All of the Things
213 posts
I think the title is pretty self explanatory, but those of you that are still confused; I post what I feel like posting, when I feel like posting it. There is no specific theme or anything, and it will likely not make any sense. Also I'm not as regular on here as I would like to be, so it's gonna be pretty sparse a lot of the time.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jellostix · 3 days ago
In May of 2022 I got my heartbroken by my guy best friend who I had a major crush on. He did not like me back. But I got over it. (It's been almost 3 years since then and he's actually still one of my best friends)
I didn't actively swear off dating after this crushing blow but no one came along who really had that effect on me. Like I made friends with a few different guys who I could see myself dating, but nothing as all consuming as my previous crushes.
I kinda thought that I'd matured a bit and dating and romance was no longer the be all and end all that it had been.
Cool! I'm not mad that I'm no longer developing crushes that might hurt if they're not reciprocated. I have been genuinely enjoying this season of my life where I'm not focussing on dating and romance. I haven't had my heart broken in almost 3 years. It's great!!
And then I met Levi. I was so ready to just be friends with Levi. I mean he's great, but he's not ready for a serious relationship and I'm happy to just be his friend. In fact, he promised to wingman me, to get me a date.
Everything was going platonically.
And then, last Sunday, we really got talking. Most of it was joking and laughing. But some of it was really deep. I was having a great time just getting to know my newest friend a little better. There might have been some flirting, but the harmless fun kind, not the serious interest kind.
I left Levi that night having really enjoyed myself. I was sad to say goodbye.
Me and my sister were driving home that night, reviewing our interactions with others, as we often do. Call it debriefing. I found myself biting my tongue, trying not to bring up Levi too often lest my sister tease me about having a crush, as sisters do.
Because I didn't have a crush, did I? Surely not. I'm done with the silly little crush part of my life. I can't get my heart broken if I don't have silly little crushes.
So, two days later, why does my heart feel empty because Levi's not around? Why am I counting down until I see him again?
I've done it again, haven't I? Made myself vulnerable to heartbreak. And for a guy who, after some seriously toxic relationships, is not ready to date.
This can only end badly.
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jellostix · 20 days ago
This might just be my dumb neurodivergent brain but I think music might be necessary for social events. It just seems to make events more tolerable. Maybe it helps dull the roar of a hundred conversations happening at once or maybe people hear music and speak quieter. Whatever it is, music is lacking from this engagement party and I am struggling.
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jellostix · 27 days ago
It is so wild eating actual grapes and then drinking a grape flavoured soft drink
Like these two things are supposed to taste the same so why don't they....
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jellostix · 1 month ago
I'm gonna switch careers. From now on I'm a soft drink sommelier. Need a soft drink to pair with that vanilla raspberry pannacotta? Might I suggest a brown cream soda? Our house Schweppes is renowned for it's subtle carbonation, which will definitely not overpower the smoothness of the pannacotta.
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jellostix · 2 months ago
Halfway through reading a mystery novel and I know who the killer is. Literally. Not guessing. Not bragging about solving the mystery. Just the author deciding to reveal it half way through. That's so ominous. Like I'm relieved that the case is solved but what is in the rest of the book!!!! Half of the book can't be epilogue. So something is gonna happen but I don't know what and that scares me a little bit.
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jellostix · 3 months ago
Yesterday and She Loves You by the Beatles are a conversation between two friends. The first friend thinks he's lost his love Yesterday. The second friend is reassuring the first that actually "I talked to your girl yesterday and She Loves You mate. Go apologise and it'll be fine."
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jellostix · 4 months ago
Can someone smart please explain to me why I can be lying on the couch scrolling through reels and nodding off, but when I'm comfy in bed scrolling through reels I'm wide awake? Because that is a bit rubbish.
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jellostix · 5 months ago
Also Tommy can go to hell for breaking Buck's heart
I just realised something!! In season 1 Abby mentions that her ex is named Tommy, but there aren't many other details given. And we know Buck's Tommy is a bit older than him. Do we it possible that they're the same Tommy??
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jellostix · 5 months ago
Oh my gosh!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I didn't think I was actually right!!!!
I just realised something!! In season 1 Abby mentions that her ex is named Tommy, but there aren't many other details given. And we know Buck's Tommy is a bit older than him. Do we it possible that they're the same Tommy??
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jellostix · 5 months ago
Oh America, you done goofed it, again
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jellostix · 5 months ago
Okay but why does wearing bike shorts and being barefoot make me feel like I'm in a survival horror movie?
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jellostix · 6 months ago
My laptop died as I was watching the most recent episodes of 9-1-1(season 8 episode 3). But it died right at the end of the scene with Athena in the hospital with that guy who killed her fiance. And it was getting pretty late at night so I thought "meh, I probably don't need to watch the last 5 minutes"
Luckily I don't care about getting a full night's sleep, even on a work night, and I decided to plug my charger in and watch that last five minutes. And it was SO WORTH IT!! I definitely needed to watch that last five minutes!!!!!!!
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jellostix · 8 months ago
I just realised something!! In season 1 Abby mentions that her ex is named Tommy, but there aren't many other details given. And we know Buck's Tommy is a bit older than him. Do we it possible that they're the same Tommy??
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jellostix · 8 months ago
How about instead of movies, like moving pictures, we say moshies, like motion pictures?
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jellostix · 8 months ago
Reading an article about how it's important to establish a theme before writing a creative piece.
How about not. How about I write a story and then let some high school English teacher decide what the theme is as she teaches it. Pretty sure that's how it's supposed to work.
TLDR; I will not be establishing a theme in my novels.
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jellostix · 10 months ago
Why does everything take longer when you're just waiting?
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jellostix · 10 months ago
Opinions wanted: when writing a book should my main character's parents be referred to as Mum and Dad, Mr. And Mrs. or as their names? I don't think I can be bothered with Main Character's father or Main Character's mother the whole time.
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