jadeloring · 3 years
this blog is empty
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jadeloring · 3 years
[ TELL ] for receiver to look towards sender after a battle and realize they’re bleeding.
"Good work. Get any surviving Fjerdans bound up and ready for interrogation," she said to her team. It wasn't often that she went out on the field nowadays, being an Ophrichniki, but Kirigan had enlisted her for the special priority mission. "Oh shit--Heartrender, over here!" she called, noticing that one of her team was bleeding badly. "What's your name, soldier?" She began using her own Grisha ability to clear away the excess blood.
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jadeloring · 3 years
“I’d feel lesser if I did that.” Aleksander was used to taking everything on himself and he wouldn’t want to push off the task of paperwork on other people. It was his responsibility after all.
Her touch and words draws out an emotional response from him. Tears begin to form in the corners of his eyes and he swallows hard. He reaches out and touches her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. In the next moment he leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers with passion. A passion he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. It wasn’t like how it was when he was with Zoya nor any of his other flings. This felt different due to their connection.
Oh, Alek. It’s a good thing that he kisses her, because she’s about to do the same for him. A single tear falls down her face as her eyes close, but she hardly notices. Jayn kisses back fervently, fingers running through his hair as she deepens the kiss with her tongue. This is clearly something she’s been waiting for, something she hadn’t realized she needed.
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jadeloring · 3 years
“I mean if something were to happen I wouldn’t protest against it…” He still felt a connection and spark with her and if that led into something more than he’d be more than fine with it. He wants to reach out and touch her, but he isn’t sure if he should. If they did sleep together it could fill the void she’s been feeling, but he didn’t want her to regret anything if she still felt loyal. He knew he had trouble being with someone else after Luda had died.
“I’ve hardly been sleeping,” he shrugged. “I have a lot on my plate… paperwork, going over plans if we get attacked…” It wasn’t uncommon for him to go days without sleep, he could handle it, for the most part. He didn’t like sleeping alone either, his bed felt much too empty as of recent.
Jayn nodded in agreement--she wouldn’t protest, either. The only problem was, someone had to initiate things, whatever that thing was, and it looked as if he wouldn’t as long as she made her anxiety known. Hers virtually disappeared once he brought up his own troubles, eyes going soft with worry. “You need sleep,” she said gently, “Pass some of your duties onto the colonel, or to me if need be. You don’t...you’re not alone, Aleksander.” She reached up to hold his face in her hands. “Please remember that.”
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jadeloring · 3 years
“That’s understandable that you’d be hesitant.” He withdrew his hand, bringing it back to his glass. He wanted her to be comfortable. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. In fact I didn’t bring you back to my chambers with the intention of sex.”
“Oh.” Her cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to assume...” She downed her drink in two fast gulps, then moved to set the glass down--anything to put some distance between him and herself. “So, how have you been sleeping?” she asked, genuinely curious even as she made conversation.
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jadeloring · 3 years
“Was I supposed to expect anything from you?” A dark brow raises as his head tilts. “I hadn’t expected anything except to have a good time tonight.” He notices that she seems anxious so he sets his glass down and puts a pale hand on her shoulder. “I know you’ve taken orders for most of your life, but it’s okay to let go and let loose for a while. It’s okay. I won’t judge you.”
She can’t help but relax into his hand. It’s been forever since someone’s touched her like this...”It’s not that I can’t let go. I just...I haven’t been with a man in twelve years.”
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jadeloring · 3 years
A warmth sparked in his chest at her words. In a normal situation it wouldn’t stir a reaction from him, but in this context it excited him. “I’ll keep that in mind for later.”
After their dance he had decided to invite her back into his private chambers. Whether they were going to get intimate or not it brought about an air of mystery around them. And he could have used a break from the staring eyes. “I must say that was one of the most enjoyable fetes I’ve had in a while.” Aleksander said as he poured them both glasses of Kvas. He hands her a glass then sits down, taking a sip from his own glass. “How are you feeling now?”
She found herself becoming more exposed by the minute, entering his chambers and shedding her fur coat and hat. Her hand trembled as she took the glass he proffered, which was embarrassing at her age. “I...what did you expect of me tonight, Aleksander?” Jayn asked, very unsure. She pushed her long braids away from her face as she attempted to compose herself. Nothing was normal about this situation. There was no protocol to follow, to protect him or her, and that made her afraid.
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jadeloring · 3 years
          “ Oh well… if it was a private dance you wanted you’re going to have to wait until later. ” Giving her a teasing wink, he couldn’t help but grin. He was having way too much fun playing into the moment. One hand held onto her waist with firm strength, while the other kept holding onto her hand. As he maintained eye contact with her it felt as if time had taken a stand still, as if they were the only two still moving in the room. Brown eyes focusing on her lips, he resisted the temptation to lean in to kiss her. Perhaps that could wait until later…
Did he mean--? To her knowledge, which was extremely reputable considering she always took a shift to guard Aleksander’s bedroom at night, he’d only “privately danced” with Zoya Nazyalensky, and even then only on specific occasions. She already held the man in high honor. Being given the invitation to become intimate with him, to kiss that smirk, to feel him with her...that was glorious. “I am yours to command, moi soverenyi,” she said with a wink of her own.
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jadeloring · 3 years
📭 Reblog if you want curious anons in your inbox! 📭
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jadeloring · 3 years
          The wave of warmth that covered him felt like a relief after standing outside in the cold for so long. Aleksander’s body was always a little colder than it would be for an average person, so the warmth of the Little Palace was a welcome. 
        He can feel the presence of all eyes on him when they enter the room. They’re not the normal adoring eyes, however as he makes his way down to where everyone is dancing. Everyone looks on in curiosity as he walks out with Jayn.
         “ We shall. ” Giving her a smile, he reached out his hand for her to hold. He can hear someone let out a light gasp and the sound gives him a feeling of satisfaction. Oh how scandalous they must all think this is. The general, no the shadow summoner, about to dance with one of his bodyguards. In all honesty, he would have rather been dancing with her than anyone else in the room tonight.
She was still unsure--until she saw the look on his face. That led her to take a step forward, allowing him to hold her close, and put his free hand on her waist. “So much for a private dance,” Jayn joked, trying to keep her eyes on his. With that, she began to sway and turn with the music, as she didn’t need him to lead. She was thankful that, unlike the other women in the room, she was wearing comfortable boots as compared to stiff-pointed shoes.
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jadeloring · 3 years
“That was what I meant, yes,” he said,  a small cloud of breath came out of his mouth as he let out a light laugh. Reaching his hand out, he places his on top of hers in response. “I accept in any case. It’s getting a bit too cold out here.” With a smile on his lips, he looks down at her, his heart skipping a small beat. It had been far too long since he had that feeling in his chest. “Lead the way.”
And she did, taking him back to the doors that the other Oprichniki dutifully opened. She immediately took off her winter hat, handing it off to one of them, then led her leader back into the warmth of the Little Palace. Everyone was already mingling and/or dancing, but the crowd parted in respect for the general, whispering curiously at the sight of his hand in another’s. “Shall we?” Jayn asked rhetorically, turning to face him once they were on the dance floor. She winked at him, smiling slyly.
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jadeloring · 3 years
     The corners of his mouth twitch as a small smile forms on his lips. He saw her in a different light now, although he had always considered her his closest and strongest oprichniki, they hadn’t gotten to know each other so intimately.
     “Are you suggesting that you’d like to dance?” It was a tease, but honestly he wouldn’t have minded it. Would everyone be in awe that the general was dancing one of his oprichniki? Most definitely. Did he care? Truth be told… not really. The drama that could inhabit the Little Palace could be amusing, in particular the rumours that surrounded him. Some people had far too much time on their hands and creative imaginations. It was a source of amusement from him. 
“I’ve always loved to dance. It’s just now that I’m asking you to,” she teased back, offering her hand to him. A part of her was nervous, but she didn’t let it show. What if he was just stringing her along, only to say no and laugh in her face at the last moment? After all, she’d seen him be cruel before. Or, what would the rest of her unit say upon seeing the two of them dance? The last thing she needed was insubordination--that was why she always tried to be so formal with her general. But Saints, she wanted to dance.
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jadeloring · 3 years
Sad. That sounded right. It was a word one would most likely never think about using when describing him, thinking that he had a perfect life, not knowing that he had been alive for hundreds of years.
He stays quiet, looking at her intently as she speaks. His heart aches as she recalls about the love of her life. Trying his best to surpress his feelings, to not let the shadows come out from pain, he steadies his breathing. Thankfully, there was a subject change and his attention is brought to her showing her powers. The sight of the snow melting caused his heart to skip a beat and he felt as if their connection had strengthened.
“You being Grisha isn’t going to affect anything. Call it an …exception.” While his oprichniki weren’t normally Grisha, he couldn’t imagine not having her around to protect him. She could serve in the Second Army of course, but…he wasn’t entirely sure why.. it wasn’t something he wanted. Maybe it was because he felt a tinge of empathy. He knew what it was like to be alone, losing a loved one and having to hide his powers. “I think we should get you inside. You’re looking a little…cold.”
A bright smile worked its way onto her face once he assuaged her fears. Again, she would have hugged him if he weren’t her superior. “Thank you, moi soverenyi,” she said with a giddy bow. When he suggested they go inside, she had to smirk. “It won’t look right for you to stand and simply watch everyone, you know. You’ll have to dance.” The joke was clear, though she still meant to encourage him. She herself had not danced in a while, only because she hadn’t had the reason to in years.
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jadeloring · 3 years
Ships with height differences. Reblog if you agree
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jadeloring · 3 years
Jason Todd x OC x Billy Russo
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jadeloring · 3 years
“I just...fuck--” Jayn opened her mouth to say something else, but only a sob came out. She nearly collapsed in Jason’s arms, then looked up to see his face. After all, he was all she really had in the world at the moment. She lunged for him and pressed her lips to his in a searing kiss--again, and again. Fuck me, just fuck me. I don’t want to feel a damn thing.
[SAVED] - NotyouraveragedickGrayson
“Thanks, he almost had m–Nightwing?” Jayn stopped, noticing a trail of blood leading to her masked boyfriend’s side. She took off her Armani blazer, not caring that there was hardly anything underneath, and tried to use it to stop the bleeding. “I’ve got you,” she said softly, “Already called 911.”
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jadeloring · 3 years
“Don’t. We all have them,” Jayn said quietly, raising her head from where she lay curled up on the floor. Come to think of it, just about everyone she knew had a bad case of frequent nightmares. Except Alfred maybe, but he probably kept his to himself so he could comfort everyone else. “You wanna talk about it, or--?” There were a couple of other options, including going back to sleep: Jayn decided to leave it up to her team leader. They might be at a slumber party (they’d convinced Waller it was a ‘team-building exercise’), but the woman was still indecisive as fuck. After all, they weren’t on a mission, so quick-thinking didn’t have to be part of the scenario. As she waited for Rick’s reply, King Shark’s surprising-yet-melodic snoring filled the room.
open starter - rick - mutuals only 
Dr. Moone. His head snapped to the right then back to rest, enchantress- the misty black that clouded her face from view became more and more dense. Filling all their lungs while the lights went dead, the absolutely darkness consuming them only for a moment. As fast as it came it was gone, only leaving the witch in her place. “June-” his whine was just as soft as an exhale. The scene always played the same, the witch did an impossible task while her heart beat strongly in its cage. When the smoke returned and the crowd was in awe of the talents, the applause to Waller was the silence of the men in the room, you could hear a pin drop. The look of fear on her face was heartbreaking, the tears weren’t allowed to be seen. Get her out of here- sweat coated every inch of him as the man’s body, chest rising and falling before he rolled to his stomach back muscles flexing. Nightmares were not usually something Rick had dealt with before June, before he was drafted for his own impossible task. Being the only survivor had its costs, the main one being sanity and its only gift being a guilt so heavy it could suck the life out of a man. 
Stop her, just stop her- even if it kills me. Rick. His body settled for a moment, stilling while he held his breath. She never looked happy in his memories, she never looked like June in the last few weeks. 
Time of death 2:35- each line to the EKG unplugged, the holes in his flannel were all he had from that day, the bar from her bed catching the elbow of his shirt when he knelt there. Even if it kills me- it finally had- the girl in the black bathwater staring at him begging for help was now in the bed before him lifeless. Still warm. Finally the man screamed right into his pillow, about the only thing that ever woke him from the past, “June-” the scream was always guttural. His voice cracking as the breath left his lungs knuckles white gripping the sheets under his head, “June! Please,” a small sob escaped him when his eyes finally opened to a darkened room. His heart was fluttering at a million miles an hour, chest rising and falling at a rate he couldn’t calm, “I’m sorry.”
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