The doodlebot
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jakdaw-arts · 2 days ago
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An old giftart I did for @rozziebot back when we'd tossed Cell into the universe of Strange Magic and au'd him to hell and back
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jakdaw-arts · 4 days ago
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A couple of quick digimon for warmups
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jakdaw-arts · 3 months ago
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i fear i am spamming the gaogaigar tag but also i am just over here chewing on my keyboard.
this poor bastard is soldato j-180, from an au where there's more than just 31 soldato units. he gets the ol zonder metal slapped on him and may or may not live long enough to get un-zonder'd.
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jakdaw-arts · 3 months ago
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jakdaw-arts · 3 months ago
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re-watching gaogaigar. had the itch to draw some pizzas. behold the trash bird.
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jakdaw-arts · 4 months ago
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99% of the things i draw never make it out of the sketch stage and so many of those sketches are these two. ...most of those sketches have too much bare harpy chest for tumblr, though.
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jakdaw-arts · 4 months ago
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Rana the harpy and Sethos the manticore. She comes from a small, mostly-human town. He offers to show her the world.
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jakdaw-arts · 5 months ago
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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more gargoyles sketching
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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excuse me while i rotate a large gargoyle man in my brain
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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I started watching gargoyles and i have fallen down the rabbit hole of liking that series so very hard. So, of course I had to aim the become-a-gargoyle beam at Rush
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
Info dump about your digimon OCs pls. 🥺
*chuckles nervously*
That’s a can of worms. Most of the digimon OCs I’ve got are connected with an AU story idea that’s been percolating for a Hot Minute. Main things of note about the universe are that there are no chosen children, no canon characters, the human-digimon partnerships are due to an online game that [reason pending] ended up slightly connected to the digital world, but the digital world has existed for as long as the real world. Humans in the digital world are converted to something closer to a digimon, and ones that die there are treated as digimon and get egg’d, losing their memories in the process unless backed up via a digivice. 
That is all to say that there is so much rattling around my brain about this world lmao. Anyway. There are so many ocs in this setting that i’m just gonna pick a few of em to info dump about.
Keemon > Yaamon > Impmon > Wizarmon > Reapmon > Beelzemon. Self-indulgent reality hopper. Sometimes breaks things and/or makes things weird by yeeting themself into a reality. That noodley little impmon I drew recently. 
The purpose of Rush is usually to be a living macguffin. In this case, they jumped into this reality, splitting off a new timeline because of the Major Change of there being a person where before there hadn’t been. The rules of the digital world decided to be strict about the Weird Thing that invaded, converting Rush into data and having them solidify as an egg, sans memories. Memories slowly come back as they digivolve, they end up traveling with a group of humans with their digimon partners, shit goes down, eventually the day is saved, yadda yadda yadda.
Rush-with-memories is a fairly even-keeled individual, having bounced around realities and dealt with plenty of Situations. Rush-without-memories is an inquisitive creature with little regard for personal space and a whole lot of confusion, once they get past the just-vibing stage they were in as a keemon and yaamon. They have thumbs, an ability to set things on fire, and little regard for how squishable they are (they learn, and shortly after also learn how quickly they can skitter on all fours. thankfully, pretty fast). 
Beelzebumon - The Ratvatar (don’t call him that)
Demon Lord. Similar vibes to the Beelzemon in Digimon World: Next Order. Demon lords’ cores exist outside the realms of space/time, with physical avatars in each of the realities that can ‘respawn’ after a time if they are destroyed. The demon lords’ powers are split up among their avatars, so adding a new split makes them eeever so slightly weaker. Beelzebumon doesn’t care, the rest of the demon lords are displeased. The ripple that happened with the split let him wiggle out of the dark area so he spends most of his time taking in the sights and occasionally watching the shenanigans that a bunch of human children in the digital world are getting up to. Might give them a helping hand in passing, if only out of amusement of derailing the plans of the other demon lords.
He finds the fleeing-from-danger impmon, who is less afraid of him than whatever was chasing them. He lets them tag along for a bit, vaguely intrigued when they talk about the bits and pieces of memories they’re getting back. When they come across a little band of humans he herds the impmon towards them so he can go back to his preferred state of mostly-just observing. He’s the first one to figure out the little impmon is the reason reality got a little wibbly wobbly and made a new branch. 
Kai & Storm
Kai- Human that would very much like off this ride, please. (to be fair, all the humans want off this ride at some point) Storm- Kai’s partner, Puttimon > Cupimon > Patamon > Angemon. Just glad to be here.
Intended to be the primary pov duo. Sheltered religious kid figures themself out in the digital world whether they want to or not. Have I mentioned this bunch gets stuck in the digital world for years? Cuz that’s a whole Thing when they get out and they’ve all aged like five years in what seems to everyone else to be [exact time difference pending]. Kai takes a while to warm up to Storm, since they didn’t play the game nearly as much as most of the others that got dragged in, and *gestures at the whole impromptu long, dangerous camping trip.*
Storm just wants his human to be happy and safe. Once he’s able to maintain his angemon form for longer than the length of a battle he spends most of his time as that, since it’s big enough to pick Kai up and haul ass if something dangerous sneaks up on them. Which, due to the maneuverings of some grumpy demon lords that assume the humans appearing was the cause of the split, is a fairly common occurrence. 
Agunimon. Previously human, died in the digital world, came back as a digiegg. Regained most of his memories with time, most comfortable in his agunimon form (fairly human-shaped, has hands... useful things). Pretty fly for a dead guy. Ends up playing a bit of a guardian role for the human gaggle, leomon-adjacent but with less dying. He’s still a pretty vague idea, but I just think he’s neat. Big ol armored fire guy with horns, being used as an impromptu jungle gym for a bunch of kids and their tiny digi buddies. 
Otherwise there’s a gaggle of other human kids and their digimon partners, to fill out the “a bunch of kids who played this game at one point in time who happened to be close to/in contact with their computers and got yoinked to the digital world” requirement, most of whom are background characters. Plus some mature digimon that take some pity on the kids and help them out, and at least one more human-now-digimon that doesn’t much care to prod around for old memories and is quite happy with how she is now, thank-you-very-much.
I have... far less Actually Written Down than I'd like for this whole mess lmao
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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Weird reality-hopper gets turned into an egg, has to have a Magical Adventure getting their memories back, tries to not die. Finds friends to take naps on along the way.
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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Icon of Rana as a snowy owl harpy
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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Icon of Rush as a little Pterosaur creature
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jakdaw-arts · 1 year ago
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just a bird and his dragon
a nameless duo, the parents of Murus, a character of Rozzie's. designs and colors are not final because i am forever dithering on them
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