jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
          Features knotted into a grimace, with the overwhelming smell of Guinness attacking her senses. The striped co-ord that she had been wearing had been doused in alcohol, causing the material to stick to her skin uncomfortably. Evie ought to be used to clothing casualties, since she had a baby who liked to spit up often. But still, it did not stop her from groaning as she was forced to remove it. Prior to this, Evie had not felt confident to walk around in her bikini and still didn’t. She folded up her clothes, putting them in her bag as she shifted her necklace around and sighed. 
“I’m going to need another drink after that ordeal,” she announced, dusting away droplets of alcohol from her skin. 
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It was one thing for Jesse to go swimming. Normally, it was done at an empty beach or in the privacy of his own pool. He was slowly becoming more comfortable with himself after his last setback (two fucking years ago) but it didn’t stop him from burying his worries in the bottom of his bottle. Maybe he’d had two drinks too many, maybe it was because he tripped on something, but whatever it was, he ended up spilling it. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said quickly, “I promise that wasn’t some ploy to get you out of your clothes.” Then he instantly kicked himself mentally. You’re a fucking moron. “I think I need to get another drink anyway.” He glanced down at the bottle, sadly empty. It was probably for the best.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Since I’ve been struggling with muse for a minute, I’m dropping all of my pre-event plots, with the exceptions of:
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
It had been awhile since Jesse came across Bryce and spent time with him in any real way that counted. What started off as a drunken encounter in a club months ago actually blossomed into a friendship. They were the most unlikely of pairs, with how Jesse spent his days and how Bryce spent his. It almost made him laugh at the fact that people always seemed to be surprised when he mentioned knowing Bryce. The reaction was even better when he said they were friends. As it were, they hadn’t really seen each other since before Jesse flew out to Egypt and not since he returned. 
And he absolutely wasn’t having it. It was one thing to not see your friend when you were both traveling or off doing whatever, but now that he was in Los Angeles for the foreseeable future, Bryce wasn’t getting rid of him. In the back of a Lyft, he sent Bryce two rapid fire messages as they pulled into the driveway.
Can I come over? Too late, I’m in your driveway.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Small PSA:
So here and there in the rp, I’ve felt left out, especially on Jesse and Fern. While normally, I wouldn’t bother with a post like this, it’s occurred to me that others have felt the same way as of late. I know how much it sucks. So if you’re one of the players that has felt excluded and left out, you don’t have to like this post. But if you want, you can message me and I’ll come up for a plot with every single character, and hopefully make you feel more welcome.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
“Thank you,” He said gratefully as his cigarette was lit with the other man’s lighter. Anthony was used to silence, but he hated awkward silence. He felt like he should speak more as his sign of gratitude. He hated talking about himself. The whole idea frightened him. 
“I always have a pack on me but I forget a lighter a lot,” Anthony admitted, as he tried to make light conversation. “You have no idea how many people I’ve asked that just don’t want to help me light up. I get that not everyone carries around a lighter or matches but if they’re smoking themselves, I know they have to have something. Have you ever run into that problem before?”
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This was normally a thing that one could let go. Jesse could have continued on his day without giving the man a second though but then he started talking and Jesse couldn’t help but smirk. A fellow rambler, he had been on the other end, unable to stop himself from saying whatever came to mind. It caused him a lot of weird looks, but at this point, he had learned to laugh at himself. “No problem.” 
He licked his lips with a laugh as he smoked, shaking his head. “Not really. But that’s because I keep a lighter in just about every jacket, shirt pocket, pants pocket, pack of cigarettes I own. Being caught without a lighter is probably one of my worst fears.” The sad part was that it was true. Without a nicotine fix, he became way more irritable and found himself annoyed at everything and everyone. He didn’t like himself like that. Even worse, he hated having to go back and apologize to anyone he snapped at that, ‘Sorry, I was being an asshole because I was in withdrawal.’
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
The emergency that brought Ji Nee back to LA a week early was not an emergency at all. This was the thought Ji Nee had when she stepped out of the town car and stepped inside the boutique. Overall, it looked okay. The product in the back was the problem child according to the stockroom workers. She swept into the store, sunglasses perched on her nose and hair gathered in a baseball hat. Lincoln propped open the door with one hand, and barred the paparrazzi with the other. A few shouted their questions at her. Ji Nee replied with a clipped ‘no comment,’ as she breezed past the entryway. 
Eyes immediately landed on her. Ji Nee ignored them as she made a beeline for the back. In the middle of the path, she almost collided with someone else. She looked up in surprise, then placed his face to a name. “Jesse, right?” she said with a light tilt of her head. She remembered him from 100K. Their conversation was one of the easier ones of the night. “Are you being helped, or are you more of a solitary explorer?”
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He hadn’t expected her to be in the store that day, but her arrival needed no announcement. Paparazzi yelling for her attention drew his as well but he made no move to greet her. Surely there was a reason she came in today with press hot on her heels. He sifted through the racks, looking at anything and everything, just to get ideas. He was actually headed towards another display in the boutique when they practically, literally, bumped into each other. He gave a pleasant smile and nodded that she got his name correct. “Ji Nee. It’s nice to see you again.” He glanced down at the shirt in his hands. “Mostly just getting ideas. Looking for some wardrobe upgrades.”
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Jake smiled at the sight of the DJ. After their consultation, he found himself feeling airy. Whenever a consultation went well and a sketch rarely needed modifications it was a good day. Today, would be an even better day now that the would actually get to work. He had the sketch ready on thermal paper for its transfer. As Jesse approached, bringing the scent of smoke with him, Jake looked up. They already completed all the paperwork. It was go time now. “I’m all set up, we just have to get to the preparation,” Jake said with a nod to his chair, he turned it around for the DJ to sit. “So just roll up your sleeve, and I’ll start shaving. Then, we’ll get to the actual fun parts.”
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There wasn’t a day in Los Angeles that someone actually needed a jacket but that had never stopped Jesse before. It was all about the Aesthetic with him and this outfit absolutely needed a jacket. Even knowing he was about to have to carry it home because he wasn’t going to want more pressure on his arm. He took it off as he sat down, rolling his shirt sleeve up to his shoulder. “You ever get a tattoo as a souvenir?” Part of him says waiting until he was back on home turf to get it was a cheap way of doing it, but the larger part of him that saw the multiple five stars and glowing praise on Jake’s website said this was better.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
━  S T A T S
N A M E: Jesse Andrews
A G E: 27
N E I G H B O R H O O D: The Hollywood hills
F C: Bill Kaulitz
A E S T H E T I C ☆ Molly all night, strobing lights, a crooked crown, a sense of grandeur, a king on the mic, saying all the wrong things at the wrong time, never knowing when enough is enough, highest highs and terrible lows, whisky neat and clubs till midnight☆
P L A Y E D  B Y: Asbury (They/them) | 22 | EST-5
━  H I S T O R Y
Money wasn’t a thing for Jesse Andrews. From the moment he was born, it was lavish parties, silver spoons, and trips on a private jet. His trust fund was larger than life itself and the giant safety net of having it surrounded him like a pillow. He would never fall, even if he failed in whatever venture he set his mind to. Life had always been easy for someone like him, wealthy, loved, put on a pedestal, but it was perhaps because of that he felt so alienated from his community.
As a transman, he was born Violet, older than his brother by eight minutes, and he never had to struggle the way some people did. He wanted to be called Caleb at seven years old and take up guitar lessons, not ballet? Sure thing, Caleb. At ten years old, he wanted to be August and start hormone blockers? He got the implant, a fifteen thousand dollar product for the technology and implantation, and that was per year. Seventeen year old Christopher wanted top surgery? We’ll make the appointment. So many people in the trans community struggled and he felt guilty. His family had been nothing but supportive and yet, at twenty years old, you could find Jesse on forums reading some people’s woes and getting so frustrated because he couldn’t do anything.
And then he came to the realization that he could do something. His trust fund was more than large enough and his parents were raking in more money every day, surely they wouldn’t notice some going missing here and there. It happened a lot, with how frivolously they spent it. So he put up an open post on the forum. “I’m like you, I am trans,” it read, “But unlike some of you, I was lucky enough to be born into a position where this life was easily obtained and my family and loved ones were supportive. If anyone needs help, or advice, or someone to rant to, message me, I’m always around.”
And for awhile, that was what he did, morning, noon, and night. He messaged people from all over the world and talked to them, helped them sort their thoughts out and think their options through logically. If a person needed money for whatever reason, their pills ran out, or they suddenly found themselves homeless, or jobless, Jesse was more than happy to help. It was the only way he could feel connected to his community and in turn, he was accepted by them.
It certainly didn’t make him the average transman, though. He still had all of these things that others did not and it put a gap between him and the rest of his community. On the forums, he never gave his name, always went by CJ, simply because he was afraid of the backlash he might face if people knew who they were talking to. If anything, that didn’t help the gap because he had never been the person to be anything other than who they truly were and hiding behind a fake name online felt like the absolute worst way to help people. He was helping them become who they were in spite of the backlash or talking people through the aftermath, but he couldn’t follow his own advice. They might not reject him, or they might shun him after everything for lying about who he was to them. If anyone was going to accept him, it would be the people in his community. He just wasn’t willing to take the risk.
━  P R E S E N T
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy expensive DJ equipment, heavy duty turntables, a mixer, and a laptop he designated just for gigs. Overkill to some but Jesse strives for nothing but the best. Clothes made by the biggest names in fashion, tattoos by artists with year long waitlists, and designer drugs that made him feel so, so high for hours before crashing back to the earth. Only the best for Jesse Andrews. The people he originally pulled strings with to get into the clubs, people who he knows through his parents, turn the other cheek when the see him popping pills before his next set, washing them down with whiskey or vodka, whatever was going around on the floor. His music goes hard, people scream his name, and he feels invincible. Nothing can even come close to touching him and maybe this time, he’s finally left a real mark on the world. This’ll be the rave people remember him by.
Until he stumbles back into wherever he’s staying that day, a Hilton, Ritz-Carlton, they all kind of blur together by that point, and once he’s coming down, he can’t find it in him to move anymore. He spends the day in bed, staring at the ceiling or playing the same three games on his phone, over and over despite how bored of them he is. When he gets low, he imagines that this is how some people in his community feel and he wishes he had done more. Some advice and money on a forum years ago doesn’t help anyone anymore, especially not when there are new people each day figuring out their identities and needing help. He tries not to think about them,
At twenty-seven years old, Jesse had stopped posting on the forums four years ago. Anyone who paid attention to the timeline would notice that CJ’s last post on the forum was the same date as Jesse’s first real gig. He really did hope no one was paying close enough attention to figure it out. Despite that, never once did he hide who he was, an out and proud transman, but he always avoided talking about forums, not wanting people to put two and two together. Instead of hating him for what he had done years ago, they might hate him for what he wasn’t doing now.
The thoughts bother him during the day. His dog may as well be a certified therapist for all he talks to him, it’s the only thing that gets him until his next gig without breaking down in anger or sadness and getting lost in the thoughts of not enough, never enough. He never did enough to help, he would never be the biggest DJ in the world, and if he wasn’t doing enough, he may as well be doing nothing.
When he does help, he always goes too big. Go big or go home, he would say, but it was always a little too much, just enough to make things the slightest bit awkward. Money donated to a charity was too high of an amount and it made him look like he had a savior complex. Rambling on and on about his own experiences always made the person on the other end uncomfortable. It was either too much or not enough, he struggles to find that happy medium and instead of ever talking out his issues like he encourages people to do, he drowns his in the bottom of a bottle.
All he wants is to be admired, for people to look up to him. He strives to make his mark on the world, that he won’t just fade into nonexistence when he dies like some people. He wants his name to be remembered, and not just by his family and friends. People scream his name when he plays and he’s booked months, years in advance, even. Fans can’t get enough of him and everyone’s a convert to his stuff. But it’s still not enough.
━  P E R S O N A L I T Y
Jesse never knew the line between “too much” and “not enough”. It was a fact of life, he spent too much money on equipment, went too hard when he was at a gig, taking molly to get his high going and keep it going all night long. He was never sure when enough was enough, and he didn’t care. Go big or go home, right? It was something he practiced in every aspect of his life. Of course, it wasn’t a conscious choice. He never knew when to stop talking, when comforting words became too patronizing or when to put the bottle down. So he pretended that he did everything intentionally. No one could make a joke of it if you beat them to the punchline.
He also tends to be a bit overly generous. It goes along with the never knowing when enough is enough. He’ll drop money on frivolous things without blinking but go and spend double the amount on other people. It was the only way he ever felt connected to the trans community, but all of his donations are done through actual charities now, no longer hiding behind his screen name. Yes, this was his community, people who he understood and who would understand him, but he was still hiding his earlier involvement. He was constantly telling young trans people to open up about how they’re feeling, even if it’s just to a friend, to get their emotions off their chest. Yet he never took his own advice.
It was a nasty habit of his, never opening up to anyone who might go spilling his secrets. He didn’t have much to hide, he was pretty open about everything, actually, except what he used to do in his free time, as CJ, online. He searches for the answers to his problems at the bottom of a bottle and his only real company during those nights is the dog he adopted. Neither of them are likely to go spilling his secrets.
Overall, he’s a amicable guy. Always making new friends, people at clubs, friends of friends met through networking. He is willing to listen to whatever problems they may have and help them work through it. But that doesn’t mean he won’t hesitate to cut them out at the first misstep or the first sign they might hinder his career. There will always be more people to meet, but some things come along once in a lifetime.
It’s obvious his career can blindside him, especially when it comes to his family and anyone who simply uses their eyes can see it. He knows they’ll never stop loving him, despite how frustrating he can be. He something downright unreliable, choosing work over the people in his life, simply because he can’t afford to miss an opportunity. It shows up during his most frequently during his downtime when he’s supposed to be spending time with the people in his life but he keeps taking gigs and ignoring the people he cares about.
His ambition is his greatest strength but his biggest downfall. All he wants is to touch the stars and find his place among them, he wants to be amazing. But can the man who never settles ever be truly satisfied with what he has? No matter how much he achieves, no matter what kind of record he makes, it’ll never be enough. He hungers for his name in lights, for people to remember him long after he’s gone and for aspiring DJs to look up to him as “one of the greats”. That doesn’t mean he won’t move onto something else after achieving that wish though. The only way he’ll ever be happy and no longer reaching for anything is to go out the second he finds his dream fulfilled and even then, it would have to be in a blaze of glory. One last amazing thing.
━  N E T W O R K
JULIAN J (interest/friend)
AVERY ELLIS (friend)
ALLIE MONROE (close friend)
ALICE PRATT (friend)
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
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Bay let her eyes trace over the man looking for a hint of to what it is this stranger’s story was. He was beautiful in the way a rare diamond was beautiful. It made her brows furrow. It was perplexing. The blonde smiled softly as she turned back to the racks. “I’m Bay Brooks.” She said over her shoulder as her hands sifted through the masses of clothes. “Who are you?” She always asked it that way fro some reason. The question was never what is your name but who are you. A name meant nothing most of the time. Very rarely did a name lend itself to a person.
He didn’t need the introduction. Anyone who didn’t live under a rock knew who Bay Brooks was and a good portion of the guys and girls Jesse hooked up with all had some strange affinity for her. Talking about the latest episode of SoCal at whatever bar Jesse found himself in that night. He would play along at least for awhile, until they were both drunk and looking for privacy. Most of the time, he played clueless, but even he read a Buzzfeed article on her every once in a while. “Jesse Andrews.” He knew it wasn’t what she was asking. “I’m a DJ.” That was what she really wanted to know. A rose by any other name, right? 
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
The Masquerade Gala had been a rather eventful night for Xavier. Channing had ended up taking them home, making sure they were fully hydrated and all that fun stuff but before their path had crossed with their ex? Well, their evening was just as fun as any other Saturday night. Indulging in little white lines wasn’t the only thing they’d lost themself in that evening. A steamy session with a masked stranger? How many people can say they’ve crossed it off their bucket list? Xavier hadn’t put much thought into it, mainly because they didn’t remember most of it but when someone spoke out to them, there was an odd feeling in the back of the mind. Did they know him?
“Uh…” they paused; taking gigs in LA meant Xavier had done probably makeup for over a thousand people, in the past year alone. Maybe that’s how? “I’m an artist. Makeup, special effects, maybe that’s how?” Still, they couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something more.
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That wasn’t it. Jesse trusted his gut intuition more than anything else in the world. It had never led him astray. “That must be it.” He wasn’t so sure that he was remembering that night clearly. It might just been the alcohol he had affecting his brain, or the fact that tons of people in Los Angeles had the same body shape, the same movements. Of course, he wasn’t sure that this wasn’t how he knew them, but it would have to do for now. It might have left him with a bunch of what ifs, but it was better than nothing. 
“Sorry to bother you.” He started to turn away before he faced them again, hand extended. “I’m Jesse.”
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
She was taking Fergus for a walk. It wasn’t very often that someone would see somebody else walking their cat around town, but Fergus had become used to the outside world during their time in Scotland, and while she wouldn’t dare let him outside of his own free will in the middle of Los Angeles, she would give in and attach him to a leash, letting him pull her through town without a care in the world. She heard her name and glanced up immediately, a smile already on her face. She had run into so many familiar faces in her time back, and she wasn’t disappointed when she caught sight of Jesse. “Jesse! I didn’t even know you were back, last I saw you were in Egypt.” She told him warmly, moving towards him to wrap him in a hug. 
He traveled about as much as she did, and it was always a treat when they found themselves in the same place long enough to catch so much as a cup of coffee. It had been the routine for years, since they had met at a fundraiser, both falling over each other to apologize for bumping into the other. She had known then that they were kindred spirits, and over the years they had done their best to keep in touch. “How are you? You look amazing, as always.”
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For a second, Jesse was taken aback by the sight of a cat on a leash. It wasn’t something you say in everyday Los Angeles, or anywhere, really, but he took Zeus out all the time and the cat was probably just as important to Fallon. It might look a little strange but Jesse chided himself. Since when had he ever cared what anyone thought, so why couldn’t other people feel the same way about themselves. He was careful not to touch his cigarette to her as they hugged and when they broke back, he crouched down to let the cat smell his hand before he reached out to pet him. “Yeah, it was just a weekend trip. Needed to get out of LA for awhile.” And bury himself in work. 
Once he stood, he gestured to her out. “You look better, I promise you that much. But yeah, I’ve been good.” He’d been better, but he’d been much, much worse. But he was never the type of person that actually talked about his feelings. No one wanted to hear that. “How was Scotland? I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve last seen you.”
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
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Her attention was captured when she hear someone say her name – looking up from the ground, Piper was surprised as her crystal eyes met with a familiar ones. “Jesse? No way!” The beauty laughed, running up to him and throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace. The last time Piper had seen Jesse was on the other side of the country in New York City – they both seemed to have gotten so busy that staying in contact hadn’t been the easiest thing.
“What are you doing here?”  She didn’t really mean in L.A – everyone came to L.A at some point – but the chances of him being here, in the same place as her, seemed like such odd chances in such a large city. Especially after he had risen to fame like Piper had heard. 
New York felt like such a long time ago. When your days fell away in a mix of sex and booze, everything felt far away. Especially when he had met Piper and it was hard to believe she was standing here in front of him. He wasn’t even known to the world when they met and now he was famous and she was in Los Angeles. Who knows how much either of them had changed since they last saw each other. Regardless, he hugged her back.
He glanced around with a quiet laugh. “I mean, I live here. Have my entire life.” He glanced over her. “I think the better question is what are you doing here? Last I heard, you were still in New York aiming for the musical thing. How is that working for you?” He was genuinely interested, she was an old friend and he had missed her, despite having only known her for a week or so.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Anthony absentmindedly untied his tie as he leaned against the building. Having to run meetings could be a lot occasionally, particularly when they involved risks. Risks were how he got this far but they were still risks. He didn’t leap unless he knew there was at least a backup plan. He was cautious when it came to his business. He was cautious because he wanted to make sure that the Southgate name was safe. 
His own personal reputation was different than his business. He didn’t care as much about that. He then dug into his pocket and took out his pack of cigarettes. He told himself that he only smoked when he was stressed out. Anthony began to look around for a lighter but couldn’t find any in his pockets. 
“Excuse me, hi sorry. Do you have a match or a lighter? Or anything that I can light this with?” He asked as he pointed to his cigarette. “I wouldn’t ask unless I was desperate, I swear.”
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Most days hardly saw Jesse up before noon. Unfortunately, he had to be up this early and almost completely ruin his sleep schedule. Of course, this was probably considered a good thing, being up when the sun was out instead of the moon, but he disagreed. With his profession, he’d prefer to be up at night. He functioned better too. That was the reason for his cigarette, breathing out all of his stress with the smoke. 
It was a meeting that brought him to the building, with a club executive that wanted him to headline an event in the following months. It was nothing great, he had already grown past that level of event. It was nothing like Coachella, but an event was an event. He gave no definitive answer, told them he’d think about it and wouldn’t keep them waiting for too long. 
And then he immediately went outside to have a smoke. Annoyed at having to be up this early, he planned on ignoring anyone who dared speak to him but the guy was just asking for a light. He grabbed his lighter from the pocket. “Yeah, I got you,” he said as he got closer, flicking the flame on and holding it up so he could light his cigarette. 
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
The relationship Jesse had with clothes was an odd one. He found high fashion quite enjoyable and would more than happily sit through runway shows presented by designers most only dreamed about affording. But when told that he needed to stop dressing so weird - his father’s words - he wanted to put off buying anything new and wear the weirdest combinations he could put together like a petulant child. He still followed designers and the newest collections, bought anything that caught his eye, but refused to wear it out in public, an act of spite against someone he spoke to over FaceTime than in person. 
It was part of the reason he went into Threads. A one time conversation with the owner months ago had turned into mild fascination and he went home that night and followed her on social media. He liked her stuff and there were more than a few things he saw himself wearing. As it were, he wandered the boutique idly, waiting for something to jump out at him rather than looking for a particular anything.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
Something about the Old LA Zoo called to Jesse every time he stuck around long enough to visit. Or better, every time he wasn’t hungover enough that going there before it closed would cause him pain. What most people used for walking and getting their cardio in, Jesse and his friends used to sit in the old house, spray paint their names onto the walls and subsequently getting high off of the fumes. Some of the people who believed it to be haunted were probably just victims of teenage immaturity. 
When he visited this time, it was daylight. He had grown out of breaking down locks and hopping fences to get his kicks. This time, he went with the intention of taking in the view and getting some time just to clear his head. No phone (on airplane mode and turned off, a test of will) to get in contact with anyone, no music because he’d consider it working. Just him and his thoughts. 
Unfortunately, he didn’t have the best track record for being alone with his thoughts, which is why he struck up a conversation with someone else who seemed to be taking in the view offered by the public park. “I hear the view is better from the top of Bee Rock,” he said conversationally. He pointed at the rock in the distance.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
“Truly remarkable, it’s the fifth wonder of the world” she said while pretending to have some sort of profound physiological thought.Tasha noted that he was wearing jeans currently, and it was something she also anticipated. In her bag she had hidden a nice pair of joggers that she had bought the night before just in case. The only way to get out of yoga with her was in a body bag.
“Excuse you, I am the best thank you very much. And to think I was going to buy you a peanut butter kale smoothie after this too” she scoffed with no hint of anger on her face whatsoever. This banter had somehow come naturally. She was wearing headphone in the studio, he was on the other side of the glass interrupting with picky words, and she would bite back immediately, messing up the recording so that they would have to start again. Buried somewhere on an SD cards was the recorded bickering of their new friendship.
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“I hate you,” he said flatly, without any sort of fondness in his voice. Of course, it was also void of hatred and mostly, he was annoyed at having to be up early to be reminded that he was not a flexible person. He draped an arm around her shoulders. “I hope you’re okay with me sitting on the yoga mat and texting the entire time.” He would probably attempt a pose or two, they both knew that, but he wouldn’t get very far.
As they walked, he took a pull off the cigarette before turning to look at her. He was decent enough to exhale the smoke away from her when he said, “You seriously think I want kale this early in the morning?” Or at all. “No, the only thing that’s going to make me feel better is hair of the dog.” A little over dramatically, with a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips, he said, “I think I’m still drunk from last night. Or hungover. It’s kind of blurring together.” He was clearly making fun of himself. It was an improvement. From the day they met, he’d been making fun of Tasha.
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jesseandrewsx-blog · 7 years
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