jlfte · 6 years
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Well, here is one of the references of my characters (who believes it today the truth.) Even though I did not like the result so much but I think they are a redraw afterwards. (Why do I say that? Well, it came out very chibi.) x 2
If you want to see it without censorship, here is a link. (danger the image where it comes from is from my other page but this is where I publish everything dirty and ugly … but if you like that then … it’s okay (?)
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jlfte · 6 years
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Ur welcome.
I do not know … I do not really sleep because of going to school or for the simple fact of wanting to draw a picture (or because I’m staying Rol xd.), and if … it’s drunk Orange.
pd: I made this crap in the Paint because the Wacom was not updated and the Paint tool sai did not detect the price: “
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jlfte · 6 years
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Hello person whoever is reading this, well I really do not know what to say or say but my other account (that I will possibly share this in that account) I will not use it anymore, I think so (?, Then that goodbye xd
(Drawing I did in classes to fill in this.)
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jlfte · 6 years
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Drawing I did when I turned 15, I feel gay
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jlfte · 6 years
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jlfte · 6 years
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Well, here’s a type of comic … I think so? , well this I think … I THINK it will be an account apart from the other one that I have to answer questions and all those things. @jlfte
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jlfte · 6 years
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​Ask me questions in this account because here I will upload drawings and I will answer some questions and all that, ah ... and most importantly I will put a drawing to call attention and tags. https://ineedmycheese.tumblr.com/
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jlfte · 6 years
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I'm going to make a new account to be asked and all that shit.
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jlfte · 6 years
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jlfte · 6 years
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Well, I do not really know what to do here with this account so every time I finish drawing something or make a sketch I'll upload it here, ah ... and if I leave this Scp 096 finished yesterday.
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jlfte · 6 years
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What is needed to be relevant in Tumblr ?.
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jlfte · 6 years
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jlfte · 6 years
Yeah , and he left this Ennard drawing thing.
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jlfte · 7 years
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Slendytubbies Po , i love this  fluffy person.
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jlfte · 7 years
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Kind dice is looking at the post below.
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jlfte · 7 years
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*Pain of Michael.*
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jlfte · 7 years
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The first appearance.  2015 - 2017
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