For my 3D production class I had to create a three shot short that was a remake of an existing movie scene- with muppets. I ran out of time to do the particle water effects, but this is basically Pacific Rim anyway.
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fandom hcs are like:
-shy anxious person is ace
-badass but nice girl is bi
-mean bitch is a lesbian
-bubbly extrovert girl is pan
-all men are gay (unless they're flirty in which case they're bi)
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Kermit doesn’t have a nose or lips but he conveys more emotion than any human
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media where all of the characters are nonhuman creatures except for the token nonbinary character, who is a regular ass human
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“andrew garfield’s peter would not get along with tom holland peter” babes come on I think we’re forgetting something here. tobey! peter would ALSO not get along with billionaire sponsored peter parker
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do not separate them…..
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supervillains fucking hate fighting the x-men because the teams change constantly and sometimes there are??? totally new people there???? fuck there’s a teenager who literally just has eyes all over his body. is he even technically a superhero yet or is he a student. who the fuck knows. how do we counter this shit
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I would love to see the anti immigration conservatives do this for at least 30 mins..
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Donate: We can’t do Thanksgiving without farm workers
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WAIT "iykyk" means "if you know you know"??????? i thought it was just the new cool kids way to keysmash
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Yall when I found out rich people have special therapists to help them cope with the guilt of hoarding money I literally considered throwing away all the morals I never had to become a psych major for like an entire day like I would have emotionally damaged them so badly
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