jiejiejiejiejiejie · 8 days
A Night by the Sea: Borongan Fiesta Carnival
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Our visit to the carnival in Borongan was nothing but a sudden impulse, and surprisingly it was the first time for the most of us so it added to the excitement. It's only up during the Borongan Town Fiesta so it's a place set up only once a year for about 1-2 weeks, so, we collectively thought "why miss experiencing it once more?" And so, we didn't.
We started the night by first strolling around the food stalls and eating all stuff we found appetizing, it very much ate at our wallets too, so, after that we officially paid the entrance fee to distract us from spending more on food and went in full of expectations for the thrilling rides inside.
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Of course we had to take a pic of the stamp they give you at the entrance for memories, we even had the kuya at the entrance redo it because it barely showed up, he did it after sharing a laugh with us over our silliness.
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We started off strong by riding the vikings, it was my first time experiencing it and boy they did not exaggerate when they said that this ride will give you an out of body experience because I could actually feel my soul slipping out every time we were at the highest point, moreover, we were at the very last of the row so we experienced the brunt when going up and the ride down was absolutely terrifying, I swear I never shouted so loudly in my life except that very moment.
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Next up we rode the horror train, before the ride even started I busied myself preparing to try and not be scared during the ride as a little challenge. But all that preparation went to waste because at the end I thought I would lose all my voice from all the screaming done, what was even funnier is that I had my eyes closed the whole time so I didn't even have a reason to be scared.
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The last ride we had was the octopus, I thought it would be a more relaxing and chill ride but I was severely wrong, I should never have judged a book by it's cover, it was enjoyable, thrilling and overflowing with shouts, far from what I was expecting. I swear that our seat spun the most often, but thankfully I did not get dizzy and instead let a lot of screams out from the enjoyment I was feeling and I can say that it was my favorite.
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During these moments I just can't help but wish that the night would not end. But that's a wish impossible to be fulfilled so instead I'll just cherish these memories and hope that we could do it again next year. Hopefully I'll be able to try out all the rides by that time.
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jiejiejiejiejiejie · 1 month
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The night was young and my friends and I refused to let the rain dampen our excitement, in fact you could say that instead of extinguishing our enthusiasm it only fueled our determination to see Sponge Cola even more. At first, we weren't sure if we could even make it because we were stuck at our boarding house and the rain was showing no signs of slowing down. We were really worried since we had been eagerly anticipating this event ever since it was announced.
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I had a lot of thoughts and worries in my mind during the time spent while waiting for the event to officially start and one of those thoughts were whether the wrist band would really stay on as said so by the guy who gave it to me, I was quite worried it would since I sweat a lot and it may accidentally fall off while I was enjoying myself, that would really sadden me because I wanted to keep it as a souvenir. During this time, the interview with the crowd was also ongoing and while listening I vaguely remember laughing a lot with how the people being interviewed answered, it was entertaining indeed.
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I was super hyped during LILA's performance and was really enjoying myself watching them dance. I especially adored the part where they mentioned how life is not a race and proceeded to dance to "karera" by bini as it is one of my favorite songs by them currently and i relate to it a lot especially during times where i feel pressured by how others seem to progress and I didn't so it did bring some comfort to me.
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I also really enjoyed Congressman Libanan's performance and was especially hyped while he was singing buwan. It genuinely had me and my friends singing our hearts out along with him, I'm actually kinda embarrassed and nervous at the thought that someone might have caught my voice on video so I'm hoping that the noise from the crowd would drown it out.
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I was super excited up when sponge cola finally appeared and performed. They really did know how to hype up the crowd and bring the energy up. I was happy to see people as excited, or even more than me.
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This was me and my friend's hand making a heart shape when "Pag ibig" by sponge cola was playing, we just had to take a pic as a little remembrance. We also shared a laugh after at how it seems like the guy being on the middle of our heart was intentional when it really wasn't.
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If I wasn’t a fan of this band before, I definitely am now. I enjoyed every single one of their songs, and each performance drew me in like magic. Even though I only knew the lyrics to one song, it didn’t take away from my experience at all. In fact, it made me appreciate the music even more, as I found myself fully immersing in the rhythm and energy of the crowd. Not being able to sing along didn’t matter I was just as happy, if not more, soaking in the atmosphere and discovering new favorites along the way. This night turned out to be one of those moments where you realize you’ve become a true fan.
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jiejiejiejiejiejie · 1 month
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