centimaki · 4 years
Again thank you so much for doing my comms
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Once again shameless promotion, I know, but I have to thank @centimaki for commissioning me. Here’s something for all of you guys to enjoy! :D In the meantime, sorry for not drawing Kalyan or replying on your lovely asks - there’s something BIG in the plan for Kalyan, bare with me! I can’t wait to share more info with you guys! :D I do promise it will be amazing! See ya soon! :D
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centimaki · 4 years
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HOLY FUCKIN COW!!! I FINALLY HAVE A PROPER REF SHEET OF MY CENTIPEDE BOY IN HIS ANTHRO CENTIPEDE FORM!! I guess this explains how Nero goes from human to full on anthro.
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ichihara-chan/ Thanks this wonderful and my friend Ransu from FA who commissioned her to draw a Transformation Picture. I love how this looks and the artists added the fixes and this was a really great Birthday gift. Sure made me happy Artist: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ichihara-chan/ Nero belongs to me.
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centimaki · 5 years
This is so cute and adorable!!
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Happy Halloween from Everett, his daughter Willow, and their friend, River!
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centimaki · 5 years
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Here's my centipede snake boi just relaxing in his normal clothes. he love long sweeters and stripes. This was a gift my friend https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mloglio got for me from my favorite artists https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dtalvi/ I love there work and i am so happy that my friend got me this!! late bday gifts are worth it!! again thank you all so much.
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centimaki · 5 years
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A week had passed after the event of the centipede attacking the boy, but the boy seems to have not learned anything. Since the creature was blocked from coming to school for a few days. He thought it was safe to go back to his normal bull-crap ways since there was no one there to stand up to him, he thought it was fine. One of the teens who became the main target soon had enough, and he was walking through the forest as he was tried and was done with even trying to becoming a hero. The awful words kept coming back into his mind and he just let out a loud scream. Nero, the centipede creature heard this and slowly walked over to the screaming boy. The boy told him everything and also that he was surprised to see the scary, creepy monster actually look like a human. "Didn't you have multiple limbs?" Nero just laughed as he nodded. "My quirk can let me grow my long body and other things, before going back to human." The boy tilted his head, he heard rumors about this boy. "aren't you one of the experiments that escaped from one of those villain's labs?" Nero looked down before hissing a little. "You don't need to know if you don't want to die. I'll handle the bully." He nodded and left as Nero soon went into town, but because he looked like a human, not a lot of people looked at him.
   He soon reached the school and saw that Xavier and one of his "friends" were with him. He thought before he cleared his throat and tried to mimic the boy's voice, which this worked and the 2 boys followed, when they walked into the forest and was a good distance from the town. Nero slowly changed into his monster-like form. "Come on out you little pipsqueak. we know you are here." Nero slowly crawled up behind Xavier's friend and before the boy could scream, he launches at Xavier grabbing him in his many hands. The 2 boys tried to use their quirks, but Nero quickly held them close as slowly he was weakening and adsorbing their quirks. "I told you, Xavier, to stop being a jerk, but it seemed like you didn't listen.~ therefore~   you shall be my dinner~" Xavier squirmed around quickly trying to get free, but this just made Nero squeeze tighter to the point it felt like his bones were cracking. "Now you shall have the honor to watch your money digging friend become one with me before you do the same~" Nero slowly lifted the boy above his mouth. the many arms moved Xavier up to his chest so he could watch, Nice and close. Nero just unhinged his jaws as he began to lower the boy he was out of breath and squirming be lowered down into his mouth, then he grabbed his sides with his mandibles and teeth and begun to pull him in nice and slowly. Xavier's eyes went wide with fear. His airless lungs that was slowly getting air just wheezed for screams. Soon the boy was down into Nero's throat and chest. Xavier felt his friend go pass him as it felt like a wet squirming slime or liquid slowly go down his back.
   Now Xavier was above his mouth, feet first this time. Slowly Nero began to lower him down and let gravity do the rest. Xavier didn't know what to feel, or what he was feeling, it was only when he was chest-deep inside Nero's mouth he felt those three emotions. Fear, weakness, regret. before he disappeared into his mouth and body he whispered out with some wheezing to Nero. "I'm sorry...you could have been a hero...but I...I broke you just like the Villains did..." Nero's eyes went wide as he swallowed the boys down into his body and gut. He soon crawled into the forest and was heading towards the cave, but those last words just kept playing inside his mind.
                                                                               "what....who....am I?"
Here we go! YES!! this is part 2 oh my Villain boy. 
My good friend on Telegram drew this for me. She is literally the best and made this possible. Here it is though, Nero doing what he thought was hero goodness, but now more and more villain ideas and thoughts begun to emerge in his mind. Now it comes down to him fighting...himself. Villain or Hero, but the Villain side is winning as it points out. You got ate 2 people. Will Nero win this mental and physical fight with himself, or are the scars left by the people he trusted in the past change him for the worst. We may never know~ I am going to write more, well upload the rest of his story soon. 
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centimaki · 5 years
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The red-headed teen was laughing with some of his classmates after they just finished tormenting another classmate. They started to look around for the new kid who had the weird and supposedly "Weak" quirk. His three friends decided to went outside and wait for him, while the jerk named Xavier walked down the empty hallways. The school was normally quick to empty on Fridays, so legit there was no one there but maybe two cleaners. Xavier soon found his hall and his locker as he opened it and found a crumbled up note inside his locker. He soon unscrambles it as it just says "Look up and behind."
Doing what the paper said, but being full of himself, he set his right hand on fire just in case to scare someone. "Okay. who's here, and who put tha-!" Before he could finish his sentence he felt his right arm being extended out as 2 hands gripped it tightly and were slowly crushing his right arm. He tried to pull away but soon was lifted off the ground as he looked up to see the new kid starring dead at him. His right eye wide as the pupil was tiny almost, his hair was hanging so he could see his left eye, or empty eye socket. He tried to scream, but couldn't get anything out, like something was holding his neck tightly than an anaconda hug.
"What was that Xavier?~ do you really think you have the coolest quirk, that you are the best and most awesome person in the world?~ so hilarious it hurts my brain. heheheee, but that doesn't mean you have the right of bullying and abusing others you don't know a damn about~." Xavier was able to get one eye open to watch the creature extend it’s tongue and slowly licked over his left side of his face and eye, to the point it touched his lips. "G-g-get off me you f-fucking freak!!" He struggled to say as the creature just laughed and looked around.
"I know how your type of people work and act. I got just the right cure and happiness for you." Xavier just huffed as he tried to chuckle. "And what will you do you pathetic little shit! You can do anything, you have the weakest quirk in this school, in this town!!"
This made the creature look down before a creepy grin grew on his face. "What?~ you mean adsorption?~ where I can absorb your body, mind, and quirk and devour you?~"
"I'd like to see you try Cha-!" Xavier yelling was quickly cut off again, this made the creature smiled even more as one of it's medicine bottles fell from it's pocket. The creature raised Xavier higher before he pointed his head to one of the big window and slowly crawled on the wall with Xavier watching in horror. "Dinner time~ But I promise to spit you out." The student said as Xavier finally let out a scream before slowly his body was devoured whole. He remembered seeing the medicine bottle and the two names reading Chase and Tamaki.
A few hours passed as Xavier's friends started to worried. they soon went back inside to find a crying and shaking teen stripped of everything, but his boxers and socks. They found the medicine bottle and helped there scared to death friend up before helping him home and then telling one of the pro heroes at the school. This pro knows of the new kid and his mental problems as he promised to find and watch him from now on. Meanwhile, the creature named Nero was off heading home with an upset stomach, but a crying face, and not a happy face. He lost control again and now was scared of what would happen next. Only time will tell, but so far, he's set to become a villain thanks to a darker more scarier event that happened in his past.
Okay, so this was my first take on making a story in a LONG time. BNHA OC Nero. I hope you guys like the story, with the thanks of my good friend for drawing this picture. I made a story to go with one of the struggles Nero had to take when he was growing up, and what help break him even more.
This here is the artist https://aminoapps.com/c/my-hero-academia/page/user/redrumridinghood/0oKK_73FafDk0R2YVBVabJazVm8oQoG3X
The centipede villain is my boi!! The other boy is just random.
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centimaki · 5 years
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Just laying in the grass and relaxing. I don't know why, maybe because it is warm and calm out today, and I'm trying to warm up my body... Plus I'm way too big to actually do this inside the small house. So outside it is!... I don't really know what else to say besidess...would you like to lay down next to me?~ I could always need a snuggle buddy....plus I am home alone and lonely :(
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/zarakon/ this is the amazing artist who drew this commission. 15 dollars worth spent to!! thank you so much again for drawing this! https://www.furaffinity.net/user/zarakon/
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centimaki · 5 years
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The night air slowly blew through a quiet jungle. Some of the creatures were either asleep or just beginning to hunt for food. In the giant trees above, laid a giant but peaceful centipede. He sighed as some snakes and other littler centipedes begun to crawl on him. Some of the smaller creatures, He was like a big brother or sister. He smiled as one snake nuzzled his face. He giggled softly as he stuck his 2 tongues out at the snake. "You are something else, little girl. cute and curious." He smiled as he held the snake in one of his hands and then sighed noticing something. "you have the same patterns as that Kaa guy does in that other jungle. Hehe, I would like to meet him for once. See how he reacts when he finds out he or other nagas aren't the top preds of the jungles and forests anymore. Not when my kind came here and started to come out of hiding."
Another snake slowly slithered onto his back as he picked it up and placed it on a branch. "No, we won't get into a fight little man. Unless he tries to hypnotize me or hurt innocent people and my friends...then I shall devour him like I did another naga. I swear they are too big for there scales. They think they can hypnotize everything. Well, it's kinda and to when you come from a different planet and universe. I miss my old home, but they are doing fine without me leading them. Plus I made some really good friends here too! Who would have thought I would get the human disorders, and mental problems from being on this planet. Eh well, as long as I got my friends. I shall befriend, and I will protect them no matter what. but for now, you 3 go to sleep. cute little ones."
With that, the centipede was about to fall asleep before one of the creatures hissed at him. "Silly. my name is Nero, Nero saltisari Hotaru." The snake nodded before she fell asleep, and soon Tamaki joined her as a loud gurgle sound came from his stomach. soon some red scales soon flew out of his mouth as he burped. Smiling in his sleep as the moonlight shined onto him.
This was a little story I decided to do as I wanted to give more backstory to my sona Nero. (Myself) Now I really didn't want to upload this, but I figured I may as well and see what happens. 
Also note, this was the very FIRST commission I ever paid for...EVER!! But I feel shitty for what happened while it was being worked on. I promise her i was going to make a story for this picture, so I did. The wonderful artist who made this is https://www.deviantart.com/theartisticnaga @theartisticnaga am greatful she did my commission and I can't take her enough.
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centimaki · 5 years
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"This outfit is nice and snuggly. I think this will work on my trip to earth. I wonder if that weird Area 51 raid is still going on?"
I now finally have an alien outfit!! so now I am true alien, and holy cow I flippin LOVE how this came out. plus the artist did all of this in one day!! It's so freakin good too!! I have to thank my good friend https://www.deviantart.com/shapeshifter499 for buying this amazing commission for me!! The wonderful artist is https://www.deviantart.com/isabelle96
this is the very first post on Tumblr I have ever done XD so forgive me if this is weird and cringy. I believe that I will improve with uploading things to Tumblr? I guess sssoooo
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