japotography · 5 years
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Headshots are super expensive here so I had to improvise. Made myself a black background by painting an old cardboard. Then, using my trusty old 50mm prime lens, Canon 60D, one Neewer ring light, and all my hopes and dreams, I took this shot. Ah, the life of a stuggling artist then begins. . . . . . . . . . . . #passionartist #actress #chicagoland #artistlife #headshot #selfportrait #asian #filipina #ilovechi #findyourstrong #hightribevibe #manifestyourdreams #veganbeauty #photosinbetween #artofportrait #portraitvisuals #selfgrowth #almostaselfie #spiritjunkie https://www.instagram.com/p/B3n0Ynihfbh/?igshid=1mzjl9dojkhnr
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japotography · 5 years
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When an artist takes a walk at the beach. ❤️ It's awesome when creativity is not hindered by medium and not hidden inside galleries. Cheers to artists who share their passion in random ways that warm up the hearts of those who see them. This one sure did mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . #beachvibes #saltescape #sunshinetherapy #travel #bluesea #oceanlife #oceanminded_arts #seastheday #staysalty #seaview #artcollective #artfinder #carveouttimeforart #dailyarts #artdiscover #art_viral #calledtocreate #createcultivate #creativityfound #seekinspirecreate #indiana #lakemichigan (at Michiana Shores, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0n7olLh7Ve/?igshid=1qdjlqe253317
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japotography · 5 years
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The where doesn't matter. (at Michiana Shores Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9onqshsCB/?igshid=cjdjr8xmc7tf
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japotography · 5 years
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When white walkers pass by Illinois in mid-April. (at Palatine, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQnBUsByOi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=viqnu77ixky2
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japotography · 5 years
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Lose your clothes and show your scars. That's who you are. Photo Credit: @dailderi https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAIPqTh6cT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g636kgnqlsyj
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japotography · 6 years
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If there was anything important I have learned over the years, it is to never let anyone steer your own wheel. Your journey is yours alone, and your destination is wherever you set it to be. People can make a whole list of things that you ought to be doing, rules you ought to be following, and dreams you ought to be chasing. But if none of them spark passion and love within your heart, then what would have been the point? If living day by day with simple joys and small acts of goodness is what makes you feel like you deserve your space in the world-- then do just that. Live kind. Live passionately. Live Malaya. #livemalaya https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmFuDHBRW8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f7qehn1hps49
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japotography · 6 years
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It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Since I came to the US and have seen this road the first time, I have promised myself to train consistently and thought that this would be the perfect place to do it. My body has enough strength for cycling you see, but my mind does not have the discipline to do it consistently. I go on long distance rides on a whim and by pure sheer will, and then go on long periods of hiatus after. Back in September, I said I finally would have a reason to train more. Such a beautiful place was too hard to pass. But then the days grew colder and my one solid reason slipped farther and farther away from me. And alas, six months after, here I am, still in paralysis. Today, I try to make the same promise I made half a year ago-- with the hopes that my will holds stronger this time around. May spring help me in my endeavour. How about you? Have you experienced becoming your own obstacle to self-growth? How do you overcome it? Share your story below, I would love to hear from you! (at Deer Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvgx8TGh-lL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tpxv7oik1te6
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japotography · 6 years
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If souls have colors, this could definitely be mine. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvdBga9h6Ua/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fx0gf5lwmney
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japotography · 6 years
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My favorite weather is sunshine weather. (at Palatine, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZh1t5BAIs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mufo1vjva4xy
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japotography · 6 years
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All good things are wild and free. I approached with the utmost care and stillness that I could muster, in spite of the noisy squelching noise the mud makes with my every step. It rained the previous night and the ground feels as moist and earthy as it possibly can. I unmounted my bike as the path proved to be unpassable for at least 50 meters. I didn't notice at first that a pair of brown eyes were carefully observing me up ahead. A slow flash of brown caught my peripherals and I realized that I was not alone. My heartbeat quickened as I observed the gentle creature walk silently past me, just a few meters away. It was my first time to see a deer right in the flesh. Nothing less of majestic is appropriate to describe it. And then I noticed that there was about half a dozen more on the other side of the field, peacefully grazing, some also watching me nonchalantly. I stared at them and they stared at me. I dared not approach any further. I was not gonna encroach upon their space any more than I already have. It must have been at least half an hour. I felt absolutely content just spectating from the roadside but I knew I had to move on. I smiled and waved gently to the first doe that I saw. She looked at me pensively, seemingly knowing what I was doing. I could have sworn she was saying goodbye back. And with a fuller heart and considerably lighter feet, I pedaled on-- spring really is just around the corner. #livemalaya https://www.instagram.com/p/BvXsrsAhX-H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mx47zs7g2m8j
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japotography · 6 years
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Let go of who you think you are supposed tobe and just be who you are. . . . . . . . . #livemalaya #selfgrowth #spiritjunkie #tribevibes #vibrationalenergy #youarepowerful #gowithin #liveinthenow #peacefulmind #peacefulwarrior #stillness #howyouglow #portraitoftheday #portraitsvisuals #globepeople #ofhumans #growthmindset #onlygoodvibes #positivemind #thinkhappythoughts #livethelittlethings #darlingmovement #makeitblissful #seekthesimplicity #theeverygirl #thehappynow #inspiremyinstagram #myquietbeauty #nowisnow https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUDdfiBoII/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n43h0oztc13d
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japotography · 6 years
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Any bicycle, used well, has the capacity to cure the ills that the flesh and the spirit are heir to. And how can it not? By pedaling forward, your body learns to participate with the earth beneath you, grasps the wonders of melding with the air and light, and ultimately teaches you this important thing: that if only you keep on pushing one leg after the other, you'll get to wherever you want to. Your mind is the limit. And if this truth does not open to you an infinite number of posibilities, then I do not know what will. . . . . . . . . #livemalaya #nevernotride #beautyofcycling #lifebehindbars #fromwhereiride #cyclingexperience #cyclisme #igerscycling #worldbybike #bikestagram #bikeculture #dailygrind #exploreeverywhere #finditliveit #getoutstayout #keepitwild #lifeofadventure #livefolk #stayandwander #theoutbound #welivetoexplore #lonelyplanet #roamtheplanet #traveldeeper #worlderlust #travelstoke #pedalforward #freespirit https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQIMA3Bk2R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3yz8fgb5xbpe
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japotography · 6 years
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Sometimes it's worth getting lost to find out a part of ourselves that we have never known before. Courage, wisdom, and strength that otherwise would not have surfaced if we stayed in the safety of our comfort zones. So don't be afraid to take that unknown path. It just might just present you the greatest gift that comes with all adventures: self-discovery. . . . . . . . . #livemalaya #selfdiscovery #gowithin #innerwork #liveinthenow #peacefulmind #artofvisuals #earthfocus #unlimitedplanet #welivetoexplore #growthmindset #positiveliving #selfgrowth #lonelyplanet #planetdiscovery #stayandwander #travelgram #worlderlust #lifeofadventure #wanderfolk #wildernessculture #getoutstayout #exploreeverywhere #keepitwild #fromwhereistand #mytravelgram #travellocal #agameoftones #colorhunters #colorventures (at Deer Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPAOIABMxf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7jy55faiocl7
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japotography · 6 years
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Sometimes it's worth getting lost to find out a part of ourselves that we have never known before. Courage, wisdom, and strength that otherwise would not have surfaced if we stayed in the safety of our comfort zones. So don't be afraid to take that unknown path. It just might just present you the greatest gift that comes with all adventures: self-discovery. #livemalaya #selfdiscovery #gowithin #innerwork #liveinthenow #peacefulmind #artofvisuals #earthfocus #unlimitedplanet #welivetoexplore #growthmindset #positiveliving #selfgrowth #lonelyplanet #planetdiscovery #stayandwander #travelgram #worlderlust #lifeofadventure #wanderfolk #wildernessculture #getoutstayout #exploreeverywhere #keepitwild #fromwhereistand #mytravelgram #travellocal #agameoftones #colorhunters #colorventures #livecolorfully (at Deer Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPADB5Bjgg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gjrvwg3yi34h
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japotography · 6 years
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Sometimes it's worth getting lost to find out a part of ourselves that we have never known before. Courage, wisdom, and strength that otherwise would not have surfaced if we stayed in the safety of our comfort zones. So don't be afraid to take that unknown path. It just might just present you the greatest gift that comes with all adventures: self-discovery. #livemalaya #selfdiscovery #gowithin #innerwork #liveinthenow #peacefulmind #artofvisuals #earthfocus #unlimitedplanet #welivetoexplore #growthmindset #positiveliving #selfgrowth #lonelyplanet #planetdiscovery #stayandwander #travelgram #worlderlust #lifeofadventure #wanderfolk #wildernessculture #getoutstayout #exploreeverywhere #keepitwild #fromwhereistand #mytravelgram #travellocal #agameoftones #colorhunters #colorventures #livecolorfully (at Deer Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvO_6M9hKmp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=whwbvtm0rya7
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japotography · 6 years
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Sometimes it's worth getting lost in order to find a part of ourselves we have never known before -- courage, wisdom, and strength that we wouldn't otherwise have discovered staying in the safety of our comfort zones. So don't be afraid to take the unknown path, as it just might present you with one of the most beautiful things in the world: self-discovery. . . . . . . . . #livemalaya #selfdiscovery #journey #springwatch #agameoftones #colorhunters #colorventures #livecolorfully #gowithin #innerwork #liveinthenow #peacefulmind #artofvisuals #earthfocus #unlimitedplanet #welivetoexplore #growthmindset #positiveliving #selfgrowth #lonelyplanet #planetdiscovery #stayandwander #travelgram #worlderlust #lifeofadventure #wanderfolk #wildernessculture #getoutstayout #exploreeverywhere #keepitwild #fromwhereistand (at Deer Grove, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvO_NASh6Yf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kv8wu1bioakb
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japotography · 6 years
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First time to ride out after the long winter. Experiencing only two seasons all my life, it has been absolutely amazing to witness fall and winter so far, and the beautiful transformations they each bring with them. Can't wait for the plants and flowers bloom again. For now I'll allow my eyes to enjoy playing with the last colors of winter. Oh dear world, you are beautiful. ❤️ . . . . . . . . #seasonchange #springwatch #adventurevisuals #agameoftones #alwaysgo #exploreeverything #finditliveit #getoutstayout #keepitwild #letsgosomewhere #livefolk #theoutbound #stayandwander #visualwanderlust #wildernessculture #traveldeeper #travelstoke #pinoygram #pinoyakogram #igersph #pinay #illinois (at Deer Grove) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNqLG4Bfhr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=92d37o1649lp
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