jinkkyu · 5 years
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David Foster Wallace | Infinite Jest | 1996
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jinkkyu · 5 years
am i bitter? yes. but do i try to move on and let go of past anger? well, actually, no
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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                 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐔𝐍   𝐖𝐀𝐒   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  𝐅𝐎𝐑  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍  𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 :  to  find  out  what  happened  to  her  parents  .   only  thing  that  was  ever  accompanying  her  mind  .   snapped  out  of  her  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓  what - if’s   dosen’t  incite  the  most  pleasant  response   .   eyes  graze  over  the  situation  before  her  &  she  responds  by  providing  a  simple  ,  obviously  𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄  smile  in   return  .    ❝       no  offense  ,  but  i  have  more  important  things  to  do  than  help  out  a  man  who’s  .  .  .  perfectly  capable  to  handle  some  small  boxes  himself  .  good  luck   !     ❞
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LOVELY ROSE WIELDS ITS UGLY THORNS ; he’s got temper to rival some ANCIENT GODS . noxious hubris that came like an indelible STAIN to his very existence . W E L L , WHAT WAS HE IF NOT ADAPTABLE ? something akin to awe in curl of his lips , an audible breath . ❝ of course , don’t let me keep you . ❞ body is just a vessel to crude instincts that itch . if he were to incite her to trip with a pebble from the pavement . . . ❝ watch your step , ❞ comes benignant warning , ❝ the pavement is a bit uneven here . ❞
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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             𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄  𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒   𝐔𝐏   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄   𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆  as  the  presence  enters  his  house  .   the  knowledge  of  𝐖𝐇𝐎  it  was   already  present  in  his  mind  .  the  only  person  he’d   allow  in  his   home  without  even  a  𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊   ,  or  a  text  to  indicate  one  was  on  their  way  :  𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐎  .   as  he  turns  around  ,  that  bright  smile  fades  to  a  look  of  disappointment  appears  .     ❝   bro  .   again  ?   ❞    hanbin  groans  out  ,  walking  towards  him  ,  looking  up  &  down  his  sickly  figure  .   ❝   you  never  look  like  garbage  .  .  .  just  a  little  under  the  weather  ?    ❞   even  his  words  sound  𝐎𝐅𝐅  to  him  .  kunwoo  does  look  awful  in  his  current  state  ,  but  he  was  still  kunwoo  ;  he’d  always  be  attractive  even  at  his  worst   .    ❝    you  have  to  𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐃  ,   man  .   it’s   apart  of   the  life  style  now  ,  you  know  that  .   c’mon  ,   ❞   &  then  hanbin  is  grabbing  kunwoo’s  hand  (   maybe  even  intertwining  their  fingers  .  that’s  what  close   friends  do  ,  right  ?   )  .   ❝    we’re  going  out  to  dinner  and  you’re  𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆   to  eat  .  no  excuses   .   ❞
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HE IS THE CYNOSURE OF ALL THINGS ; one would think given adoration that sparks in kunwoo’s eyes just from the sight of hanbin . he’d pull stars from the sky for him & he already HAS before . his fraught trajectory keeps leading back to him like captured asteroid , not that you would ever catch him complaining . syllables , quiet & desperately unsure barely resonate under solicitous gaze ; they tremble & he WISHES they didn’t . ❝ hanbin , i look fucked . you can’t pretend i don’t . ❞ although hanbin is MET with forbidding tone , dour exhaustion of kunwoo’s countenance softens . HE’D BEEN WORSE , FINGERS STAINED SANGUINE & BODY QUAKING IN A ROOM DEVOID OF LIGHT . ❝ see , that is where you are wrong . i can exist on sunlight alone . i’m stronger than you can imagine . ❞ his reaction spoke volumes , rather lack thereof , to the contact . temerity to rattle the other’s warm oh-so familiar hand within his , as if this will bring sense to hanbin . ❝ you say that like this is normal , man . ❞
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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FALSE GOLDEN BOY ; he is the devil in disguise , the coiled serpent ‘neath the blooming flower . sacrilege in every aspect . his smile renders the burning sun envious . well , he found himself in a predicament that such a smile could remedy . ❝ excuse me — ❞   a breath of laughter , something light that flutters from his lungs with an accompanying smile . ❝ would you mind helping me out for a second ?  ❞ 
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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jinkkyu · 5 years
[ @slcouths ]
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HIS INSIDES ARE ALIGHT ; currently hellbent on burning him alive . the TELL-TALE RUMBLE of his stomach indicates that it’s been nearly a WEEK since he’s eaten , but he cannot bring himself to gravitate towards what he needs to survive . HE’LL SNAP , LIKE CLOCKWORK & TRY TO OVERCOME THE REGRET THAT SWALLOWS HIM AFTERWARDS . an entirely unwilling surrender to his own nature . he A L W A Y S finds himself back at hanbin’s side when hunger has set heavy into his bones . it is his safety he falls into when the aches double him over &  it is his care he turns to when he’s finally gone beyond restraint . HE’S A CREATURE OF HABIT . ❝ hey bin . ❞ clement smile punching dimples into his cheeks , poignant kind of pain settling in his ribs . ❝ save you the trouble by just admitting i look like hot garbage . ❞ 
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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                blood drunk   &.   the winds are whispering of a time that can not be left behind. there is a pleasure that comes from the curling warmth in his stomach. a knowing that cannot come without the heavy feeling of death on his tongue.     ❝     im sorry     ,     i promised that i was going to be good.   ❞    painted in this dark red in the bright moonlight    ,    heavy scent of iron only serves to make him more hungry. his fingers are drip    ,   drip    ,   dripping with the heavy sin.    ❝   im not done    ,    it hurts to eat but i cant stop.   ❞    plagued by guilt for the lesser    ,   there is no passion in this. only a need. hes doing this to live. 
open !!!
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CONTEMPLATION RUSTS HIS THROAT DRY ; festers in his chest . there he stands , MAN  /  GOD , stiffened in observation . labyrinthine morals tangled like strings . not the NATURE of the action that sets him off but the SIGHT . ❝ you made a promise you knew you couldn’t keep . ❞ malignant heart , thorny vines that press into his skin will linger as scars til death . A SUBLIME HERESY TO FIND BEAUTY HERE . GOSPEL TRUTH ; he is wicked , deprived of valor . macabre crimson shades do nothing to spark compassion for the victim . a staccato , pause in the rise of his chest to speak again . ❝ god . . you’ve made such a m e s s , it'll stain your clothes . ❞ sweetness , shimmering &  saccharine from his throat like a mother’s chiding . 
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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yeo one in 마녀상점 teaser
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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wow it’s kiwi back @ it again with a second intro but this time NOT a monster but technically a monster you know ?  my lovely lil golden boy, out here for a good time not a long time. 
◜☾ ─ ◞ YEO CHANGGU, CISMALE, HE/HIM — hold on, isn’t that BYUN KUNWOO walking around uiyeong ? there have been rumors spreading around that they HAVE NOT crossed through the veil. maybe someone will get lucky ! they’ve always been known to be rather SENTIMENTAL & CHARISMATIC, but can also be pretty DUPLICITOUS & CONTRITE. as to be expected from a TWENTY-TWO year old DOGANGSI. hopefully the town of uiyeong doesn’t find itself in too much trouble ! 
the goblin !
when he’s born, it’s into a room with far too much noise but the focus wasn’t on him. right now, it’s on the woman who had just birthed him before passing away. his name would be the first and last thing he hears from his mother, not that he’ll ever recall. from then on, it would be his grandmother’s arms he found himself in and it would be his grandfather’s smile he sees when he cried out. his father visits occasionally but he is wracked with the grief of his wife. he smiles with tears in his eyes while he holds his first and only child. his stomach is never empty and he’s never without clothes on his back, he counts this as one of his many blessings.
he’s seven the first time he hears his mother’s death followed his birth. it hurts his chest to think about, the thing other children had that he didn’t. he has countless little questions, mostly innocent that his grandparents can’t bear to answer. he’s a social butterfly even at that age, sparking conversations with classmates or pestering others in trips to the store. he grows well loved, his grandmother and grandfather pouring every ounce of their love into his small body. 
he’s twelve when his father comes back to his life, doing what he can to make up for lost time. he asks questions his father is too pained to answer, how his mother was when she was alive. ‘she was like every beautiful flower and every refreshing breeze’ he answers. kunwoo tries not to flinch when he pulls him into a hug and sobs. ‘she loved you so much, loved you more than anything.’ he tries to stop his own tears but he can’t and they sit there for longer than he can remember crying together.
at sixteen he’s joined the soccer team, grappling with feelings of inadequacy. he’s not as quick as others, not as quick-thinking. seeds of guilt get planted in his mind from others on the team, that he wasn’t working nearly as hard as the rest. in the end, he drops from the team and it’s a shame that lingers with him for the rest of his teenage years. if it gives him more free time than he’d like, so be it. all the more time to spend doing what he loved and most notably, more time with his best friend. eventually though, he joins the baseball team instead which he happened to be much better at. 
he’s nineteen when he’s spending all night with his best friend until he falls asleep. he silently promises to help him, even after he’s scolded by him. he won’t rest until he finds a solution & the moment he falls asleep is the same one he begins to search. he’s not got money, nothing to bargain with but he takes to forums. relatives who had lost their loved ones tell him to accept what was to come. there was no saving him and the sooner he accepted that the sooner he would heal. he can’t imagine a world without him, can’t come to terms with the loss of his best friend. finally, someone responds. they tell him he could save his friend, that it would make him healthy again. 
he agrees to a meeting place. he’s desperate, he had no room to be picky that the spot was a back alley to some local dakbal restaurant. what happened that night was something that drastically changed his life & the life of his best friend. he turns into a dogangsi. it hurts more than he thought it would, the road to saving his closest friend but he’d do anything to keep him from an untimely death. he turns his friend just as he was taught as he lies in his death bed & hopes for the best.
in the end, not even this saves his best friend who ultimately gets tracked by a hunter for his reckless feeding habits. struck by grief he scours for the hunter responsible, nearly driving himself to insanity in his failure. he can’t help but wonder if turning him was ever worth it at all but now he knows he’s stuck with alone & mourning.
NOW UHHH personality wise he’s a lil shit but the cute kind u kno. literally won’t let anyone know how worried he is about things all the time, plays it like a cool carefree lad. mind got like 50 different thoughts at a time. TRYIN HIS BEST but very tired. head over heels for his best friend but he jus dont kno that yet alright leave him be. MY BRAIN IS GONE OK JUST LOVE HIM YOU KNO.
wanted connections ! 
FLINGS caus he really out there living that life !! 
friends cause who doesn’t love those! friends who knew him as a human, friends who are supernaturals too, unlikely friends, bring em all.
someone that can’t stand him and he can’t stand them either.. if they breathe he is annoyed by it ok i’m talkin som real petty shit
an ex cause who doesn’t love that
im.. out of ideas but pls hit me up
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jinkkyu · 5 years
☂ 4 clay from kyu
@fangburn ☂ ;   three tweets from my muse directed at your muse.
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jinkkyu · 5 years
☂ - u already kno
@slcouths ☂ ;   three tweets from my muse directed at your muse.
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jinkkyu · 5 years
social media meme ;;
send me a ★ for a facebook status from my muse to yours
send me a ☂ for three tweets from my muse directed at your muse
send me a ▲ for an instagram picture from my muse about your muse
send me a ✿ for a snapchat from my muse to yours
send me a ☯ for a youtube video or vine about your muse from my muse
send me a ☏ for one voicemail left by my muse on your muse's phone
send me a ✉ for three texts from my muse to yours
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jinkkyu · 5 years
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what’s that comin over the hill is it a monster- no it’s just kiwi who is super thankful for all of you. BUT WHO’S THAT NEXT TO HIM ?  yeah a monster for sure. han jinkyu, heaven-sent face but definitely actually from hell boy but ain’t he so handsome and lovely ? let’s take a look !
◜☾ ─ ◞ AHN HYOSEOP, CISMALE, HE/HIM  — hold on, isn’t that HAN JINKYU walking around uiyeong ? there have been rumors spreading around that they HAVE crossed through the veil. maybe someone will get lucky ! they’ve always been known to be rather PERSPICACIOUS & TENACIOUS, but can also be pretty EGOTISTICAL & CALLOUS. as to be expected from a TWENTY-FIVE year old DARK MANYEO. hopefully the town of uiyeong doesn’t find itself in too much trouble !
you can hmu @  𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ♡#7529 on discord !
the goblin ( lil long ) !
born as the fourth generation to a full lineage of witches with a family tree mapped out in tapestries & stories. each large room ricochets every sound into the next, most notably filled with countless relatives who occupied the mansion. a past always being remembered by the mouths that passed them on & in the diaries of those who had first told them. there were no secrets kept in his home, no illusions in the fact he was a witch. it was a life most dream of. in spite it all, there is a hollow in his chest he can’t place that only grows. there was a balance to things, he was taught before he could speak or before he even could remember. as he grows, this idea is cemented through constant lessons. nature is kind but unforgiving & he wasn’t to tip the balance. he ultimately doesn’t heed the advice, to the dismay & shame from his own family. ( what gave nature the right to say what he couldn’t do ? what gave anyone ? )  
he is six when he began learning, honing his skills in spells & simple rituals. ‘he’s still too young to understand yet but he will,’ his mother said. balance. how could witches hope to keep the balance when humanity itself was so unfair ? his grandmother sees inklings of it, can see the sparks behind his eyes. she tells his mother she used to have the same thing. tells her that she grew out of it in time, that streak of stubbornness. he doesn’t. he doesn’t grasp it yet but he’s sure that balance doesn’t exist. unabashed even to this day, some things just never fade in time like his family may have hoped. some things only get sharper and more gnarled rather than softened.
age ten and he’s making the kids who say bad words to him trip on their way up the stairs, leaving them with bloody noses and mouthfuls of curses. balance, right ? he thinks his mother would be proud but when he tells her all he hears from her is scolding. ‘what about balance?’ he asks. ‘karma isn’t for you to deliver,’ she reasons. he doesn’t like the idea of balance, not anymore. he’s been burning so long he can no longer feel the heat but everyone sees. everyone sees the blisters crackling over his skin. they’re scared he is heading down a road he won’t return from & they are right. he started learning to hide himself & hide the interests in the dark & untamed spells. they think he got better, that he truly learned the balance but they were wrong. he’s the perfect storm, the most lovely cocktail of kindly smiles & hands behind his back holding what he shouldn’t. a tempest that doesn’t know how to stop & frankly doesn’t believe it ever should.
age sixteen & he had gone beyond what any of his familial bonds could ever hope to stop. his blood sings a song of violence & he has begun stand unflinching in the eye of loss. he’d lost his mother & his newborn sister. he’d lost his best friend & his eyes have seen far more than they should have. ( WHAT OF BALANCE ? WHAT OF EQUALITY ? ) he and his friends find trouble wherever they go. their eyes always go to him first, like they know. his grandfather makes failed attempts to reel him in. him & his dark eyes. him & his lesson in awakening. he comes to adopt emotionally compromised teenagers into his social circle, those with the wicked smiles and eyes that hold the stars. they hold a silent reverence for him & it only feeds him, only scratches the itch he’d had for so long. 
he’s twenty-two when he starts his own coven, full of misfits & outcasts who are more fearful of him than respectful. they have every right to be but their gravest mistake was letting him sense that. what else was he to do but curse them ? turn their food bitter before it reaches their tongue or turn their beds into one of nails. they retreat, he weeds out the weak this way. found other minds like his this way, too. ( the sort to smile kindly while they pull strings behind your back to tie your hands. ) his gravest mistake would be to trust them, even if it was only partly. he’s ambitious, hopes the world for his coven if only to further his own strength. they are a second family, almost. 
twenty-five is when his coven grows tired of him, grows weary of the way he operates. what follows after is what he can only come to recognize as betrayal though what the world may recognize as karma. ( he knew, he knew better. ) a change of power, even the thought has his blood boiling. he puts a curse on the one who suggests it & the rest of his coven retaliates. roots from a nearby pierce his skin, something hot seeping through his abdomen and something black pours from his lips. he’s dead before he can defend himself & he lay dying just as he’d always lived. ALONE & BITTER.
after being dead for nearly half a year.. sloop sloop he’s back !! 
wanted connections !
childhood friends or acquaintances
ex-covenmates, he’s .. gonna be gunning for your muse but hey go for it friends ! some of them were genuinely supportive of him. 
an ex fling, he doesn’t play around with love unless it benefits him somehow.
an ex, i thought you loved me kind of deal you know oops or even someone who still thinks the world of him
young witch he’s mentoring ! 
someone who wanna kill his ass again lbr he deserve it
‘friends’ he really doesn’t have any but he sure can pretend like no one else !
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jinkkyu · 5 years
“(…) what I am aches in me.”
— Fernando Pessoa, from I See Boats Moving in “I Have More Souls Than One” (Penguin Modern: 19)
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