janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Final Reflection
CAS has been overall an amazing learning experience. It allowed me to learn a lot about myself and opened doors, which I did not even know that they could be opened. It also motivated me to pursue in many activities of which I am proud of, and which I would probably never undertake if it wasn’t for CAS. 
The greatest challenge was definitely finding the time and effort to complete 6 CAS activities each month. Service was the hardest, as I often had trouble with finding an appropiate opportunity for a service. Also, it was often difficult to find an CAS activity, which makes a global impact. However, I was able to overcome these challenges.
 CAS showed me on my own skin, that with practice and regularity, one can be a master at almost anything that they put their mind and time to. It was an unforgetable experience, which made me grow as a person.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Summarizing post
1. Evidence for completion of CAS project.
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
CAS Project
For my CAS Project, I organized and hosted a board game event in a retirement home. “Pora na Seniora” in Mokotów. I first had to cut out the games from carboard. We made bingo and a game “Familjada”. I grew in my crafts skills and realized how easy it is to create something from skratch, which is not only much cheaper but it gives me a lot of satisfaction. 
Here are pictures of me creating the games:
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After creating the games, me together with my girlfriend, hosted the board games for the seniors. We also invited some of our friends in order for this to be a multigenerational bonding experience. The seniors had a great time, and the owner of the retirement house thanked us, as she believes that we mad a massive impact on the elders’ attitudes and they were extremely happy to be included in an activity with young people. For me, this experience was highly valuable as it showed me how great it can be to bond with older generations and unlocked craftsman and DYI abilities in me, which I did not know  existed.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Learning Outcomes February
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Learning Outcomes January
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Creativity 1 February
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I cooked shrimps with some healthy sides for lunch. Recently, I noticed that I have not been eating well and need to get my diet back in order. This is a start to thee changes in my eating habits
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Activity 1 February
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For the weekend, I visisted Sopot with my parents. It was great, the polish see side is as glamorous in the winter as it is in thee sujmer. This a picture of one the multiple walks we had.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Service 1 February
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During attic cleaning, I found a lot of my old toys, which I have not used for years. I decided to donate them to kids in need to the caritas foundation.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Creativity 2 January
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I made my mom a complex and sophisticated omelette for breakfast. It was very healthy, as there were a lot of vegetables. I tried adding salmon to the meal to slightly diversify it and try and create something new. Now I know, that omelettes with fish are not for me.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Activity 2 January
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I recently took a trip to the polish mountains with my parents. We went on beautiful long walks with amazing views. It was very tiring at times, but totally worth it!
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Service 2 January
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Today I went to Schronisko dla bezdomnych zwierząt in Józefów. I went on walks with the puppies and integrated with them to try and make their days better.
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Creativity 1 January
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I am continuing to learn HTML together with other web programming languages. Today, I have made a registration page to a website, whilst connecting it to a custom database. This has helped me understand todays internet world that we operate in. 
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Activity 1 January
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Once again, I went wall climbing. Today I pushed my limits on the wall, trying routes which I never approached before. It was very difficult and there were many failures but overall I most definitely left this session a better climber. 
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Service 1 January
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Today I volunteered at a meeting with MYP students in order to teach them more about the programme. I felt like my and my peers knowledge was of great use and I got to know many new students from our school
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Learning Outcomes December
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Learning Outcomes November
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janlorkowskicas · 2 years
Service 2 December
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I collected and wrapped gifts which we were later given to families in need. It was done together with the „Szlachetna Paczka” programme.
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