jedi-knightkenobi · 3 months
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jedi-knightkenobi · 3 months
It is a god damned crime that liam neeson isnt worshiped on tumblr.
Also fuck everyone he is actually beautiful.
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jedi-knightkenobi · 3 months
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EWAN MCGREGOR & LIAM NEESON Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return (2022)
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jedi-knightkenobi · 5 months
I was reading the Attack of the Clone's script for *research* purposes, and it's been a while since I've seen the full movie but:
OBI-WAN: You look tired. ANAKIN: I don't sleep well, anymore. OBI-WAN: Because of your mother? ANAKIN: I don't know why I keep dreaming About her now. I haven't seen her since I was little. OBI-WAN: Dreams pass in time. ANAKIN: I'd rather dream of Padmé. Just Being around her again is... intoxicating. OBI-WAN: Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You've made a commitment to the Jedi order... a commitment not easily broken... and don't forget she's a politician. They're not to be trusted.
Literally I will never be able to take the "Obi-Wan is so mean he didn't let Anakin go find his mother" argument seriously ever again. On a purely factual level, there's not a single indication Anakin told Obi-Wan his dreams showed him his mother was in danger or that he thought they were dreams from the Force. Anakin says himself that he doesn't know why he's dreaming of her, which makes Obiwan's "Dreams pass in time," so incredibly reasonable.
Wait wait wait let me update the language to the *pretentious voice* modern parlance. It'll be like a Shakespere "translation." Here we go:
Obi-Wan: you look tired Anakin: I haven't been sleeping well Obi-Wan: Cuz of your dreams? Anakin: Yeah I've been randomly having dreams about my mom all of a sudden. Obi-Wan: They'll probably go away if you wait a bit. Brains are weird like that sometimes. …
The only evidence Obi-Wan might have to the danger point is that the dreams are disrupting Anakin's sleep. But Obiwan is the one to bring up the dreams, in context of them disrupting Anakin's sleep. If Anakin was looking for an opening, that was it.
But way more importantly to me currently is the fact that Anakin transitions out of talking about his mother by going "I'd rather dream of Padmé. Just Being around her again is... intoxicating."
Wtf anakin??? Who says that??? Let alone to their brother-dad???
He seriously goes from talking about his dreams of his mother to how his crush that he's known for a couple days total at this point is really hot, and people expect me to believe that Obi-Wan was supposed to divine from this conversation that they needed to immediately run halfway across the galaxy to prevent imminent disaster?????
Let me continue my translation:
… Anakin: I'd rather dream about having sex with Padmé. She's so hot and pretty and nice Obi-Wan: Anakin remember how the beliefs you've been committed to for the past ten years are maybe important to you? Also politicians are generally corrupt, we eat the rich in this household.
This is a fanfic type miscommunication plot at best, except for some reason people act like Anakin isn't being about as clear as mud.
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jedi-knightkenobi · 8 months
Kenobi just shook his head with a chuckle. "Sir? Are we to stay here?" Commander Cody glanced between the two as she took off. Kenobi placed a hand on Cody's shoulder before drawing up his lightsaber. "Don't worry Cody. She's stubborn, but she has a point. We shall hold off the droids here until we can draw back to the rendevous point. Let's just hope the villagers send us some sort of aid."
With that said, Kenobi rallied up his troops as they held the front for a while. Then, just as they gained ground, the Jedi master spotted grievous out of the corner of his eye. He signaled for Cody to grab two other troopers and follow his lead while the others held the front line. Once they reached the ridge of the treeline, Kenobi signaled for them to hold. Cody looked to the general for a plan. He ordered Cody and the others to go around while Kenobi approached from the front to catch Grievous and engage him head-on. "But sir, he's a sith." Cody protested. "He's known to hunt down other Jedi and collect their lightsabers."
The general acknowledged his concerns with a contemplating look worn across his face. "Yes, I'm well aware, Cody. You must do your part just as I must do mine."
These words did not reassure the commander. The clone removed his helmet and glanced over his shoulder before turning to the general. The others were standing guard just a few feet away.
"Sir, they say he's been trained by the dark lord Sidious."
The worried soldier kept his voice low to ensure the other clones didn't hear. Kenobi looked up at the nervous commander. He placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Have I ever let you down, Cody?"
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The sound of blasters hitting the rock echoed through the valley. It was loud and stirred up tons of dust which compromised the Jedi general's vision. The droids were closing in fast, and time was against them. The woods would no longer hide them if they continued to retreat back into the open field. A voice suddenly drew his attention away from the battle. He smirked at the familiar remark. “Old?” Kenobi turned with a perplexed expression to see his dear jedi friend once again beside him. “Maybe by two years more than you.”
He then turned his attention back to the battlefield as commander Cody returned. Kenobi had sent Cody out to scout the open field behind them and to report his findings. He explained that these droids weren’t actually fighting a defense but more a diversion. Cad bane had been spotted near the village leading an assault of pirates while the droids clouded the focus of the squad. Kenobi knew of grievous but now Cade bane? Great just what they needed.
Cody added as well that the open field was cleared to cross with a small group of men. Kenobi would lead them across to help evac the natives if needed. Kenobi turned to his friend who had just arrived. “We need to warn the villagers,” he stated.
“They won’t see the attack from the other side of the hill. Grievous is somewhere as well so it’s best if we split up. These woods are best known to you, K. Can you hold the line here while Cody and I head to the village? We can rendezvous there.”
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jedi-knightkenobi · 8 months
The sound of blasters hitting the rock echoed through the valley. It was loud and stirred up tons of dust which compromised the Jedi general's vision. The droids were closing in fast, and time was against them. The woods would no longer hide them if they continued to retreat back into the open field. A voice suddenly drew his attention away from the battle. He smirked at the familiar remark. “Old?” Kenobi turned with a perplexed expression to see his dear jedi friend once again beside him. “Maybe by two years more than you.”
He then turned his attention back to the battlefield as commander Cody returned. Kenobi had sent Cody out to scout the open field behind them and to report his findings. He explained that these droids weren’t actually fighting a defense but more a diversion. Cad bane had been spotted near the village leading an assault of pirates while the droids clouded the focus of the squad. Kenobi knew of grievous but now Cade bane? Great just what they needed.
Cody added as well that the open field was cleared to cross with a small group of men. Kenobi would lead them across to help evac the natives if needed. Kenobi turned to his friend who had just arrived. “We need to warn the villagers,” he stated.
“They won’t see the attack from the other side of the hill. Grievous is somewhere as well so it’s best if we split up. These woods are best known to you, K. Can you hold the line here while Cody and I head to the village? We can rendezvous there.”
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jedi-knightkenobi · 8 months
The sound of blasters hitting the rock echoed through the valley. It was loud and stirred up tons of dust which compromised the Jedi generals vision.
A voice drew his attention as he smirked at the familiar remark. “Old?,” Kenobi turned with a perplexed expression. “Maybe by two years than you.”
He then turned to the battlefield as commander Cody returned from a scout to report his findings. He explained that these droids weren’t actually fighting but more a diversion. Cad bane had been spotted near the village leading an assault of pirates while the droids clouded the focus of the squad. Kenobi knew of grievous but now Cade bane? Great just what they needed. Kenobi turned to his friend who had just arrived. “We need to warn the villagers,” he stated. “They won’t see the attack from the other side of the hill. Grievous is somewhere as well so it’s best if we split up. These woods are best known to you,K. Can you hold the line here while Cody and I head to the village? We can rendezvous there.”
Jedi are raised from a very young age. They are trained in the ways of the force and raised by the principles of the sacred temple. Life was unpredictable and with every good there was also bad. It took strength and courage for those true to the force to fine their way through life. War was the current event throughout the galaxy. General Kenobi led his squadron of clones to the front lines where they were needed alongside commander Cody. Every time they would return to the cruiser with a good report until general Grievous decided to intervene in their mission Endor.
With reinforcements on the way, Kenobi must rely on the closest ally for help in the meantime. The woods provided temporary protection as it shielded the troops from the droid army. Commander Cody asked what the plan was as Kenobi withdrew his transmitter. “K? This is general Kenobi. We are on Endor requesting assistance.”
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jedi-knightkenobi · 1 year
Cody covered the Jedi general as he moved his remainder squad to cover behind a huge hill. Being pushed back into an open field behind them. It was their last chance to fight. Turning to one clone to see how bad his wound was, Kenobi suddenly felt a sense in the force. His friend was nearby. A smile flashed across his face as Cody approached from behind with news.
“General, what’s the plan?”
Kenobi helped a fallen clone to his feet and handed him off to the medic. He then unhilted his saber and turned to Cody.
“We stand our ground and finish our mission, Cody.”
Kenobi looked around at the wounded as the sound of droids grew closer in on them. They were getting closer to the town and Kenobi and his clones need to get there before the droids to warn whatever life forms where there.
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Jedi are raised from a very young age. They are trained in the ways of the force and raised by the principles of the sacred temple. Life was unpredictable and with every good there was also bad. It took strength and courage for those true to the force to fine their way through life. War was the current event throughout the galaxy. General Kenobi led his squadron of clones to the front lines where they were needed alongside commander Cody. Every time they would return to the cruiser with a good report until general Grievous decided to intervene in their mission Endor.
With reinforcements on the way, Kenobi must rely on the closest ally for help in the meantime. The woods provided temporary protection as it shielded the troops from the droid army. Commander Cody asked what the plan was as Kenobi withdrew his transmitter. “K? This is general Kenobi. We are on Endor requesting assistance.”
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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May the force be with you.
Happy Birthday Laura! @windu​
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars S02E13: Voyage of Temptation.
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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“in silence so deep he could hear the whirring of the electrodrivers in his mechanical hand, he disentangled himself from the sheets and got up.”
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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Decided to draw more Obi-Wan.
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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jedi-knightkenobi · 2 years
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Obi-Wan Kenobi reunites with his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn OBI-WAN KENOBI (2022), Part VI
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