Just your average student who's trying to make it through life one day at a time! Oh, did I mention that I also spend most of my time in the demon infested feudal era? [I do not own any art on this blog, only the drabbles.]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“Go back to your own time, Kagome!”
Author’s Note: This was inspired by a thread or two I did over on my twitter with some friends of mine. Feel free to follow me there if you want to see more shorthand work.
Everything hurt. Her eyes burned with unshed tears, yet they felt heavy. So heavy that she was struggling to keep them open as she stumbled her way through the forest. She felt empty, like she was now the shell of a human being, not Kikyō.
That name. That woman. None of this would have happened if it hadn’t been for her. Inuyasha wouldn’t have understood the concept of love. He wouldn’t have grown as much as he did. Kagome wouldn’t be here in the feudal era, in fact, she wouldn’t even been alive. She wouldn’t have been able to awaken the hanyō. To return the jewel back to where it belongs. To fall in love herself...
There was this unbearable pain that accompanied the unwelcome void. How could something—someone—that wasn’t there hurt so much? It was such a cliché thing, but a part of her couldn’t help but to blame it on the broken heart or even on Kikyō.
Kagome swallowed hard as she finally came to a stop in front of the Bone Eater’s Well. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands, creating bloody crescents in her palms. Her thumbs had scratched her pointer fingers to the point of them being raw. If she were to continue, they’d surely begin to bleed as well.
Instinctively a shaking hand reached up to grip the Sacred Jewel that hung around her neck, but it wasn’t there... She had left it with him when he had told her to go.
“Go, then, if you’re going, Kagome. Go home.”
His words played on repeat in her head as her legs finally gave out. Kagome dropped to her knees as a broken sob left her. Her hands covered her face as she could no longer hold back the tears that so desperately wanted to fall.
The crying only amplified the pain, bringing attention to parts that she had grown used to during her walk. The shock of his words having finally worn off. Every sob shook her body, sending lightning through her head, causing her heart to plunge even further down, and her lungs to crash into her ribs. Her legs were on fire and throbbing.
‘God, why does everything have to hurt so damn much?!’ was the only thought she could manage.
In the midst of her crying, the school girl had leaned forward, her arms wrapping around her torso as she curled in on herself. Raven locks acted as curtains to conceal her face as she continued to cry; however, it was still clear just how broken she was from everything.
It felt like hours had flown by before Kagome was able to regain some semblance of control. She couldn’t say for certain how much time had past, only that it was enough for the sky to have changed from blue to a now orange gradient.
Slowly she sat up, her back cracking the more she sat up. Dark, puffy eyes stared down at her hands, looking over the dried blood that had smeared in her palms. Her eyes traveled over her hands, looking over where she had scratched the skin raw before looking further and noticing the dark stains on the sides of her uniform.
“Go figure... And it isn’t even his blood this time...” she murmured to herself as she rubbed her hands on her legs, pulling the sleeves of her shirt down to cover her hands. Using the newly formed sleeve mittens, Kagome rubbed her nose, sniffling. She would’ve wiped away the tears, but there was no point as they had yet to stop falling.
Everything felt numb, both physically and emotionally. She felt lost, yet she was right where she had wanted to be... Right?
Her tongue poked out to run over her chapped lips before pulling the bottom one in, her teeth gnawing on it. She lifted her head to stare at the well, thinking back to the last time she had come through it. How she was met with a head full of silver and soft ears.
“How could I have been so stupid...?” Kagome asked herself as she tilted her head back, looking up at the sky as new tears fell at a faster pace. Her fists clenched and unclenched, her knuckles cracking each time. It was a gross habit she had developed while travelling with the gang, but the popping sounds acted as small drops of calmness.
She took in a deep breath through her nose as she closed her eyes. She sat up straighter, causing her upper back to crack as she straightened out her shoulders. She held the breath for a few seconds before shakily letting it out. She repeated the breathing a few more times in hopes of getting the tears to stop.
On the last one, she lowered her head to stare off in front of her, swallowing a sob that tried to escape. A hand came up to cover her mouth as it brought on wave of nausea. First the pain and now this? She sat there like that until the feeling passed and even a few seconds after to make sure it didn’t come back.
Kagome reached a hand out to run it over the edge of the well, not caring that she was bound to get splinters from how careless she was. Surely a stupid splinter wouldn’t hurt as much as leaving him did.
“I... If I leave, there’s...” her already quiet voice trailed off as she finished the thought in her head, There’s no coming back...
She had said she was going to leave, but a bigger part of her told her she couldn’t. Not because she felt she needed to prove something to Kikyō, but because she wasn’t here for just Inuyasha anymore. She had Sango, Miroku, Shippō, and now Rin. They were like a family to her. How was she supposed to leave them to clean up her mess?
Everything was such a mess. The spider’s web had grown too complex for her to be able to figure it out in her current state. Maybe if she just laid down to rest, she could figure it all out when she woke back up.
While pulling on her sleeves to cover her hands once more, Kagome looked around before crawling up right next to the well. All of her things were left in the village, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave this spot. Or to risk seeing him again. With that, she laid down on the grass, pushing her back against the side of the well. Her knees pulled up as she curled into a small ball of the girl she once used to be. One hand wrapped around her torso while the other acted as a pillow.
Before she knew it, the world had fallen away and turned black. The last thing she heard was an oddly familiar voice calling out to her. No, not calling... Whispering.
“Render him human... Render him 𝔳𝔲𝔩𝔫𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢. So perhaps...he might feel what you feel...”
#InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale#Kagome Higurashi#Inuyasha#Kikyo#InuyashaxKikyo#KagomexInuyasha#drabble#fanfic#fiction#Go back to your own time Kagome!#Twitter
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Another Year Without You
Kagome laid awake next to the campfire, staring up at the stars. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to fall asleep, and it was driving her insane. If she wasn't going to be able to get any sleep, she was going to be a pain in the morning, and she knew that was just going to cause problems. Her brow furrowed as she wrapped her arms around herself, burrowing deeper into her sleeping bag. Her tongue poked out as she licked her bottom lip before her canines bit down on it. She didn't have any upcoming exams because she just got back from taking a big one. There weren't any major homework assignments due. It wasn't because of her "monthly curse," as she liked to call it because it was a way for Inuyasha to understand the severity of it. Was there any important dates coming up? Kagome brought a hand out of the comforts of the sleeping bag to reach up and rub her nose, her mind pulling up the most recent memory she had of looking at a calendar. She tried her best to memorize any important events coming up and the date she left on. It was easy enough to count the days from there. (However, she did have a small little calendar book in her bag with everything written down in case she forgot anything.) Once her nose was satisfied with the rubbing, she brought her hand back into the sleeping bag. 'It isn't mom's birthday. Or Sōta and Gramps'. So what am I missing?' Kagome thought to herself as she continued to stare up at the night sky. And that's when it hit her. Kagome bolted up in an upright position, Shippō rolling off of her. "Sorry!" She said in a hushed whisper, carefully picking the small demon up and placing him back on her lap. It was the anniversary of her father's passing. But that couldn't be, could it? Another year had already passed? Reaching over for her yellow bag, Kagome pulled it closer to her. She unbuckled the flap and began rummaging inside, looking for the small little calendar book. She'd occasionally stop and look up, making sure she didn't wake anyone. Especially a certain silver-haired hanyō. If she was right on the day, she didn't want him to know. Family wasn't something he understood and she couldn't bring herself to argue with him on it anymore. "Aha!" She exclaimed a little too loud, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. Once her eyes scanned over the sleeping group, she opened the book up to the date only to see her neat handwriting confirming her original thought. Well, this just wasn't going to do. She had made it a tradition to visit her father's grave every year. She liked to tell herself it was to keep his memory alive, but the truth of it was that she still missed him. Nine years after the accident and it still broke her heart that she'd never get to see him again. To hear him laugh or talk. She'd even take being scolded by him if it meant she got to see his face. Kagome closed the book and held it to her chest, tears forming in her eyes. His face, along with everything else, was something that had long been forgotten. However, it wasn't by choice. She was very young when he passed, leaving her with little time to remember him in the first place. Feeling a tear roll down her cheek, Kagome swiped it again before putting the book back in her bag. She was going to keep up her tradition and there was nothing Inuyasha could say or do to stop her. Everyone in the group would back her up if she wanted— Her thoughts were interrupted by one lingering issue: while she knew a lot about her companions, they hardly knew about her family life, and she didn't know if she could explain it all before she left. She couldn't linger on it any longer. There was a lot she was willing to give up to help in the search for the shards of the jewel, but this was not one of them. Kagome shook her head and pushed her book bag away once everything was closed and buckled. She carefully wiggled back down into her sleeping bag, her arms reaching out to grab Shippō and bring him under the cover. Now that she figured out what was keeping her up, Kagome was able to fall asleep almost immediately. Or it was because of how exhausted she was both from the previous day's activities and the inability to sleep. ❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉ Come morning, Kagome was one of the first people up—the first one being Inuyasha who was impatiently waiting for everyone else to get up so they could carry on with their search. Boy was he going to be mad with what she was about to say and do. Kagome silently packed everything up, keeping the sleeping bag out as Shippō was still bundled up and asleep. She noticed the curious glances from the hanyō but brushed them off as she pulled out her brush and began running it through her dark locks. In her mind, she was running through a script of sorts on how she was going to tell Inuyasha that she was going home for the day. It was just a day, but she knew that he would throw a fit about it. Finally, she let out a sigh and laid the brush down on her lap. Her brown eyes landed on Inuyasha, who was sitting up in a tree. He said it was so he could keep a better watch, but she felt it was because he didn't want to get too close to everyone. He was still so adamant about being a "lone wolf." "Inuyasha. I'm going home today," She stopped to gauge his reaction, which was an ear twitch and a raise of the eyebrow. "You're 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱?" "I'm going home. Just for today. There's something important I 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 to do." Kagome bit her lip as she waited for him to explode, which he immediately did. "Oh no you're not. You just went home a couple of days ago," He continued to talk as he hopped down from his perch and walked over to Kagome, his hands in his sleeves. "I don't care about these stupid exam demons of yours. We've got jewel shards to find and every day we ain't lookin', Naraku finds more." At this point, the others were waking up due to the commotion. Kagome refused to back down from this. Once the hanyō was in front of her, she took a deep breath and met his stern, amber gaze with one of her own. "I wasn't 𝒶𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔. I'm going. I'll be back by sunset. And you're just going to have to deal with it!" Unintentionally, her voice began to rise, causing the still waking up fox demon to move from the sleeping bag over to where Kirara and Sango were situated. Kagome looked away, but only to roll up the sleeping bag. "No, you ain't. You're staying here because you're the one who can see the damned shards," Inuyasha said, a hint of a growl in his voice. She knew she was in trouble but didn't care. She tucked the sleeping bag into the yellow book bag before closing everything up. Quickly standing, Kagome had slung the bag onto her shoulders and was now looking the hanyō in the eyes. "Sango, would it be all right if I borrowed Kirara for the day?" Her brown eyes didn't leave Inuyasha's face as she blatantly went against his wishes and asked their companion for a way out. "Uh... Not at all." "What?! You're just going to let her go!?" Inuyasha's head snapped to the side as he looked towards Sango in time to see Kirara mew and scamper off towards Kagome. "Thanks, Sango. I really owe you. C'mon, Kirara; let's go!" Both Kagome and Kirara took off running, the latter transforming into her larger and more powerful self, allowing the school girl to hop onto her back before they took off into the sky. "Hey! Get back here! KAGOME—" "SIT BOY!" Kagome's command was met with a loud CRASH and a pained groan. She'd find a way to make it up to him but not now. ❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉⋮❉ Kagome and Kirara managed to make great time as it was only midday when Kagome finally stepped back into her own time. She didn't even take time to stop in to say "hi" to her mom and Gramps as she was on a timer. Inuyasha was bound to come looking for her once he let his anger build enough. If she ran fast enough, she might be able to meet him back at the well before he crossed over. Little did she know he wasn't too far behind her... Kagome ran across the Higurashi property and down the stairs that led in the busyness that was residential Tokyo. She took a few seconds to look around, getting herself reacquainted with the area before taking off down the street. She had to make a small stop before heading off to the graveyard. It wasn't ever anything extravagant. When she was younger, it was usually whatever she could find on her way to the graveyard. Fortunately she still had a small amount of her allowance left over so she could buy a small little bouquet of flowers. At the first flower stand she saw, she stopped to purchase said flowers. She made small talk with the seller, awkwardly responding to the questions about her "ailments." 'Reminder to kick Gramps' butt for continuing to say I've got old peoples' illnesses.' Kagome inwardly sighed as she was finally handed the small bouquet and payed the seller. Before the seller had time to count out the change, Kagome was gone. 'Gotta go, gotta go!' She kept thinking to herself as she ran. She was grateful for all the walking and running she had to do in the feudal era because this was nothing for her now. She remembered how she used to have to walk most of the way because she was too out of shape to run it all. After a few more blocks of running, Kagome took a turn down another street, running for a few more blocks before she arrived at the entrance of the graveyard. She stood at the entrance, breathing heavy as she tried to collect herself. She looked over the flowers to make sure that they were okay before slowly walking down the pathway. She lowered her head a little as she walked, having memorized the route to the family grave after nine years. She counted her steps as she went, her voice low as it was more to herself. Turn after turn, Kagome eventually reached the family grave and raised her head enough to read her father's name. Slowly she let the bag slip from her shoulders before she placed her next to her. And just as slowly, she sunk to her knees. She blamed it on the running, but knew it wasn't that. It was something she did every time she arrived here. She took a deep breath as she looked down at her lap, her eyes desperately trying to focus on the flowers, but they were finding it difficult as she was suddenly hit with a wave of emotions. Would he be proud of her for what she was doing? Would he be as lenient as her mother was with her coming and going? What about Sōta? How close would they have been? Off in the distance, a certain red-clad hanyō watched as the girl placed the flowers in their respective spot. He noted that her hands were shaking as she did so. His ear twitched as he picked up bits and pieces of what she was saying, but what caught his attention was the mention of "dad." Inuyasha watched for a few more seconds before heading back to the Higurashi residence. In all the time he had known Kagome, he had never thought to ask about her father although he had assumed the worst—just as it was in his case. He'd let her have this day. It clearly meant a lot to her.
#Another Year Without You#Father's Day#Kagome Higurashi#InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale#drabble#fanfic#fiction#it's late here#and it was late on twitter#sorry my dudes
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got nostalgic so here are all the old faves from memory cause I can’t be bothered
bonus foxy boy

#InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale#Fanart#sketch#inuyasha#kagome#kagome higurashi#sango#miroku#kikyo#Shippou
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ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʟᴅ ʙᴀʙᴏᴏɴ
#InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale#naraku#onigumo#reborn#i never thought of him that way#as a spider monkey#baboon#fanart
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-I have constant nightmares and I’ve always had someone to cuddle with. Now, I realize we’re not on that level but you’re only one here and I’m really scared to go to sleep.
-You’re severely depressed these days and I’m too scared to leave you alone so yes this is the only solution please accept my hugs
-The heater broke and I’m freezing get over here
-Hey dude I read that cuddling helps you sleep better, you wanna try it out?
-The Classic™: The hotel only has a king sized bed, I guess we’re sharing.
-We fell asleep on the couch together on accident, how did my hand end up in your hair? Were you breathing on my neck?! (Why did I get tingly???????)
-You’re staying over, take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch, yes i am yes i am yes i am yes i am no you’re not yes i am FINE WE’LL BOTH TAKE THE BED, happy!!??
-We’ve had this tradition as besties to have a sleepover once a year but this year….it feels different…were your pajamas always this cute??…did I always have butterflies???
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Defeated by Modern Illnesses
Over the last couple of days Kagome hadn't been feeling the greatest, in fact it seemed to be getting worse with each passing day. It was something that bothered her in the back of her mind because she may have the immune system that had a fighting chance against modern illnesses, her friends and the others around her more than likely didn't. She may have missed a lot of school since she's been traveling back in time, but she still learned a lot from before and the butterfly effect was a part of that knowledge. Knowing that Inuyasha wouldn't understand and would either talk her into staying or feed her that disgusting "medicine," she opted in telling her other companions that she would be returning to her own time for a while. Her excuse was that she had some exams coming up, as it was the easier route and she didn't want them worrying about her as she knew she would be fine in the end. Without much else being said between them, the miko packed up her bottomless, yellow bookbag and set off towards Inuyasha's Forest where the well was located. Kagome felt bad about not telling the hanyō but she wasn't feeling up to fighting with him on this and she really didn't want to put anyone at risk. Upon reaching the well, she looked around to see if she could see any hint of red lingering in the trees before carefully hopping into it.
Once in her own time, Kagome tossed the bag up first before pulling herself up. She took a moment to sit on the framing of the well as it finally hit her how unwell she actually felt She wasn't nauseous or on the verge of fainting, but there was just something that made her feel like she was just hit by an attack from Sesshomaru. With a heavy sigh she pushed herself up, grabbing her bag in the process, and making her way up the stairs to exit the building. After making her way across the property, she entered her house and was immediately welcomed by the comforting sounds and smells of home.
"I'm home!" The teen said as she slipped off her shoes and set her bag down next to them.
Kagome didn't bother waiting for a response as she made her way up to her bedroom, where she closed the door and promptly fell face first onto her bed. Maybe it was just her body telling her to take a break and catch up on sleep, or maybe it was something that would keep her in bed for days. Either way, she decided to succumb to the Sandman and head to the realm of dreams. With a content sigh, the schoolgirl wrapped her arms around her pillow and buried her face into it before falling asleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------
All while Kagome slept, her mother had crept into the room and covered her daughter with a blanket and turned off the lights. Her mother senses had picked up that something wasn't right and felt that sleep was the best first step. And it must've been, as Kagome didn't wake up until early the next morning. With a groan, she slowly sat up. Here she thought she felt terrible the previous...
The young girl looked around her room in a tired daze, not knowing what time of day it was. Was it even the same day? What month was she it? Was she still back in feudal era Japan? What was happening?
With the blanket now wrapped around her shoulders, she slowly moved herself, so she could look out the window. The sun was either rising or setting, so that was of no help. She leaned forward and squinted as she looked at her clock, which read 6:30AM. Perhaps this was her internal clock telling her to wake up, as Inuyasha always wanted to leave when the sun was rising. It didn't even cause any panic in her, as it was Saturday, so she didn't really have to be anywhere, and she felt [at least] ten times worse than she did the previous day. She could barely open her eyes all the way, her nose was useless to her, so she was now a mouth breather, and her throat felt she had swallowed razors. Kagome stood up from the bed and shuffled out of her room, heading down to the kitchen. There were no cares for it being too early for a teenager like her to be functioning on a Saturday, but she wanted some tea. Fortunately for her, Gramps was up and functioning with the teapot already on the stove. Without saying anything, she sat down at the table and waited.
"Kagome! For Heaven's sake, you look terrible!" The older gentleman couldn't help but be startled at the state of his granddaughter. He had seen her beaten up, but she always had a cheery air to her. Except for when that damned half-demon did something to upset her... He made a mental note to challenge him the next time he came to their time. Turning his attention back to Kagome, she looked as bad as she probably felt. He took it upon himself to get some herbs ready to make her some tea, so she could just sit there.
At her grandfather's remark, Kagome just slowly turned her head to look up at him. She had no idea what she looked like, but if she had to guess, it was probably as bad as she felt. She was grateful to see him get together the things to make a remedy tea and even thanked him, but he paid no attention to it. He was older and a little hard of hearing, so she didn't think anything of it at first. But then it happened again when he had set the cup of tea in front of her and was looking at her when she spoke again. At this, he just gave her a confused look.
"Kagome, you're going to have to use your voice. I can't hear a thing you're saying!"
The girl furrowed her brow in a sort of angry pout as she picked up her cup of tea and took a sip, hoping that would help her throat. Maybe it was just because it was dry and scratchy. After a few sips of tea, she set the cup down and tried to thank her grandfather again but once more, nothing came out.
"Oh dear, it looks like you've got yourself some sickness this time. Lucky for you, you don't have classes today, because I don't think they'd fall for a simple case like this, not after all I've told them..."
It was at this point Kagome's mother walked into the room and noticed her daughter's state. With a gasp, she spoke, "Good Heavens, Kagome! You look absolutely terrible! Are you running a fever? How's your throat?" Immediately she went into mom mode and placed the back of her hand to Kagome's forehead. There wasn't a fever. She gently felt around the girl's neck. Slightly swollen glands.
At this point, Kagome was fed up with the comments and being poked. She was still tired and felt like she had decided to take on Naraku herself. She pushed her mother's hands away and went to speak, but still nothing came out. She just huffed and went to drinking her tea in silence.
"I'll go run you a nice hot bath and you can take that before going straight back to bed." With that, Kagome's mother was off to prepare a bath for her daughter.
A bath... That sounded nice. More than nice. Being able to look forward to a hot bath was enough to lift her spirits a little. She decided to take her tea for the go as she stood and shuffled her way back upstairs, going slow because everything about moving made her body protest and she didn't want to lose her blanket. Making her way into the bathroom, Kagome finally looked at herself in the mirror and sure enough, she looked just as bad as everyone had made it out. She set her cup down and made her way to her bedroom where she deposited the blanket on her bed and looked out the window to check for any pieces of red where they shouldn't belong. So far, so good.
Once back in the bathroom, she pulled her hair up into a messy bun to prevent it from getting wet. This wasn't going to be a cleaning bath but more of a feel good one. She wasn't up for washing her thick hair, thinking it too much of a hassle. Her mother had everything going, so all Kagome had to do was wait for the tub to finish filling up. With that, she closed and locked the bathroom door, so she could strip down and wrap a towel around herself while she waited. She leaned against the sink and sipped on her tea some more in the process. Now with the door closed, the steam from the water actually started to build in the room and it was already doing something to her nose, relieving some pressure. It didn't take long after that feeling for the tub to finish filling, so she set the almost empty cup of tea down and dropped her towel. She covered/held her breasts with one hand as she leaned over to turn off the water. Then she slowly put one foot in the water, letting out a small gasp at the temperature, scalding. Perfect. She sunk lower so her head from the nose up was above the water. She got herself situated in the water and let out a content sigh... Just what she needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------
After her bath, Kagome made her way to her bedroom in only the towel she had worn beforehand. She had dried down a little in the bathroom and by the time she had reached her bedroom, there were only a few droplets on her shoulders. She closed her door and plopped down on her bed once more. She could finally breathe through one of her nostrils and her throat was a little better, but there was no progress on regaining her voice. A gentle hand reached up to her throat as she sighed, so much for socializing or even studying. She was too sick to focus on any of her homework.
Unbeknownst to the girl, a certain half-demon clad in red was making his way across the property, to her home. Kagome had started locking her window, so he knew he couldn't take that short cut anymore—he had learned that lesson the hard way. He walked into the building and waved at the residents before making a beeline up to the girl's room. If he would've taken the time to even say 'hello,' he would've heard Kagome's mother mention how the girl might still be in the bath and that she really isn't feeling well. But in true Inuyasha fashion, he just made is way upstairs and threw open the bedroom door.
"Kagome, let's go—" He trailed off as his eyes focused on the girl.
Unfortunately for her, she had just dropped her towel and was about to pull on some clothes. Once she heard the door open, she froze and slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder. Once she saw who it was, her face immediately turned red and she grabbed the closest thing to her, which happened to be a hefty math book, and threw it at him. It would've been followed by a "GET OUT!" Or a "SIT BOY," and in fact, she tried yelling the first but it came out in the quietest (and most painful) whisper. She quickly used her hands to cover herself as the hanyō's face turned as red as his clothing and closed the door before the book could hit him.
After trying to yell, the girl had a small coughing fit which caused more pain to flare up. Great, after all that warm bath had done for her.
Inuyasha just stood with his back to the door and his face still beet red as Kagome's mother ran down the hallway. "Inuyasha! I was trying to tell you that she was in the bath as she isn't feeling well. I hate to say it, but you will not be taking her with you today."
The hanyō shook his head, trying to shake the image of what he had just saw from his head. "The hell are ya sayin'?! Of course I'm takin' her—" He was interrupted by the coughing he heard coming from the other side of the door. His whole demeanor changed with a quiet sigh. There was no way he was taking her back, at least not today.
As he was about to say something in agreement to what Kagome's mother had said, the door slowly opened from behind him and Kagome's head poked around the edge of it. Inuyasha turned to look at Kagome, who was now dressed in what he assumed were garments meant for sleeping and who only shot him a glare that made him fear for his own wellbeing. The miko turned her attention to her mother and tried to ask for more tea but it was just a hoarse sound that came from her. However, her mother picked up what she was trying to say by reading her lips and nodded before heading off. Kagome made her way back to her bed, leaving the door open because there was no way she was going to be able to send Inuyasha away without her voice. She couldn't even use the command against him. Without any fight left in her, she just curled up on top of her covers and looked up at him, expecting to hear a whole lecture about how she's supposed to be heading back with him that instant.
Inuyasha could only look at her with an eyebrow raised before he hesitantly walked into the room. He was still expecting to hear the word 'SIT,' still not understanding that she couldn't speak. "Listen, Kagome, we've still got shards of the jewel to look for, but you look like hell," Seeing as she's heard this twice now, hearing it from Inuyasha, whose opinion seemed to matter a little bit more than the others, Kagome just glared at him once more. It caused him to stop mid-step and make him hesitant about continuing with what he was saying. "And I think you should stay here, at least for a day but then we got to head back before Naraku can do anything else."
Kagome just continued to glare. She wanted to speak but couldn't. It dawned on her that she could, just not verbally. Without hesitating, she crawled off of her bed and walked over to her desk, where she found a piece of paper and a pencil. She quickly wrote out what she wanted to say before handing the [lengthy] note to the hanyō. It read:
"You're lucky I can't talk otherwise your face would be on the ground and threatening to break through to room below. And no, I won't be leaving with you tomorrow. Not that you'd understand but me going back could put OUR FRIENDS at risk and they've got bigger things to worry about. I'll go back when I damn well feel like it and there is nothing you can say or do to change my mind. And for your information, I am aware of how bad I look. No need to tell me."
There were several sit's written at the bottom of the note, which was her trying to get out her frustrations. Instead, they just caused Inuyasha to laugh. She couldn't scold him or make him eat dirt. He looked at her with a smug look as he sat down at the foot of her bed and folded his arms. However amused he was, he wasn't going to leave her alone in the condition she was in. There had been instances of her being attacked in her own time by demons and he didn't want to take that chance.
"Well, since ya can't talk or even protect yourself, I guess I'm stuck here taking care of ya." He sat there for a second before speaking up again, "I could always make my mother's medicine to help you get better..." His smug grin turned more shit-eating as he saw the look on her face before she grabbed the pillow and hit him with it.
#InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale#inuyasha#kagome#kagome higurashi#defeated by modern illness#health#fanfiction#drabble#im sorry this is out of the blue#i forgot to post it here#henlo am alive tho
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shirtless inuyasha (◡‿◡✿)
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เ'๓ ๏ภ ๓ץ ๏ฬภ…
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#inuyasha: a feudal fairy tale#manga#image set#koga appreciation post#koga#wolf demon#leader of the wolves#he started my love for tall dark and handsome
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just imagine if Taishou was still alive and got to hang around and pet baby Inu on the tummy as he holds mama Izayoi’s hand XDXDXDXDXD JUST IMAGINE MOMENTS LIKE THISSSSSSS
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i hope they’re happy tbh
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Four seasons with your love, will come once again… Four seasons with your love, will stay within me…
#gif set#edits#inukag#inuyasha: a feudal fairy tale#inuyasha: the final act#inuyasha#kagome#kagome higurashi#four seasons of love#in literature the seasons are often used to show growth#usually with humans and age but sometimes with romance as well#we start in winter fresh as pure snow and work our way through the rest
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Papa:I’m back. Inu:Welcome home papa.
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