jamesonwilde · 6 years
@adwilde​, @daphnehcmilton​, @flcrencealvarez​, @nathaliedeekes​, @noahcaruso​, @stevicari​
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
🍼(with Levi)
— ☼ jameson & levi’s future child.
name: Wyatt Braxton Dubois, insists upon being called Wyatt the Riot.likes / dislikes:
likes: Soccer, Annoying his older brother (Pierson Fode FC named Evan Dubois), Social Media, Goofing off, Competition of any sort, BLTs but only the ones Levi makes, etc. 
dislikes: People messing with his hair b/c the messy bed head look takes a while to perfect thank you very much, Fake people, Traffic, Losing at anything really, McDonalds (any fast food chain tbh), Bananas, etc.
first word: “fook” Jamie doesn’t believe in censoring himself and thus Wyatt’s first word was a curse word cause all Jamie does is curse.
appearance: Striking blue eyes, athletic built due to years of playing soccer, dimpled smile, chiseled jaw, super straight teeth he likes to show off cause he spent two years wearing braces.
which parent they look more like: To be honest Levi but Jamie refuses to believe it.
which parent they like more: Jamie because he hates his middle name Braxton and blames Levi for giving it to him. That’s honestly the only reason too, he is that upset about it petty.
height once fully grown: 6ft
job ambition: He wants to be apart of the U.S Mens Soccer Team and win some medals in the Olympics and play in the World Cup but if that doesn’t happen…probably acting? Cause I mean it cant be that hard if his aunt Selene does it for a living.
faceclaim: Thomas Doherty
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
— ☼ jameson & nathalie’s future child.
name: Adrian Emmett Deekes-Wilde, tends to go by Ian.likes / dislikes:
likes: Diet Coke, Writing, Long Car Rides, Chinese Food, Dogs, Any excuse to show off how smart he is, etc.
dislikes: Spicy Food, Sports, People who abbreviate words that don’t need to be abbreviated, Spiders, Bright colored clothing, Twitter at least 65% of the time, etc.
first word: “Oh” Nat doesn’t consider it a first word and more just a sound but oh’s in the dictionary so Jamie DOES consider it a word.
appearance: Slender build, oval face shape, dark brown hair he alternates between growing out long and cutting short, sharp chin and cheekbones, dark brown eyes.
which parent they look more like: Nathalie, definitely Nathalie there is no denying it. But he has all of Jamie’s mannerisms. 
which parent they like more: Jamie, simply because he was the less strict parent and more often than not helped him hide things from Nat.
height once fully grown: 5′11
job ambition: Currently a junior journalist for the New York Times but he hopes to one day get into broadcast journalism and work for CNN. Potentially get his own show like Anderson Cooper’s Anderson 360.
faceclaim: Tyler Blackburn
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
— outgoing: pretty boy.
Levi: We all have an inner woman
Levi: Not my fault you're not comfortable with yours yet.
Jamie: I was comfortable enough with my inner woman when I let you convince me to get mani pedis with you.
Jamie: & to not say anything the first TEN TIMES you played this song
Jamie: just put on something else to get in touch with your inner woman
Jamie: May I suggest Run The World or Flawless?
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
            “Because I don’t know if you notice, I suck at keeping friendship going–although I do help him out with his Tinder.” Athena shrugged, her dark eyes looking over at the red head he pointed out, the corner her lip turning downward into a small frown. “I mean if red heads are your type–or Noah’s then sure.” Shrugging her shoulders when she met his eyes again, reaching out to sip on her drink, “Some dude from Tinder, I think he was expecting to have sex after buying dinner or something. I told him I wasn’t interested in that and well he left.” 
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            "No I haven't, you seem to be doing a pretty decent job keeping our friendship going." Then again it wasn't hard to when they shared the identical rag tag team of friends. "Unless you're just pretending to be my friend. Is that the case, T?" Jamie teased lightheartedly, reaching across the table to gently grasp the cell phone in her grasp. “Aaah, Tinder,” the male tsked with a shake of his head. “That’s where you both went wrong. Ninety percent of the people on Tinder just wanna hook up. And out of the ten percent that might actually want to make a meaningful connection, nine percent are either boring, live in their mother’s basement, have some weird ass kink, or all the above.” 
It hadn't been his intention to completely shit on the dating app and it definitely wasn't as bad as he was painting it out to be but something about Jamie hated the thought of Athena perusing for potential boyfriends on there. “If you don’t like the red head we don’t have to go with her. This is your master plan after all.”
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
“He said there is a hot honey in that.”
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
Tell me, why didn’t God help my innocent friend who died for no reason while the guilty ran free? Okay. Fine. Forget the one offs. How about the countless wars declared in his name? Okay. Fine. Let’s skip the random, meaningless murder for a second, shall we? How about the racist, sexist, phobia soup we’ve all been drowning in because of him? And I’m not just talking about Jesus. I’m talking about all organized religion. Exclusive groups created to manage control. A dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope. His followers, nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their dopamine of ignorance. Addicts. Afraid to believe the truth. That there’s no order. There’s no power. That all religions are just metastasizing mind worms, meant to divide us so it’s easier to rule us by the charlatans that wanna run us. All we are to them are paying fanboys of their poorly-written sci-fi franchise. If I don’t listen to my imaginary friend, why the fuck should I listen to yours? People think their worship’s some key to happiness. That’s just how he owns you. Even I’m not crazy enough to believe that distortion of reality. So fuck God. He’s not a good enough scapegoat for me.
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
The second the sound of her front door slamming echoed through her apartment, Roxy had already taken off like a furry bullet to investigate. The brunette couldn’t help but playfully roll her eyes, sitting up on her bed as her feet quickly sound the floor. “Trying to!” Nathalie shouted as she made her way towards the front of her apartment, unsuccessfully holding back her laughter as she watched Roxy run in circles around Jamie’s feet. “No ring?” Nathalie repeated, her face twisting into an offended expression, though it was obviously in jest. “You better turn your ass back around and make a pit stop at Tiffany’s.” Eyes falling on the food in Jamie’s hand, her face lit up. “There better be egg rolls in there somewhere or I’m going to be really disappointed.”
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Jamie heard the sound of Roxy's excited barking before he saw her round the corner. He barely had time to brace himself before Roxy’s pet launched toward him, knocking the both of them too the floor. Even with the air knocked out of him he couldn’t help but lift a hand to scratch behind her ear, the sound of his loud laughter carrying through the hallway the moment oxygen returned to him. “Damn Rox, if only your owner was this happy to see me.” He was joking of course, despite all the passes he made at Daphne's best friend, he'd never actually cross such lines with her. Nathalie had grown increasingly important in his life over the last couple years and Jamie would never risk there bond for something as fleeting as a one night stand. “If you catch the bouquet Friday then maybe I’ll think about stopping by Tiffany’s but for now you’ve got to settle for free Chinese food and my dazzling company. And of course I brought egg rolls, what am I a savage?”
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
incoming starter for @shcycampbell​
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Shay looked so peaceful laying there completely knocked out on his bed. So much so that Jamie almost considered leaving her be, almost. "Psst," the male whispered not-so-subtly over his friend's sleeping figure. “Pssst, Shay,” he continued, raising his voice another octave in an effort to wake up the sleeping beauty. Once it began apparent she wouldn’t wake easy, Jamie decided to crawl on to the mattress beside her. Propping his head up with a hand while the other took to twirling random strands of her infamous curly trusses lazily around his finger. “Now I know you’re pretending. You can sense someone reaching for your hair a mile away. Wake up you faker. Did you get the paint you came to borrow?”
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
— outgoing: pretty boy.
Jamie: can you please stop playing god is a woman by ariana grande on repeat
Jamie: i can hear it in my room
Jamie: you're not even a woman???
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
“Thanks, neph.” Adam answered without looking up from pouring the pints of beer. He grinned and pushed one in front of Jamie and sipped from his own as he glanced at the money. “Not terribly nervous.” He was more worried about what Ali would say as the day got closer and he was still dead set on marrying Daphne, but Jamie didn’t need to know that. “How’s life?”
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"You’re welcome,” the younger of the Wilde man shot back, a crooked grin quickly spreading over angular features as callous fingers wrapped around the pint of beer slid to him. “Were you double checking Skyler’s work?” Jamie always found an excuse to get himself out of having to do "inventory" preferring to do quite literally anything else with his time than count the money they made each night. "I’m glad you’re not nervous. That makes one of us. I’m still not convinced I wont accidentally lose the rings on my way down the altar,” Jamie joked, broad shoulder brushing against his uncle’s playfully as he thought about Adam’s question. Unsure whether he wanted a real answer or a brief one. “Life’s life. I’m alive.“ Unlike his father. “So I can’t complain.”
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
( @jamesonwilde   )
         Athena was scrolling through her phone, liking a few posts she thought was funny and almost felt like she was being on the social media known as Twitter far too much before looking up and smiling at Jamie. “Okay, so here’s the plan. Since, well you are rooming with our best friend Noah. You need to get him another hobby from trying to set me up with dates that always ends up in a disaster. Last one I went too, I had to pay for my own meal–and his, along with the fact the idiot ditched me.” It wasn’t that she had trouble getting herself a date, she jsut didn’t have time and would rather skip the whole getting to know them or finding out they had some weird fetish like wanting to see her feet or worse, ask her to grow out her leg hair. “Maybe we should set him up with a girl, preoccupy his time.” 
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        He needed an escape from the wedding mayhem currently threatening to consume him. Adam and Daphne getting married had been all fine and dandy until he realized just how much work went into weddings. And while Athena had certainly not been his first choice Jamie couldn't deny being in her presence alone was enough to calm him. Even if she chose to waste an hour on her phone before deciding to actually talk to him. “Why don’t you just try to set him up with someone in return?” The male muttered nonchalantly, tone suggesting he couldn’t believe Athena hadn’t thought of the solution herself. Especially when it seemed so obvious. “Thea....I literally just sa—never mind, that’s a great idea. Do you have a girl in mind or am I supposed to pick one at random in this coffee shop? If so I say that ginger by the corner, she’s kinda hot. Also who the hell is the guy who made you pay for the date and then ditched?” 
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jamesonwilde · 6 years
It was the closest thing to feel the emotion before making the first bet and the possibility of a great win. Trading one high for another was not the smartest solution to the rising anxiety he felt, but it was nights like this one when all he wanted was to drive to Atlantic City and bet every damn penny in his bank account that left him with no other choice than go and find a substitute. The bar seemed crowded as usual, but his gaze quickly landed on Jamie and without taking any more minutes he went and sat down in one of the stools. “Hey man,” he greeted Jamie as he tried to disguise his uneasiness. “Busy night?” @jamesonwilde
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Nights tended to blur together at the Haunted Star. The popular club constantly full of people regardless of the day or the responsibilities awaiting the patrons in the morning. Someone else may have found it exhausting but Jamie thrived among the constant string of people and likely would have refused to work the bar for his family if he found any aspect of it boring. Though that wasn’t to say he didn’t look forward to the end of his shift every night. Chocolate hues remained steadfast on the digital clock across the room as he felt the presence of someone slip into the stool in front of him. 
“It’s always busy,” Jamie commented curtly, in no mood to make small talk with a stranger just moments before he got to throw in the towel for the night. It wasn’t until his gaze shifted from the clock to his sudden customer that recognition settled over him. “Axel, my bad dude, I didn’t know it was you. It’s hard to distinguish voices over the loud music. What can I get you?”
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