jenny-scary-bunny · 6 years
My previous home
So when I was 7, I moved to the great state of Nevada. My dad had a girlfriend who lived in North Las Vegas. When I was 12 her father kicked the bucket. The dude was a hermit and never left the house.
We end up moving in a few moths after his passing. My step-sister was mentally challenged and my step-mom had muscular distrophy. I call them step even tho my dad never married her. But they were an amazing couple. So in love.
She was in the hospital for 4 months. I remember it being really hard. Her muscles gave out and she was recouperatong and getting better. She was supposed to come home but they wanted to run some extra tests. She died suddenly. It was heart breaking. I just remember my dad saying he would wake up and reach for her and she wouldn’t be there and he would remember she had passed. Still makes me cry. She was the only person I ever thought of as a mom.
The whole time she was in the hospital my dad worked nights. My step-sister and I had a bed time and we’re good about doing things on our own.
I remember waking up one night and having to pee so bad. My step-sister too the longest pees ever so I went to my dads room to use the master bathroom since he wasn’t home. I just remember not turning on any lights, that’s extremely weird for me cuz I’m terrified of the dark.
I was washing my hands and the only light was the moon light coming through the bathroom and bedroom windows. Just as I turned from the mirror I saw something that shouldn’t even exist. It was the girl from the ring. She was by the towel rack. At that time I was extremely terrified of hat movie. The only thing I could think of later was Harry Potter, the bogart. Taking on the shape of the thing you fear most.
I walked over dried my hands and went right back to bed like it never happened.
Fast forward to a week before Christmas. My step-mom is no longer with us and shopping is depressing. My grandparent give me money to get my step-sister and I stocking stuffers.
My dad keeps my step-sister in the living room watching a movie while I wrape a bunch of stuff I got from Clair’s. The stuff is small and easy to fit in the stockings. Back then $40 went a long ways in that store.
Crucial point here. In Vegas almost every closet is a sliding mirror. My dad’s closet is 4 sliding mirror that take up one wall and the closet is a walk in. Coolest damn closet I ever saw! I want t recreate it one day.
So I’m putting the wrapping paper back in the closet. There’s a big black trash bag on the other side of my dad’s room by the sliding glass door to the back porch. I’m thinking all the presents my dad got are in there so I’ll just not touch it. When my back is turned I hear the bag move. My hair stands up I slowly close the closet with the inside light still on, I look in the mirror I see the bag moveand then as if it was a person hunched over the damn thing unfolds shooting 7 feet tall of a slightly crooked very thin pitch black figure. I just flipped the light and ran to the living room. My dad thought I had a wild imagination.
I can’t remember when exactly this nextbpart happened but I know my dad and step-sister were home. My step-sister was in our room and my dad in the living room. Was doing what ever crazy beauty routine any 13 year old girl does before bed. I hear my dad call my name butbit sounds weird like it’s coming through the vent on the ceiling just outside my bathroom.
My dad calls my name and I come. No “what” I just go to him. That’s the rules. So I hear my name and I go to the living room and. Say “yes Dad” he looks at me weird. “Yes what?” “You called my name.” He looks at me weird again “no I didn’t.” He had his serious face on and I knew he didn’t call me.
I head back to the bathroom slowly and stand under the vent just looking up. I hear my name faintly coming through again. I didn’t tell my dad but I told my friends mom. She told me not to acknowledge it and that my dad toaught me good to not respond when he calls my name but to just go. She thought if it wasn’t him I’d invite something to me.
Around spring my grandparent decide its time to get rid of our Pepto colored dirty ass capets. They owned the house and my dad and I lived there rent free as long as we took care of my step-sister. My grandparent poped in every damn morning. So they want new carpets... ok.
The end up moving my sister and I to the master bedroom saying we need the privacy of a bathroom in our room. My dad moves into my step-sister and I’s old room. It’s literally a room that was meant to be two but the wall was knocked out so it was huge. I was excited disputed the fact that I saw creepy shit in there before. Did I mention I loved that closet.
After a few days I started to notice a black spot in my shower. The walls were transparent so I could see it. Every time I approached it would disappear. When I had late night calls from my friends I would sit on the bar style double sink counter and lay down facing the shower so the dark spot wouldn’t appear. I’d stay there and talk till I went to sleep.
So weird things would pop into my dreams often. Like figures in my bathroom or TVs being installed all over my house with the ring girl trying to get to me. It was bad dreams at best. The one that still gets me was when my step mom told me someone close to me was gonna die. She said the words “emotionally and literally”. I didn’t get what she meant untill my step-sister passed away 3 days later. Her bed was right next to mine. I remember a week after she passed I heard her cough from her bed. Scared the hell out of me. My grandparents moved her bed out and got me a full size bed since I was getting to big for a twin. I kept the master bedroom even tho I told my dad he could have it back. He declined.
That house took its three original residence with in 8 years, the first one being 5 years after they moved in. My dad and I moved because the mortgage was too high. I think if we would of stayed.... we would of died.
I want to contact the new residents... see if they have any issues.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 6 years
A new home and a dream
So I sage any place I move into cuz after living in a house that was either haunted or cursed, I need peace. So I’m in the military, living in the barracks dating a southern boy. My dad ends up having issues with his hip and gout and has to retire from truck driving cuz the pain is too much. He decides to move to WA to live with me. I start looking for a place and find a perfect place that I can afford on me E-2 pay. No big deal. The boyfriend likes the place too. It’s a crappy run down triplex with a killer view of the forest and super close to base.
I get the keys and the paper work and my friends and I head to m new place. I have a few days before I fly to Vegas to get my dad and his stuff packed up to move. I get some home defense cuz spiders are effing crazy in WA. I go through open the windows and spray ever entry to the place and every crack corner and border of the apartment. Needless to say we never had a single bug in that place because I am an expert!
I decide to go sage Crazy. This place was built in the 70’s and I don’t know the history. I don’t want anything bothering me, Good or Bad. So I go through the rooms and even give the attic door some special attention. After I feel good I feel peaceful and my friends love my new place.
Fast forward a few weeks. My BF is on a detachment and there’s still boxes everywhere. My mattress is on the floor and a stack of boxes is at the foot of my bed. I’m dead asleep.
I feel something, it feels bad. I’m thinking there’s no way! I saved the damn place. Something sinister comes out of the attic and attacks me, it’s grey like dead flesh and I want it gone. Next thing I know I’m laying in my bed staring at the stack of boxes and the damn thing is crouched on all fours on top of the boxes staring down at me. I’m paralyzed by fear. No no no this can’t be happening. There can’t be anything here. I made sure.
I wake up, the room is sunny. There’s nothing there. I think it was a warning of what I would have faced had I not taken precautions. I still to this day picture that awful thing staring at me. I never want to see it for real.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
A new place
Back when I loved on Florida my friend/ bf/ room mate Mike and I decided to look for a new place. We asked a mutual friend Juan to be our room mate. He later changed his mind.
We had spent an entire day going to different places and looking around. Some places were old others were brand new.
We decided to check out The Cove because it was a gorgeous area and higher middle class. The houses all had immaculate yards and flower beds. It was just amazing.
The house we drove up too was kinda sad looking with a really narrow front door. It threw off the already sad yard and lack of flowers.
The moment Juan and I walked in we new something was up. Poor Mike was oblivious to the vibs. As we walked through the house the floor place started to point to ward what Juan and I already knew, this used to be a funeral home. The back of the house had this long room that was a bit too wide to be a hall but too narrow and long to be a regular room. We new it was a viewing area for wakes.
Mike kept exploring the house and Juan and I just stared at eachother for a minute. I caught a glimpse of a mirror along a back wall of a room and decided to check it out. It was like a solid force hit me right at the door, I couldn't walk in. Juan even got close to the door and said hell no. Mike just walked his happy ass in. Juan and I left mike in there and told him that was bad juju. He didn't believe in that stuff.
When we left I'm not even sure we locked the door. The places wasn't scary but let's say I might have to sage it like a million times to get rid of the negative energy floating around.
Mike found a place after I left for bootcamp. It was nice. I got to see it like once.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
Millville cemetery again.
After my brief run in with the Grim Reaper two of my friends and I decided to go there. I was a week out from going to bootcamp for the Navy. I Had a battle buddy who I will call S and her BF/FWB we will call Ron.
This one is rather short.
We were hanging out down in the cove at the docks after dinner. We knew tonight was the last time we would all hang out and we had been hanging out a lot. We started telling spooky stories and after I told them about Mr.GR they wanted to see if he would show again.
Now let me tell you, one run in you live to talk about is good enough for me. I still can rationalize what happened. But I went anyways.
I showed them the spot I saw the GM and the tomb that was cracked open by the tree that was growing next to it. S just happened to look up at the right moment and sees this huge black dog staring at us. He’s right in the road that runs through the cemetery staring. Once Ron and I look at him he starts to walk away.
I’m a dog person so I tell S and Ron to come along and fallow the dog. We make it to the road just in time to watch him look back at us one last time then as he passes the gates he disappears.
Maybe a Grim dog???? We took the omen and left. Nothing good could be brewing. We decided to go back to the cove and look for the witch…. no such luck.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
Im not dead yet
This story I have written but didn't post because I got... distracted lol. So here's one that still sends chills down my spine.
I moved to Florida the spring of 2012. I was 19 and no longer living at home with my father. I got a crap job at churches chicken off of Tyndall Pkwy. I made friends with two guys, we will call them Bob and Jim. Both were a year younger then me.
We used to hang out after work around 10 till 12 or 1am. One of our favorite places was grave yards. Yeah I know typical gothy teenager crap. But we weren't Gothy. I was the poster child for coastal country girl, visually that is. The guys just dressed like typical beach town dudes.
One night Jim suggested we go to the cemetery down the street from me on cherry st. It was a small creepy cemetery backed up to a trailer park.We were walking to the darkest former cuz bob is one of those push the limits type people. Well he stoped deadbin the middle and stares for like 15 seconds then turns around and hauls ass. I yell at Jim that if he leaves me too I will kill him, I was wearing flip flops and couldn't run that fast.
After we get out the gates Bob says he saw something materialize on front of him and it was terrifying. He never said what was materializing.
We got back in my car and started driving around till Bob suggested we go to a new place Millville cemetary. I could use a change in scenery. And Bob had a "friend" there. Some guy who passed away like 30 years ago and didn't know what cellphones were. Not sure I bought that tho.
We got lost heading there since GPS was a new feature to me having just gotten and iPhone 4 like 5 months ago. Now I'm a pro on my 6plus. I'm 3 years behind.
Once we get there we park at the church across the street. We start at one end and start walking. We stop at a tree in the middle, this place is huge and well light. This tree from one angle looks like a skull it was pretty cool. Let's just say this place has it's cool spots.
We continue on to find a small gated off area with two head stones with the last name love. We left Jim there while he tried to... idk summon the spirits or something.
Bob takes me further to what he calls the one way mirror. I can't see in to this particular spot but I see everything around from inside. In was how the trees were places and the Spanish moss hung. So we see Jim on the distance and then there's a dark patch where a light had gone out.
Bob is the first one to pointing out a statue, at least it looks like one with an outstretched hand. We come out of the hiding spot and walk toward it. Jim looking disappointed in his attempts at what ever. Bob points out the statue that now looks like it has spanish moss hanging off it. Then the arm lowers and we know it's not a statue.
We are now aware someone is in the cemetery with us. We begine to walk toward the person, saying hi. I pull out my phone that's on 50% and turn my flash light on to get a better view. And my phone goes dead.
I pocket my phone and yell out "Hi, what's up?". No words just starts to crouch around a tree. There's plenty of dead leave on the ground but there's no sound of crunching or anything.
At this point the figure is touching the tree and there's a light in the far distance. I swear up and down I could see through this figures arm. As we get closer I start to get a better idea of what I'm looking at. The figure is wearing a dark cloak with stringy hair coming out around the face. I can't actually see the face just darkness and the fingers are thin it's really creepy.
I decide to be a smart ass and yell out "you know it's really rude not to say hello when somebody says it to you". By friends decide to walk to the right of me to go around the tree.
At about 5 feet away my friend Bob says " we should leave". He's panicking and I see why. Something is shining on the figure lap and it's curved with a very long handle. It's a scythe!
We ran so fast out of there to the car. The drive to the Church's Chicken parking lot was silent. Once we parked we freaked out. We tried to rationalize what we just saw. We couldn't.
I went back a few months later to show a friend where I had seen the Grim Reaper. There was a cement slab that had a huge crack in it where the tree was growinging into the grave.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
Best not to look around
I had this friend whose name will remain anonymous who used to be basically family to me. When the owner of her house was going to foreclosure she moved into a house directly across the street, it had the same set up it was just reversed. I came to find out her and her mom were always having some weird occurrences at both houses, knocking and banging on doors and windows, voices but it wasn’t the house that was haunted it was them. Now I frequently stayed at their house for a few days at a time and would witness little occurrences, but 9 times out of 10 these things happened when nobody was there because apparently one of the things causing this was a family member. We had spoken about this a few times but at first I thought she was lying, until one night I got a real eye opener.
So one night I was staying over at her house just playing Mario on her old school Nintendo and just doing what teenage girls do I got up to go to the bathroom because I had drank a 2 L of Dr Pepper by myself. Now her bathroom is adjacent to her bedroom door and there’s a 5 foot hallway that leads to the laundry room. So me being who I am at the age of 17 and still terrified of the dark has her bedroom wide open and the bathroom door wide open both with the lights on. As I’m walking out of the bathroom something in the laundry room catches my eye, not only is the brass handle on the laundry room door glowing there happens to be face about that high right next to it! No body just a child’s face. bormally I would chalk this up to being trick of the eye but when there’s full light on something it’s hard to just chalk it up. I can tell you this much I slammed the bathroom door and I dive bombed into her room. I told her what happened she said there is a child but she’s never seen it before just heard it. 
The second occurrence is one with the family member. So here I am in her room and she decided to turn the lights out go full dark and she knows it bothers me. I feel almost like this heavy presence around her room and so I not sure what it is and I ask “what is that?” she says “oh that’s (family member) it ok” it really freaked me out but at the same time I knew it wasn’t there to hurt me. 
Another occurrence happened a few days before Halloween. We had one of our friends over and we were just laying out on the couch at night watching TV. Our friend gets up to go to the bathroom and just as she’s walking towards the bathroom she freaks out and runs back in the living room. She say “fuck that I’m not going there myself”. I am super confused and asked her what’s wrong and she said “there’s a white light outside the bedroom window” so we go walking in the bedroom and there’s nothing there so we’re like don’t be messing with us. Well a few hours later we just happen to see the light pass the window. Being stupid teenagers we go check it out my friend and I through the front door and our friend through the back door. There’s a wall at the end of her house that circles her back yard so there’s no was anyone walked past that and managed to jump the wall and get to the next yard before we went out there. We couldn’t figure it out. What ever was out there it got us good. We never saw it again.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
Something light to start off with
I came home after work one night and my room mates cars weren’t in the parking lot so I had the 3 story town house to myself. I was heading upstairs and I swore I felt like someone was home. When I got to the second floor I knocked on my room mates door and called her name but I got no reply so I went into my room. I started changing out of my work clothes when my friend called and told me she was outside. I told her I would be down in a minute. I swore up and down I was not alone in the house and as I walked out of my room I heard creaking and ran down the stairs screaming cuz I’m kind of a pansy. I get to the front door and I hear the doors to the laundry room rattle. I go outside asap freaked out.My friend starts laughing saying there’s a logical explanation. So I tell her as soon as we put out our cigarettes I want to take a look or I won’t sleep. A minute later I turn to my door to play paranormal detective, the door opens and again I scream bloody murder and fall on my side on the porch as my room mate stares at me from the door way like I’m nuts. Turns out she’s been home but was dead asleep till after I went outside. Her car was in the shop so that’s why I didn’t see it. She heard me talking since her bedroom window was open and decided to come say hi. It was funny after it was all said and and done.
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jenny-scary-bunny · 7 years
So my tastes are various, but one thing that remains a constant is I love to write and tell stories. I like to tell true stories tho. I have had a lot of supernatural encounters and I have had some moment that I thought were an encounter and turned out to be extremely hilarious just becuz I jumped out of my skin and landed on my butt for no reason. So I’m gonna tell old stories and when something new happens I’ll let y'all know.
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