elbasanluis · 2 years
WHEN: 7.27.22; early evening WHERE: Obsidian City; bookstore WHO: Elba + Elisa ( @songsofelisa )
A book trade was one of the more genius inventions of this century and the least bloody tradition on the island, it would seem. With the Jane Austen novel pinned to her chest, Elba was greeted by the young clerk behind the desk. She had a feeling the place tried to come off as hip as possible, for each new generation. The gimmicks didn’t necessarily matter to the werewolf, who would find the pleasure in reading a story time off a cereal box. With the book discarded into the box of others, at random and eyes closed, she began to fish out another. Except, she hit the hand of another individual and jumped back apologetically.
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orlaithrose · 2 years
When: 28th May Where: Avalon University, Founders Day weekend Who: @songsofelisa​ @maiasalfi​ @rohawkins​ Availability: CLOSED 
If there was one reason to risk being caught somewhere she shouldn’t be, it was the food. Orlaith stood in the middle of the university cafeteria, paralysed by choice. Mouth watering smells wafted over to her from every direction. Her stomach rumbled. It might have been embarrassing, if the noise in the room didn’t cover it up. Every time she thought she’d made her mind up about what food to get, something else caught her eye. “Sometimes too much choice can be a bad thing.” 
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sylviapak · 2 years
WHEN: September 10, 2022;
WHERE: In the DMs
WHO: Elisa Salaliphus
@silverscream☑️: i'm sure you get about 900 messages like this a day so i hope i don't sound like a complete broken record, but seriously i'm obsessed with your podcast. literally passed out last night at my computer desk listening to the Bloodhearth Meat Shower ep again 🙈 aahh!!!
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leepackett · 2 years
When: 15th June 2022 Where: Wherever there is a table <3 Who: @songsofelisa​
“Oi, no. Fuck no, don’t you go looking at me like that. Here, I have proof.” He began digging in his pocket for the said proof, coming out with a small, round piece of metal and banging it down on the table between them. “You tell me that’s not Alien.” He probably didn’t need to try and be so convincing. This was Elisa, after all. She was as likely to believe as he was.
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alexanderives · 2 years
WHEN: 25 May 2022 WHERE: Wail of Fortune Gambling Parlour WHO: @songsofelisa​ AVAILABILITY: Closed
The day was Wednesday. Alexander had entered the casino late Monday after one thing lead to another lead to another. None of this was he any the wiser to, which had been fine for a while but now he saw that the group of acquaintances he’d arrived with had dwindled badly. Only two others remained, one half-fae and the other in poor form. 
Alexander blinked himself several times back to life and stepped away from them and the blackjack table before the next dealing could begin. “Excuse me,” he reached out, cold fingers brushing her elbow unintentionally as he overreached too quickly. “Excuse me,” he repeated, “do you know the time?” Quite by design, the casino lacked any indicator of passing time. 
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