be it. Hearing the girl thank her, Kris’s expression softened slightly. “No need to thank me, Silvia.” Although the enthusiasm had surprised her…this really meant so much to her?
Shocked when she was suddenly embraced, she hugged the other female softly, with a firm embrace of comfort. “You are welcome…just do not lose yourself in the road you take.” She almost made the same mistake, until someone dear to her opened her eyes. Well she might not be thanking Kris when the pain hit. Releasing the female after a small moment, she then rubbed the back of her head slightly. 
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“Well- we should head somewhere else so I do not look like I am attacking you.” What an awkward conversation. Glancing at her own arms, she smiled softly. It was true, trapping Kris’s arms did nothing against her, and it was a useful ability no doubt. “However, you need to train your legs afterwards, so remember that.” She advised, before smiling brightly at the female. But if she knew what she was after…then, Kris would help her. Nodding her head, she grinned slightly. “Mhm! I’ll do whatever I can to help you out!”
Different fates entwine.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
”Well grunts seem to love running into me it seems. No doubt I will meet more members. A beautiful world huh?” So Silver had met them on occasion? Didn't surprise her much. Listening to his words, she frowned for a moment. Commit genocide? Not as long as she was breathing. Bodies building up…like trophies or proof of achievement. She knew that image all too well. ‘Bastards…’ Was all that crossed her mind. No matter how much you fought, there were more and more. But, she didn't mind. As long as she was alive, she would carry on this path. “Well from what I have heard some of the executives are some ‘cute’ girls with green hair, blue and some other colours. But I know looks can be deceiving, it’s a clever way to make people underestimate you.” It was a laughable thought, it was almost amusing. But, she knew Silver was not lying. 
Noticing his reaction when she mentioned Clair, she sighed softly remembering it was an awkward topic for him. While she had abandoned Gold to protect him from the truth, Gold still walked the path of a happy mind-set and semi rose tinted view of the world. Protecting her childhood friend from the darkness, how long could she protect him? But no doubt he would break quicker than any of them if he was pulled into it. Yet he still watched her from a distance, but she knew he could not follow her. “Indeed Porygon Z is a Pokemon to be tamed and feared. But then you know me, I hope to reach the hearts of Pokemon…Alakazam, I do not blame it-“ If she met that Alakazam again, she would capture it and tame it. 
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It wasn't its fault it followed her father, she would make a connection to it if she ever found it again. A foe she would love to face again, with a brighter passion as her true self again. Her father may be dead, Alakazam certainly was not. But then Psychic types were smart creatures. “Our fathers are similar in that respect.” She had been so angry at her mother, for hiding something so serious from her…but maybe her mother knew? Damn-it, maybe her mother felt ashamed? Or maybe her mother knew her father would seek Kris out? ‘I was so blinded by anger…I’m sorry  mother—you just wanted to protect me from the truth you hid so long from me…that burden—‘ Biting her lower lip, she bit back the guilt she felt. ‘You must have been so afraid, you’re pure light, naïve, and rose tinted eyes and happiness. You’re not a fighter in the traditional sense, but your heart is very powerful.’ Looking at her hand, she smiled lightly. ‘Power, physical or knowledge, there’s more to it. Emotional, mental. You have the emotional and mental power. I will make you proud, when I see you again, I will drop my pride.’ Her mother had always stood by her, never judged her and always believed in her. Sure her mother could be a cheerleader at times, but- she was a good woman. It was a burden they seemed to share that not many knew of. She wondered how close Giovanni had been to her father? It seemed all of the executives knew of her father…they feared him. Arianna who used to have a sharp tongue was turned into a little girl at the mention of him, and when Arianna realized Kris was his daughter…she looked at her like a monster. But that was fine, she could fear Kris and remember her name. Childhood memories, remembering everything so clearly. Gold was always so late for meetings, even when it came to getting his first Pokemon. While Kris had been slightly early. The world had been so vast, so unclear and full of life. She never knew such a path as this current one was ahead of her- but she didn’t regret it. The bonds she made, they were special. To think three stubborn and passionate trainers took down Team Rocket after the Kanto duo had. 
Snapping out of her thoughts, she smiled ever so slightly. “He is doing well. I believe he intends to challenge the Kalos League. So while I complete my business here and I travelling with him.” She cared a lot for Red, something Platina had teased her about the last time the females exchanged words. He was another one who never judged her, whether she stood tall or fell low, he seemed to see something in her. It was strange, but she knew she would support Red anyway she could. “So you may see him and myself about.” Even she had isolated herself, not speaking to anyone and training, searching. Everyone needed some time of isolation to themselves, it did one good. 
Left only her? Closing her eyes for a moment, she then smiled slightly again. It had been a while since she felt herself again. How odd. “Well, I will not tell Platina. It is not my place to anyway. I never told Gold or Red, so unless Gold found a way to watch you I doubt it. Like-wise, Gold knows nothing of my father or Alakazam. Neither does Red as of yet. So like-wise, that leaves only you.” Giggling slightly, she then grinned. “Well I’m a ‘know it all’ apparently.” But she never asked much about Clair. She had known the female a little bit, but Kris was always closer to Lance. Not that the two females didn’t get a long in the time she knew her, they shared a mutual respect most of the time. But she hadn’t seen Clair or Lance in a long time. Wait- Sneasel told him!? Crystal orbs widening slightly.  “I would ask why Sneasel told you, but it is not my place to ask.” Of course she visited Sneasel, she considered it a friend. It had fought her many times and many of her Pokemon had even wished to visit it. There wasn’t any ‘deeper’ or ‘plotting’ reason to visit Sneasel. She usually visited it with a flower and would wish it happiness and peace. It had upset her to know it had died, but she knew the pain Silver must have felt was…too painful to imagine. It would be like Pikachu or Gengar dying, or even Umbreon. Smirking slightly, Silver knew how to read her too well.
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Listening to his words, she gently shrugged. Unlike many trainers, she never bragged or gloated. Anyone could achieve what she had, if they wanted to. Silver definitely could. She was nothing special, she was just really passionate and still was. She loved learning, travelling, helping, training. “Gold is simply Gold. A bright eyed man following his decisions who can be reckless I suppose. Mhm, indeed, I know you well, Silver. You know I never gloat about myself, but thank you all the same.” That was the ironic thing, even when against Team Rocket she used brute force only when required. It was known she could break arms, or greatly injure someone and her Arcanine had sent many to the hospital. But it wasn't something she liked to be associated with, usually a last resort. She knew Sneasel was a hard topic for Silver, even if he would not admit it outwardly it was clear as the day to her.
Silver was a monster-? Grinning slightly, she opened her eyes and looked at him directly. “I have never seen you as a monster, and you know I never will. You’re not a bad person, you’re simply hard to understand. But, I think you know ‘that’ speech off by heart by now.” She teased before nodding her head slightly. “It was deeper than that, I knew that. But I knew he was my burden, and I had to carry it. It would have not been right to put you in harm’s way. I would rather risk darkness than do that.” Darkness consume her? Hm, who knew? Maybe eventually, maybe never. It was hard to judge. But darkness eventually consumed everyone to some extent. Would she ever be pushed to truly end a life? She had a bad feeling someone, somewhere would force her hand to save someone or something she cherished. And if that day would come, what would become of her? “I think we both know my path is as set as yours these days.” Crystal orbs watched his movements, staring into his eyes. Her eyes had brightened up, a glint that always lingered or a spark that didn't die, never fully. ‘It’s…sad to see him like that-‘ Admired Team Flare? “I just intend to stop them if needed.” She admitted honestly with her usual stare. However she did not intend to stop Silver. 
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Shocked when she suddenly felt him grab onto her hands, she fell towards him staring up at his greyish orbs. Gulping for a moment, she caught her balance. Entwining her fingers with his for a moment, she then sighed. “You know I will always value life. But, if you do not value life- why help my own life?” Although she supposed he could care for some people’s lives, she knew he cared for people. It always felt like he was reading every thought or emotion she had, damn-it. Feeling pushed against the wall, her smile grew. ‘Just like when we met as rivals, always got to shove me don’t you.’ Placing her hands inside her lab coat pocket, she pushed herself off of the wall. 
“I was not using Sneasel for those reasons. I genuinely care for Sneasel as do my Johto team who wished to say good-bye. But, if you wish for me to not visit Sneasel again I shall respect it.” She was still mad someone killed it…how could someone- damn-it. Why hadn’t she been there to help!? Or would she have met the same fate? Noticing his Kalos badges, she forgot how many she had in the past. Between four and six she believed, she’d spent a good half a year there until leaving. So a female killed Sneasel? She would not get in his way, she had nothing against the killer meeting the same fate. He was after revenge and closure, not simply just blood. Even though he could handle darkness the best out of the group, would it eventually consume him? While she fought darkness walking in-between the light and the shadows. And Gold very much was still in the light. Still, does that mean he kept tabs on her often? Heh, he was as bad as her with that. 
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This was far from over, glancing to the sky she smiled brightly. Feeling a poke-ball open, Pikachu landed on her shoulder with a spark. Was Pikachu- relieved? “…I worried you the most huh? I’m sorry.” She admitted quietly, before stroking the electric type. “Ready for another journey with me?~” Since Pikachu had been the second member of her first ever team, with the Pokemon nodding, sparking with a similar passion. Turning around, she returned Pikachu with a grin and then began to walk after Silver, jogging slightly to catch up before walking next to him. Her mood had- certainly changed. “It’s rude to walk off you know.” But she wasn’t stupid either, she wouldn’t push for information so soon. “Well, that’s if you don’t mind the company until you head off?” And she’d need to catch up with Red since who knows where he wandered off to, knowing him a gym. “And...thank you, Silver.”
Simply strolling the streets after a few catch-ups, she was not all too surprised when she noticed the red head. His appearance was one of few buried into her memory so she could realize it was him instantly. Same for Red, Dawn and a few others like Gold. Although they had not spoken in a decent while, she walked over to him. Could not hurt to have a quick chat she supposed, they were both likely busy. "Evening, Silver." The bluenette spoke in her usual calm voice.
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“What the fuck do you want?” He hissed loudly, glaring at his former friend and rival as his hands slipped into the pockets of his leather coat. He was in a foul mood, nothing would even cheer him, or break him away from his mood. He kept to himself as of late, something he should have done a long time ago to be perfectly honest.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
…Did she just say break her arms? Well, Kris could- she was certainly strong enough. But, wasn't that a bit cruel? She wasn’t exactly the type to just break someone’s arms. Wait, she wanted her to break her arms so that she could turn it into a strength for later? What would wish for her to do that? Sighing softly, she then rubbed the back of her head. “…I mean, I am capable of breaking your arms. But it is painful. How would this benefit you later on?” Although, she folded her arms and sighed.
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What an odd friendship seemed to be growing, no one had asked her for such a thing. But…sometimes pain helped someone…but, injuring someone? Was that really…right? The girl seemed fully serious, and her expression seemed filled with some kind of regret. Sighing deeply she then shrugged. “I cannot believe I am agreeing to this. But if you are a hundred percent sure…well, very well.” Although she’d likely break both at the same time, more pain at the same time but it was over quicker.
Different fates entwine.
Silvia remained calm as she asked seriously. “Break my arms, please? If I can turn the experience into an advantage for me later it will be well worth it.” She thought back to when she was bound by her arms and her leg was caught. Had it not been for Feraligatr she would ha well drown that day.
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
I got: “ Spotted dick. Spotted dick. Spotted dick.” YOU GOT A NORMAL ONE.
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Are you fucking shitting right now?
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johtokris-blog · 9 years
Of course it is. Spotted dick. Spotted dick. Spotted dick.
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OOC: I think I got the strangest one, holy damn it is a curse.
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