
Y’all tried this goodness yet? 😳👌🏼 - - - 👉🏼I’m doing some promo work again! My good friends from Roseburg Oregon @vapecrusaderseliquid deserve recognition! Amazing flavors and the highest quality you can get! Definitely worth checking these guys out- - - - ⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun - @zamplebox @ijoyusa @vapecrusaderseliquid @vangovapes @vapewithalohaeliquids @baristabrewco @vapeofakind @sugarcloudz @ijoyusa
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Hey guys! Please follow the link in my bio and check out Cloudy Connections new offers for January!! Great deals on new RDA’s, mods and kits. Below retail on your favorite ADV’s too! 🤙🏼 - -Please check out my donation pages as well on how you can get more info on CASAA and the @nycscr Help save animals and become an advocate for vaping rights!! - - -⚠️ VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS!⚠️ - ⚠️ MUST BE 21 OR OVER TO VAPE!⚠️ - _________________________ 🌐 URL: www. cloudyconnections .com 📧 [email protected] _________________________ - -#cloudyconnections #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapeworld #guerrillastraps #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid- - [email protected] @ijoyusa @ijoyglobal @ijoy.fansclub
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God bless this ridiculously positive SOB!!! 😎❤️ Been following him for years now and the man never has a bad thing to say about anyone or anything! Peace to you Shaun! Peace to everybody! 🙏🏼❤️ - -Repost @vapinginthe305 ・・・ Good morning from the 305 on this beautiful Friday. Take time to be thankful for everything you have. Always remember you can have more but in the same breath you could also have less. With that you know what it is, time to go out with family and friends but remember to party responsibly. Hope everyone has a blessed day and weekend ✌️ ✌️ ✌️ #vape #vapes #vapor #vapors#vapehooligans #vapefam #vapefamily #vapelyfe #vapelife #modmen #vapefriends #vapecommunity #vapenation #vapeon #ecig #westcoastvapers #cloudchasers #girlswhovape #guyswhovape #handcheck #instavaperz #eastcoastvapers #vapestagram #instavape #teamvapetasia #vapersarmy #vapetasia #vapelikeaboss #weoutheredoe
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*Hard to see, but this right here is why I have taken the time and energy to help these animals have a fighting chance at life. If you are an animal lover like myself, please donate to the @nycscr OR go to my website “Cloudyconnections .com” follow the donation link to help this little guy and all the animals NYCSCR helps save from neglect and abuse. Thank you- - -Repost @nycscr ・・・ UPDATE*** PUPPY TURNIP, rescued last night after let to die in abandoned apt Little Turnip survived the night, he is still under observation at the hospital but is in good spirits. Late last night his temp dropped to 93 degrees but the hospital was able to regulate his temp, get him on fluids, antibiotics, deworming, blood tests etc. He is FINALLY able to stand He is very lucky to be alive after being abandoned in an apartment in a crate. The shelter is investigating his case as we speak. It will take some time to get some weight on this 3 month old puppy, he is safe and sound at this time.We will continue to keep everyone abreast on his condition, he is an absolute doll. Thank you for helping us rescue him last night. It's been a wild 18 hrs for our rescue with a lot of alarming cases pouring in..he's one of the lucky ones so far #nycscr #abandoned #puppy #turnip #becausetheymatter
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Some of my standard adv’s- - 🤜🏼V.C.T. From @vangovapes 🤜🏼Cinnamon blueberry scone from @baristabrewco 🤜🏼November from @vapecrusaderseliquid 🤜🏼Berylicious From @vapewithalohaeliquids - -most of these except Barista can be found on www. Cloudyconnections .com - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun
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Thanks little sister @calivapegirl for this- - -#Repost @calivapegirl ・・・ @grimmgreen laying the truth down again! Reposted from @st8_of_v4pe - - #regrann #educate #advocate #510report #therealtruth #notblowingsmoke #VapingIsSaferThanSmoking
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Rocking my SHOGUN mod from @ijoyglobal @ijoyusa today. - - #allthatisresin - -Get this and all @ijoyglobal products at www. Cloudyconnections .com - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun (at North Springfield, Oregon)
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Ok so I know it’s not the newest of the new, but I can’t keep up with the way this market innovates lol So I opted to get the Profile RDA FROM @mrjustright1 AND @wotofoofficial I’ve been wanting one forever anyways. Next purchase is the G.O.A.T. From @grimmgreen / @ohmboyoc - - #gottahaveitingold - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun (at North Springfield, Oregon)
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Support and spreading the word about what matters is the only way to change the way things are. Two things that always tug at my heart are animals and children. Their welfare is paramount to adding to this world what it so desperately needs-love. - -I’ve added to new links to my website, one where you can donate to CASAA and the AVA. The other are two of my favorite animal rescue services. ❤️I’ll also be setting up a page to the 2019 @tftcharitywaffle on the site to help them reach their goal of $50,000 to help kids have a great and happy holiday this Christmas! - -Please consider helping support these great causes. 👍🏼For every donation, take a screen shot of the finished donation and dm me with it. I’ll repost the donation and send you a special gift for helping these causes! - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun
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Is there ever a bad reason to be nurdly? #itshowiroll - -Mod: Avenger 270 Voice Activated by @Ijoy global - -Juice: Psycho Cruller by @deepcutsliquid - -Bad-assery: By your’s truly. - 🤜🏼 @deepcutsliquid is now on sale for $19 a bottle! Yowsa! - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #howcanihelp #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun (at Springfield, Oregon)
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@mrjustright1 you peaked my nerd curiosity! This is just plain cool of @dotmod to do! - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun
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Hey Scotty G. So the CDC now means nothing? Cuz they seem to think their opinion matters 🤔 - -Repost @vaperadvocate ・・・ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US stated its bottom line for e-cigarettes. In short, vaping helps smokers to quit smoking. #vapethailand #vapemalaysia #sgvapers #vapeindo #ukvapers #vapeusa #calivapers #canadianvapers #vapenation #vapeworld #vapesociety #vapecommunity #vapefam #vapefamily #vapefriends #vapelove #vapedaily #vapelife #vapelyfe #instavape #vapestagram #vape #vaper #vapers #vapeon #vaping #vapeadvocacy #notblowingsmoke #casaa #ecig (at Springfield, Oregon)
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A man can dream- - -#Repost @calivapegirl ・・・ Damn it. #educate #advocate. #abolishthefda #fuckgottLIEb #notblowingsmoke (at Springfield, Oregon)
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Change only happens when WE change. It’s nice to believe in good things and preach them, it’s nicer to do something that matters. Time to put my money where my mouth is. I’m only saying this because it matters to me, kindness matters to me. And there’s enough bad to last forever. - - #changebegatschange #timeforpositive - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun (at North Springfield, Oregon)
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Nuthin fancy- Just the best Root Beer eliquid I’ve ever tasted! @vangovapes - -Get This SOON on Cloudyconnections .com - -⚠️VAPING IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS OVER THE AGE OF 21!!- • 💥www. Cloudyconnections .com • 💥SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!~ • 💥 —————————————————————#joeofallvapes #joavTV #joavmob #wevapewevote #vapereviews #vapeadvocacy #vangovapes #vapenation #vapefam #notblowingsmoke #vapeon #vapingsaveslives #vapejunkies #vapepics #vapedaily #vapelove #vape #clouds #vapemovement #vapesociety #rda's #ohms #ejuice #eliquid #ijoyusa #vapun (at North Springfield, Oregon)
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In the words of the immortal Homer Simpson “DOH!” It’s sort of a slap in the face when their corruption is so obvious, the only thing they DON’T do is admit to how corrupt they are! - -Repost @vaperadvocate ・・・ Big pharma’s dirty tactic exposed! This time involving the reputable and trustworthy National Institutes of Health in the US. Thanks to Nick Green aka @grimmgreen via his 510 report on his YouTube channel. #vapethailand #vapemalaysia #sgvapers #vapeindo #ukvapers #vapeusa #calivapers #canadianvapers #vapenation #vapeworld #vapesociety #vapecommunity #vapefam #vapefamily #vapefriends #vapelove #vapedaily #vapelife #vapelyfe #instavape #vapestagram #vape #vaper #vapers #vapeon #vaping #vapeadvocacy #notblowingsmoke #casaa #ecig
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In the words of the immortal Homer Simpson “DOH!” It’s sort of a slap in the face when the corruption of these people is so obvious the only thing they DON’T do is admit to how corrupt they are, I mean why bother, it’s obvious to everyone! - -#Repost @vaperadvocate ・・・ Big pharma’s dirty tactic exposed! This time involving the reputable and trustworthy National Institutes of Health in the US. Thanks to Nick Green aka @grimmgreen via his 510 report on his YouTube channel. #vapethailand #vapemalaysia #sgvapers #vapeindo #ukvapers #vapeusa #calivapers #canadianvapers #vapenation #vapeworld #vapesociety #vapecommunity #vapefam #vapefamily #vapefriends #vapelove #vapedaily #vapelife #vapelyfe #instavape #vapestagram #vape #vaper #vapers #vapeon #vaping #vapeadvocacy #notblowingsmoke #casaa #ecig
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