jacobxwynne · 4 years
“Of course you are,” said Elisa rolling her eyes. “So, some girls have the same problem some guys do, but that doesn’t meant they’re not out there. Believe me, I know more girls looking for something real than I do guys. Besides, do you even know enough girls to say that happens a lot to you, because you’re too busy working and trying to become a doctor to date,” she said giving him a pointed look. “I’m not saying that dating and all this isn’t without its risk, because there’s risk to anything like this. If you want something real, then you have to go through a lot of other shit to find it, but you’ll get there eventually.” She looked up at him. “Maybe I will. But for now, I’m okay where I’m at,” she reassured him. “Is it? Do you really like it?” she grinned. 
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“Hey, I’m looking for something real, also I heard some of my friends talked okay?” Jake rolled his eyes back at her, “Like when we’re up until the wee hours of the night doing nothing except watching our patient sleeping, guys talked. And though some of them enjoyed the casual sex and the whole no strings attached, but some shared stories about how girls can be as heartless,” he laughed, “I live vicariously through their stories,” he joked. “This is why I don’t date, it’s too much work,” he chuckled a little, though sounded a bit sad, “So, are you actually seeing anyone right now? Anyone with maybe a potential? Or maybe you have your eyes on someone?” he asked, changing the focus of the conversation not fully on him anymore. “Well, we’ve known each other for at least half of our lives right, and you know me? I tend to go the safe route when it comes to relationship, but this one? It’s different, it’s unlike any other experience that I had, and it’s quite exciting.”
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: yeah, no shit, but they're not their parents, are they?
Zachary: yeah, like once a month.
Jacob : Yeah you're right, but still you and their sister is like an anomaly in that family. i mean did you pay attention to their insane family at your wedding?
Jacob : It's not once a month
Jacob : Maybe twice a month
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“Girls love the nerds too, Jacob,” she said. “They’re the ones who have passions in life. They are interesting to talk to, they know how to have a conversation and they have a lot to say. Sure, sex is good fun and all, but having a real connection with someone? That only comes from being an interesting person, and being a nerd automatically means you’re an interesting person,” she said and poked him in the chest. “You’ve got so much to say and so much to share with someone else. You just have to find someone to share it with, which you will,” she nodded. “Yeah? You think I’m capable of evening find a good guy?” she asked and looked up at him. She wrapped an arm around his waist to hold onto him. “Yeah, I mean, I get enough attention, but it’s always someone who’s hollow, an entire personality based on going to the gym or something,” she said waving his word off. “You’ll figure it out Jake. Just don’t do all the chasing, okay? You deserved to be chased, too.”
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“So I’m on high demand these days?” Jacob raised his eyebrow with a boyish grin splaying on his face hearing Elisa’s words, although whoever knows him, know that Jacob was just joking, it’s not that he’s oblivious that he’s somewhat gifted with being attractive, and maybe if he wanted to, he could find a girl to go home with tonight, but he’s not looking for that, he’s looking for something real, and that’s where the challenges comes. “But sometimes girls said they want to have connection, but then not really, they just want some cute guy to take home for the night, and expect us to understand that it’s a one night stand, but then when we don’t call, they think we’re asshole,” he said again before laughing, “Man, sometimes I really don’t understand women,” he shook his head. “Of course you are!” he pulled her closer to him like to make a point, “You will find a good guy, okay? And maybe, you attract those hollow and shallow guys because you think you’re not ready for someone real, but once you are, you’ll find him, someone you really want to be with, someone who you want to spent countless hours together even just to do nothing,” he said, trying to convinced her. Another humorous laugh escaped his lips after he sipped his coffee, “But the chase is kinda’ fun tho,” he said, winking.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
Ariel relished the way he ran his hands over her body, feeling her sides and her hips. It was gentle and appreciative, different from the way Nick held her. She breathed inwardly, though, determined not to compare them, keeping her focus and her mind on Jake. He was there right there, in front of her. She watched him move back to pull his shirt off and bit down on her lower lip, seeing his torso. She liked what she saw, not that she had expected anything less. After all, he was studying to be a doctor and he probably kept himself in good health. 
Ariel could feel the way he was now working on undoing her dress. She stepped back so she could help him out, now. Once he had undone the zipper, she stepped out of the dress, left in just her lingerie, a red, lacy bra, and a matching set of panties. Her hand moved up her back and undid the bra, allowing it to slip off in one smooth motion and fall to the floor, before she was closing the distance between them again. She could feel her heart beating quickly and blood rushing through her body, making her warm, adrenaline also pumping through her as she then began to work on his pants, undoing the button and zipper. 
Jake let Ariel stepped out of her dress and boy, was he glad taking the chance to pursue her because she was stunning, not that he expected any less. He looked at her admiringly as she undid her bra and the red, lacy thing fell to the floor, leaving her bare, just in her panties. He didn’t pull her to him nor throw her into the bed just like what he actually wanted, no, not yet. he wanted to really savor each second of being with this woman, and let her take her time. He let her be the one closing the distance between them to work on his pants. 
His hands went up from her arms to her shoulders, up to her neck, and to her hair, grabbing a handful with both hands, he tugged her head a little before he finally went to kiss her, even hungrier than before, unable to hide how much he wanted her. And as he deepened the kiss, his one hand traveled down between their bodies to where she was still covered, his fingers softly moved against the thin fabric, rubbing so slowly to tease her.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: so, what? they're only in it for the money?
Zachary: wow. can't believe you're having fun for once. you're normally so opposed.
Jacob : I didn't say that, but seeing how their parents' reaction the first time they know you're seeing Kat... so i figure
Jacob : Hey, I do like to have fun from time to time
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: Ah, of course. Can't imagine they'd turn down dates with doctors.
Zachary: As long as you try. Can't regret not ever trying.
Jacob : Well, they'll be as broke as I am though
Jacob : yeah exactly and we're seeing if this is going to get anywhere and have fun
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“I don’t want this night to end either,” said Ariel just as their lips were locked again. She could feel the way his fingers were in her hair. Her hands were draped around his neck. She poured everything she could into the kiss. Her hands moved from the back of her neck and down his front to begin undoing his shirt.
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Jake pulled her closer to deepened the kiss, one of his hand traveled down her sides, feeling her curves with a soft squeeze down her hips. He had thought about kissing her for many times before, but he didn’t expect it to be this intoxicating. Jake pulled back slightly to make a quick move to helped her with his shirt, tossing it away to the ground before he worked on undoing her dress.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“Yeah, well, the nerds are the one that get all the girls later in life,” said Elisa. “You ever notice how it’s the men that are doctors and lawyers and very intelligent that end up with the wives and families? Meanwhile, everyone else just kind of ends up going from bad relationship to bad relationship trying to find something that’s mediocre at best? If you ask me, you’re already set up to find the love of your life better than I am, based on our educational experiences,” she pointed out, taking a sip from her coffee. “Yeah, I do tinder. Where do you think I meet the guys I hook up with?” she said. “And let me tell you, it’s rough trying to sort out all the garbage men from the decent ones.” She sighed. “Good answer. You should always see if you’re a good fit, and then who knows where you could go with her from there.”
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“Is that so?” Jake raised his eyebrow, “I guess I should be glad that I’m a nerd,” he laughed, sipping his coffee slowly. “Although I think it all sort of come from the work stability more than them being a nerd,” he added to her teasingly. “Oh come on, don’t say that,” Jake bumped the side of his shoulder against hers before then wrapping his arm around her shoulders, “You’ll find your true love, maybe sooner than you expected. A guy who loves you and treat you right, and respect you, and see the amazing person you are,” Jake smiled softly at Elisa, truly believe that she deserves someone just as wonderful as she is. “Well, L.A is big, who knows? You can meet people anywhere, you’re gorgeous, I’m sure a lot of guy hit on you, just make sure they’re good egg, okay?” he gave her a concern look, like he was worried about her. “Was that a test?” he laughed, “I just want to see if there’s something there. But if not, then I guess, I just have to move on.”
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
Ariel felt the way he moved around his apartment, moving to some place more comfortable. She felt the gentle way he sat down on the bed and her still on top of him, his arms around her waist, his lips slowly leaving hers. “Yeah?” she asked with a grin. She let her face tilted into his palm, enjoying the way he caressed her cheek, so lovingly. It felt nice to feel the way he really seemed to appreciate her. She then moved from his lap to sit next to him on his bed, and ran a hand through her hair before she looked over at him. “Well, how do you want this night to end?” She gave him her most sultry look. 
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Jacob looked lovingly at Ariel and smiled softly at her question, “I don’t really want the night to end,” he admitted rather cheekily before pulling her face closer to his so he could kiss her more. His fingers buried into her brunette hair as he deepened the kiss.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing! It’s just most people in college are stupid and that’s when they do stupid things like having one-night stands with people they barely knew,” she pointed out. “You are totally a serial monogamist,” she agreed. “Again, not a bad thing. It’s just who you are. Plenty of people feel uncomfortable getting involved with someone they don’t know. That’s why people drink and hook up, because then the alcohol makes you forget about how weird that can be,” she said. “Takes a specific type of personality to be the kind of person that can just go on Tinder and form connections through there.” She shrugged. She watched him get the coffee and then took her cup once he had ordered. “But, anyway, you think this girl could be the one?” she asked. “The one you might stick with and maybe even marry?”
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Jacob went back to Elisa and handed her the coffee before sipping his own ice latte and continued to listened to Elisa. “Maybe it’s less of a stupid thing, but more of an experience? One that I didn’t really acquired during my younger time because I was a nerd in college, well, still am,” he laughed a little. “Do you do that thing? The whole tinder and online dating stuff?” Jacob asked curiously, wondering where she met all the men she seemed to be seeing these days. At her questions Jacob didn’t answer right away and give it a little thought, “I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t know. This could be just the whole Wynne-men stubbornness that made me insist on trying it out with her, maybe we don’t really have a connection in the end, but we’ll never know if we never tried to see whether we’re a fit or not, right? So If you asked me if I think she could be the one? Maybe, but who knows at this point?
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: Do you have any friends to set them up with?
Zachary: Which is fine, everyone has their own thing, but maybe that means Ariel isn't the girl for you?
Zachary: No, as far as I know, she is not. Not the point, though.
Jacob : Well, if they're interested in anyone working at the hospital though
Jacob : Maybe, but I don't want to just let it go without even trying first, maybe this is us trying to know each other more.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: No idea. They're pretty persistent.
Zachary: That's your problem. You think of it as a game. Dating is just all about getting to know another human being.
Zachary: Well, no, but you get my point.
Jacob : Maybe instead I should set them up with my friends
Jacob : I didn't really mean game as a game, but the whole romance and stuff thing. I'm used to just date this one girl and she only dates me
Jacob : So she's not dating three different men?
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“You may never understand the reason that things happen,” said Elisa sympathetically, giving him a small, empathetic smile. She reached out a hand to pat him on the shoulder. She simply nodded when he said he would rather not think of it. Elisa followed him. “You only had one in college, really?” she asked rather surprised. Then again, maybe she shouldn’t have been so shocked. “You know college are your years to experiment. Besides, I don’t there’s such a thing as a good drunk. Most people are pretty insane when they’re drink. That’s the point of alcohol, it makes people outrageous and insane.” She paused as they got to the coffee cart. “A mocha with a double shot of espresso,” she said.
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Jacob laughed seeing Elisa’s reaction to him admitting that he only ever had a one night stand once, “Oh come on, you being that shocked making it sound like it’s a bad thing. I’m a serial monogamist I guess, I don’t like jumping into bed with someone I don’t know, it feels awkward,” he admitted, “That’s also why I can’t just hook up with girls people tried to set me up with,” he continued. “My college years were filled with studying,” he shrugged his shoulders, as a scholarship kid, he needed to always keep his grade up to secure that scholarship, and medical school was very hard. “Alright,” he nodded and went to order for both of them. Once he got the coffee he went back to Elisa.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“Absolutely positive,” said Ariel in between breathless gasps. She felt him pick her up. Her entire body tingled. Jacob had a perceptively deceitful build. He didn’t look strong, but he seemed to effortlessly pick her up and move her, like he wasn’t even trying. Although, in all fairness, she hadn’t exactly seen him with his clothes off. However, that could potentially change tonight. 
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Kissing while carrying the person, while trying to walk across his apartment to get into his bedroom can be quite challenging, unlike what the movies usually made it out to be. He did almost bumped his knee, but managed to escaped it and carried Ariel safely to his room. He carefully put her down, sitting on his bed with her still on his lap, his arms wrapped around her tiny waist, while he continued kissing her, not wanting to stop, but he forced himself to pulled away slightly, not wanting to go too fast too far, in case that’s not what Ariel wanted, “That is so much better than I thought it would be,” he said with a small, very pleased smile as one of his hand moved to the side of her face, caressing her cheek softly with his thumb.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“So? Some people don’t even make it out of medical school,” said Ariel with a shrug. “Still made it much farther than a lot of people manage to make it when they decide to become doctors,” she insisted. Not that she knew a lot of doctors to begin with, but she had certainly heard enough. For now, Ariel melted into the kiss, especially as he started to kiss back, feeling the way he pulled her into his lap to kiss her. She sat on him, straddling him to make it easier. “I’m full,” she murmured into his lips as they continued to kiss.
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Jacob would be lying if he said he never thought about kissing Ariel during the many platonic lunches or dinners they had before, but he never really got the courage to do it, so in a way he’s glad that she’s the one taking the initiative, he probably would worry if he’s moving too fast. Jacob smiled against her lips, “Are you sure?” he asked, even though he’s the one who couldn’t stop kissing her, tangling his fingers into her hair before picking her up from the chair and carry her to his room, not wanting to be interrupted in the off chance his roommate suddenly come home.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
“Which is fine, not everyone is going to think about their greater purpose in life,” she said. “I think it just makes me feel better to think anything I went through, anything that’s happened to get me here, well, it’s all for a grander reason,” she shrugged. “Just how like everything you’ve gone through has led you to becoming a doctor, you know? Leading you to your greater purpose.” She tilted her head. “I’m not saying we don’t have control over our own lives, because of course we do, but I also think we end up exactly where we’re meant to be. You were always meant to be a doctor and your bother was always meant to be in a bar. Of course, at the same time, we’re all still starting off with our lives, so things can change, you know?” She shrugged. “Maybe you should take advantage and just go for the one-night stand. Nothing wrong with that.”
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“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s go.” She took one more bite before she let him take the tresh and stood up so they could walk around a bit.
Jacob nod his head, listening to Elisa, he smiled, he supposed everyone can see life differently, but it’s always interesting for him to try to understand other’s point of view. “I’m not saying that it’s not possible or true, I just never really think about it,” he said, his tone a little bit sad, “Because if I think about everything happens for a reason, I just never understand the reason why my mom died so soon or what happened to my dad happened...” he shook his head, “But as I said, I rather not think about it and just... live,” he said with a long sigh. “Do you know that I only ever had one night stand once, in college,” Jacob told Elisa with a laugh, “I really was a lousy drunk, unlike Zach. I always get in trouble when I’m drinking,” he continued as they walked away from the bench to find the coffee cart. “You want anything? I’m buying,” he said once they found the coffee cart finally.
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jacobxwynne · 4 years
text; zach
Zachary: Well, can't take it back now, so you get to live with Kat's sisters annoying you
Zachary: You can. You don't have to.
Zachary: I think you're psyching yourself out. I mean, you two are casual, she's casual with this other guy. I am sure as soon as she gets more serious with you or this other guy she'll be honest and let you know
Zachary: She's been honest about dating someone else, right?
Zachary: That's because the Elisa you know is your friend, not the version of her that dates.
Zachary: it's kind of like Sutton, I know her, we've been friends for years
Zachary: But I don't know shit about her dating life. For all I know she's also juggling three different men.
Jacob : yeah... how long do you think this will go on before they got bored?
Jacob : i guess, i'm just saying that I'm not used to this romance game
Jacob :that is probably right, she's my friend and I'm used to seeing her that way
Jacob : I definitely can't imagine Sutton dating three different men
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