
#endofanera it's been #threeyearsinthemaking but the day has finally come to harvest my baby. For my #birthday three years ago I cut the top off of a #pineapple and planted it. I had attempted this two years prior but that plant froze one night when I lived in Montclair. I'm so thankful to finally have reached this point. My #urbangarden has seen good days and bad but this guy survived it all. Thank you @luisito2000 for never giving up hope. I know we got close a couple of times but we stuck with it. Thank you to my neighbor for taking care of my plant when I could not and taking it to the next level. I have three new babies growing from this one. From research I've done online these will only take a year to produce a new fruit. I'll probably keep one but if anyone wants one, let me know. (at Hollywood, California)
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#bosley update. It's only been three weeks so not really expecting to see any real results. But figured I'd do an update anyways. (at Hollywood)
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Guess it's time, or rather past time to try and start doing something about this. I'm horrible at taking pills so thought I'd try this first. Week one. Let's see what happens in two months. #bosley #baldspot #imnotjustaclient #aginggracefully #cantbelieveimpostingthis #eveyoneelsecanseeitalready #nothingtobeembarrased #youdoyou (at Los Angeles, California)
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#consistency, that's what it's about, right? Second day in a row. #Plantarsfasciitis feeling okay. It's actually #shinsplints I'm worried right now. Haven't had those since high school. Going to need to break out the #compressionsocks #eatingright #drinkmorewater #absaremadeinthekitchen Not my kitchen obviously lol. Down two pounds. Let's keep it going kids. #stayathomebody needs to go somewhere else. (at Poinsettia Recreation Center)
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A week and a half later and I finally got another #run in. Three miles again but changed it up a little bit. Got to get more #consistent. #stayathome body needs to stay somewhere else. #progresspics to hopefully keep myself accountable... Thanks in advance for the cheers and jeers. Lol (at Hollywood)
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Okay #stayathome body, I see you. Trying to get back into it. Not a horrible first effort. Did stop and walk a couple of times, plus stopping for traffic lights. #Plantarsfasciitis isn't flaring up which is also good. Maybe this can become a habit again. (at Hollywood)
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So this weekend some friends and I did the @spartan Virtual race #spartanprojectunbreakable The virtual part being I did virtually no training. Lol. #plantarfasciitis and all. It's my first time doing a #trifecta weekend so I'm happy for finishing it. Unfortunately Covid-19 and Plantars have limited my fitness so my times are not great. But I did it!!! #arooarooaroo #weAreSpartan Thank you @tinnersbobeanners and @mrvynz for all the support especially on day two. I wish I couldn't feel my legs... But I can... @therealkylepayne did you save that photo... I didn't and I'm sad.
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Finished my Super @24hrWeHo @spartan #spartanprojectunbreakable
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Getting our Beast on #spartanunbreakable @spartanrace
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He's not social distancing. #xuris #glassesfree3d #3D #stereoscopic #crossyoureyes #heylookwhaticando #pokemongo #Mew (at Hollywood)
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#pineapple update. Still growing. The little purple#flowers close up at certain parts of the day. I didn't notice that before. #urbangarden #growforme #audrytwo (at Hollywood)
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My #pineapple is growing little purple #flowers all over it. #urbangarden beauty. (at Hollywood)
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To all who keep asking #wheresyoumask. Here it is. Just about as effective as those useless medical masks. (at West Hollywood, California)
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Post #5krun. Started running again after about 30 years. My knees and hips were shot after seven years of running #track and six of #crosscountry in grade school. Don't think I'll ever get to my 18 minute highschool average but I'm excited to see where this goes. I do love running and happy I'm able to do it again #relatively pain free. (at Hollywood)
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Computer exploded. Replaced power supply but that didn't fix it. Need to figure out what to replace next
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My baby #pineapple is growing so fast. #urbangarden (at Hollywood)
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Finally, after three years got #brave enough to #run to Runyon Canyon Park from my apartment. Knee held up okay. Not as clear as it was the other day but you can still see most of Los Angeles. You can see where I stopped a couple of times to cross the street, or walk on the #Fitbit map. Want to improve that time dramatically. Overall, a fun little run. Got surprisingly #sweaty by the time I got home. Who wants to run with me next time? Lol. (at Runyon Canyon Park)
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