fais toujours de ton mieux meme si personne ne regarde.
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me: [facedown on the floor] listen everything is totally fine
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please stop being cute it makes my heart sad because i can’t nap with you
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I have these two neighbours and they’re married and they gotta be like in their late 30s and I’m making dinner and I look out the window and they’re running around outside in their pajamas and bare feet with water pistols soaking eachother and laughing so loud it made me realise I’m wasting so much time trying to make relationships perfect when all that’s really needed is someone who will laugh with me for the rest of my life
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Me: hey i’m doing :-) kinda good! :^)
Me 2 min later: literally what is the point of being alive.
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❥ Happy Birthday, Kim Jinwook Lucas Jiwo Jiro.
「 On the 10th of July in the year of 1995, a lovely woman gave birth to what grew up to be the most beautiful boy on this planet. 」
You've grown up so much. You're already 20 years old.. I remember when you were only 18 and you were so cute and young and-- You somehow still are. For some reason, you didn't change at all but at the same time you've changed /so much/. It's hard to explain but-- You're still the cute little independent boy but you've grown up and-- you got better and-- Fuck, words. It's just like-- You were perfect back then but you somehow managed to get even more perfect. It's kinda like you took the bad things and got rid of them. Not that there was anything bad about you but-- I mean stuff like.. you know.. not liking yourself. I know you still don't love yourself but I feel like you are on your way there. And I will gladly take your hand and lead you. I will show you how to properly love yourself. Because I've always loved you and I will love you forever. I'm a 100% sure that we are going to grow old together because-- we've been through a /lot/ of shit, but we are still together. My love for you only got stronger. You cheeky little thing stole my heart and I'm gladly letting you keep it. I love you. I love you so much and I want to spend all of our birthdays with you, for the rest of my life.
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