Vision - Designing for the Blind The final video for Vision!
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Process Report The images above show my process report, which incorporates a reflection of my work during this project.
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Final Screen Designs Above are screen designs of the main pages of Vision.
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Branding Guidelines/Information System Above shows the set of Branding Guidelines created for the Vision app.
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The Vision Website! Above is the final look of the Vision website (although it will be edited for exhibition later on!).
Link to website:
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Sound Feature for the Blind - continued The above GIFs continue the process of making a video call. The purpose of having several screens here, is so that users do not end up calling their caregiver by mistake. The 2 stages prior to starting the call, ensure that they user is wanting to make a call.
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The Sound Feature for the Blind The above GIFs show the sound feature being used in the app, for blind people. The caption at the bottom shows what the app is saying to the user. If the user has not responded for a few seconds, the voice will repeat itself, just incase the user has forgotten the prompts. Also, the sound feature is only available for the blind users (determined at the stage of selecting their role.)
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Connect to Buddy This step is important in connecting a blind person with her/her caregiver. Caregivers are to search for their buddy’s username, and send a request to connect. Blind users on the other hand, receive the request, and are able to accept or decline it, with the help of the sound feature. This step is highly expected to be completed when both people are together and signing up at the same time.
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Difference between the two target markets Above shows a comparison of a few screen designs. The purpose of this was to have a quick skim over the different designs and see how they differ from one another. As obvious, design for the blind is super simple and makes use of gridding, while the caregiver’s designs are quite the opposite.
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Final Homepage Designs I have been continuously changing the design for the home screens, mainly because I wasn’t convinced that I had made the design suited for it’s intended target market. The above designs show the difference between the two target markets’ design ergonomics, as one is more simple than the other.
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Voice Recording Feature The above GIFs show users sending each other voice messages. The purpose of this feature is to be a backup for when the caregiver is unable to accept a video call. For blind users, they are able to access the aspects of this feature through the sound feature.
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In Context Images The images created above are just to get an idea of how my app will look like when being used in an actual environment. I believe this also allows me to see the app realistically, as opposed to seeing it on XD.
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Video Call The main feature of my app is the video calling feature. Above, I have shown this feature being used by both the caregiver and the blind person. This helps in showing how this aspect of the app assists blind people in finding objects and/or identifying objects, which is the mission of this app!
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Confirming Your Account This app has a serious mission, and therefore, I need to ensure that no fake accounts are created to troll users, especially blind people. I have shown above a sequence (cut into half) which shows the process of confirming an account.
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Caregiver Tips Being a new personal caregiver, it may be all new. Therefore, I have added an extra feature for the caregiver, where they can access tips on how to help their blind buddy, making their lives easier.
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FAQs For an app like Vision, I think it’s important and beneficial to have a FAQs page, covering the common questions asked by users or intended users. The above prototype shows how I have split up this content into 3 sections; general FAQ, caregiver FAQ and blind FAQ. The purpose of this is that it makes it easier for users to look for questions that they want answered. It also helps in keeping a neat and minimised screen design.
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Week 11 and 12 Calendar
Reflection of past 2 weeks The past 2 weeks were ‘user testing heavy.’ This meant that I managed to complete all my planned testing. I also started thinking about how I want to present my promotional video, as I wish for it to be as realistic as possible.
Tasks for the next 2 weeks The final calendar for weeks 11 and 12 looks easy going, however, due to new ideas coming up, and getting the correct resources when needed, these 2 weeks are the busiest weeks for me! According to where I am, I aim to start filming my promotional video, finish the website, branding guidelines, start the process report and ensure my Tumblr is up-to-date! Although I have started on everything to give myself a head start, I will need to stay focused for these final weeks, to be able to finish all tasks to the best of my ability, and how I want it to be!
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