Logs of private Dam
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jelteelg-blog · 5 years ago
2# Surprise
After a quit sleep throughout the day I finally woke up. It wasn’t your typical wake up call but more of man and woman screaming for troopers to go and gear up. It was another attack on the base by this new threat. My friend Arthur was already gone to fight on the front, so I was alone to find out where to go. I took my C-77 and some munition and went out of the sleeping quarters to see my brothers and sisters in arms running to the out. I only followed the herd and went out for myself as well.
It was like it was worse then yesterday, and I could see shadows running in the distance while my comrades where firing in there general direction. Arthur was still no where to be seen but that wasn’t truly on my mind now, I quickly ran towards another sandbag only a few meters from where I was yesterday. I tried to look for the enemy but all was smoke, fire and fog. The shadows in the distance where coming closer by the second, it looked like there where so many of them but how could I know for sure. Close behind me there was a brick wall, behind it where some of my sister comrades shooting there rifles from behind it, as I returned to cover I gave them a look that I almost never pull. It was a look of fear and they could see it. But when I blinked they where dead.. the enemy had shot them.. and more of my comrades where dying around me.
Things where not going well. This time they had the surprise on there side and we didn’t have our positions. After a few more seconds I heard it, the whistle of retread. We where to fall back into the bass and protect the ourselves inside of it. And so I went, I ran as quickly as I could feeling and hearing the whistling of the bullets flying beside me. But I made it inside. I quickly turned around to see if I could aid my brothers and sisters, some of them made it inside but others where shot in the attempted. A commanding officer came to the door and screamed at us to shut it. To leave our fallen and wounded and even some alive and fit comrades outside to be slaughtered. I looked at him hesitating on what to do, but after a second scream I closed it.
I stood there looking at the door and looking trough a broken window to see the enemy coming out of the shadows, there banners rising high the red and orange color of the fire making there entrance only worse. I could see the mutant scum going over every corpse to see which one is alive and which one is dead.. they took the wounded, and to those who where still willing to fight they slaughtered in front of us all. Stabbed.. sliced and shot.. my mind couldn’t handle it.
Then one remained standing tall, smiling at the base as he began talking.
“My name! Is Trivory.. Your brothers and sisters are a compensation of what you have done here the last few days.. and it is time for you to know what is happening to them..”
A mutant and a human came forward, I myself didn’t know this comrade of mine but still.. she was my comrade.. it hurt non the less. The mutant that called himself Trivory pulled a syringe out of his pocket and showed it to us, and without hesitation nor mercy stabbed it in the neck of my sister comrade. It was terrible to watch.. she fell on the ground not shortly after twitching and gasping for air.. when she stood up she had changed, it wasn’t human any more..
“Welcome to the Noctis..”
The Noctis.. this is what they call themselves.. My mind was racing again, I didn’t know what I just saw, I couldn’t proces it. My body was frozen and I could feel my fellow comrades where frozen as well. The mutant soon left with our sister comrade following him like a lap dog. It was.. difficult to keep watching. But I saw enough to imagine what had happened to her. The attack stopped after it, all of us where, shocked and moraal broken to continue fighting for this day..
Private Njord Dam
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jelteelg-blog · 5 years ago
1# First day
It was the first day of the war of darkness and the stories that came from the skull legion.. where horrible. Us foot soldiers are always the luckiest people in wars.
It had been 10 days since the unification war was won and I haven’t even returned to my girlfriend to give her the attention that she so deserves from a man. We where in the barracks celebration and mourning our lost ones and our victory over the Union, until our staff sergeant entered our dorms having a scared and angry look on his face. We stood up at attention as we where waiting for him speak.
Sergeant: “Men... you are not going home today, something new has begon and our glorious leaders have ordered us to go up north to fight against inhuman beasts who have slaughtered our brothers from the skull legion. Now we at the fenix legion don’t accept the shit that they did to our brothers so we shall avenge them!”
Platoon: “Give em hell!”
Sergeant: “Good! Now gear up.. you guys leave in one hour”
When the sergeant left we began to discuss what these monsters could be and why we couldn’t go home first. But there was little time to spare we needed to get moving.
The chopper was already waiting outside for us as we entered it. Our staff sergeant was coming along for the ride which was something that he didn’t do all the time, but perhaps his superiors finally told him to grow a pair of balls and get into the fight. I was talking to my friend ‘Arthur’. We where talking about our futures and how many children we wanted when we where older, he told me he wanted 3 while I said I wanted 5 or even 6 of them. Arthur and I always had such fun, he even saved my ass when we where fighting in ‘Gedrons oil facility’ there was a union soldier on top of the balcony and I didn’t see him, he would have had my head if it weren’t for Arthur, still thank him for that from time to time.
20 minutes later and we where almost there, we could already see the smoke coming from behind the mountains and we where getting the adrenaline rush that we do desperately needed. The copper was coming closer to the ground and we could see fire fights all over the place, could it even be worse than the union. Every thing looked red and orange and there was smoke every where, it must have probably been the grenades or shells of artillery. When the copper landed we needed to get the hell out of it because it was a sitting duck there. We Immediately went into the fight and couldn’t even drop or stuff at our base. I went with Arthur to one of the sandbags nearby and started shooting at targets we couldn’t even see or identify, it was a weird feeling and I could feel my mind racing trough what the enemy could be or look like. Either way it needed to die.
After hours of shooting and trying to spot the enemy the noice became less and less and then there was nothing. Just silence. We stood up and looked around and then noticed in the thick of all the smoke and fire. It was the sun, and it was glorious. Finally we could enter the base and wash ourselves and I could lay in the soft bed with the cold pillow. I fell asleep so quickly.
Tanks and cars where patrolling the area while other foot soldiers remained at a guarding position. Tomorrow a new day would emerge and a new possible way for me to loose my life.
Private Njord Dam
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jelteelg-blog · 5 years ago
War of unifications
Before the A.O.R. Controlled the entire planet of Hoder there was a war for unifications. This war was fought against the evil and barbaric Union. The Union committed many war crimes and atrocities at least that is what the books and records of the alliance shows. Most people always tell that both sides committed crimes but then again we mustn’t talk ill about the beautiful Alliance of Rava.
The war lasted for 50 years taking many lives including a lot of civilians on both sides. After the first 20 years both sides got desperate for a quick victory which boosted military technology. Including what is now the standard weapon for the A.O.R. Armed forces.
The C-77: which is a rifle that can switch between sniper and assault mode. It has a digital scope for precise shooting
Rava’s wrath: which is a new kind of artillery which fires 1 shells at the same time which will split into 4 so that more targets can get hit more easily.
The Union has created many great weapons throughout history some people say even greater than what the alliance has created.
One of there most famous weapons and the one that the Alliance feared most was the T6-13. This was a huge tank that was very difficult to penetrate with shells or rockets because of its thick plating. These tanks would be produced in masses and send to the front lines which made Alliance troops flee in terror.
After long and heavy fighting the AOR launched a huge operation called ‘operation yellow fire’ this was a frontal attack on the capital of the union and was eventually the operation that won the war for the AOR. The union did there best to survive the catastrophic event but would eventually yield to there superior enemy. Some of the scum that remained loyal to the union and its ideas went into exile and hid from the new world order. This marked the end of the war of unifications and the beginning of the golden area of the Alliance of Rava.
**Aftermath of the Union**
The soldiers who remained loyal to the union fled with there families after the peace treaty was signed. The went to a island close by the mainland and quickly made there settlement there, unknown to the AOR the made sure to support a new rebel insurgence also giving them intel on old union secrets including a early stage of cloning technology. A new scientist took control of the cloning program, she is called doctor Caitlyn Bervolga. She was a union soldier that had some incredible university backgrounds and was very exited and interested to continue the cloning proses. She always had this fascination with creating a clone of humans and mostly her self. Her sister died when she was very young and always wanted a replace ment for her.
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jelteelg-blog · 5 years ago
War of darkness
After the war of unifications there was a new threat for the AOR. In one of the labs a doctor called Doctor Quintin Von Trivory. He was working on a antidote for a illness that had already claimed the lives of a few hundred people. While creating this antidote he made a error in the formula, he got a special kind of chemical into the antidote and then tried it on himself. The chemical mutated him into something new, something not human. His mind turned as well still having bits of Doctor Trivory in him but also replacing it with the new being that he became. This being was sensitive to sunlight because his skin had less pigment than it had before. His face also turned to something less human, it misinformed quite a bit but there was still pieces of his old self left in it.
They went to a village close to the lab, the villagers themselves did not know of the existence of the lab because of AOR wouldn’t tell them. They went into the town searching for food but the only found a urge to make more if this new species. Something that Doctor Trivory found out is that the scientist that he turned where extremely loyal to him like inhumanly loyal, they did every thing that he wanted of them and he liked this new power. Eventually he turned most of town into this new mutant species and to AOR got alerted of wat was happening. The AOR called for the skull legion to take care of this mess and to eliminate the new threat.
The Noctis armed them selves quickly and went underground to hide from the sunlight. When the skull legion arrived at the village it appeared to be abandoned which was odd since they got alerted to what was happening by a villager. They searched every house but couldn’t find any sign of live, mutant or human alike. They searched till the night came and called it a day, tired and frustrated they went back to there helicopter but then they got ambushed. The skull legion took cover behind the copper and looked for a more suitable place for cover but could not find it. Eventually they saw the Noctis fully and saw there leader Trivory who was leading them into battle. There tactics where bad but the surprise of the attack was hammering the moral of the skull legion who was now slowly loosing ammo.
The skull legion decided to leave and started the chopper to get out of this hellhole but it was futile, the copper got too damage and when the got into the air the copper went down immediately. Most of the skull legion survived the crash but others got crushed by the emergency landing. When the Nocits came to the copper only some of the wounded remained, instead of turning them they wanted to send a message to the AOR so that they perhaps would leave them alone. They opened them up and hung them on a stake for all the world to see.
After this war was fully declared. The AOR didn’t take to kindly to this and the skull legion wanted revenge for there fallen brothers and sisters. Multiple operations were being lunched to defeat the Noctis mutants but nothing seem to work, when they got close they would still defeat them and make there army grow with the prisoners that they captured. Eventually after mouths of fighting the AOR gave up after loosing some 1000 man and woman to the Noctis.
Admiral Cadman leader of part of the AOR armed forces made the peace deal with Doctor Trivory who now went with the title lord. They decided to give the mutants there own piece of sovereign land on the north west side of a outskirts of the island. Lord Trivory agreed on these terms and a peace treaty was signed between both sides. This was a humiliating defeat for the AOR who still to this day have a lot of anger and hatred for the Noctis species.
The Noctis fully developed into a species and the females that they turned eventually turned fertile and could produce offspring which only grew the Noctis into something that couldn’t be easily defeated.
Only time will tell what the AOR shall do next. Or if there is something more terribly out there waiting for it’s time to attack and to destroy them all.
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