jaws-min · 5 years
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At the Irvine Museum there are several beautiful pieces of art on Impressionism. I came in not knowing really what it was and as I was looking at the pieces, I was trying to figure out what the meaning or purpose behind them were, but I realized I was doing it wrong. Impressionism is about what feeling the work evokes in you and it was the same thing that Professor Greeban tells us that there is no right answer in your interpretation of art. Impressionism is all about capturing a feeling instead of an actual picture of something like with Realism. Impressionism and Realism differ from each other because Impression deals more with how we view something and feel about it whereas Realism is more about what we see in front of us.
The piece that intrigued me the most was “Mystical Hills” by Hanson Duvall Puthuff because it took me back to the times I would take road trips with my family. The picture looks like it was moving and a breeze was coming through with the way the brush strokes created movement. It reminded me of the rocks in Arizona and I remember feeling excited to get to my destination but at the same time I kept wondering how people could live here in the middle of no where. I thought about the wildlife and all the animals that live under the Earth or hide on top of the hills. I liked the different colors that were used, you don’t really see blue rocks, it is usually brown rocks and the sky should be blue but instead it is more white so I thought that was interesting. The detail added on the ground level was accurate and although I could not depict what the green plants look like, either cactus or small trees but it made me feel that in order for me to reach the green path I have to travel through the dirt and twigs. 
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jaws-min · 5 years
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Our storyboard’s topic for the video game was based on math more specifically learning about perimeter. The game deals with a treasure hunt where the student is allowed to explore their environment and solve problems that require math. The end goal is that they have to reach the treasure chest and once they pass the level the screen will show confetti and a congratulations where the student can show their teacher and can select an item from an actual treasure chest the teacher has.
On the six frames we showed a step-by-step of what the student may come across on that level so for example, the student comes across a bridge that is missing planks. The student must cut out their own measurement that fits perfectly in the missing area using the perimeters of the other planks. Once that challenge is completed, they are allowed to move onto the next problem. This is where the well-ordered sequencing is applied for the problem-based learning category because each frame has its own challenge that they get to solve one at a time versus getting all the problems at once and feeling overwhelmed. If the problem is too hard for them, then the scaffolding is applied as the student can ask for assistance and a hint will be given to them. We don’t want to give them the answer but rather create a setting where they are put into a sandbox which is under the problem-based learning as well because we want them to explore on their own and when things get too hard for them, it is within their reach to ask for help. We also wanted to empower the learner by using the manipulation principle because having the game be very enthusiastic for them where they have that out of body experience it makes the learning even more fun. For creating deep learning we decided it would be important to include the meaning as action so in order for the student to understand something, there should be different methods of explaining, not just explaining a block of text with additional blocks of texts.
*Storyboard was created by Kelly Steele, Justine Pham, and me. :)
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jaws-min · 5 years
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The spoof ad that my group did was based off of Netflix. Our poster read, “Netflix and Kill, Are You Still Wasting?”, and there were several messages behind this. We did want this to be simple and direct because Netflix does not have any fancy backgrounds. One was how we do not interact with others in the real world because we are so focused on watching our shows and movies that we stay in our zone. We are social creatures that need to communicate with people and being silent, watching Netflix, we would not be able to socialize our problems, achievements, etc. By not engaging with others we are isolating ourselves from those meaningful interactions that help us create special relationships. The saying at the bottom, “Are You Wasting?”, was meant to signify how much time we are wasting by not being out there in society and we are living our lives through a screen.
Another message was how Netflix creates this sedentary lifestyle that people have grown accustomed to. Since people are sitting and laying down watching their content, they are not exercising which means they are being less physically active. When someone is sitting for long periods of time it can increase the risk of certain diseases, depression, obesity, anxiety, etc. so it does take a toll on one’s physical and mental health. It’s important to have self-care and listen to what your body needs. By people watching shows for long periods of time they may not want to even go to the restroom because they do not want to pause it when the good part is about to happen and this can cause more complications for their health.
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jaws-min · 5 years
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At the Beall Center, I decided to pick the work of Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau called Life Writer (2006). The piece consists of a typewriter and a projector that shines on the paper of the typewriter. There is a computer that generates certain creatures based on what keys you press, and the computer uses that information to project the creatures onto the page. The creatures can grow and reproduce once they “eat” with the food one types up for them. The typewriter is sitting on a wooden desk accompanied by a wooden chair with a cushion on it which sets the “stage” for the typewriter by giving it importance as it is in the center of the desk.
This piece is asymmetrical because the creatures are randomly crawling about so there is no fixed amount nor same figures on both sides if the piece were to but cut in half. Also, the letters on the typewriter are individually different so if the “A” key is on the left side, there will not be an “A” key on the right. Regarding value, the table and chair are a wooden brown and the typewriter is black so there is a mix of dark colors, however, the brightest thing from the piece would be the paper because the light from the projector reflects on it which is what makes if stand out so you can see the black creatures clearly. The texture of the piece is three-dimensional as it is physical items that people can hold and sit on, however the creatures can’t be touched but they can move. The main lines that I see are the outlines of the creatures which are not straight lines, since the creatures are filled with the black color the creature is contoured showing where it starts and ends. The creatures would be considered organic shapes as they don’t have a solid structure because each one looks different and represent nature in some form.
Movement and rhythm really came to life here as I could not take my eyes off the insects as they moved randomly but there was a certain rhythm as each time the insects were born or fed, they went to the bottom of the page. The space the piece created for me was more of a feeling of wonder and fantasy yet with structure. It made me feel like I stepped back in time when typewriters were used and how anything could be created with the words one typed to evoke curiosity. In order for this to create this feeling in me meant that the art was unified and everything fit together because the pieces of the chair, desk, and typewriter complement each other, it’s just the creatures that caught me off guard but it makes sense as well as your words come time life, literally. I believe the artists main emphasis was on the paper of the typewriter because the creatures would appear once they were created and the interactions among them were interesting to watch.
I enjoyed this art piece because it was interactive, and it reminded me of biology. It also took a literal turn into how our words come to life and how actions speak louder than words so seeing the creatures grow I think represented how our way of thinking and speaking changes as we age. In addition, we should not lose touch with nature as even the little things can teach us lessons. Creating life and watching it flourish is something beautiful that we take for granted so I think this piece keeps you grounded in the sense that what you say or do does have outcomes. It is good to have us think this because sometimes we just need a reminder to be careful with what we exert out into the world.
What I wonder about this work is where the inspiration came from and why insects rather than flowers or people? What were the artists trying to truly say with these odd creatures?
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jaws-min · 5 years
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In my Identity Collage I decided to use a mixture of items such as a photograph, movie tickets, a magnet, and drawings. Instead of drawing a portrait I wanted to use symbolism and scatter them around yet have them connect in some way. By having the Monarch butterfly in the middle, I wanted it to show the end product of myself that I have yet to flourish into. It’s right there and almost in reach but I still need more growth and wisdom to become the best version of myself. On top of the butterfly is a cocoon demonstrating how I am still in that metamorphosis stage absorbing every little or big detail life has to offer. The experiences, love, and knowledge I gain from traveling, my cultural background, films, and my furry friend have all impacted me directly as well as indirectly and have allowed me to look at things through a different lens. The cocoon is hanging from a branch that is connected to a heart shaped flower illustrating my first and last name which both are flowers. It’s my signature.  It also shows how love has generated me to continue moving forward and since the flower branches out to the Salvadoran, Mexican, and United States flag, it serves as a reminder of what I am made of. The placement of the flags around the Monarch butterfly are meant to show how when I do reach my potential, I was propelled to reach my goals by my family and I am giving them wings to fly with me. 
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