jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
Pursuing the Dream!
In this article Jim Bishay (James Bishay) continues to address “The Dream” of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the previous article, we discussed a few faces of discrimination in our society and we explored how the absence of leadership on many levels is to blame for the systemic racism that protestors decry, and politicians blame. The nation has recently witnessed protests as it never has seen before in its history. It is recorded that over 550 protests broke out across the nation in a single day after the death of George Floyd.
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jamesbishay · 4 years
The Indoctrination of a Generation
In the following series of articles where Jim Bishay (James Bishay) exposes a long-standing dangerous socialist agenda that successfully penetrated the American School System and was ignored by some, but empowered by others, for decades. How it happened, how widespread it has become, and how can we counter it.
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jamesbishay · 4 years
The Freedom of Choice in Education
In the following series of articles where Jim Bishay (James Bishay) explores Freedom of Choice in the United States as it relates to Education, what drives it, and where we are heading in today’s America.
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
Evaluate Real Estate Investments Option
If you are someone who is highly interested in real estate investments, then you need to learn how to spot and analyze a good deal from a bad one. Or real estate professional like Jim Bishay can help you to spot best deal. Only careful planning, analysis and preparation will help you maximize the returns of the investment that you will eventually dive into.
While any type of property goes through a general process of investment analysis, there are a few differences. For instance, computing for the market value of a single family home will be different from that of a multi family property (duplex, apartment complex, etc). This refers to similar properties in the same area. These are homes that has the same floor area, amenities, home structure and should be in the same neighborhood. This means anyone who wants to make real estate investments on this home type should consider the value of the homes within the community.
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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jamesbishay · 4 years
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