jeremyxlieberman · 2 days
closed event starter for @mabelxhughes activity: hayride
Jeremy stood awkwardly around the hayride as he waited for Mabel and Caleb to show up. This was the first hayride he would be taking since he was in high school. He wasn't one to really do any of this event stuff, but he wanted to do this with them and spend more time with Caleb. Finally, he spotted them walking over and he smiled as he approached. "Hey. Guys ready to kick off fall?" The words were chipper as he was trying to be excited for this, and he was for the most part, but the way he said it was definitely foreign for the man.
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jeremyxlieberman · 2 days
closed event starter for @marcelvaughn activity: getting some food
Events weren't a big thing Jeremy liked to do, but he wanted to check things out a little bit. Plus, he would be lying if he didn't like the food they served during these things. He got in line to get some when he spotted a familiar face and he waved to Marcel. "Hey, man. Been a minute." He couldn't remember exactly how long it had been since he saw the man, but it was good seeing him.
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jeremyxlieberman · 3 days
Jeremy to a long, deep breath in before releasing it with a nod. "Actually, you are an uncle." He told him, taking a sip of the water. This definitely wasn't as good as a beer would be, but he made a promise to Charlie and he wasn't going to break that. "You remember Mabel Hughes?" Mabel had been the only girl Jeremy had ever loved and was his best friend growing up so Jackson should've. "Turns out when she disappeared back in high school, she was pregnant and ended up having my kid." He took out his phone from his pocket and pulled up a picture. "His name's Caleb. He's fifteen." He handed it to Jackson. @jcknxlibrm
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"Good. I'll speak to her soon." It would probably be a week or two before Jackson messaged his aunt. He loved her dearly but he knew she would lose her shit if she saw the state of his face right now.
He smiled. Hearing that Jeremy was going to let him stay. Eventually he'd attempt to get his own place, if he hadn't attempted to skip town by then, but for now he was broke and in need of some help from his big bro. Eyes wandering towards the hall where the bedroom was, as if he didn't know. But his smile quickly faltered when Jackson got all serious. Something he could tell even by the slight change in tone.
"That's been going on? don't tell me you've knocked some girl up, bro. I'm too young to be an uncle" he joked, trying as always to lift the mood and avoid any kind of seriousness. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 3 days
He put his hands up in surrender before putting them down at his side. "Alright. She won't know." Even Jeremy knew Carol would make a fuss over Jackson looking like the way he did so he wouldn't tell her. He followed his brother into the house more and raised an eyebrow at Jackson saying he needed a place to stay. Of course, he couldn't say no, but his thoughts did go to his son. Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, he nodded and released a breath. "Yeah. That's fine." He moved into the kitchen and was about to grab a beer to calm down, but remembered he couldn't drink right now so a water it was. "The guest bedroom is down the hall, but listen..." He turned to face Jackson. "I gotta tell you a few things that's been going on." @jcknxlibrm
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"No, and Carol doesn't need to know until these bruises heal, okay?" Jackson knew his aunt would freak out if she saw him in the state he was in. She would also probably be more annoyed with him about not calling or texting more, and be a lot more vocal about it too, which was something Jackson didn't need right now.
He let out a heavy sigh. "I'm fine." he said walking a little further into the room. Making himself at home almost immediately. "but, I do need a place to crash." He said turning on his heel to face Jeremy. "Just for a couple of days, a week max." He wasn't too nervous about the possibility of Jeremey saying no. There was almost no way his brother could turn him away in his hour of need, especially with his face looking like this. At least that's what he hoped. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 3 days
There was a part of him that couldn't believe his brother wouldn't just come to him first, but the other part that hadn't heard from Jackson in a while could. "Does Carol know you're here?" He wondered, talking about their aunt. A quiet sigh of relief slipped through Jeremy's lips hearing he didn't fight someone and nodded. "You okay?" He asked as he looked him over. "You know, besides the..." He gestured to his own face where Jackson was hurt. @jcknxlibrm
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"Yesterday." Jackson repeated. Knowing how bad it sounded. Maybe if he had come straight to Jeremy's door he would have avoided all of this, and avoided the trip to the emergency room. he just couldn't face it right away though. He wasn't sure why. "I was kidding, brother. I fell over. No police were involved." He sighed "There was this smokin' hot EMT guy though." Jackson smirked, until he felt the pain in his face again and swiftly dropped it.
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jeremyxlieberman · 5 days
He sighed. "It's nice to see you." He told him and it really was. He hadn't seen Jackson in a long time and lately, the younger man hadn't responded to his messages or calls. So hearing he got in yesterday was definitely a shock. "Yesterday?" He asked while shutting the door and just stared at his brother. "You got into a fight already? Please tell me you didn't get arrested." @jcknxlibrm
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When the door opened Jackson forced a smile. Though his face still hurt a lot from his fall the night before so it didn't appear on his face for too long. Especially when his brother spoke. "It's nice to see you too bro." He remarked as he entered the house. "Yesterday." He debated lying, knowing that having taken a whole day to tell his brother he was in town would just open himself up to more questions, but as always Jackson spoke before thinking.
"Oh and this? It's nothing really. Just dumb drunk shit. You should see the other guy" He joked, regretting it the moment he said it. It wouldn't have been the first time Jeremy had seen his brother look like shit after a fight, but this time there was really no other guy. Just an uneven pavement. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 5 days
Rosie barking is what got Jeremy's attention. He was out back raking some leaves that were already falling as fall was coming upon Kismet Harbor and didn't hear the heavy knocks on the door. He put the rake against the house and took off his work gloves, tossing them on the barbecue grill, before heading through the open sliding door and into his home. Part of him wondered thought it was his son coming over for the day, but upon opening the door, he saw his brother standing there looking terrible. "Jesus, Jackson. What the hell happened to you?" He asked as he opened up the screen door and held it for him to come inside. "When did you get back?" @jcknxlibrm
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What: Closed Starter Where: Jeremy's Place Who: @jeremyxlieberman
Jackson had put off seeing his brother for long enough. After arriving in town a whole twenty four hours prior to this though it was finally time. He wasn't entirely sure why he had put it off for so long. Maybe because he knew it might be harder to lie to his brother's face rather than over the phone, or that he had a feeling Jeremy had already seen through his bullshit and somehow known he wasn't at college the last four years. Either way, he had to find somewhere to stay tonight and there was no way Jeremey was about to turn his baby brother away in his hour of need.
He stepped up to Jeremy's front door, pulling out his phone to check his face. Wishing he had attempted to cover up the bruises but his brother would have probably noticed either way. He knocked firmly, looking back at his jeep. Maybe he ought to come back when his cuts had healed, or when this hangover from hell had worn off. But it was far too late to be backing out now.
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jeremyxlieberman · 6 days
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah." He sighed. "He wants to settle in at school before we meet. Which I understand." Jeremy told the man who was his father. "Seems that way." While Charlie might've been able to joke and chuckle about it, Jeremy wasn't quite there. He was wrapping his head still around it all. "I should get going. You'll let me know when we do the tests, right?" @charliesxdavis
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jeremyxlieberman · 6 days
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah." He sighed. "He wants to settle in at school before we meet. Which I understand." Jeremy told the man who was his father. "Seems that way." While Charlie might've been able to joke and chuckle about it, Jeremy wasn't quite there. He was wrapping his head still around it all. "I should get going. You'll let me know when we do the tests, right?" @charliesxdavis
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Charlie looked at him for a moment "Oh" he didn't want to add more to Jeremy's plate like this. He didn't know of Mabel at all so he hadn't met her yet. He had to rub the back of his head at the thought of it, that Jeremy had a kid he didn't know about either. Thankfully it wasn't as long as Charlie had to wait to find out. "I guess it's in the family..." he didn't mean it as like a joke, but he had a chuckle about it. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 6 days
He took a deep breath and nodded. "I just found out actually. Not long before all this." Jeremy explained to him. "In high school, I was dating this girl named Mabel Hughes. She left right after prom and... well, her family was going through some stuff so she couldn't tell me." He wasn't about to unleash Mabel's information like that. He'd never do that to her. "She recently moved back and told me. I haven't met him yet." @charliesxdavis
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Having a child of his own was shocking still and it being a friend of years was another story. But part of him was glad he already knew Jeremy and that he was a good man. He didn't know if they get to call each other father or son, but just be there for each other for now. Hearing what his son was saying, he turned his head. "What?" he was confused he didn't know Jeremy had a song. "I didn't know you had a boy..." @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 6 days
"Thanks." Jeremy said and took a deep breath. This was all crazy to think about, but he wasn't going to turn his back on Charlie. He'd help him out and after processing this, maybe get to know him as his dad and not just his friend. "Okay." He nodded before looking over at him. "It's interesting to take, that's for sure. And strange time because I... well, guess I get to drop the bomb on you that you have a fifteen year old grandson." @charliesxdavis
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He smiled at Jeremy, who was his son it was so hard to take in that thought that it was all real now. "I'll do it and let you know." he was sure it was just another blood test. " From what I know all you need to do is have some type of diet and not drink for a few weeks.. before" hoping that was okay with Jeremy. "You are very kind to do all of this. I know all of this...news can't be easy on you," knowing he grew up with a man who wasn't his father. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 6 days
Jeremy shook his head. "I know, but I want to do this. This is what started it all, right? I want to do this." He shifted in his seat a little before looking at Charlie about what to do. "Okay. Well, book whatever tests we need to do to see if I'm a match and we'll go from there." He swallowed. "I've heard that, but I wouldn't care if it didn't. I'll help." @charliesxdavis
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Like what do they do? Jeremy was an adult so it wasn't like he needed Charlie for anything. So really things did not have to change really. Charlie looked at him hearing what Jeremy asked. "You don't have too okay? I want you to know this" he didn't want the younger male to think he had too. "But from what I was told, it's another blood test to see if we are a match in the right way, but the family is always the highest chance of a match..." The closer the family, the better the chance of a match. "and that it's part of liver...they regrow?" he didn't understand that. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 8 days
He nodded at Charlie's words and sighed. "I don't either." What did you do when you discovered your friend was actually your son? Or dad? There wasn't exactly a guide here. "So, um, you need a liver then, right?" Jeremy asked and sat up a little to look over at him. "What do I need to do to do that for you?" @charliesxdavis
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It was hard to have the paper and the answers in his hands, but he would never have done it without Jeremy's there. They needed to know simultaneously, and Charlie didn't think he could handle knowing before. He knew for years when he was playing, he did get along; he partied and slept around a bit. So, part of him wasn't that shocked he had a kid out there. Not one that seemed to the mother cheating and having Jeremy from it. "I know... " he eyed the man who was his friend's now son who did seem...in shock about it, scared maybe. "Fuck man..." he was trying to wrap his head around the idea and think about his past. He didn't really know who Jeremy's mother was. He didn't remember the woman it was so many years ago. "I don't know what to do with this, Jeremy..." he looked at the younger male. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 8 days
Part of Jeremy wished that Charlie would've looked at the paper before this so then he could just rip the band-aid off faster. He did understand why the man didn't, but he just wanted to know already. Charlie's words hit him a little and he wasn't sure what he would do. Before, the man was a friend. Would he really deny him to donate part of his liver? His heart was hammering against his chest as he watched him open the paper and read it. And there it was: the confirmation that he was Charlie's son. He took the paper with shaky hands to look at it himself and sure enough, it proved Charlie was his dad. "Wow, um..." He swallowed and put the paper down. "I/// can't believe it." @charliesxdavis
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It had been a long few weeks of waiting for the results and he knew it would be like that. That it take time for the test to be done. It was hard to know this answer what it all meant. Charlie had his past, and some of it may have led to being with Jeremy's mother years ago. "I didn't look yet," he said as he was messing with the envelope as he was nervous too. How could he do this, how could he read this right now? it was such big news; even though the man across from him was a grown man, he still could be his son. "Damn it" he laughed as he was putting off opening it. But took a deep breath ."Look, this answer doesn't have to mean anything, okay... I want you to know you don't have to do anything for me" having Jeremy donate part of his liver was a lot to ask. Charlie just wanted him to know that he would be okay if Jeremy was his son or not, if he would donate or not too. "Here we go" he said as he opened it and slid the paper out as it was upside down. He turned it over and quickly read it over and looked into Jeremys eyes. "I..." he didn't know how to say it. "Sorry your pops isnt' more handsome but looks like... a match" he said turning over the paper, yes he had try and make a joke of it. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 8 days
"Seems that way." He grinned at his friend. "Next weekend sounds like a good plan. We can go scouting for a good spot before we do it." He had a couple of them in mind, but he never knew if someone was there or not already. He knew him and Lance would find a good spot, though. @lancexbrowne
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"True. I guess we are stuck as friends till the end of time," he laughed. Lance always enjoyed spending times with good friends, Jeremy was one of them. The male could always make him laugh and he loved seeing the other smile and laugh too. "How about next weekend? I have zero plans at all? It will be fun." @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 8 days
Jeremy was nervous to say the least. If he was honest, he never thought about having kids, but now that he had one he was going to step up. He understood completely about Caleb wanting to take some time before meeting him. Having just found about his own biological father, he wasn't going to push his son to meet with him. So when Mabel contacted him to set up a time, he was surprised it came sooner than he expected, but he showed up at the park (a little too early) and waited for his son and his mom to show up.
He was fidgeting with his hands when he first spotted them and stood up from the bench he was sitting at to approach them. Jeremy's eyes found Mabel's face first and he was given a smile before he looked over at their son; his breath catching a little. Caleb was tall and resembled him in many ways, but he could also see a lot of Mabel in him. Once they were close, he smiled at Mabel as she introduced them and watched as Caleb stuck his hand out. Jeremy took it and shook the younger man's hand before looking between him and Mabel. "You can call me whatever makes you feel comfortable." He assured Caleb. He knew this was going to take some getting used to and wouldn't put any kind of pressure on him. "It's... It's great to meet you." He let go of his son's hands and put his in his pockets. @mabelxhughes
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Mabel had felt guilty having to tell Jeremy that Caleb needed some time to adjust to his new surroundings. He wanted to get to know his school, his teachers, make new friends. So when he had asked if it was okay if he could meet his father when things had been more settled, she of course agreed. She felt it was a very mature decision on his side and she couldn't have been more prouder. Yet she had made sure to do her best and keep Jeremy updated on things. How school had been, if he had signed up for extra curricular or a sports team. If he had mentioned something that might be beneficial for Jeremy to know. Like that he was going to try out for the basketball team -- which made sense, as Caleb was almost as tall as Jeremy was at this point and he had yet to grow more at this age.
When the time had finally arrived for them to meet, she walked through the park with her son by her side. Rather than clutching onto the strap of her bag, she had her arm linked with Caleb, who was just as nervous as she was. All she wanted was for them to get along, of course. She flashed Jeremy a soothing smile once they were in eyesight, squeezing her son's arm as she heard him suck in a sharp breath. "Just be yourself, Caleb." She whispered to him, then turned her attention to Jeremy as they were close enough. "Caleb, this is Jeremy." She said for both of them to clearly hear. "Your father." There was a sense of relief finally getting to this moment, and she took a step back, her hand slipping from Caleb's arm as she did. "Hi." Caleb uttered with a sheepish smile, one which she always saw Jeremy in. He had his hands awkwardly in front of him until he remembered to hold out his hand for a shake. "So... Do I call you Jeremy? Sir? " The minor carefully asked, not sure what thought about calling him dad already. @jeremyxlieberman
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jeremyxlieberman · 8 days
There was so much comfort being brought to him just my holding her hands. It was clear to him just how much power she still had over him and could soothe him with just a touch. "She didn't. She never mentioned anything." Part of him wanted to question his mom about it, but he didn't want to be in contact with her. At Mabel's question, Jeremy shook his head and gave her hands a squeeze. "No. That never crossed my mind with you, okay? I trust you and there's no doubting it with the images." He assured her. "With Charlie, it could just be a fluke or something. But with you, I know it's the truth." @mabelxhughes
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"Wow." There wasn't really much else she could say than show her absolute astonishment. She hadn't meant to add extra stress to his plate. Would she not have done it had she known? No, because he deserved to know he had a son so he could create a relationship with him. She wondered, did he know when she told him? Or was this a recent development? She was snapped out of her thoughts when he took her hand, and there was no moment wasted when she closed her fingers around his, a gentle pressure to let him know that she had him. She just nodded at his words, believing them since they came from him. It was when he mentioned the DNA testing that she had to wonder. had to know. "Your mom did that and didn't tell you?" What a vile thing to do to your child. "Would.. Would you want one for Caleb too? Would that help?" She didn't want to make this about herself, about Caleb. But she couldn't help but to compare the two. She had shown him photos and it was clear he was a splitting image of his father, but she'd understand if there were still doubts. @jeremyxlieberman
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