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"the fuckest uppest"
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 8 hours ago
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 11 hours ago
How I feel bed rotting with my vape and my cat
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 5 days ago
Feral for Pontius always, but especially the early era. I miss the curly short hair 😭
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 6 days ago
Southern Love Songs - Moodboard
Fic here!
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Just a little something for my Johnny Knoxville fanfic!
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 18 days ago
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oh, 00s sunglasses johnny knoxville, we’re really in it now
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 20 days ago
Same again madam?
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 20 days ago
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I just let my hand draw. I shut off the logical thinking part of drawing and just seen where the lines take me
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
My fics so far :)
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Johnny Knoxville x reader
[part one]
[part two]
[part three]
[part four] (last part so far)
Moodboard for Johnny Knoxville fanfic
I'm still new to actually writing instead of judgementally reading! Pls let me know if you enjoy these! I wanted to try and take that slightly awkward/cringey element that's in so many fics, out of mine. I'm definitely sure there is some cringe ofc tho :)
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
Southern Love songs - Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader [Final Part]
Previous Part here
This fic was a lot longer than I realised lmao, Also, thanks for reading this far! Xx
(Fluff, Drinking and weed)
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Even though you’d had some liquid courage and a friendly joint, that same feeling of giddiness filled your body. Johnny seemed slightly nervous too, like he needed to say something. He’d been increasingly more like this for the past few weeks, like he needed to get something off his chest. The only reason why you hadn’t mentioned it was because you didn’t want to get your hopes up. You decided to just ask him now. “PJ?” he looked slightly more alert as you said his name, almost like a dog. “y/n?” he said this ever so gently, a slight hue of redness grew across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “what’s the matter, you seem a bit jumpy at the moment…is something on your mind?” you matched the gentleness of his voice, not even on purpose. He hesitated slightly before wiping his face with his hand, sighing as he did so. He gulped before taking his shades off like when your dad is about to have a word with you. He then looked at you with that gentle look but also with a deep feeling that washed over you along with his gaze. It was a look of fear, desire and sincerity. “Look, y/n, I-…I think I’m in love with you.” He let out a soft sigh, you could see the weight lift from his shoulders due to this confession but some was still there. Before you could say anything, he continued, “I know this seems stupid but ever since we met, I have just felt like I need you with me. You are so unpredictable and out there, I’ve never seen a girl with so much goin’ for her. You can’t do anything that doesn’t intrigue me. And all this time I’ve spent with you only makes me grow fonder. I know that you’ve probably heard this from a million guys but…God, this is just something new for me.” PJ said this so eloquently, it was as if he was stone cold sober. You just smiled and smiled as he said this. You now also felt that weight come off your shoulders, it didn’t stop your heart from beating like a hummingbird’s. He winced slightly as he waited for your response. There was so much you wanted to say and do at that moment. “I-PJ, I just…” you quickly leant into him, crashing into his lips as your hands entered his hair. Sometimes actions are better than words. He quickly embraced you as you continued to kiss, neither of you wanted to let go, your hearts beating fast as your bodies synced and relaxed into each other. You both stopped for air, laughing as you both realised what you where doing. He tasted of sweet whiskey and smoke, he could smell and taste your cherry ChapStick, a sweet reminder of who it was he was kissing. It was a smell that always reminded him of you. “It feels like I’ve wanted you my whole life” he said this between peppering kisses down your neck as you breathed heavily. “How can I have missed this even though it’s the first time?” you said between breaths as you felt his warm, large hands drape down to the small of your back and your ass. The two of you lay down next to each other and spoke every now and then before kisses upon kisses, PJ spilt whisky on to the both of you a few times as you both got drunk and fell asleep in each other��s arms.
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
Southern Love songs - Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader [Part Three]
Previous Part
Last part
I Had to split the fic again because I wrote too much So sorry
(Fluff, no smut, drinking and weed)
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. “I think it’s nice, I could hear you talk forever if you wanted.” He said this with a softness and vulnerability that made your heart flutter. “I mean it.” He added, taking a generous swig of his drink. You relaxed more into the sofa, trying to keep your eyes on the clouds as you felt that burning that always shook you a little. It was a genuine and robust feeling that made it hard for you to keep up the nonchalant façade you always had. PJ relaxed too, moving slightly closer as you finished your drink. You couldn’t help but relax into PJ’s chest slightly. You tried not to make it obvious that you could feel his pulse, beating fast as you rested against him. “You’re smooth, I’ll give it to you.” You chuckle slightly as you say this, only half joking. You place a hand into the pocket of your jacket that was next to you on the floor, arching your back slightly as you did so. You produced a large joint that you’d been saving for just you and PJ. He pretends to act shocked, placing a hand on his chest as he pretends to gasp. “Oh, you shouldn’t have.” He laughed as you handed him the joint. You flicked open your lighter and ignited the flame, it’s orange and yellow hues lit up Johnny’s features. He let the smoke fill his lungs, trying to play it cool as a few coughs left his lips. You smiled as he did so, he didn’t smoke weed as much as you did, a seasoned stoner. So, you found him trying not to cough quite endearing. He passed it back to you as he soothed his throat with more whiskey, his eyes were already red. You softly inhaled, letting some of the smoke leave your mouth as you caught it back in your mouth, you couldn’t help but show off a little with your smoking tricks, a useless talent you had acquired. PJ watched the smoke waft out through the open door; it was obvious that he was thinking of something to say. You knew that when his mouth moved slightly and his eyes wandered, he was thinking of what to say next. The music filled the room slightly as your eyes lowered thanks to the grass you’d smoked. You turned to face Johnny, legs crossed on the sofa as he turned slightly to face you again. He poured some more whiskey into your glass. “Thanks, God it’s nice and calm here, that dive bar was a bit too musky for my taste. It smelled like divorce in there.” You smiled at your own joke as you drank some more before toking the joint a few more times before passing it back to PJ. “You’re right there was a tinge of something funky in the air, Preston’s throw up didn’t really help.” He added. “Fuck, y/n, this weed tastes like apple pie.” He obviously couldn’t get his head around this and he inspected the joint like it was some alien technology. You laughed as he toked it again, shaking his head in disbelief. “I know exactly what you mean, it’s like uhm… pie. Fuck, I don’t know, I usually just get it and go, it’s not really like wine tasting or anything.” You took a few drags as Johnny continued giggling a little, but still, he kept his eyes on you. It was that gentle sincere look that he would give you when you two were alone. You couldn’t help but match his expression, looking up at him with a shyness that you only had around him.
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
Southern Love songs - Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader [Part Two]
Part one here
Next part here
(More fluff, no smut but maybe like a hint idk- Drinking, some mentioning of the good kush)
Summary: After an evening spent at a dive bar you head back to PJ's, unaware of a confession that would be pried out of him by whiskey
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 The more time you spent with Johnny, the more intertwined your lives became. Neither of you were complaining, of course. Days doing stunts became nights talking, driving together and drinking. One night after drinking with the crew at a dive bar near PJ’s apartment, the two of you slowly began to make your way back to his in the orange and pink sunset, the kind of sunset that felt like it belonged to Los Angeles. There was a mild but soothing heat that lulled the alcohol into your veins as you strolled through the streets, laughing and swinging into each other. You spotted a liquor store and pointed menacingly. PJ raised his eyebrows and agreed with your idea. “Sure thing doll, I’m in need of some whiskey.” He slurred his words a little before slapping himself in the face to sober himself up before entering the store. You did the same plus a few jumping jacks which made PJ stare a little at your shirt. As you stopped, you couldn’t help but notice the neon hum of the store’s light caress PJ’s face and glisten in his eyes as his sunglasses drooped down his face so that he could look at you. The two of you hesitated, tipsily swaying before getting flustered as you both realised what you were doing. “a uhm-a packet of lucky strikes too?” you said as he opened the door for you, you felt his eyes on you behind those shades as you examined the shelves. You began looking through a basket of sunglasses, finding a pair nearly identical to PJ’s. You turned around posing for him jokingly. “whad’ya think? Sexy, right?!” you grinned back at him as he laughed. “Pretty sure you pull them off better than me.” He looked around as you grabbed a pair of glasses that resembled Elvis’s garish diamante shades. “How about these? I think these are better” you raised your upper lip just like the king of rock and roll, which just made PJ laugh harder. “My god! The king, he’s back!” PJ raised his hands, fake-worshipping you. The two of you collected yourselves before grabbing your whiskey and smokes. The two of you lit a cigarette each before continuing your walk. Both of you had sobered up after the hot walk home, panting slightly up the stairs to his apartment. Once you had gotten in there you dropped on to the couch and sighed. PJ got two glasses and some ice, then he walked to his turntable and put on a country LP, the intricate picking of guitar strings lifted through the humid air. He slid the glass door of his balcony, inviting the breeze into the room. “When was the last time you were here? Seems like ages.” He said as he sat down next to you, placing the glasses and bottle down onto the wooden mid-century coffee table. “Last Saturday, PJ.” You laughed a little as you realised that it had felt like an eternity even though it was only a week ago and you had seen each other throughout the week. You both thought about this as he poured the brown liquor into the two tumblers. “You know, I never realised the sunsets were so different in America, maybe it’s just the scenery, I-I don’t know.” You looked out of the window. For some reason, the sky just looked better from PJ’s window. “England’s very grey, I haven’t ever seen the sky in such a depressing colour.” PJ was right, but even the grey sky in England had a melancholy that was, in its own way, beautiful. “What made us so boring that we’re here talking about the weather like two geriatrics.” As you said this, you felt PJ move slightly closer, draping his arm behind you and on to the back of the sofa. He laughed a little and watched you take a sip of your drink, you tried not to gag slightly at the unforgiving burning that rolled down your throat and heated up your stomach.
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
Southern Love Songs - Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader [Part one]
Next part here
Summary: you think back to when you made your first appearance on Jackass and your first memories about the series
(No warnings! fluffy fluff fluff, slight NSFW mentioning nothing major lol. There will be a slight mentioning that y/n is from the uk later but it's not a major plot point dw. Johnny is referred to as PJ mostly). This is my first ever fic! PLEASE ENJOY! :)
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After your first ever stunt with PJ and the guys, you’d learnt to enjoy the little things. Falling over, nut shots and cheap booze. Your first introduction with Jeff and spike was what brought you to PJ. Your fame had brought an awkwardness to your first meeting with the cast. They had Brad Pitt in one stunt but famous faces weren’t interested in sticking around. Initially though, you were only meant to do one skit and then be on your merry way but there was an undeniable chemistry between you and the guys, especially PJ. You started off with a bang, a skit involving you and steve-o dressed as a dominatrix and a gimp. Steve-o was happy to be attached to a leash and whipped down Venice beach as you yelled names at him. The highlight of the skit was when you brought him into an ice cream parlour, dropped your ice cream and made Steve-o eat it off the sidewalk. That was what cemented you as their go-to girl. That and the fact that you looked great in a latex body suit and platform stilettos. You were given a round of applause as you got back to the guys and you bowed, proud of this ridiculous behaviour. Acting was fine, photo shoots and catwalks were dull, but this was invigorating, thrilling and fun. You got more and more calls from Jeff, and when you were on set, PJ always had you laughing, was always talking to you, asking you any stupid question he could think of because he just liked to hear you talk.  It was always “doll” or “sweetheart” or just “y/n”, never just waving a hand to get you to come over, no “hey, you”. He didn’t see you as some famous chick you may be able to get lucky with. You were a person. He had that southern charm that was once so alien to you (you didn’t hear a lot of southern accents in England), but had become a soothing hum that couldn’t stop you from smiling as he spoke. The two of you had an obvious fondness for each other, it was obvious to the point of many a joke targeted towards you two mainly by Chris and Bam. A few of the guys didn’t talk about it because they enjoyed flirting with you too much. It was always that form of flirting that was basically a mix of compliments hidden in stupid bickering. It was never too disrespectful though; the guys were surprisingly welcoming. Weather it was chatting to Rick and comforting him after he was unexpectedly involved in a stunt, growing a large collection of bruises after a few too many drinks mixed with shopping carts or just brainstorming with Jeff. You wanted to be as involved as possible. To you, this tv show was a form of art. Jeff would call you, inviting and sometimes begging for you to join the guys in whatever it was they were getting into that day.
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 21 days ago
Microsoft word is OPEN.
Playlist is QUEUED.
Headphones are CHARGED.
Fanfic is READY.
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 22 days ago
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EVIL DEAD II (1987) dir. Sam Raimi
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 1 month ago
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David Lynch + the road at night
Blue Velvet (1986) Wild at Heart (1990) Lost Highway (1997) Mulholland Drive (2001) Twin Peaks: The Return (2017)
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 1 month ago
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johnwatersfanatic69 · 1 month ago
Reblog daily for health and prosperity
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