He kissed her back. "I'm sorry." he apologizes trying to make her feel better. "Next time I won't let you eat all that sugar." He pointed out. "Now that everything is back to normal, would you like to see the nursery? I think is ready but I can change anything you don't like," he said, after all her opinion mattered to him.
Sloane felt like a prime idiot for behaving as she had but there was no way they could go back in time right now, so instead she just leant against him as he kissed the top of her head. “Yeah...yeah okay…” The redhead murmured, looking up at him with a small smile, raising to her toes so she could press a soft kiss to his lips.
“It felt really real when I woke up, like it was a really vivid dream but that was probably because I ate so much sugar.” Sloane admitted, pulling a face, at least now she no longer felt like she was running on a sugar high at a million miles an hour. “Or because it was too deep of a nap, right?” She attempted to joke.
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this was going to be a different Halloween, no crazy partier, no one waking up naked in his front yard drunk the next morning. "I think maybe Hallmark. What would normal people do when they don't throw crazy parties and just give candy away?"
closed starter for @jake-hudson
And with that, Denver placed the last few fake tombstones in the area he deemed to be the graveyard in Jake's front yard. "So, are we going for like scary or just Hallmark level of Halloween?"
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"No." He said, he wasn't going to just ignore it, she just walked away, and he barely managed to stop her from leaving, he deserved to know what had happened, and why she was so ready to leave.
He looked at her pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head, so that what it was, at least she realized it was a dream before leaving. "Next time, can we just talk. If I do something you don't like, you can't just walk away, okay?"
Sloane felt terrible for the way she’d reacted out of literally nowhere, it was irrational and wildly inappropriate. Her palm still stung from where it had made contact with his face which meant she could only imagine how his face felt, redness visible on his cheek. Letting him walk her over to the sofa she sat down, wincing with a scrunched up nose, putting her face in her hands with a small groan. “It’s stupid… can’t we just ignore it?” The redhead moaned in a small voice, knowing it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“I…had….a dream. That I thought was real when I woke up.” Sloane muttered without looking at him, embarrassment still rippling through her body as she rested a hand on her little bump as if that might protect the baby from its mother’s idiocy. “Which I now know…it was not.” @jake-hudson
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"I'm okay." Jake was never one to complain after all, even when everything was going to ship. "The nursery is almost done, and after that, I'm trying not to pick up another project." He knew people were asking when he would get to do another tour, but he couldn't think about leaving yet. "I think succulents might be a better idea, that way they won't die is 3 days." He chuckled, watering plants wasn't high on his priority list.
"How are you doing with it all?" She knew it was to a fault that people prioritized the pregnant individual and she hoped that Jake was being acknowledged as well. Of course everyone around them would nothing more than a healthy babe and mom post delivery. However, if Jake wasn't taking care of himself either, he would be of no assistance to Sloane or their little one. "Well do you want to go with classic florals or succulents?" She thought the succulent might be easier to handle while they prepared for a baby to come around the corner.
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Jake knew it would be hard for the man to understand. "I would go home and propose to her right now, but with the pregnancy hormones I don't want her to give me an answer that she might regret later." Which was the only reason why he wasn't doing this now. "I know she took forever to tell you about the baby, so I wanted to let you know that once the baby is born I'm going propose to her."
"Oh wow she knows your real name." He said, his tone barely hinting at sarcasm. He was often times hard to read, and this conversation definitely didn't change that about him. Vince crossed his arms and watched the stranger as he continued to speak. "So let me get this straight. You came over here tonight... to maybe ask for my daughter's hand, when you might eventually decide to maybe propose." He looked over the top of his glasses at Jake. "Don't worry. I have no worries about you staying out of obligation." He couldn't help but laugh slightly when the man tried to let him know how he felt. "Yeah, no. I have a very clear picture now on your feelings."
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Jake was happy that she was starting to calm down, but he wasn't going to let it go that easily. "No, no, no." He said, after all, if this happened again, he needed to know how to fix it. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, he wasn't going to bring the slap-up. "Tell me what happened, please." he said walking with her slowly to the sofa so she could sit down and rest.
Sloane paused, her hand on the door handle but she didn’t turn it because things were starting to click into place. First of all she hadn’t worn jeans in…weeks at this point. Secondly he had been with her the whole day apart from when he went to get her some ice cream and Jake was right, she’d been able to see him in the line while he was doing it. Thirdly…it had been a motherfucking dream. Now it was all dawning on her and she felt like a total idiot.
Her cheeks started to get pink as she took a step back, slowly putting her bag back down on the counter as if everything was going in slow motion except it wasn’t. It was just Sloane who was doing an awkward back off from the scene she’d made out of nowhere. “You know what…we can just…we can just forget about everything that just went on here…” Waving her arm around to gesture to her little hissy fit, clearing her throat. “We can just…yeah lets forget about it.”
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"Wait? what?" Now he was even more confused, what girl? What kiss? He did no such thing, Jake had been accused of cheating before, and most of the time the accusation was right, he had no land to stand on, and would just step aside and let them leave, but he didn't do it, not this time, he was doing good! he wasn't sleeping around, he wasn't drinking, he was really trying his best. "Sloane, i didn't kissed anyone! We were all day together, I only left to get you more ice cream and you could see me in the line." Not that he was going to cheat on her, but if he did, he could certainly hide better than that. "Now, will you please calm down, you just woke up from a very full day."
“You were kissing her at the event, I saw you!” Sloane snapped, trying to push past him to get to the door. “So actually you do deserve a fuck you.” The woman had so quickly woken up from her nap and flown off the handle she hadn’t even taken a second to wipe the sleep from her eyes. Wiping her hands across them entirely forgetting she had a full face of make up on, a hazard of napping in the middle of the day.
“At the end of summer stupid fucking…” even as she was saying it the redhead started to trail off, small bits of the ‘memory’ coming back to her. She was wearing a dress, she hadn’t been wearing a dress when she’d seen this so called kiss, she had been in jeans. Why wasn’t she in jeans now…?
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"What did you see?" Jake asked completely confused it? Did she see him getting a ring for her, was what this was all about? Did her father tell her something? It was all Jake could think about it, he wasn't going to propose right away exactly because of other hormones, but even if he did he thought he deserved more than a fuck you.
"Come on Sloane, I'm not letting you leave like this." He pointed out. "And I think I deserve better than just a fuck you!" He said getting in front of the door, he wasn't going to let it end like this.
Sloane had every intention of going…well okay she wasn’t sure where actually. Maybe Astrid’s, or Sterlings…she’d work it out when she finally got outside. She could hear Jake following her but didn’t turn around, instead just carried on towards the door, swiping her phone off the counter where he must have left it for her when she fell asleep in the car.
“You thought I didn’t see you so you’d get away with it didn’t you?” Not exactly giving him any actual information as she yelled, pointing her finger at him. “Well no. I saw. So fuck you.” Her voice was a bit of a screech as she yanked the front door of his, their, no his now, house and stomped out into the driveway.
“I’m going, don’t fucking contact me.”
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jake smiled at her, he always tried to get flowers around the house, they smelled nice, the colors were beautiful, and giving flowers to Sloane also didn't hurt, she was carrying his baby so flowers were the least he could do. "Yes, a few more months to go." He said he was very excited to be a dad, it certainly made him miss the parties and the alcohol less. "So, what flowers would you recommend for me this time?"
Closed: @jake-hudson
Location: Flora and Fauna
"Jake Hudson...to what do I owe the pleasure?" she smiled. He had become a regular customer as of late and it was nice getting to see this softer and calmer side of the rockstar. Elina remembered being somewhat shocked when she met him for the first time. His persona plastered on television was far different than the man she met in person. Of course one never should simply judge a book by its cover and the Hudson was a perfect example of such. "Did I hear congratulations are in order? You're going to be a dad?" She heard it was with the former NY ballerina. Indeed a perfect duo of the arts without a doubt.
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Jake was writing on the walls the melody of the song he was writing for the baby, it was a nursing song that he thought he could sing for the baby to fall asleep. His shirt was dirty with paint, but he didn't care, he could take a shower and change when they were going out again.
Hearing Sloane walk in he smiled at her, he was going to ask if she was still feeling sick or if she was hungry when she slapped him out of nowhere, the slap got him confused, he got many slaps on his life but this was one of the first that he didn't know why. "Sloane?" he asked as she stormed off.
He took a deep breath and walked toward her. "What's going on? Why did you slap me? And why are you grabbing your stuff? he asked completely confused.
“No, it’s me telling you I’m going to get heavier.” Sloane murmured against his chest as they walked back towards the car, pressing a couple of soft kisses there before the tiredness properly took over. The motion of the car was also lulling her to sleep so by the time they arrived back at the house she wasn’t even aware it was happening, and when she woke up she had no way of knowing how long she’d been asleep. Only that the light outside the window seemed to be giving off an orange glow which implied the sun was going down. Her chest felt like it was tight with anger and she lay there for a couple of seconds in a haze not really understanding why until it all came flooding back to her. Jake and the brunette, in the town square, she’d seen them across it while she’d been getting her ice cream. Too close. Getting closer. Then he’d kissed her, wrapping his arms around her there was no mistaking the intermit nature of their relationship.
Marching into the nursery where she could hear him pottering around she went straight up to him, seeing him turn around with that stupid grin of his that was now making her blood boil. Her hand smacked him across the face before he even had time to speak and with that she was stalking back out of the room again, grabbing her bag and keys as she moved towards the front door. “You fucker.” The redhead screamed up the stairs behind him.
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it was adorable how she raised her hand for him to grab her, all he could do was smile and place her in his arms, he liked carrying her, it made him feel safe, and it made him feel like he could protect her from anything. "is that you telling me I need to get stronger?" He teased her, he wasn't sure how heavy she was going to get but he would try his best to keep carrying her. He placed her in the car and drove back home, in no time he was placing her in the bed so she could take a little nap. "Sweet dreams love." He said kissing her forehead as he as planning on finishing the nursery while she took a nap.
It was so strange to think sometimes how whirlwind this whole thing with Jake was and how he actually hadn’t known her really before this whole baby thing kicked off. Others would recognise how much more she was eating than usual but he only had her first few months to go off where she couldn’t keep anything down anyway - so this was probably a welcome relief to his nerves. “Maybe, but at least I wouldn’t feel sick now.” The redhead smiled begrudgingly, knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it. She was becoming a bit of a hoarder with food at the moment. “I like that idea actually. Plus I don’t know if I can stand up to walk back on my own I’m so close to being in a food coma.” Lifting her arms like a little kid she flapped them in his general direction, a sign she wanted to be picked up. “Please. You won't be able to do this for much longer so i'm going to take advantage of it.”
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He walked with her glad to get something to eat, he wondered if he would get fat now that he was retired in a way, the last thing he wanted was to be in those rock magazines as someone who used to matter, fat and bald, so maybe he should go for a jog after they ate. "We didn't exactly plan it." But mistake seemed like a strong word even being correct. "Honestly, I don't know how I don't have a bunch of kids, one in each state." He joked it.
"Yeah? I love burgers so you're in luck, buddy," She said winking playfully at the make as she walked into a nearby diner, "So...who's your little girlfriend, did you knock her up by mistake?" She asked in a cocky voice,
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Jake chuckled at her words, he was happy that she was eating and got her appetite back, he didn't know her previous from being pregnant that well, so he didn't know about how little she used to eat, but her body needed the energy, needed to food, so diet was out of the question. "Are you kidding? You would have bitten my hand off if I got the ice cream away from you." He joked with her. "That can be easily fixed. Why don't I carry you back to the car, we can take a nap and rest before having to go out again." He offered.
Who: @jake-hudson Where: The Town Square
“Oh god why did I have chocolate sauce on that ice cream…I should have cut my losses way earlier.” Sloane moaned as she sat against a wall just off the town square where she and Jake had been wandering around the end of summer event. Loose fitting dress was helping her keep cool but it did nothing when it came to her not eating everything in sight and after twenty eight years of eating very little her body was still getting used to the fact the redhead was shoving all kinds of things into it daily to deal with cravings. Closing her eyes as she leant her head back for a second she made a pouting face, one hand resting on Jake’s thigh as she tried to ignore the uncomfortable nausea she now had at the base of her throat thanks to said ice cream. “You should have finished it for me, how dare you.” Sloane teased she turned her head and cracked one of her eyes open to smirk at her boyfriend, squeezing his leg gently with her nails in a jokey way not because she wanted to actually hurt him. “I might have to like…take a nap or something before we come back later on because otherwise I’m going to be a total mess while we’re trying to have a nice dinner.”
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This was certainly how he liked to start the morning, and it was better now, he didn't have to worry about having to jump out of a window because someone's husband or boyfriend got home earlier, or get punched or even shot at, he could totally relax because he was in his place and the baby in her belly was his.
As she came he licked her a little longer for her to enjoy the wave before removing his finger from her and licking them clean, he truly enjoyed how she tasted, he took his shirt off and moved up to meet her lips kissing her sure that she would be able to taste herself on his lips.
Sloane wasn’t sure if it was because of how much she wanted him inside her or what but she could feel the tension building in her stomach before long, making her back arch as she pressed herself closer to him. Whimpering for him to keep going as her hand gripped their sheets so hard she started to pull them off from where they wrapped around the mattress - whole body suddenly going ridged as she hit her orgasm. “Fuck…” The redhead breathed as she tried to get her breath back, eyes still closed.
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Jake loved hearing her moans in the morning, when the baby came he wasn't exactly sure how it would be their schedule, so he was more than happy to take advantage of the time they had left and make her cum over and over again, he kept working on her, with his tongue and finger as he felt himself getting hard, he wanted to be inside her, but that could wait until he made her cum first.
Sloane had been hungry, she was still kinda hungry, but this was far more delicious than anything she could be given on a tray. She hadn’t realised just how horny she also was until the sensation of Jake between her legs made her back arch slightly so she could try to cause more friction. Get herself even closer to his tongue, a soft moan sighing out at the addition of his fingers. “Fuck…” Left hand grabbing onto some sheets as she pulled hard against them, breathing becoming a little more ragged the longer this went on. Writhing around on the mattress as each small sensation hit, rippling through her body making her whimper his name softly. The redhead didn’t even know if he could hear her but that was hardly her focus, her eyes had flicked closed as her teeth pulled against her lower lip, wanting to tell him she needed to feel him inside her but not wanting this to stop either.
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"Is okay, I understand you are nervous, and is an easy mistake to make." Like she said, she didn't come to the vet very often, and neither did he before Billie. "I also didn't used to have pets, until I got Billie, my mandatory puppy." Honestly, when they suggested he to get a dog, he saw no point in it, it sounded like bullshit and a lot of work, but he did learn to love Billie, and that love was real, so it seemed to have worked it. "is okay, the dogs are just here for a check-up, nothing serious, so as soon as the vet appears you can go first."
"Shit--sorry. I uh... I assumed you worked here, sorry." Priya wrinkled her nose up a bit at herself, biting her lip as she looked around for a moment, clearly looking a bit lost. "I've never done this. I've never been in a vet, never had a pet...I found this thing on the sidewalk but a bunch of high schoolers were screwing around..." Priya trailed off then, huffing out a breath before she moved to sit down, holding the hat in her lap. "It's fine though. You go first with them. S-Sorry. Again"
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Jake expected things to go way worse than this, and he understood the man's concern. "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but since the day we first talked things felt different. I was honest with her, I was sober, and I even told her my real name, which is something only a few people know."He knew it might not seem like a huge thing for the man, but it was for him. "I have been struggling with this because I love her and I'm not doing this out of obligation, and I don't want her to say yes for any other reason besides loving me back, so I might not ask for now, I might wait until the baby is born and she's thinking straight." He didn't want to get a yes just because she was hormonal and didn't think things properly. "But I wanted you to know how I feel about her."
Vince had suspected this was why the kid was here at his house. He had a feeling this would happen. Staring at the stranger he waited until he finished speaking. Letting a daunting silence hang between them for a moment Vince finally spoke. "Why would I give that blessing to you? I don't know you... you and Sloane have known each other... what a few months now?" He shook his head. "Sloane is always going to do what she wants, she's a grown woman. So I understand that my blessing really, doesn't matter here. But I am going to highly advise that the two of you do not enter a marriage out of obligation while hardly knowing each other."
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