jigglebones · 8 days
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TFW your partner is knees deep working on a project without taking care of his health so you use your irresistible charm ( works on one person and one person only )
bonus :
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jigglebones · 17 days
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He is not left handed I just always forget to draw things right-----
Edit: fuck it. Ambidextrous Edward Nygma.
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jigglebones · 19 days
Shame anger and superiority complex
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jigglebones · 20 days
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I Never Need HELP With Anything! ❔️🦇🔩
I needed a break form a different drawing and ended up drawing a little Riddper to try and relax. Mostly because I realized I never draw this many enough though he's like one of my favorites LMAO
Also, let me know if you find the little top hat in the drawing! 😉
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jigglebones · 25 days
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this is what ive been saying
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jigglebones · 27 days
I'll never fucking learn the skyrim shuffle
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jigglebones · 30 days
Joker (Death of the family)
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He's just a silly 🥺
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jigglebones · 30 days
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jigglebones · 1 month
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so I actually got so caught up in procrastinating that i forgot i was working on this- it's just a doodle but that's good and healthy, it's exactly what i need to be doing
loosely inspired by descriptions in @strewnlimbs-blog's fic, The Edcubus
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jigglebones · 1 month
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jigglebones · 2 months
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Listen Up Columbia! — Portraits from a campus in crisis Photographed by Gabriella Gregor Splaver
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jigglebones · 2 months
if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:
donate to doctors without borders here
donate to careforgaza here, providing food, medicine and clothing
donate an e-sim to gaza today
donate feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza
donate to the palestinian civilian relief fund
donate to the palestine children's relief fund
donate to the world food programme
donate medical aid for palestinians
donate to the united nations relief for palestine refugees
donate to healpalestine
if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.
instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.
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jigglebones · 2 months
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jigglebones · 2 months
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jigglebones · 2 months
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The extroverted autistic and the introverted autistic struggle to understand each other.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3- you're here
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jigglebones · 2 months
i gotta be honest guys i love cillian murphy scarecrow as much as the next guy but i think we've strayed from the true path. i see too many young conventially attractive scarecrows now. we have to return to the path of light where he's a 50-something wrinkled artifact with his brain scrambled
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jigglebones · 2 months
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Quick thing while I experiment with gradient mapping
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