jk-mno · 5 years ago
Okay so my fertility doctor at the military hospital and i had our telephone appointment and she said i will need to do big set of tests (since it had been so long since my FSH, Thyroid level tests etc) including an HSG test when my May period starts, but that she has a plan for me and hubby: at least one round of IUI, and if that doesn’t work then she will be pushing for an IVF cycle in December-ish? she said the outlook of IUI isn’t good though because my hubby’s motile count is less than 5 million...
oh boy i need to start saving for that IVF cycle..
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jk-mno · 5 years ago
if i get my period this cycle, i’m trying pre-seed lube next cycle. it won’t hurt anything to try!
has anyone TTC used pre-seed had any luck? the amazon reviews make me hopeful! some were able to concive after only once cycle of using it even after two years TTC
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jk-mno · 5 years ago
well, i’m pretty sure it has been two whole years of trying now, i can’t believe it..
i just want you to be here, is that too much to ask
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
The fact that pregnancy symptoms & period symptoms are so similar is bullshit 😑
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
if i’m not pregnant this month after all the symptoms i’ve had already i don’t know what i’ll do 😔
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
i’ve been randomly crampy the last couple days and there was just a few tiny dots of blood on the toilet paper just now...i’m 6DPO but i don’t want to get hopeful
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
i’m promising myself and my sanity now that my kids will never own any clothing with camo on it. every piece of kid’s clothing with with camo on it is so fucking tacky and gross and i will not be a part of it
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
Dear Baby Herrera,
It is time to start trying again.
I’m hoping...
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
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Yep, that pretty much sums up the TTC process
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
we’ve been trying to conceive for 16 months now and i’ve had baby names for about 12 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
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Nailed it.
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
ttc affirmations for moms
🌿 My body is healthy!
🌈 I’m excited to be pregnant!
🐬 I’m already an “expectant mom” because I am waiting for my baby! They are coming!
✨ I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do! I’m doing great!
🥝 I have everything I need to be pregnant!
🐚 I have everything I need to be a parent!
🍬 I feel relaxed and confident about being pregnant!
🍅 Periods aren’t sad! They are a sign of fertile soil! My body is doing what it needs to prepare for my baby!
🍃 I’m excited for all the love and family in my future!
🐁 However and whenever my baby comes to me, I’m excited to receive them!
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
Dear Baby Herrera,
It is January 22nd, 2019 at 16:07
daddy has been in surgery for a few hours now, it seems like only a second compared to the time it has taken us to even get to this step of our journey towards you
i haven’t wanted something so badly as i want you to be here already...we have waited so long for you to get here and now you could be real within only a short amount of months
i can’t wait to meet you
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
Hubby and his doctor finally caught each other after a round of phone tag and he has a surgery date of 22 January!!!
Doc will be doing the more invasive version of varicocele correction surgery and hopefully hubby’s swimmers will be back to normal by april or may
now that motherhood is actually a much closer reality i am so nervous! but excited! i hope i am a good mom!! ❤️👶🏻
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jk-mno · 6 years ago
i just want so badly to be a mom….
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