jaybluebugs · 2 months
Announcing my Hiatus
Hello everyone! Uhm as you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting much. Or actually, at all.
I have been pretty demotivated lately due to events happening in my life that I won’t get into; but all that you need to know is that I haven’t really been available to draw lately.
But I’m not saying this so you can worry about me; I am actually doing good when it comes to my mental, emotional, and social health.
It’s just something’s happened that is completely out of my control that has me realizing there is so much more to life than art and social media.
(I mean before I even know it I’m gonna be in college living on my own like.. what? That’s just crazy for me to think about honestly.)
But anyway, enough of the jibber jabber, let me get to the point.
Today, I’d like to announce that I will be taking an indefinite hiatus from all of my socials.
I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be back but what I do know is that it’ll be a long.. long.. time from now.
I’m talking at least a year baby.
I plan to return when I am more mature and educated when it comes to this whole internet presence thing. Because, like many others my age, I was introduced to the internet at a really young age and honestly I need a detox.
Oh, and also when I have more freedom as a young adult to do as I please.
(Because as much as I love them, my parents also really want me to focus on things other than art and social media 😓 But keep in mind I am leaving on my own terms)
Anyway, to conclude, my life isn’t my phone.
My body’s growing, and I don’t want my mind to be left behind.
TL;DR: I’m leaving all of my socials, including Tumblr, because of events that have happened in my life that have caused demotivation in my passion for art. This hiatus is indefinite but I can at least guarantee it’ll be a year or so long. I may return to having a presence on the internet once I have the maturity level and freedom to do so. Thank you for reading. đŸ©”
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jaybluebugs · 2 months
oi oi oi, baka....
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jaybluebugs · 2 months
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Gift for @hyptanyl ‌
Ahh Smile Dog <333 This cute lil bab was so fun to draw
Even though my hand was super shaky the whole time
I should probably go eat something
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jaybluebugs · 2 months
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Gift for @aiko-kpwc <33
Never trust her smile..
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jaybluebugs · 2 months
I dunno how to start a post correctly so I'll get I'll to it..
NOTE!: These are ocs I made in Gacha life 2! I am aware Gacha is kinda cringe but I honestly don't care too much.. I love my silly boys a lot and so yeah! Oh yeah by the way, those who have [] around their names means they don't have official names yet.. More placeholders.
Btw, the 2nd image of them is either their true form/them before they were hired:p
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This is Stars. Originally created restore broken planets and retain order, as well as to fight against the embodiment of chaos itself.. He works as a jester for the Universal Circus. Well, less of a jester and more of a guy who can run through hoops and due various performances for the crowds that come to see. Despite his more peaceful nature he can and does have times of anger and sprouts of annoyance at times. However he's mostly chill and relaxed, having little to ever complain about and is usually the one to make sure chaos is at its lowest.. Even if its everywhere in the circus and not something he can always avoid. He can also be pretty high energy when needed! Thus why he takes on more of a performer aspect..
TaKuhai On HiKuano
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TaKuhai On HiKuano, or more preferably Toku, is a dragon-esc being who hails from a certain island on a planet amongst galaxies.. He is praised as a God almost, or at least a savior. A savior who is seen to protect the island from any evil that comes around or near it. He is praised by the people he protects, and now? He works as a performer for the Universal circus! Using his fire breathing and such to good use to increase the tricks that they preform. Hes very close with Stars and both are overall like the buddies EVER. He has a habit of making fun of folk and is overall one of the leading causes of chaos every now and then. Hes kind of high on energy and has little regret for anything he does. Hes also barely ever really takes things seriously.. He does care for things though, even if It doesn't look like it.
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Silly was born from demonic powers themselves, formed into a being whos only meaning was to break, either that or just exist meaninglessly. However, once people found her, they worshipped her as a God beyond all, and thus her life extended much past then how she should have lived.. After years of worship and having to bare the pain of living without any escape, she was eventually saved by a certain someone.. Given medicine and such, she lives happily and has no urges to want to die anymore! Having a parental figuer at her side, she acts less like a god and more like just a child. She's very happy..
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The boss is destruction, distortion, discourse, ect all into one being. Originally created to destroy planets and even universes, overtime he learned to change.. Learning sympathy for the lives he was destroying, and eventually taking a vacant planet and transforming it into the circus we know today. Taking powers from all over, the Boss has a love for seeing people smile and likes to bring joy to everyone he encounters. Despite his orginal purpose hes a very fun loving guy who's pretty reasonable. Even adopting Silly in a sense, being her parental figuer and all, even giving her the meds she needs to stay alive! He's just a nice guy, really.
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The creator of everything. Every planet, ever powerful source, the core of it all. Creating Stars, the Boss, and the world they live in. All you need to know is that she jusr created everything. She is the core of it all. Everything bad, everything good. And she keeps an eye on it all.. All of it. Making sure things go in place. You can blame her for all the bad, but you can blame her for all the good.
Sorry if this kinda sucked im bad at this ;_;
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jaybluebugs · 2 months
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+ Cooper cause they’re a package deal
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
The Original Eight Apprentices
Of ThunderClan (All art by me)
(This is gonna be a longer post so brace yourself)
Real content coming soon (enough) but take some more old art + lore dumping for now
Uh I’ve been needing to put these guys on my blog anyway.
Ahem, allow for me to introduce you all to the eight original apprentices of my original story that I’m ALMOST done writing.
1. Cooper
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“On the greatest intentions that we're too stubborn to let go. And with this little time before I go, I'll open up my mouth and scream it out, to cast my voice into the crowd
Don’t let the world beat you down.”
You know him, you love him. He’s the main character of my story because OF COURSE HE IS. Literally not a single bad bone in his body; the most innocent and naive creature ever.
Theme Song:
2. Blue
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“I'm going to Hell. Any way that I can I'm going to Hell. For I am a cynical man, I'm going to Hell. Come catch me if you can.”
Snarky, vulgar, witty, atheistic, and will say a slur without hesitation for a measly 5 bucks. He’s basically the complete opposite of Cooper; and yet the two somehow manage to be best friends (They’re so close that they consider each other brothers.)
Theme Song:
3. Dawn
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“He is in my eyes, he is in my ears, he is in my blood, he is in my tears
For I just threw out the love of my dreams.”
This fiery hopeless romantic here completes Blue and Cooper’s trio. Believe it or not, she is a cat. I just based her design off a hyena cause Dawn over here has more of a rocker vibe, well in her more recent design at least, and for some reason hyenas just remind me of rock music. Anyway, she is definetly the mother of the group and the sweetest she-cat you’d ever meet. Mwah meah mwah I love her!! Oh and fun fact, she smells like warm cinnamon and bread :]
Theme Song:
4. Amberpaw
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“Oh the world is a wild and a wondrous place
And your heart, my love, has no need to break right now
This is the way it should be forever. This is the way it could be forever.”
Woohoo the medicine cat of the group! Amberpaw over here is sweet, kind, and calculated she-cat; and a perfectionist at heart. But never mistake her kindness for weakness; cause she will have no problem reminding you that when you’re sick or injured, your life is quite literally in her paws (Although she’d never actually cause you any real harm.)
Theme Song:
5. Silkpaw
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“Every single heart would beat for you alone if you would let em
You gotta keep yourself composed, So don't let em in
You gotta cut them off before they get too close to you.”
Ruh roh here comes an antagonist! This lass right here is the Queen Bee of a trio of antagonists that are present in my story. She’s cold, brash, unforgiving, and will find any piece of dirt on you to ruin your reputation if you even dare to question her hollow authority; and I love her for it. Also, she has a grudge against Amberpaw, her cousin, ever since they were kittens and nobody is sure why, especially since Amberpaw has been nothing but kind to her.
Theme Song:
6. Blackpaw
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“I could’ve been anyone, anyone else. Before you made the choice for me
I loved you like the sun
I shine only with the light you gave me.”
And here comes Silkpaw’s right-hand gal; Her beloved sister, Blackpaw! Blackpaw isn’t afraid to say even what her sister won’t and doesn’t bat an eye at getting deep and personal when publicly humiliating you. And, strutting around with all the confidence and all the “beauty” in the world, Blackpaw blindly follows her sister and suddenly despises whoever Silkpaw does without a single ask. Her and Silkpaw are closer than two peas in a pod.
Theme Song:
7. Graypaw
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“Constantly doing things that you don’t like
Chasing these pretty, pretty things. That talk too much, but I don't mind. Riding bikes across the street Without lookin' either way
Either way.”
And to complete Silk’s and Black’s tight-knit trio, here is Graypaw; the downy soft-to-the-touch momma’s boy! Even though he is the only tom of the group, he has no problem matching his she-cat friend’s anti-sociability. But, in all honesty, he doesn’t truly care for any cat he’s mean and just follows what his crush- I mean.. his best friend, Blackpaw, does. For Blackpaw, he has absolutely no spine and will do almost anything to impress her; but he does love to lightheartedly tease her. And for every other cat besides his two she-cat best friends, he isn’t afraid to get physical just to prove a point. Also, even though it’s so obvious he absolutely refuses to admit that he’s a momma’s boy.
Theme Song:
8. Bearpaw
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“Days seem sometimes as if they’ll never end. Sun digs its heels to taunt you
Oh-oh, close your weary eyes. I promise you that soon the autumn comes to darken fading summer skies. Breathe, breathe, breathe.”
And last, but not least, we have Bearpaw! This chubbster is Amberpaw’s quiet and reserved brother. Although the main victim of Silk’s, Black’s, and Gray’s bullying, he’s learned how to deal with them. He doesn’t talk back to them, though; not because he’s afraid of them or shy, but because he understands that it wouldn’t be wise to waste his breath on them. His voice is very flat and monotonous and he acts rather mature for his apprentice-age. A tom of few words but when he does speak, cats will have no choice but to listen.
Theme Song:
If any of you guys are curious and would like to know more about a specific character, don’t be afraid to ask about them in the comments!
I’m so open to talk more about my babies.
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
A Naughty Word
Posting this now cause I’m gonna make a big post after this
Yeah I wrote out curse words. I apologize God, I just wanted to make a funny joke.
But, at any rate this is literally Blue and Cooper’s whole dynamic summed up into two images
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Colored Pencil Doodles
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Maybe drawing with dull color pencils wasn’t the greatest idea but hhh content
That Angel one is something especially
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Is Widdly2diddly from Lisa the painful the best character ever
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 OF COURSE!! He is witerally so sigma!!!!!
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Here's Quickstars Windclan mate, Fogtail
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When your dead husband comes back to visit you be like(jk this was meant to be based around the timeline where they first started dating, Quickstar is very inexperienced with relationships and love in general and Fogtail is just an affectionate tom who loves her despite her flaws:3
And too think they were trying to kill each other whenever they met in war lol
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Old Doodle Art Dump but with my less cartoony style
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Goodnight, sleep tight. Don’t let anyone bite.
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Looking at this makes me so happy. I literally love Sol so much he’s one of my favorite villains
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the idea behind this was 'sol warriorcats but drawn like an animated villain'
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
So sigma!!!
I got bored so I drew this yesterday at night! Only took an hour really :D
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
Brine&Turtisma drawing!!
Though Turtisma usually takes the form of an animal he can turn into anything he wants, since he's pure electricity. This is his 2nd form!
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
I feel so sigma
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