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ALTERNATIVE MAGIC SCHOOLS: ☆ Sapenden Hall, School of Magic. Pendle Hill, England. ☆
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wizarding schools around the world // hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry (scotland)
Hogwarts School is located in Hogwarts Castle, a large castle somewhere in the Highlands of Scotland. The castle has extensive grounds with sloping lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches, a loch, a large dense forest, several greenhouses and other outbuildings, and a full-size Quidditch Pitch. There is also an owlery, which houses all the owls owned by the school and those owned by students. The three highest towers are the Astronomy Tower, the Ravenclaw Tower, and the Gryffindor Tower. There are 142 staircases, which are known to move, in the massive castle, which is set upon huge rocks above a magnificent lake.
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Update: now Nathaniel Bulzolic from The Vampire Diaries is back in Pretty Little Liars! I will never be able to stop watching tv ohmygad
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teen wolf tho
i can’t explain how happy it makes me that Aria’s brother from pretty little liars has jumped ship to teen wolf.
he was the best thing about that show.
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hogwarts was established in the 10th century
but sinks were not invented until the 18th century
so how did salazar slytherin mark the chamber of secrets with a form of indoor plumbing which would not be invented for another 800 years
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Collide: Open Starter
The wind pushed Jason’s floppy brown hair out of his eyes, an act of nature for which he was incredibly thankful, since his right hand struggled to keep his broomstick under control and he could already feel the bat slipping away from his left. The conditions were unlike anything Jay had ever experienced, the weather somehow managing to infiltrate the stadium and drown out the sound of the World Cup crowd completely. A bludger hurtled through the air towards his , and at the last minute Jay manage to pull his arm over his shoulder and bat it away, before another flew up on his left which he dodged expertly. The first angry ball returned, flying past his right ear, then another the other side, then a third ball collided with his bat and he swerved a fourth. Before the Stonem boy could even consider the fact that there were legally only two bludgers in a quidditch match, one smashed into the handle of his broomstick and a thunderous crack sounded as the handle snapped cleanly in two and Jay began to fall, the stadium opened up and Jay felt himself drop into a body of water. The Black Lake?
The lightning lit up Hogwarts castle like a Christmas tree, five seconds later Jay was jolted awake by the sound of thunder and the patter of rain fell on his bare shoulders. He blinked, sleep slowly fading away as Jay came to the realisation that he had been dreaming. He had not been beating in the impossible game, he had fact been sleep-walking. The tall, shaggy haired male blinked, and raised an arm to brush his hair away from his face and tried to place himself. A short distance away, a hooded figure emerged from the Forbidden Forest. Jay recognised the other person immediately, if only for the distinct manner in which all the Stonem sibling were cursed. Long-legged and clumsy, Jay watched as his brother dragged himself up the hill, and frowned. “What are you doing out here?” they spoke in unison as soon as they were within earshot of each other. Jay shuddered against the night air and wordlessly Tobias removed something from his expensive, Italian made robes and then pulled them away from his malnourished body and threw them over Jay’s half-naked one. Jay shot him a thankful look, before finally confessing, “Sleep-walking.” Toby shook his head, before also removing his shoes and pushing them towards Jason before nodding to the castle doors, “I’ll see you inside, come in when you’re ready.” Jason nodded and turned to look back over his shoulder to see his illusive brother enter the castle and stifled a yawn with the cuff of his brother’s robes and blinked into the darkness. Since the trade of half of his extremely valuable soul, Jason had been plagued by nightmares; as though his subconscious were troubled by the loss. He had never walked before however, and made a note to go and see one of his best friends, and the reason for the trade in the first place, Lily; who was by far the smartest person he knew. Perhaps she would be able to brew him something to stop him wandering again. With a worried sigh, Jay turned and padded towards the entrance of the castle, assuming that he had been heading towards the quiditch pitch, and hadn’t made it any further. He padded in shoes two sizes two big for him back into the castle and towards the kitchens were he hoped for a hot chocolate to help him settle before he headed back to the dungeons.
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