jahanvithakur13 · 4 months
Little did i know whats true
but still its hard to let it all go
I know its all false
The flesh , The brain , and everything in between
The reality is an illusion
then what are we doing here?
this illusion doesn’t make a soul popular
Its cares about the flesh cover
How good! How Bad! How best! How ugly you look
What beauty is these similar bone structure creature will decide.
Whats the use of it?
Nothing in my eye! Its just to put a competition in
people mind. How supreme and how minimum no one is the god here to decide
-Jahanvi T.
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jahanvithakur13 · 4 months
The self believe to still fight
against every odd
this soul inside has survived
even the toughest road.
Journey to self is difficult
but its the necessary one
to become the brighest star in the world
even the sun must has to burn.
The leaders , the heroes , the greatest
never lived an easy life
universe favours us to reach the highest limits
‘coz we are meant to touch the skies.
God is there i believe
I feel that pat on my back
when i lost a track
he always pulled me out from every setback.
- Jahanvi T.
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jahanvithakur13 · 4 months
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