jamie--hall · 10 years
Falling → Jamie + Seth
After 5 months of working at the cafe, Juliet begrudgingly agreed to let her bring Thomas to work.
At first it was a one-time deal--she was sick of feeling like her aunt saw more of Thomas than she did, even though she appreciated the help a great deal--but then Juliet became attached to the little guy. Customers went crazy for him too, though the Socs tended to look between him and her in pity more often than not. She didn't mind. Somehow, Thomas had become a centerpiece for the place.
"Your shift's over, you know?" Juliet said.
"I know," she replied, setting Thomas down on counter. He busied himself with banging his fists on the cash register. "I'm just waiting for Seth to pick me up."
"Something special planned or are you tapping your foot like a madwoman just for the fun of it?"
Jamie brightened and ignored the sarcasm. "I spent three hours this morning setting up the living room and bedroom." She smiled in triumph before removing her apron. "There are flower petals absolutely everywhere. I swear, we're going to be finding them around the apartment for the rest of the month." She'd set the coffee table with red cloth and a champagne bottle that she'd poured into another container, washed, and then filled with chocolate milk since Seth was crazy about the stuff. Fancy drinking glasses adorned the table and, most importantly, something new hung up on the wall. It had taken weeks of tracking down beforehand, but she'd gotten her hands on a photo of the first The Flash comic book cover blown up to poster size and custom framed. Now it'd be one of if not the first things people would see when they came over.
"Ah, young romance, I remember thee, except my Valentine was Dean Morden and we substituted flower petals with vodka stolen from his parents' stash and makeout sessions in his family's pool."
"You're only six years older than me. You're not ancient," Jamie reminded her. "And he was a Soc?"
"I guess. You know I don't believe in all of that-"
A car light flashed through the windows and three heads turned to look at it.
Juliet squinted. "Is that your boy?"
"That it is." Jamie smiled, just now realizing that she'd recognize Betsy anywhere. "Come on, baby." She scooped Thomas into her arms and headed for the door, looking back on her way out. "Take care!"
"I should be telling you lovebirds that," her boss called back.
"Oh, stop," she said as the door closed behind her. Holding Thomas up to eye level, she dropped her voice to a whisper. "Time for daddy's surprise, yeah? Let's hope that he likes it."
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jamie--hall · 10 years
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Left: Dress | Right: Hair + Makeup
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jamie--hall · 10 years
"I know, I know," she said, resting her chin on the top of his head. "But you're not gonna become a police officer by staying like this forever. No matter how much we'd both like that." When he pouted, she leaned over to peck him on the lips.
He was being so hard on himself that it made her want to pout. She had enough faith in him for the both of them. "Yes, another don't-over-think-it.' But no, I mean one that you're gonna right. I believe in you." Jamie bobbed her head up and down at his 'whoah,' encouraging him to speak the answer she knew he was thinking. 
Come on, you've got this. The longer he took to answer the more anxious she became. When he finally answered she all but squealed, "Yes!" For a single moment she looked between Seth and the practice book in her hand before tossing it to the side and jumping into his lap, arms wrapped around his neck. "Study break. I'm being the worst, I know." Her next words were spoken against his shoulder as she nuzzled along the place where his shoulder met his throat. "You're gonna pass all of your tests and we'll find the perfect house and Thomas is gonna grow up trying to end the awful feud here just like his wonderful dad. Don't stress yourself out over some test questions."
Enthused | Jamie & Seth
Hearing that he had gotten the answer wrong, just like he had predicted, Seth moved his head to the right and left in a comical motion before burrowing his face in Jamie’s neck. “Uh, no. You’re brilliant.” He retorted like a child. His voice was muffled as he pretended to pout. “I’m just going to stay like this for the rest of my life.” Okay, that one made him laugh. As laughter tickled his voice, he pulled away. A small smile spread across his face as his eyes fell onto Jamie’s.
"Another ‘don’t-over-think-it’? So, you mean another one I’m going to get wrong." He let his head fall back, almost touching the pillow before he straightened his back and listened as Jamie continued to go on with the question. "Whoa—" His mouth moved to the side as thoughts formulated in his mind.
Is it as easy as I think it is?
Jamie’s presence drew him back to the actual question. His eyes directed themselves on the pen for a moment, before finding hers. “You’re really the best, did you know that?” Laughter flowed through his words as he leaned in, kissing Jamie’s cheek, before letting his gaze fall back onto the paper. Thinking to himself for a moment, his eyes found hers again, “Okay— Is it B?” His voice sounded more sure than his last response.
I can only hope.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Five things you like about yourself, five things you like about yourself...
Ever since Cas nominated her, she'd spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking about what to say. There were several sheets of paper she'd since crumpled up that had ideas scribbled on them. She'd actually sat down with a pencil and notebook writing down the numbers one to five over and over again. In the end, she decided that just winging it would probably be the best way to go. Everything that she wrote down sounded horribly cheesy and unnatural; none of it flowed the way she wanted it to.
Though she was supposed to be embracing the whole "spontaneous" thing, she did clear it with her boss to allow her to do it in the first place. Public announcements was one thing, losing her job was another.
As the diner filled with more and more people during the afternoon rush, Jamie looked around to make sure that most of them already had their orders taken care of. She untied her apron and slipped it over her head before walking out from behind the counter.
"Hello everybody." Her voice rang out above the noise and dozens of gazes landed on her. She cleared her throat, eyes widening as the place grew quiet. "I'm sure you all know what I'm about to do right now, so let's just get straight to it." The fact that she really did have almost everybody's attention was nerve wracking, even more so considering she would have to continue working after this with all of them knowing what she'd just done. "First thing I like about myself is that I can adapt. This place is nothing like California, trust me, but it's nice. Second, I like that I'm kind of in the middle, which I guess most of you guys would be too or else you wouldn't be eating here." In her head she flinched. Tulsa was renowned for having the biggest divide between people ever, yet here she was proclaiming that she would have no part in that. "The...feud means nothing to me. And I'm sorry if that offends-"
Jamie paused abruptly, shaking her head. "That's a lie, I'm not sorry. Third, I like that I'm kind. There's just no point to being mean for sport." She cracked her knuckles, trying to rush through the last two so that people would stop staring at her. "Fourth, I like that I only choose to spend my time on things that are positive. Work, friends, family. Family. That's the last one, number five, which is that I'm here for my son. I get to raise him and see him take his first steps and  hear him speak his first words and I love that, especially since my parents never...no. No, that's it. I'm done now."
She bounced a little on the tips of her toes as tentative clapping filled the diner. With a little curtsy and her cheeks a light pink, Jamie hurried back behind the counter. "Oh," she said, putting her apron back on, "you guys can thank Cas Jacobsen for that. I nominate Bria Martins."
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jamie--hall · 10 years
"It's alright, Seth." She grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together, before reading the explanation. "Answer B is not correct because it would escalate the situation and possibly lead to other injuries. Answer C and D are incorrect because they fail to provide immediate assistance to the victim." Her eyes flicked up to his--that was what his first instinct had been. "Answer D is also incorrect because it puts you in unnecessary danger, which is something no one wants. Oh, that last part was me, not the book, by the way." Jamie rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. "The correct answer is A, which is to help the victim as soon as the vehicle leaves. I know that's what you wanted to choose. Don't second guess yourself, you're brilliant."
Flipping to another page, she scanned the questions. "Okay, here's another 'don't over-think it' question. You are asked for your estimated time of arrival at the scene of an incident. The time is now 10:00 p.m., which makes your girlfriend sad because that means you're not snuggled up in bed with her." She jutted out her bottom lip slightly. "You are 10 minutes away from the scene and traveling at a rate of 60 miles per hour. Assuming that you are able to maintain this speed, what is your estimated time of arrival? A. 10:03 p.m. B. 10:10 p.m. C. 10:15 p.m. D. 10:20 p.m. Wait, give me one sec. Here," she disentangled their hands to put the bowl of cereal in lap, "eat this." Then she was off of the bed and rummaging through one of their drawers, yelling "Aha!" when she found what she needed. Jamie settled back onto the bed, this time next to him instead of across from him. She passed him a pen. With one hand covering the answer, she said, "Cross out the unnecessary information. Just completely ignore it."
Enthused | Jamie & Seth
"Oh, boot camp. Sounds sexy." He teased. Though, he may have protested to the idea with a large groan, he knew he was more than thankful for her help. Studying alone would always get Seth so far until he grew flat and bored. Having a study buddy, or just someone to assist him, allowed his both determination and motivation to grow.
After listening to the question, he thought to himself. “Okay, so since I’m a citizen I shouldn’t bring this matter into my own hands. Even though, I’m the Flash, so of course I would. But, legally, I should call the police and try to help the victim— But, I guess I could also—” Seth leaned his head back in frustration. His eyes shut for a moment as thoughts ran through his head. “Uhm, I guess, D. Though, I’d really want to help that poor guy out— They make this so difficult. My dad always said it’s good to use a little bit of your heart in the force, but never let it overpower your head. So, I guess D?” He repeated, knowing he probably got it wrong.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
She turned away from her bowl of cereal, something that she could actually put together herself, and turned to Seth with a laugh bubbling up in her throat. A peck on the lips was all he got before she pulled her head away slightly.
"Distract you from studying? What kind of girlfriend would I be if I did that?" She placed her hands on either side of his face, her thumbs smoothing out the creases on his forehead. "Come on, you're not a quitter." He hadn't given up on Thomas, on her, on them. Now it was her turn to step up to the plate. She wasn't going to let him give up on himself of all things.
Between one second and the next, she was grabbing her half eaten bowl of cereal with one hand and dragging him back towards their room with the other. "You're at Jamie Hall boot camp now," she declared, practically shoving him onto the bed before sitting cross-legged across from him with the bowl in her lap. "Okay," Jamie started, reaching for one of the packets. Clearing her throat in an exaggerated manner, she read, "You witness a shooting ina parking lot. You are a civilian, not a police officer. You are alone, but you have a weapon in your vehicle. The person doing the shooting is in a car with two oth and the vehicle is leaving the parking lot. What do you do? A. Help the victim as soon as the vehicle leaves. B. Fire at the tires of the vehicle to keep it from leaving the area. C.  Leave the area to avoid becoming involved. Call the police as quickly as possible. Or, D. Follow the vehicle to get its license number and then report the matter to the police. Phew," she said, "that was a mouthful."
Enthused | Jamie & Seth
Pencil, check. Notebook, check. Study packet, check.
Seth had the equipment, he had the passion, but did he have the time? Today was his day to make time. To get into the police academy here in Tulsa, he had to pass an entry level exam, as well as a physical exam. Today was his day to study, to prepare, and to review. It was as if he was studying for his finals all over again.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Seth let out an over exaggerated sigh. It was the sixth time in a row he had gotten a question wrong and his patience with himself was running thin. “What’s wrong with me?” He asked as he closed the packet and rubbed his eyes. “Come on, Seth. Channel your inner student. These are basic questions!” He whispered to himself. He was trying, really trying, to remain as positive as he could, but he had a feeling he couldn’t keep that up. Not by himself.
Standing up, Seth walked his way into the living room with a large grin spreading across his face. “Why, hello there, beautiful.” He said in a cheesy tone as his eyes saw Jamie. Laughter bubbled from his lips. “Care to distract me from studying?” He joked before moving closer, leaning in to let their lips meet for a kiss. A small smirk formed onto his face as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully at her. Seth, never the type to not study, just needed an extra boost of motivation or maybe, simply enough, a study buddy.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Nope, not even then.
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Are you being serious? [She scrunched her nose up, envisioning their room the color of a tomato.] I'm willing to compromise to a maroon if you insist on red.
Whoa, you won’t take no for an answer? [Seth smirked, leaning in for a moment] Not even if I do this?
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[He pulled away with a small breath of laughter in his voice] Well, I’m glad you won’t take no for an answer. I’m glad you want to do something and I’m glad you have an idea of what you want to do. That sounds like an excellent plan. [He smiled brightly] And I hope you know, I already have an idea of what we should paint our room— I’m thinking red? [He raised his eyebrow playfully, smiling as he did so]
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jamie--hall · 10 years
You're the sweetest, but I'm not taking no for an answer.
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Do you think Juliet's would hire me part time? I mean, I've worked at a diner before. My aunt could look after Thomas for a while until we can pay someone to look after him, how does that sound? And then our biggest problem can be what color we want to paint our room.
Well, I mean— You can do whatever you’d like to do, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to help. I promise you I can take care of it. I have been saving up for an deposit. I have a steady job and, plus, I’ll be finally going to the community college. I’m enrolling this fall to get my degree so I can go into the police academy and train, after that we’ll be set.  You don’t have to worry, okay?
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I don’t want you worrying about this. But— I mean, if you want to get a job you can, but really, Jamie, don’t worry about it.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Okay, this isn't a no, but...
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Only if I can help somehow. No way am I letting you pay for it alone. 
Ha, you’re cute.
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No, I’m thinking of a ‘let’s find a bigger place to live’ idea.. You know? Maybe, just maybe, a small little house? I know it would be expensive, but— I just think it’s time we moved out and found a place, well, a place of our own.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
A good idea or an "I'm gonna cook dinner" kind of idea?
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So, so, so— Now that Allister has officially moved into his new apartment— I have an idea for us. Are you ready to hear this idea? Are you ready? Because I’m more than ready to tell you.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
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Dakota Blue Richards by Lukas Booth, 2014
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Take care of Seth? I've got you to help me with that now.
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Thank you. You're like his other half, so I'm halfway mothering you too, you know.
I know Seth’s not going to let a minute go by without reminding you of what today is, but I thought I’d tell you myself. Happy Mother’s Day, Jamie. I can’t even imagine how you take care of both Seth and Thomas. You’re an amazing woman and thank you for making my friend so incredibly happy.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Allister can cook? Tell him thank you for me.
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Wanna know a secret? I love you, too. You and Allister are making a holiday that I've never cared for into something...amazing.
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Rise and shine to one of the best mother's in Tulsa,
Good morning, beautiful. Me and Thomas, with the help of Allister, have the whole day planned and dedicated to one of the most amazing people in Tulsa. We love you. Allister even taught me how to make pancakes so we’ve got breakfast under control.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Jamie nodded; she could take a hint. Brynn was added into her mental list of 'Things Not To Discuss, which so far went as follows: 1. what forced him to leave Tulsa, and 2. Brynn Turner. It was a simple, straightforward list and she could respect it.
His reasons for coming back were admirable and coming back at all was more than a little courageous. After all, she'd heard and even seen the kind of reactions that Cas got whenever he went anywhere. Weren't his reasons for coming back very much the same? She didn't mention it aloud, though. Cas wasn't exactly accepted back with open arms and she didn't want Allister to get that idea stuck in his head, even if he said that he'd manage.
"What do I like to do? Ooh, that's a hard one. What, you mean being a mother isn't a hobby?" She smiled softly. "I'll let you in on a secret: I think I'm still figuring out what I like to do." It was weird that she'd she'd never felt more herself than here in Tulsa with Thomas in her arms, and while she loved it and it gave her a purpose, she wondered if there was more than this. What could she do now? Her parents had been her ticket into college but now college was just a faraway dream. She shook her head. "But I imagine that's not a satisfying answer. I like music, nighttime, quaint little restaurants. I like to make people happy." Her mind flashed from her parents to serving customers back in California and then, finally, to Seth. "What about you, what do you like to do?"
Second Hand News | Jamie & Allister
He didn’t know what to say. Fidgeting with the hem of his shirt seemed to be the only response he could think of, followed by a slow nod. His eyes drifted downwards, listening to the silence that soon filled the room. His mind had been circling with thoughts ever since he saw Seth. Things really had changed around her. It was then something within the room grew tense. His heart nearly leaped out of its chest when her name left Jamie’s lips. Allister’s eyes shot up from his shoe lace, catching hers with the slight sense of pain and regret. He didn’t want to hear that. He didn’t want to talk about her when she wasn’t around. The only way he wanted to talk about her was when they could meet again, when he could apologize and make up for his wrongdoings. He didn’t want to have her presence linger on his lips if she wasn’t there.
Sitting in the spot next to hers, a small smile spread across his face. “I’m sure Seth had a ‘meet and greet Jamie’ expo, trying to embrace you to Tulsa.” He said with a chuckle, shaking his head at the thought. “Yeah, Greasers are always accepting— If  you haven’t pissed ‘em off.” He scratched the back of his head as he continued, “I have no clue, but I’m here to make things right, say I’m sorry, fix everything I did wrong. If they don’t accept me, well, I can’t force them to. I’m taking each day one step at a time, you know? If they do, well, that is what I’m aiming for, but if they don’t, well I can manage.” He said, almost as if he was reassuring himself rather than speaking to Jamie. “So, Jamie, what do you like to do? Being a mother doesn’t count.” He asked, twisting in his seat to view her better.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
You don't even understand how utterly perfect that is. Put it on for me?
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Six months is a long time, you know? Definitely long enough to start thinking alike--now we can head in the same direction, too.
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I hope you're ready for many more months of being stuck with me, Flash.
Hey, so, I’ve been with this pretty great girl for about six months— Ya’ know, as of today, and I thought she deserved something cool. Obviously, it can’t even slightly measure up to how cool she is, but it can try.
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jamie--hall · 10 years
"Don't sell yourself so short," she said with a shake of her head. "It's not just Seth that told me great things about you. There was someone else, too..." Memories of a brunette girl and a Ferris Wheel flashed through her mind, the distant echo of a beautiful bloodstained dress. She remembered thinking that Brynn had looked like a warrior, someone who'd been through hell and back. Would bringing her up to Allister be crossing a line? She couldn't just not bring it up now, though. Brynn had been honest with her that day and she wouldn't be doing her justice if she didn't honor that. Allister had done nothing to her personally, but his disappearance had hurt people; she'd seen it with her own eyes. "Brynn spoke of you like you were...everything." 
Jamie shifted a bit, cradling Thomas in her arms and raising up on her knees to place him in his crib beside the bed. "You can sit," she said, nodding her head towards the edge of the bed. "And yeah, it was kind of weird, especially knowing why I was coming to Tulsa in the first place. I thought that I wasn't going to be welcomed here, so that's how it felt, at first." She brought her knees up to her chest and laid her arms on them, plopping her head down on top of her arms. "Everyone's been really accepting, though." She paused. "Do you think they'll accept you back?"
Second Hand News | Jamie & Allister
A superhero? The girl must have been mistaken. Who would have classified him under a hero after the things he had done? Then it occurred to him. Only a hero himself. He rolled his eyes internally. Seth never stopped. “Hero, not so much, but anyway.. ” He said quietly. He was actually taken back by her inviting tone, almost as if she had been in the dark about everything. He didn’t mind though, she didn’t have to know his story, not just yet. Plus, he wanted to get on the good side of Seth’s heroine. If he loved her, the way he said he did, then Allister would do everything in his power to create a good relationship with her.
"Two months, wow." He said, glancing down at the sleeping baby before looking back up. "So you’re from San Francisco?" He asked. Seth didn’t tell him the whole story, but he told him the basics. "Must be weird to move to Tulsa, huh?" If he wanted to get to know her, he might as well start with the basics too. 
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jamie--hall · 10 years
Her eyes widened as the door opened. "I've seen you before," was the first thing to tumble out of her mouth and she immediately backtracked. "No, not like that--I've seen you in pictures," she clarified. "I could say the same thing about you. You're...real." The absurdity of their conversation was laughable, but then again, so was the whole situation.
"I'm Jamie," she said. Her voice was warm and inviting. "I've heard a lot about you. You're like a legend or a...superhero from a comic or something." Seth was really rubbing off on her, wasn't he? She was grateful for his change of subject, lest she make herself sound anymore ridiculous. "He's about 9 weeks, so two months in regular-people terms." It was insane to her that Thomas was even 9 weeks old. There were other things that she wanted to say, things that didn't involve Thomas, but she decided to wait a little while. He should get a chance to adjust to everything first.
Second Hand News | Jamie & Allister
Hearing her voice, his head shot up from the fascination of his shoelaces. Opening the door, a shy smile spread across his face as his eyes met hers. They soon fell onto the sleeping baby though, his mind immediately being distracted, “Is that Thomas? Holy shit, he’s so real.” The baby from the photo Seth showed had just been a photograph, but seeing him here, actually sleeping on the girl’s lap made it all so real.
As soon as his eyes looked back up into hers, he realized that probably wasn’t the best first impression. “Uhm, let me start over?” He asked, laughing nervously before waving from where he was. “Hi, I’m Allister.” He said, raising his eyebrows up in a timid formation before continuing, “Thanks for letting me stay here— It’s just until I find a place to stay, but knowing Seth he probably already told you everything.” He said, biting the inside of his cheek, unsure of what else to say. “How old is he? Seth was talking kind of fast, I don’t think he mentioned it.” Not really getting to know Jamie type question, but hey, it could spark conversation, right?
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