jeiena · 9 days
♦︎┊ There's no point in arguing with him when he gets to this point. Vice versa, there's no point arguing with her when she gets to this point. She's reminded of how they liken themselves to oil and water, but every time she tells herself she's just going to avoid him and let him be, she can't help but carry on conversations based purely on the hopes of what used to be. ❝Not as Topaz? Aah, is this Senior Manager of the Strategic Investment Department suggesting I mislocate company funds and open fraudulent accounts? That's quite a tall order.❞
Of course, she's joking. She's not sure he is, though. Calling down the platform of her spacecraft, she invites him to board first before getting on herself. ❝We'll come back for your spacecraft later. The space warp to our next destination will eat up fuel, so there's no point in both of us wasting ours. However, if someone hadn't insisted on 'surprising' me with a visit here, we could've called it a day.❞ Now, where does he want to sit? On one of her red velvet sofas as a guest? Or in the co-pilot seat next to her? She won't bicker regardless of the choice. ❝After seeing Jarilo-VI for yourself, doesn't somewhere warm and tropical sound nice?❞
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♤ : Putting him in a catch twenty two, eh? Invoking now seems almost a bit wasteful, though. He would've answered other with the same authority, regardless of the conditions she tried to impose. Give a slight flare, a gentle exaggeration of punishment. But sigh is too performative- she should see right through it. Least, he assumes as much. "I think you tried to make the best of a bad situation. And like any bad situation, there wasn't really a chance of things going well." Honesty should seem genuine, considering he was being transparent.
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But boo. "You should know better, though. We aren't exactly the type to put a smile on people's faces." Painfully so, at that. Really, she deserves better than this. "My advice? Don't." As in, avoid this situation. Though knowing her? "But if you're going to drag yourself in this business, maybe keep it off the books. Not as Topaz, you know?" Anywho! Where they going again? Some kind of view? "You still owe me my drink! I thought the director never leaves a tab?"
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jeiena · 16 days
♦︎┊ Does it bother her? Hearing him talk like that? It should, yet it doesn't. ❝I failed the reputation of the IPC by failing to reign in my subordinates; they thought they could sneak one past me and harrassed the locals of Boulder Town while I was above ground negotiating the contract. It's only natural they hate me.❞ She is still the newest inductee of the ten seats, after all. These goons still don't care about working under her.
She casts her gaze skyward, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand before clenching it into a fist. ❝This is just a sign that I still have countless people to prove wrong. Including you, Director Aventurine.❞ Forging a smile, she turns to him wearing it with pride. ❝You're right, though. It's not all bad. I forgot how resilient people could be, and I'm eager to see what Belebog's new Supreme Guardian can do.❞ In a moment of transparency, with a tempered smile, she lowers her voice and asks, ❝...How about you? How do you think I did? And don't answer me as a Stoneheart, Aventurine. Answer as the person I met.❞
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♤ : Proof of concept some might say. That tendency to hand wave and dismiss had started there if not further back. Wiping what remained on his tongue, course correction completed even then doesn't immediately help- taste still on his tongue. But, will do for now as they say. As downtrodden, he follows, with his malign expression. Bleh. "Really? Because I missed the part that explicitly said to not eat the meat." But fine, he'll accept the experience as punishment enough for what he endured.
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Onward and upward as they say. Casual talk taking a turn, as they loiter about. "Hmm?" Thought. As it strikes. "You were that worried about them, and yet they loathed you." Funny how that worked. Yet in her nature to persist despite it. "Don't you think they'd account for that, director? If they endured for this long without our guidance, they certainly don't need it." Honest truth, even if he probably shouldn't admit. "Some people are beyond those methods. Maybe when crisis arrives at their doorstep again there room to negotiate, but." For now? Mediocrity fits them. "It's not all bad. Don't you think this experience has taught you something?"
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jeiena · 22 days
♦︎┊ Must all his actions be dramatic? Domesticating a warp trotter isn't exactly the standard quo, so it shouldn't have been that off-putting for him, but she supposes he did get close to Numby during their training days. Either way, she feels the corners of her lips tug and twitch, and all of a sudden she's coughing up a storm in the opposite direction to mask the sound of her laughing. ❝Aeons above, Aventurine, it's like I told you so.❞ But no, quite insistent he was on arranging a rendezvous in the middle of a frozen tundra.
Let's drag him back up to the Overworld. They'll stop experimenting with the food (and he'll starve), but at least above ground, there's warmth and light. He fits in better here, though they should keep to the sides of the streets. ❝To answer your question, I do. It's not like I didn't understand - it felt more like... they didn't. I mean, gambling with the livelihoods of the citizens when the odds weren't in their favor? You're aware of my high success rate when it comes to these missions, but they were so insistent that they could do it alone. ...Even with the Stellaron sealed, do you know how long it'll take for the Eternal Freeze to fully recede? Generations, Aventurine. Surviving in these adverse conditions won't be easy. What if their harvest fails one year? Or an illness overtakes them? What if — ?❞
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♤ : Well, there goes his appetite. All over the nearby wall, spat in almost cartoonish fashion as motor mouth reveals the miced material. Explains the uniqueness he'd unwillingly invited, along with shame if but to prove that he could feel such concepts. "....I think I'm going to need a stiff drink to burn that flavor out of my mouth now." Ugh. How foolish of him to lack the oversight. Even worse? He's still hungry. Toss other poisoned meat in a nearby trash can before turning back to pathetically.
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"Let's go. I'm beginning to feel that shame you did around here." It's as she said before. They don't exactly fit in at all. Never mind how much he sticks out like the peacock he is. "You seem surprised, director." Taking a hankerchief from pocket, he addresses injuries to his pride before continuing. "The drive to survive can give an extraordinary amount of perseverance." Ha. Is that too tongue in cheek? "Although they still have plenty to go." Hopefully, with less dead trotters. "Guess you understand now why they turned down our help?"
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jeiena · 22 days
♦︎┊ Aesthetically speaking, they had all the markings of an appetizing snack. Topaz was not a vegetarian or a picky eater by any means, but the catch twenty-two was that she never traveled alone. There's a sound of scuttling behind their feet, followed by a whimper. Numby was shrinking away, fixated on the mystery meat Aventurine purchased. Then its face focuses on her, and you could just see the pleading look on its face despite the lack of eyes.
Topaz beckons him lower and whispers into his ear, ❝Think for a second, Aventurine. There's no livestock here and none of the meats are labeled...❞ But sausage is oft pork, and what there are plenty of, are warp trotters... Cough. She leans away and uncomfortably drinks her water. ❝In any case. Would you believe that up until recently, this underground area was completely sectioned off from the surface? During Jarilo-VI's 700 years of disappearance, it seems the Eternal Freeze created quite the divide. It was only recently that the dwellers here were allowed to discover what sunlight looked like.❞
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♤ : It's easier that way, isn't it? But this wasn't an exercise of what's easiest. Something he'd be pressed to vocalize by other's not so subtle brooding. "Are you so confident in your choice?" Let him not overextend this time. Just a gentle nudge, an attempt to sway. "Feels a bit silly don't you think?" Like getting flowers from a stonemason. Or lumber from a doctor.
But, speak for himself. With a bit of preparation for the other. Two of your finest sausages, good sir. Typical dialogue for the businessman, tossed in with a hefty tip and the wish would be granted without so much a blink on his own part. As he accepts without delay, sneaking an unsuspecting bite of his own. And chew... hmm. "Well, it's definitely something worth being known for." No sarcasm in his voice, as it rings true. He's impressed, if by merit. "Although... it seems I got two but I don't think I got the stomach for both..." Carefully planned? More like painfully obvious. Still, elbow is nudging other. Along with that stupid grin.
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jeiena · 23 days
♦︎┊ If she won't even bother trying? Trying is all she does. She certainly tries harder than him; Mister Everything-Comes-Naturally-to-me-in-Spades-and- Flushes. It's her who agonizes over the mental algorithm of hypotheticals during their missions while he kicks his feet up and enjoys himself, letting whatever or whoever fall into his lap. Stress is her security and luck is his lover — it's why she's avoided him all this time. For her own sake.
❝...❞ And for his. She didn't want to know who ❝Aventurine❞ was. It's easier to loathe the man he presents himself as rather than care for the one he could be. ❝Belebog sausage it is, then. No take-backs.❞ But lead, she shall. Straight underground and into the heart of Boulder Town, where every street is haunted by a shadow and the only plants that grow are from the seeds of doubt. There's an inconspicuous stall run by a modest guy named Turner, who immediately recognizes her and decides he'd rather have business than be bothered. ❝...They're most known for their sausage, but their lizard is rumored to be good. Erm.. I'll have...❞ Despite her words earlier, she's the one who seems more bothered by the choices here. ❝Just a water. Maybe that soup that... seems to be glowing...❞
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♤ : Well that won't do. So much for plans, huh? Good thing he had his own backup on the very likely chance this would happen. "You can't hope to improve your image if you don't even bother trying, director." Avoiding people? Ignoring? If she thought the locale didn't like her before, this did nothing to improve that image.
So step away as himself for a moment, a put charisma on display. A hand wave and bit of charm is all it took, along with picking the choice that gave him the best chance- an old woman. Bidding adieu before returning to side, his expression unwavering. "-This might come as a surprise, but unlike Sugilite my tastes aren't limited to the finer things in life." More a display of how far he came, compared to modest beginnings. "But your research was correct it seems. That woman echoed your sentiment." So? Lead, since local was kind of enough to instruct. "How much longer do you plan on gritting your teeth? You'll wear them down quick, if keep at thus rate."
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jeiena · 2 months
♦︎┊ A sharp breath nearly causes her nostrils to flare at the consolation; not unlike a cat's response to physicality. It wasn't always like this, especially when they used to share familiar rooms and ranges during their early P-10 days, but the brutality of corporate ascension has uncanny ways of honing one's defenses. Aventurine could bargain that she could use more caution, but whatever.
Her stiffened back eases slightly, and she makes haste for the city, avoiding eye contact. ❝Unless you have a taste for lizard, there's honestly not much. Belebog, as you can see, is not an ideal climate for agriculture. Herbs are their culling, and they try to raise their own salmon within the walls of the warm city, but it tastes...❞ She doesn't digress. ❝If you like sausage though, they're famous for them. But, Director Aventurine, who adores his lavish riches - would you be content with just that?❞
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♤ : Heh. Flair tones down if but to be courteous to those around, yet that stupid plastered grin remains ever glued on his face. Overbearing but endearing- his specialty of course. "You'd be surprised! Some don't even need to be nudged to get that information. But suppose that says more about your situation than anything else, eh?" The consequences of. Failure is rarely if but ever, accepted.
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A precarious position though! Exuberance shines through again, as he pats. Assurance isn't rare from, but physically given? That, is a more controlled serving. Specifically, a rub to back. A calming technique all could relate when they were young. "Then maybe it's time to try another approach? Wearing your heart on your sleeve has some advantages. Why don't you try that out instead?" Bumpkin as these types were, if he knew them from a glance.. being simple would go far. "How about finding a recommendation where to eat? Everyone loves food you know."
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jeiena · 3 months
♦︎┊ Deep down, she senses a modicum of sincerity in his performative provocations. It was likely the same feeling he fostered when he stayed on the line following her demotion, and the reason why she didn't hang up right away. ❝Hm, I thought you would've probed for the details all on your own without me even mentioning them, Director. Getting the dirt on other people is kind of your specialty, isn't it?❞ Sharp words, but the expression on her face shines with the usual lightheartedness she teases him with.
❝But, supposing you didn't hear it the other Stonehearts, I guess I can tell you. I'd rather talk about it here than there anyway.❞ She mumbles the last bit, succumbing to the cold herself with a shiver. ❝It doesn't. The fresh air is nice, though. It's... clean.❞ A tiny sneeze. ❝Go where, exactly? I didn't make a very good impression the last time I was here, you know? We might get kicked out.❞
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♤ : Well, duh. "Yes, you can still win after losing. But usually something like that is planned. Which in your case I don't believe was such. Unless, you left out a few details intentionally Director?" A razors line to dance, but one he's all so familiar to. Still, hold tongue for now until the sight reveals itself- modest as it is.
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Quaint. Humble. Farcries from the way he'd display himself, but a humble recollection as it was. Hands freed from pockets to rub another for heat, a heated breath into would show cold's effect. "And? Did you doubt they would? They didn't survive while in this position, without a will to." The lengths people would go to live. He knows it well. "Let's get going. This coat is hardly insulted you know? Still, impressed how well you're holding up. Does this scenery suit you that much?"
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jeiena · 3 months
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♦︎┊ ❝...❞ If looks could kill, he'd be a caricature of Vlad the Impaler's rage right now. Sapphire daggers find their mark on his Sigonian eyes and she glares and glares and glares away as they trudge through the snow. ❝Who said it was a mistake?❞ One last send-off into oblivion for him before she concedes with a sigh. ❝Not all of us can luck out as much as you do. But you know, it's still possible to win the game even after losing the bet.❞
Their steps stall at the edge of a snowy cliff - the same one she used to overlook Belebog all those months ago. Her chest still wells with the same pride she had going in, but the ambition has since diminished. ❝Well? What do you think?❞ From below, they can't make out any distinguishing features among the specs of bodies roaming the city, but they can see that the streets are excitable. ❝They said they would survive. All on their own.❞
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♤ : Troublesome isn't it? He recognizes that tapping of a foot anywhere, as does he know what it signifies. Preparing for the inevitable does little when face with a confidence flees, but even now he shows no tell. Pokerface had long been tested, after all. "What? Did you not like my recommendation?"
So many options. So many locations. A whole system to explore, with the only limitation being time. And the option he decides? The same place he had pegged other on their mistake, drab as it is. "I thought it was wise to see the place that caused your troubles. Or do you not like reflecting on your mistakes, director?"
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jeiena · 3 months
♦︎┊ Ambiguous as always. ❝You know, there are times where it feels like my memories of you never existed.❞ Sure, they've always bickered, but all that time together had to have amounted to something. The Aventurine she knew was the Sigonian who gambled against fate and won more than he ever was the self-destructive Stoneheart of Stratagems. It's how it should be, but it's felt less and less like that these days. ❝You're asking me to lay my life down for you, you know?❞
She holds her emotions close, but her eyes gradually trail over the coin. Fingers follow suit, and the shape of it disappears beneath the shadow of her hand. ❝...The IPC is my life.❞ Topaz seizes his coin, but returns nothing back. If anything, she gets up, and decidedly leaves the tab for him. ❝What you want from me is going to cost more than a few drinks. Since I now have so much more time on my hands, I expect your mentorship in these coming days, Sir Aventurine. Decide the coordinates and send them to me. I'll be keeping this until then.❞
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♤ : The man is nothing, if not calculated. Or perhaps he knew his wager would come without repercussions? At least, nothing immediate. "No. You're still here. And by doing so, you're showing your hand just slightly." A little tip, from him to her. "Everyone has a tell, director. You have to be smart and figure out how to hide it better." But enough testing his luck before she really does splash him in the face! As tipped glasses and a coin from his pocket is raised.
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"A higher wager." Coin placed upon table, he leans back. "People might be wise to us at a surface, but if you put the right cheese to any trap... the mouse will always spring it." Hence, the logic should make sense. Leaning back in, he slides coin to. "After all, who's dumb enough to gamble such a valuable thing?" Not unless the game was rigged from the start. Anyway. "What I want. That's all that motivates us, isn't it?"
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jeiena · 3 months
The primordial reflex is animosity. Fingertips pale against the stem of her glass as she restrains from splashing the cup's contents at him, but she remembers her place. ❝You're lucky I'm not halfway out the door by now.❞ Another drink gets added to the tab. Silence swaps her words for thoughts; a mental back and forth between whether or not he was joking, and the fact that he'd used Jade's cornerstone as a bargaining chip for hers.
Aventurine isn't joking. He might pull the wool over the eyes of his clients, but he knows she's built a resistance against him. ❝You'd go that far to take down the Family? But Aventurine, Penacony is invitation-only. None of us received one as far as I'm concerned; nobody ever wants us around.❞ Topaz looks into his eyes for an answer, but their clarity immediately makes her flinch. He's being honest, and she's not used to it. She looks away. It isn't just Penacony he wants, is it? ❝...What's in it for you?❞
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♤ : Tough as always! But really, mentioning that name would cause a notable shift in his air. A tad bit more serious to reflect tone before he relaxes posture that had gotten somewhat stiff. "Not wasting any time today are we? But that's fair, surprises have a tendency of working against you huh?"
Enough though. After enjoying one more sip of his drink, lips purse. "Cutting it short, your cornerstone. I need to borrow it for a bit." A tall ask, he knows. So let him provide some comfort in the idea. "Jade already entrusted hers with me. Surely, that's assuring enough for you to not worry if the risk is worth it?"
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jeiena · 3 months
❝I figured you wanted the glory of finally one-upping Oswald to yourself. Whatever, though. I won't let you fail regardless of your intentions.❞ At the mention of their superior, she tightens the notches of this conversation just a tick, finally yielding eye contact to him. ❝...? What's this favor?❞
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If he went as far as to solicit requisitions from Jade, the ones she'd provide could only be of equal or greater value. The investor awaits his answer and decides to order a mulled pomegranate martini — a drink just for him, as an answer to the one he bought her. ❝In all the years we've worked together, when have I ever ruined anything for you that you didn't ruin yourself first, Aventurine?❞ Scoff. ❝Besides. It's like you said: this is my chance at redemption.❞
♤ : Slow clap with a hearty laugh. The kind of behavior that could easily be interpreted for it's intention. "You need to work on your jokes. I'm hardly amused." Ah but it was the effort that counted. When does she ever amuse his drifts into orbit? Dare say he call it progress. But go on. Talk their talk. Establish their grounds while entertaining himself with a puff, a sip, and a shrug.
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Knock glasses from crown upon eyes, as fingers would come up to adjust. And glance, his mischief on full display. "Really, that question is getting old. When isn't it all or nothing?" Which reminds him! "To be perfectly honest, I did need a favor from you. I've already gotten Jade's blessing, so long I have yours that is. You're not going to ruin that for me, are you?"
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jeiena · 4 months
Nice to be nice? Is this a charity act? ❝Don't tell me you're not feeling confident taking on such a high-stakes mission by yourself?❞ And to make her his project manager? With his notoriety and her debilitation after fumbling Jarilo-VI, it was like he wanted to draw attention to the two black sheep of the Strategic Investment Department.
Topaz doesn't trust him. But... ❝Penacony...❞ Fingers drum along the table until his drink of choice finally ends her idle action. ❝Their debt is incredible. Even more so than Jarilo-VI's. You've always been reckless, but...❞ She downs it all in a single gulp. ❝I never mess up twice.❞ She'd be lying if she said the idea of being involved in Penacony didn't absolutely thrill her to the bone. Perhaps he knew this after all the years they've shared climbing the corporate ladder.
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All favors incur a debt, however. She stares at the remnants of her drink before turning to face him. ❝Aventurine.❞ A pause. ❝How high are the risks?❞
♤ : Trying to read him? Well, that's a quick way to induce an even worse headache than she was already suffering from. Loosening his hold on the creature that took her spot, he'd slouch over ever slightly in her direction. "You make it seem like I can't do something nice to be nice! You hurt me, really." Not that he'd oppose her idea. Just point it out. Regardless, he'll indulge. Pulling a drag from coat pocket, it transitions to mouth as he closes gap. A huff.
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A tap to the counter. A signal to the bartender. Just for a moment, before returning to. "Indeed. What, worried for me?" Suppose for good reason. The reward matches the risk. "I'd ask if you could tag along, but I wouldn't think they're too keen on you at the moment you know? Got to earn your way back by other means." Keep her nose clean. It always suited her better. "Don't worry, I'll check in regularly. Just don't ignore my messages, alright?"
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jeiena · 4 months
        Every survival instinct in her body reels at his proximity, his predatory shadow a threat before her own. While she finds him unsettling, she has to remember that at the end of the day... he's just an idiot. Numby, on the other hand, cares little for self-preservation. They floated into the space she refused to fill and squeaked at him. ❝Tsk.❞ Ahem. That wasn't her clicking her tongue at all.
Are you sure you're not just looking for someone to light your cigarette?❞
        Nevertheless, her figure wades past him and perches on a bar stool, legs crossed and cheek relaxed atop a bed of knuckles. ❝Something stiff. And don't pull the "higher up" thing on me and try to pay for my drink. I'll leave if you do.❞ Nonchalantly raising her free hand just above her shoulder, she lights a spark of element between her fingers and maintains a flicker of a flame for him. A follow-up to her own invitation just a moment ago. ❝So. Penacony, huh?❞
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♤ : "Is that all I get? Really?" Keen as other was to details, it seems she'd forgotten the most important one of them all at the moment. His arms, open to. Fingers curling as they beckon the other in, inviting to his maw. Even if he knew other would likely so vehemently decline.
Well, that's just how she was. Playing nice is his best bet if not the only way he'd extend this conversation any longer. "I'm not so reckless, you know? Planning a meet up isn't so hard." Especially when he had the information. "Come on, join me for a drink yeah? How's that saying go? Never drink alone?"
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jeiena · 4 months
        »  @counterfeiting
        Pier Point: headquarters of the IPC; indomitable space network of astral fleets; home. It should beckon to the soul of this weary nomad, but today, it doesn't. Whatever dignity she had left had been spent humbling herself before the public counsel following her performance in Belebog. All she wanted to do was retire to the comfort of her fuzzy haven and sleep the day away, but here she stood,
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            —a jester before a king wearing a wicked smirk beneath his crown of hauteur. In the middle of an empty bar, no less. What a shrewd businessman; no tact for confidentiality. ❝I see your return coincided with my own in a very timely manner. Should I be impressed?❞ Considering how much they travel independently?
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