I know damn well this man slinging a fucking hose cock...
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I'm not afraid to say it...
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I Love You, Thomas Hewitt (Thomas Hewitt x reader) last part to the Grow Them Big Series
A while ago I was told by @melancholicoutcast I needed to finally let our boi get some but I just couldn't write for him or write in general. But somewhere out of the blue I suddenly felt a need to write and this is where it took me.
I hope you all enjoy!
Everyone was miserable. For the last week the Texas heat became so unbearable that the most anyone could do was stay inside and drink cold water or tea. Unfortunately the rising heat wasn’t the only thing that was rising. Tempers also seemed to be and right now you were walking out the house and letting the door slam as Monty laughed loudly at the crude joke he had just made. And even though you knew how unforgiving the Texas heat could be, you went for a walk to clear your head. 
It was almost a year since you first met the Hewitt family and within that time you had found yourself integrated into their family. Having seen the knife and it’s holder Mama had pretty much declared Tommy and yourself married and she had welcomed you with open arms. Monty for the most part had been his cranky self but times like today, he let a nastier side show and you knew it was better to leave the house then stay and maybe regret what you might have done to him. Regardless of him, you were happy and that in turn surprised you. Never in your dreams would you have thought that living with a cannibalistic family would make you happy, but here you were. Happy and in love with a man that did not speak and was heavily scarred. You knew that others would have run when Tommy finally showed them his face, but even now when you think of him and his unmasked face your heart skips a beat. But in a good way.  Everything he did, he did for family, he loved them, he provided for them, and he protected them. And all he wants in return is to be loved and love him you do. 
You weren’t sure how far you had gotten from the house but you knew that you should turn back, Tommy and Mama were expected back and you didn’t want Monty making some lie about you finally leaving. But luck wasn’t on your side and when you walked up the drive you saw Mama standing on the porch with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. 
“And just where have you been? Tommy is a wreck thinking you done took off. Monty told us you stormed out of the house in a fit.”
Looking down at your feet, you felt your anger raising at Monty again but you knew that now was not the time. So like a kid caught doing something they aren’t allowed you kicked at the dirt by your feet and let out a big sigh before looking up at Mama.
“I am sorry Mama, this heat has been the worst yet and Monty was being Monty. I just lost my temper and instead of doing something stupid I left the house and took a walk.”
Letting out a sigh of her own Mama dropped her hands from her side.
“I kept forgetting you aren’t from these parts and you haven’t been around Monty like the rest of us.” 
Knowing it was now safe you walked up the stairs and wrapped your arms around the older lady. You knew that Mama was protective and loved her family, but you also knew that she wasn’t one to cuddle. So you were surprised when you felt her arms wrap around you. 
“Sorry Mama.”
“I heard your first apology. Now you best go looking for our boy. When he heard that you took off he left the house so fast. Last I seen him, he was walking towards your guy's spot.”
You couldn’t help but blush when Mama mentioned the cars. Because when you and Tommy first started your relationship, that was where you went to be alone. And as much as you tried to be secretive about it, Mama knew what you did there. Pushing you lightly down the stairs Mama shook her head.
“It’s been almost a year and you still blush when I mention the cars or the basement.”
Smiling lightly you began to walk down the stairs.
“But it’s like you said Mama. Mama’s don’t need to know what their boys are doing.”
“You are damn lucky I don't have anything in my hands girl.” Smiling and shaking her head, Mama pointed off to the cars. “Now get going. Oh and since the heat is getting to you, tell Tommy to take you to the cooling spot. Not that you will be cooling down any.”
Laughing loudly you placed your hand over your heart as you heard Mama mumbling the last part before walking into the house. As you walked to the cars you prayed that Tommy was still around there and hadn’t gone too far. Even though Mama seemed to understand why you took the walk, you knew Tommy wouldn’t see it like that. He would see it as something he did and that you were walking away from him. And it broke your heart thinking about what must have been going through his head. 
This time luck was on your side and you instantly saw Tommy’s large frame resting against a truck you guys liked to watch the stars in and sometimes mess around in. It still surprised you that regardless of how much the two of you done, you still hadn’t had sex. A part of it was because anytime the thought ran through your mind Monty’s smoker cough was cock blocking you from the upstairs. That in turn reminded you that not only was he above you, but so was Mama. It wasn’t the fact that they were there that bothered you, it was the fact that you knew Tommy wasn’t going to be able to keep quiet, hell you knew that you weren’t either and you didn’t want a special moment like that ruined by Monty’s comments or Mama’s knowing looks. No, you wanted Tommy’s first time to be special, something you didn’t have, you wanted to finally let go and not have to hold back the cries of pleasure you both would feel. And even out by the cars and that special truck, it wasn’t right. Not for your Tommy.
Walking slowly but loudly you made your way to him. When he didn’t turn to look at you, you called out his name. When he still didn’t turn your heart began to race and your balms became slightly moist. Even with you standing next to him Tommy still refused to look at you. Taking a deep breath you finally stood in front of the large man and placed your hand on his cheek. It was only then did Tommy finally look down at you and you didn’t need for him to speak when his eyes said it all. Instantly you were wrapping your arms around his large frame and burying your head into his chest as you began to cry and mumble.
“No Baby. I don’t need you to talk to know that look in your eyes. I have no plans, present or future, to leave you. Monty just kept running his mouth and I needed to get away before I did something stupid. I know I shouldn’t have taken off without at least telling you, but even coming out here wasn’t far enough away from him.” Looking up you saw that Tommy was watching you and even if he still wasn’t touching you, you could see the fear and hurt slowly leave his eyes. “Oh Tommy, I am so sorry for making you think those nasty thoughts. I meant what I said when you gave me my knife and sheath, I am yours now and forever. Even old cranky ass Monty can’t keep me away and if taking that walk has taught me anything it is that I love you more and more everyday.” 
Whatever spell Tommy had been under was suddenly broken when he heard you say I love you and before you knew it Tommy was lifting you and turning. So that he could set you on the tailgate of the truck. The minute your butt hit the gate Tommy was pulling your legs around his waist and burying his face into your neck. Letting out a sigh you placed your hands behind his neck and pulled him closer to you. Even though he made no sound you couldn’t help but begin to sway side to side as you shushed and played with his hair. Eventually Tommy pulled away from your neck but he didn’t go far. Resting his forehead against yours you could feel his hands make their way from your waist to your chest and you couldn’t help but sigh. But then you remembered what Mama had said and you began to shake your head while your hands continued to run up and down Tommy’s arms.
“Hmmm. Tommy
. Tommy baby, before we get carried away Mama said something about you showing me the cooling spot?” 
Hearing the word Mama had Tommy pulling away quickly but when you mentioned the cooling spot you could have sworn Tommy was wearing the biggest grin on his face and that actually scared you a little bit. Before you could say anything though Tommy was pulling away from you. Grabbing your hand he all but pulled you behind him. Normally Tommy would walk slower so that he could keep pace with you but today he wasn’t and he all but dragged you to the house and the truck. Helping you in, he rounded the truck quickly and hopped in. He didn’t even have the truck door fully closed before he was driving down the drive and onto the road. You wanted to ask Tommy so many questions but you knew that he wouldn’t answer them and he seemed almost gitty. So instead you couldn’t help but smile as you slipped closer to him and rested your hand on his thigh as he drove. 
After about 15 minutes Tommy pulled off onto a hidden drive in a field. You could tell the field hadn’t been worked in years as you bounced wildly as Tommy kept driving. After about another couple of minutes the field around you broke and you found yourself gasping at the descent size river that laid head. Finally stopping the car Tommy looked at you and you couldn’t help but shake your head as you smiled. 
“Thomas Hewitt, you mean to tell me that in the year I have been here you and Mama didn’t think to tell me about this spot? Please tell me that the water is safe to swim in?”
Nodding his head slightly you broke out in a big grin as you pulled the handle to the truck door and jumped out.
“Well in that case I forgive you. Now come on, we got just enough daylight left to get a good swim in before we have to head home.”
Slamming the door shut you turned to the water and began to make your way to it. You have been so caught up in the sight in front of you that you had failed to notice that Tommy had gotten out of the truck. Kicking your shoes off you stepped into the cool water and sighed. 
“Water is just right for a swim Tommy, not too cold.”
Not hearing anything from behind you, you turned to see that Tommy was still in the truck. Placing your hands on your hips you gave Tommy your best Mama look. 
“What are you still doing in the truck? You just can’t bring me out here and not expect me to want to go for a swim.” 
Finally Tommy got out of the truck and slowly made his way towards you. Still he made no effort in joining you in the river. So you slowly made your way towards him. 
“What's going on in that mind of yours now Thomas Hewitt?” 
Looking down Tommy pulled lightly at your shirt and then to water. Having no idea what he was going on about, you nodded your head as you spoke.
“Yes, I was hoping that we could strip down and go for a swim and maybe fool around some.”
Letting out a whine Tommy brought his hand to your face and ran his thumb over your cheek. At first you were thinking that Tommy didn’t know how to swim but when you looked at his face it all made sense. Because even though you had now seen Tommy without his mask quite a few times, he always had it on when you guys fooled around. Shaking your head you lifted a hand to his face and ran your hand over the ever present mask. 
“Thomas Hewitt whatever am I to do with you. I have seen you without your mask many times and I have even helped you apply the oils to your face. I don’t know why you would think this time is different from any other. So if you want to stand here thinking that your scars are gonna scare me away suddenly, then that's on you. But me, I am going to strip out of these clothes and go cool off for a bit.”
Taking a step backwards you kept eye contact with Tommy as you pulled your shirt over your head. You couldn’t help but sigh when you pulled your bra away from your body. You could see Tommy’s hands become fists as he watched your breast bounce slightly. Without another thought you pulled your shorts and underwear off at the sametime and without saying another word you turned and made your way to the water. It took every ounce of being you had not to turn and look at Tommy. It bothered you knowing that he still had insecurities about his face but you also knew he was always going to have them. So instead of letting that get to you, you turned your mind back to the water and how good it felt against your heated skin. 
While swimming around you found a little spot that wasn’t out of sight of Tommy that looked to have a big enough beach area that was shallow and allowed you to lay back and rest as the water brushed over your body. You weren’t sure how long you had been resting but you couldn’t help but open your eyes when you heard the water breaking. Looking to where Tommy had been standing you saw that he was no longer there, but that he was making his way towards you. The way he was walking had you thinking about an animal stalking their prey and you couldn’t help but whine as you sat up. A quick look at his face showed you that he had taken his mask off. Instead of making a scene about it you went back to looking at the man himself. There was a major contrast of his skin from where his farmer's tan began and ended. You couldn’t help but lick your lips as the water splashed against his skin and you couldn’t help but think about how strong he was and how it felt to be lifted easily by him. Suddenly you knew that this was the perfect time and place and your heart began to beat faster. 
Standing up you made your way to Tommy, finally reaching him the water was just to his hips. Looking quickly at his face you smiled up at him before looking back to his chest. Bringing your hands from the water you ran them up and down his chest as you sighed.
“I am really glad you decided to join me Tommy. Now the real fun can begin.”
Moving your hand to his arm you ran it down until you reached his. Grabbing it lightly in yours you began to make your way to where you had been resting moments ago. 
“I want you to lay down for me.” Instead of moving to do as you asked Tommy stood still. Smiling, you stood next to him and ran your hand over his chest. “It’s okay Tommy, I promise I am not going to do anything you won’t like.” 
To get your point across you let your hand drop even further south and run your fingertips over the base of his cock. You could hear Tommy suck in his breath some before he made his way to the spot you had pointed out to him. A part of you wanted to chuckle at the sight of the large man laying there but you knew that would end your plans quicker than Monty’s smoker cough. So instead you bussied yourself with straddling his hips and sitting down on him. Just like a lot of things today you realized that this was the first time you could actually look at Tommy and not feel rushed. And you planned on taking your time with him. 
When you brought your eyes to his face you made sure to act as if he had his mask on and settled on his eyes while you ran your hands over his chest and down his arms. Letting out a sigh you dropped to your hands and began to lay light kisses across his chest. You could feel Tommy making fists and tense up slightly so you brought your face to the side of his and rubbed your nose against his ear. 
“Oh Tommy, it’s been a long time coming.” bringing yourself up you smiled down at him while running your hands across his chest again. “In the time we have been together we haven’t been able to do much then fool around. I have wanted to do so much more and I know you have to. But with Mama and Monty being around it’s been kinda hard to go any further then we normally do. But now, we are far off the beaten path in a beautiful spot and there is no one or anything stopping us from actually taking our time. If that is something you would like to do.” Keeping eye contact with him you couldn’t help but smile when you saw him nod his head. “Well alright then. I know this is gonna be scary for you, but I wanna finally kiss you without your mask on. Can I kiss you Tommy?”
You knew you were playing a little dirty by grinding down on him, but you knew that if you could distract him just a little bit he may not be so scared. You knew your plan was working when his hands suddenly landed on your hips and felt him help you move against him. But you could also see a slight fear in his face at the thought of you kissing him. So you just closed your eyes and tilted your head back and got lost in the pleasure that was building between your thighs. Digging your nails into his chest you couldn’t help but moan lightly as you felt him grow between your legs and his fingers dug into your hips. Realizing that you didn’t need to be quiet you dropped back down to your hands as you moaned loudly in his ear. 
“That’s it baby
 just like that. You know how I like it don’t you.” Hearing your voice in his ear Tommy couldn’t help but moan loudly, surprised by his own voice Tommy seized up slightly and you couldn’t help but smile. “No Baby you don’t have to be quiet. Not here and not now. You can be as loud as you want. But you can’t cum yet, I have plans for you, Thomas Hewitt.”
Hearing his full name coming from your lips in a breathy breath had Tommy whining as his fingers dug even deeper into your hips. Hearing the whines and moans coming from him louder than you normally hear had you moaning in his ear as you started to move your hips faster. 
“That’s it baby, just like that
. Oh God!”
Feeling Tommy’s teeth sinking into your shoulder you couldn’t help but cry out as you came. Dropping your head to his shoulder you gasped for air as you came down from your high. You could feel Tommy turn his head towards yours and you felt his lip lightly brush your cheek and you knew that he was giving you the permission to finally kiss him. Smiling, you closed your eyes and turned your head to kiss him. When your lips finally touched his you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. Finally, after a year, you were kissing the man you loved without his mask in the way. You could feel his scarred lips against yours as he tried to follow your lead. Running your tongue over his lips you placed both your hands on his face as you brought yourself up. Smiling down at him you moved your hands from his face and back down to his chest. A quick look around you happened to find a large enough rock for his hands and you quickly leaned to the side to grab it. You could feel Tommy tense up slightly as you brought the rock above his head. 
“No no Tommy. It’s not what you think. This is for your hands. Remember that first night together. When I showed you how to pleasure yourself? This is just like that night. It’s been a while since I have used a toy and it’s going to take me some time to work you into me. And I need your hands to be holding something other than me at first. But trust me baby, once I am ready your hands can be anywhere you want them to be. I just need you to be good and reach up and hold on to that rock for right now.”
Almost instantly Tommy’s hands were reaching above his head and grabbing onto the rock you had placed there. After dropping a quick kiss to his lips you shifted yourself down his legs so that you could wrap your hands around his weeping cock. Humming loudly you gathered the fluid around the tip and began to move your hands up and down his cock. Almost instantly he was moaning out in pleasure and you could feel your body reacting to the sounds he made. 
“You know Tommy I love hearing the quiet noises you make, but nothing compares to finally being able to hear your voice with no restrictions. Do you know how wet it is making me? Here let me show you.” Taking one of your hands off him you reached between your legs and gathered as much of your juices as you could and brought your hand up for him to see. “This is what you do to me Tommy."
Bringing your hand back to his cock you used some of your juices to help lube him up. After teasing him some more you finally shifted your body back up his. Laying one hand on his chest you reached between the both of you and lined himself to your entrance. Locking eyes with Tommy you smiled as you began to push down on him. Both of you moaning loudly as you brought both your hands to his chest and dug your nails in as you slowly stretched around him.
"God Tommy, you aren't even all the way in and you feel so good. Remember to keep your hands where they are and I promise you soon enough you can move them." 
Closing your eyes you tilted your head back again and moaned loudly as you lifted your hips lightly before pushing back down. You hadn’t even gotten Tommy all the way in and you could see the sweat building on Tommy's chest as he worked on keeping his hands where you told them to. Soon though you couldn’t help but drop down and rest your head on Tommy's chest. Resting one hand by his head you placed the other on his chest as you began to move a little bit faster. Soon all you heard was the moans Tommy made as he tried his hardest not to move. Suddenly you couldn't wait anymore and you dropped yourself into his lap and moaned at the slight pain you felt when you finally had all of Tommy in you. Resting against him you caught your breath as you adjusted to his size. After the pain finally subsided you pushed yourself up and looked down at Tommy as he panted heavily.
"You feel amazing Tommy, better than I could have ever imagined. You have been so good to me. We still gotta move a little slowly, but I think it's safe for you to move your hands now."
As soon as you gave  him the okay Tommy was bringing his hands back down to  your waist and you could feel him trying to move you. Chuckling lightly you took his hands and brought them to your chest. Instantly he was grabbing at your breast and you couldn’t help but grind against him as you groaned. 
Earlier in the relationship you had shown Tommy how you liked to have your breast played with. So as he twisted your nipples and kneaded your breast, you began to slowly move your hips. Both of you moaned out in pleasure as you continued to roll your hips. To your surprise though Tommy removed his hands from your breast. Placing one back on your hip, his other hand went to the middle of your back as he pushed you forward. Grunting lightly you placed both of your hands beside his head and couldn’t help but push back as Tommy thrusted forward. The new angle causing you to moan. 
"Jesus Tommy, just like that. *groan* That's it baby, keep going. You feel so damn good." 
You couldn’t help it anymore, and you brought your lips back to his. Licking his lips you hinted at him to open his mouth and when he did you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Like everything else, it didn't take Tommy long to catch on and the both of you were fighting over who controlled the kiss. Eventually though you had to break apart to breathe. Panting heavily you rested your head against his and pretty soon all you could do was rest as the pleasure became too much. Tommy had no issues taking over though and you both panted and moaned as he brought you closer to cumming. Your body was on fire and all you felt was pleasure, the only thing you could say was Tommy's name over and over again. 
When your orgasm hit you all you could do was cry out as your pleasure was pulled from your body. Any energy you may have had left your body as you dropped down to rest on Tommy. Unfortunately the move caused Tommy to slip from your body and you heard him whine at the loss but before you could move he was holding you to his body and you felt his hand as he reached behind you to grab a hold of himself. It wasn't long before you heard Tommy groan loudly and you felt the warmth of his cum as it hit your back. Humming in content you laid on Tommy as you both worked on getting your breathing under control. When you tried to move from him Tommy let out a small whine and held you to his body. Smiling you turned your head to face him and began to lay small and quick kisses to any part of his body you could reach. Eventually Tommy turned to face you and you lazily kissed his lips. Slowly you pushed yourself up into a sitting position and smiled down at Tommy.
"Today started off as a bad day. But leave it to you to turn it around and make it into something special." Shaking his head Tommy pointed a finger at you and you couldn’t help but chuckle. "How about we call it a draw. Because of you bringing me here we were able to take the next step in our relationship."
Leaning down you placed a kiss to his lips before shifting to his side and resting your body next to his.
"I love you Thomas Hewitt. "
You could feel tears fill your eyes when suddenly a voice harsh from not being used broke through the quiet nature sounds and replied back with.
"I love you too Y/n Hewitt. "
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Here I am ACTUALLY writing for the first time in a long time and my daughter's cat wants love.
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Gilf Michael Myers is best boy and that's a fact
YES HE IS BEST MURDEROUS BOY đŸ˜©he’s just a poor little meow meow you know
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so thicc so pretty đŸ˜©
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Dinner with the Guys
Okay, I have been sitting on this one for a while now. I am not sure how I feel about it, but I am going to post it and blame it on Covid, yes I got it. Doing good, just got cabin fever lol.
Anyways I hope you all like where I was going with this.
People knew you were  in a polyamory relationship. But normally you're just out with one or the other.
You never go to the same restaurants or things if it was just you and John or you and Hannibal. 
So when you go out with both, you get lots of looks.
If Hannibal picks the place, you know that people are better at hiding their shock and or disgust.
Because they know who Hannibal is and they want to be invited to one of his many dinners they hear about. 
For the most part everyone just ignores you and the guys. So you end up having a good dinner. 
Of course there is always just that 1 person who makes a comment under their breath.
When that happens, you know Hannibal is remembering their face. He may even start up a conversation with them just to get their names.
Afterwards he will order a dessert, so that he can hand feed it to you while you rest close to John. 
It didn't take John long to turn it up a notch and ask if Hannibal was gonna also hand feed him.
To yours and John's surprise Hannibal chuckled as he held the spoon out for John. 
If John picks the place, it's going to be more of a homie environment. 
The waiting staff have always been very polite, they may not have known who Hannibal was, but they knew he left a really good tip if they were polite.
Unfortunately this is the time where you get more comments and or looks from other guests. And someone always thinks you're cheating on one with the other.
So you and John have made these evenings a game, and Hannibal plays along reluctantly. 
Sometimes you can even get the staff to play along. Their job is to sit you next to the most annoying/rude customer they have.
For the most part, you and John always arrive together and normally are first there. 
So you would slide into a booth, his arm around you and you leaning into him. 
Depending on where you are sitting will depend on what game you're playing. 
If you're inside towards the wall, Hannibal is an investor or something. And those are when Hannibal gets to play a little darker role. Something along the lines of "if you don’t do as I say John won't get what he is asking for."
If you're on the outside you play the regular "We can't keep seeing one another, it's going to hurt him."
Seeing the looks on other's faces makes the night so entertaining and hearing them make comments make it hard not to break character. 
Sometimes the game is cut short when someone, who was truly minding their own business, overhears Hannibal in his darker roles threatening you and they stand up to him.
When that happens, Hannibal will stand up, pull money out of his wallet and speak to the person quietly. You never know what he says to them, but he thanks them for standing up and gives them the cash.
If no one says anything you end the night by kissing John infront of everyone, tell him you will see him at home later, him and Hannibal shaking hands and then wrapping your arm around Hannibal and walking out with him. 
Making everyone that didn't catch on, realize you guys had been playing them the whole night. 
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Games with Jon?? Well count me in!
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Hello, I am Tina and I wanna play a game
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I mean 👀
You're not wrong there, hon.
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I can play aaaaaaaall night long.
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Hell yeah more John!!!! He needs as much loving as he can. I am glad my HC was able to help you write this.
A/N: Apparently I’ve been thinking about John Kramer lately, it’s been heavy on my noggin obviously, so thanks to @cutebutpsycho83​ for kicking my ass into gear for this thanks to their lovely headcanons, and for @bisexual-horror-fan​ for giving my John Kramer brain rot some actual direction. It’s something I felt was necessary and being sick for the past week, kinda makes me feel better. 
John Kramer x AFAB Reader
Length: 1.2k
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Most times John was a busy man, plotting and creating, doing what he could to make the world a better place in his image so he can take the chance he was given and not let it go to waste. But tomorrow was the anniversary of his son’s death, the one person he would have destroyed the world for, well, that was until he met you.
You had helped him realize that his life wasn’t just expendable, you had given him more purpose than he realized, and he was thankful for that. He clung to you and wouldn’t allow you to disappear from his life as Gideon had, you had to be something he could enjoy longer, to live beside and enjoy those sparse moments of peace.
Keep reading
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Cuddles with John Kramer
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I lied guys, writing an actual story isn't working out for me. I just don't have the time, but head cannons are flowing. So cuddles with John turned from a fic to head cannon. Hopefully you all still enjoy it and please send more head cannons in for our murder husbands.
Getting John to cuddle is like pulling teeth. He gets so into his work that it's hard to pull him out of it.
You have learned that if you are naked you can get his attention much easier. 
At his warehouse it is hard to do, but there have been a couple of times he was so into his work you had to drive down to see him because it's been a couple of days.
If any of his people are around, just go home. Even if you manage to get him to stop they will be pickering so bad he will pull away.
If you notice that no one else is there you make quick work of stripping down and stand next to him. 
Almost every time you do this he does a double take and you can't help but laugh.
He will move back just enough for you to sit in his lap facing him.
Resting your head on his shoulder you can hear him sigh and feel his hands rest on your lower back. 
After a while you will sit up and get right to the point. You will tell him how long he has been gone and what's been going on.
Sometimes he will wrap up his work and leave with you, but sometimes he will force you to rest your head on his shoulder as he continues to work.
You never have to worry about the others seeing you like this because you would hear them before they see you and John always has his robe resting near him.
If they have seen you naked they don't say anything. Because they know John won't put up with it, but also because of Hannibal. 
They are scared of Hannibal.
If John is at home and working, you don't bother him as much. Because he is home and he comes to bed at night.
Although you still pull the naked card if you want him to take a break and snuggle you. But it's different from what you do at the warehouse.
At home you will make him food and bring it to him naked, you set the plate where he can see it and then go lay down on the couch and wait.
Depending on how hungry he is he will either eat instantly or let it sit for a few.
Either way when he takes a break to eat he always turns to you. Sometimes you will lay there and keep eye contact with him as he eats.
When he is done he will make his way to you. After you roll to your back he will lay on top of you with his head resting on your breast.
For what feels like hours you both just lay there not saying anything as you play with his hair.
If he doesn't eat right away you almost always fall asleep as you watch him work. 
You learned from Hannibal that even though you are asleep John will turn to watch you as he eats. 
When he is done eating he will move you just enough so that he could lay down and have you resting on him. 
And like you do to him, he will lay there and play with your hair as you sleep.
If you happen to wake up while being moved he still pulls you down to rest on him.
@tinalbion John cuddles?
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John and Hannibal catching you masturbating
I plan on writing a story for getting snuggles from John, but I am learning that doing head cannons is easier to get written. Hopefully you all enjoy 😉
-If Hannibal was to walk in on you masturbating he would just smile softly as he told you to continue.
-Even as you work your fingers over your clit you couldn’t help but keep your eyes on Hannibal as he moved about the room. 
-Feeling your eyes on him he would turn and lock eyes on you while he slowly removed his jacket. 
-Walking to the chair in the bedroom he would bring it to the end of the bed. Setting his jacket over the back of it he would lock eyes on you once again.
-You can't help but moan as he slowly begins to remove his vest and tie.
-Nodding his head he will motion to the drawer where the expensive glass dildo he bought you sits.
-You almost had a heart attack when he told you the price of the toy, but he just shook his head and told you no when you begged him to return it.
-After grabbing what you needed you turned to see that he had rolled up his sleeves and was resting with his legs crossed and an arm resting on the back of the chair. His fingers running lightly over his lips.
-You knew Hannibal liked a show, but hated when you acted. So you close your eyes and try to forget he is there.
-But even as you move the toy in and out, you can't help but think about the private pictures he has in his office.
-Pictures of you, that he drew from times just like now.
-He tells you that when he watches you it's like watching a play or an opera. He gets drawn into the scene before him and for days afterwards that's all he sees. 
-So he has taken to drawing the one thing that sticks with him the most. Sometimes it's while you are lost in pleasure and other times it's while you lay there catching your breath. 
-Coming down from your high now you look over and you can't help but whine at the lust in his eyes. 
-Rolling to your side you move so that you are crawling towards the end of the bed. Slipping off you walk slowly towards him. Your eyes never leave his.
-Hannibal is not fond of receiving oral from you, he feels like it degrades you. But you know that if you ask he will let you.
-So keeping eye contact you drop to your knees and run your hands over his thighs.
-Hearing him sigh loudly you know that he just answered your silent question.
-Smiling, you move closer to him as you reach for his belt.
-John on the other hand, if he walks in on you masturbating he would lean against the doorframe and smile.
-Looking up you can't help but chuckle as he pushes off the frame. You know what's about to happen.
-John wants to play a game
-Walking over to the drawer where the toys sit he will open it and stand there for a moment as he figures out what he wants to do.
-After taking one out he will turn back to you. Holding the toy up he will tilt his head and ask "care to play a game?"
-Feeling a shiver running through your body you can't help but smile as you climb out of the bed.
-Nodding your head you reach for your robe as John turns to leave.
-Turning back around he will shake his head. "No one's here."
-Nodding your head you take his offered hand and follow him to his work area.
-After moving things around to make room for you, John will tell you the rules of the game as he places you the way he wants.
-Sometimes his games consist of how many orgasms he could pull from you, to how long he could keep edging you.
-Today he felt like edging
-Instead of letting you put the toy in, John pushes away your hand and slips the toy into you himself.
-The minute he helped you sit down in a chair he was hitting the power button on it.
-You can't help but dig your nails into the chair as you feel pleasure running through you.
-Instead of giving you attention he turned to his drawing board and went to work on his newest game.
-Even though he seemed to not be paying attention just as you were about to cum John turned the toy off.
-Once you felt like you could breathe normally John was turning on the toy once again.
-For what felt like hours you sat in that chair while John teased you. It drove you crazy how you were never able to tell when John would turn it on.
-For all intents and purposes John looked like he did anytime he was working. Focused on what was in front of him.
-You knew it was finally over when he would turn in his chair and look at you. 
-He would praise you on how long you lasted, telling you he was proud you didn't give in. 
-Because you both knew that if you begged for it he would have let you cum. It just meant you didn’t get him at the end.
-Holding out meant you were able to tell John what to do. Whatever you wanted he did.
-Today you weren’t ready to stop, but you knew you were going to cum the minute he touched you.
-After a few minutes of resting you pushed John back slightly and opened his pants.
-Both of you were moaning when you sat in his lap and he pushed into you. 
-Lifting the blueprints of his newest game you asked questions as you sat there tightening around him.
-Now it was your turn to see how long he could last before he began to thrust into you.
-If both men walk in on you, it's your lucky day.
-You don't know when they talked about it but the minute they walked in no words were spoken as they moved as one.
-As you lay there watching, Hannibal moves the chair to his spot while John grabs things from the drawer and then climbs onto the bed with you.
-Nothing is spoken as John takes position behind you. Pulling you back unto him he locks your legs with his.
-After making sure you both were comfortable you can't help but shiver when you hear John speaking quietly into your ear.
-Locking eyes with Hannibal you listen as John tells you everything he had planned. That Hannibal had never seen you beg like you did for him and he was ready to put on a show.
-For the night you stayed locked in John's hold as he teased and edge you. When you finally do beg him to cum, your screams fill the room as he makes you cum and cum again. 
-When you ask Hannibal about what he ended up drawing from that night he laughs and shows you not one but multiple pictures he ended up drawing.
@tinalbion look more John!
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Dude!!! Love this crazy man lol
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James Jude Courtney may or not be the real Michael Myers...
I’m DYING at this interview đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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Guys, my baby did her first haunted house. 10 yrs old next Friday and she made it through the whole thing, towards the end it became to much with the lights and sounds was 3d and had neon lighting That caused one of the scenes to effect her but all in all even the owner and his wife were very proud of her and that she made it through one of them.
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Idk if you take requests, but I you do, would you consider writing some John Kramer cuddles?
Idk what it is about him but I love him SO much 😍😍😍
I was talking to @tinalbion about this and to get them you would probably have to walk naked in front of him to get his attention 😂 but I can see what I can do 😉
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Oh god, ever since I saw your posts of John Kramer x Reader x Hannibal, I cannot get the wonderful idea out of my head! These two gentlemen joined in a poly relationship with the reader, fuck, I love it! I keep thinking of different scenarios like maybe the reader got kidnapped and John and Hannibal reluctantly had to cooperate, or John and Hannibal come home late only to see the reader masturbating (sorry, not sorry)! Thank you, stranger, you gave me something to dream ;)
There is so many ways that relationship could go lol. They are great apart but together đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
Masturbating and being caught sounds lovely 😏😏
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I forgot how young you are lol. I was just out of high school when it came out.
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Okay so I was bored at work and watched Freddy vs. Jason. Truthfully who do you think won in the end? Like I always use to say that Jason won, BUT now I am thinking it was a tie?
Considering even at 8 years old, I was a Freddy fan, my brain only allowed me to think HE had won.
But now that I've sat here and watched it over and over since then, I can easily say it was a tie. You can't kill the unkillable. Hell I even wanna say Freddy won due to having the upper hand making Jason THINK he won, but that's petty and I won't stand with that.
I say a tie.
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Ohhhh @tinalbion, is this Marty from Cabin in the Woods?
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Sam Wescott (Fran Kranz) from ‘You Might Be the Killer’ 
Part 8
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September is suicide prevention month. Reblog if your blog always supports anyone with a mental illness.
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Murder Husbands with sick S/O (John Kramer x Reader x Hannibal)
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Haven't been able to write, so I figured I would start doing HC's hopefully doing these will get me back into actually writing again.
John with sick S/O
Doesn't notice at first
Even if you say something, it doesn't register with him.
So you just go and lay down on the couch.
John ends up waking you asking what's wrong, but you tell him that you're fine.
When you get light headed and almost fall you hear a loud sigh coming from John. 
With his attention solely on you John is in nurse mode.
He will shoot a quick text to Hannibal telling him and then he is gathering everything he would need to take care of you.
He will then take a seat on the couch and go over designs as you rest your head on his lap.
If he starts to see you shivering more he is moving the both of you to bed where he can snuggle into you and give you some of his body heat.
When you start to feel better and want to shower he is in there with you. Bringing you back to bed after you're done.
Hannibal with a sick S/O
Hannibal knows you're sick before you do.
Because John has "plans" Hannibal offers to work from home. 
You feel bad for that and try to get him to go into work. Instead of going Hannibal leads you back to bed.
Unable to rest, you make your way to his office. When he sees you standing there he smiles as he waves you to the couch.
After settling you down on it, Hannibal will sigh lightly before kissing your head. 
Before going back to his desk he stops at his record player and starts to play music.
Even though he doesn't sit with you, Hannibal stops what he is doing to check on you. If he notices you shivering more he will light a fire and move you closer to it.
Waking up you mention a shower and he follows you into the bathroom. When he tries to leave you start to whine and ask him to join you.
Chuckling he will begin to strip out of his clothes. Once in the shower the both of you just stand there. You know you should clean up but all you want to do is rest against him. And he lets you.
He only forces you out when the water starts to turn cold. Once out he will help dry you off and then lead you back to bed.
After tucking you in he will lay another kiss to your head, then get dressed before going to make something to eat. 
Both of them with a sick S/O
You could probably get away with hiding being sick from one of them. But with both of them, that's not gonna happen.
John will be pushing you back to bed while Hannibal calls the office and says he is working remotely from home.
Afterwards he is checking on you and John before he heads out to the store.
Once he is back he will give drinks and meds to John and then start on the soup for dinner.
Because you want to be near both men, John will set you up on the couch with himself on the floor, at the coffee table. That way in between cooking and calls, Hannibal is able to sit with you. And watch John as he works on a game.
After dinner is done, John will clean up while Hannibal takes you to the bathroom for a bath.
At first you tell Hannibal he didn't need to bathe you, but once his hands are in your hair you can't help but sigh and close your eyes.
After everyone/everything is cleaned the guys will get you situated in the middle of the bed and then take their spots on either side of you. You find yourself drifting off to sleep at the sounds of their voices as they speak quietly. 
@tinalbion look more John!
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