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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
yikes sorry for this ugly post; i'm on mobile rn. i've been busy with work for the past couple of days but i should be on tonight!!
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
queen dominique
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
my muse’s last text to your muse
[  9:32 am ] i woke up to many tweets saying that you’re too pretty, good, perfect, tall, etc. for me & they’re confused how i even got you to date me. then others saying how cute we are together.[  9:33 am ] not entirely sure which ones to believe, but i do agree with all the ones that tear me down.[  9:33 am ] i’m truly unworthy and too ugly for you 👈🏼 😎 👉🏼
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone 
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone 
my muse’s last text to your muse 
[ 2:45 pm ] i saw you at the bar but you looked preoccupied so i didn’t say hi.[ 2:46 pm ] hope u liked you’re drinks and had a nice time[ 2:46 pm ] *yuor[ 2:47 pm ] shit [ 2:47 pm ] **your
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
eden 💖
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
alarm (it’s the loudest one, so he’d be able to hear it and answer if she called in the middle of the night.)
my muse’s last text to your muse
[ 1:05 am ] yeah, of course. i can respect that.[ 1:06 am ] safe travels back to los angeles, love.[ 1:06 am ] *pal
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
emilie glanced at both shirts, putting one of them back. “i have too many shirts at home. plus this way, this shirt can be with a bunch of other shirts. it probably has shirt friends and a shirt family here. i’d feel awful taking a shirt away from it’s family.” she said with a laugh. “do you want anything? you probably have a bunch of one of a kind shirts, but hey, sometimes you just need a nice t-shirt.”
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“what if we get matching shirts? that way two shirts can be happy with new owners and we’ll never lose each other when we wear them,” jackson suggested with a bright smile, half-joking about the whole thing. though, he knew emilie would take it seriously and he didn’t mind that; he loved her sense of naivety. “you pick whichever shirt you like best and we can find something for me to match.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
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      well that certainly caught her off guard. her face froze a moment before he asked her to forget it, and a wave of relief washed over her face and a small laugh fell between them. “ it’s not the worst joke you’ve ever told. ” she teased, trying her best to keep the mood light despite her wish to run away. “ yeah, you’re telling me, so much has changed ” she trailed a moment before she shook a thought from her head. “ but uni, you’re nearly done now, aren’t you? another year or something? ”
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jackson couldn’t help but giggle at eden’s jab at him, nodding in agreement. while he was a slightly hurt by the her words, he knew they were true, and was grateful she was attempting to be friendly with him. “i’ve only got a year left, yeah. can’t wait to be done honestly.” jackson wasn’t prepared to see her, so he didn’t plan out questions to ask or a long speech to tell her about how awful it was for her to end things with him over text. “so, uh -- besides the wedding, how’s la? or the rest of your siblings? or like your new boyfriend or something? i don’t know, just snowballing some topics to talk about. he cringed at his question; it was not subtle in the least.
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
Lucas had some how managed to dodge Jackson thus far thanks to a few occasions of blending into crowds of people, turning to run in the other direction, and even hiding behind some bushes at one point. It was a game of wit and stealth, but it was one he felt he needed to play until he could fully explain himself to the boy he cut all contact from a few years ago. Deciding that this anxious hiding had earned him a cautious and serene day at the beach, Lucas headed down there. Of course, he was keeping a look out in the mean time, glancing around to make sure Jackson wasn’t in the area he was in. Walking backwards in an attempt to keep eyes everywhere, he didn’t notice the one person he was trying to avoid was sprawled out on the sand behind him. Nor did he notice when said person stretched his limbs. Without warning, Lucas felt himself tumble to the ground; landing on his bottom. “It’s fine, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, are you alright? I didn’t hurt you on my way down did I?” His face was bright red as he started apologizing, until he realize who it was he tripped over. Pausing, he blinked at Jackson for a moment, wondering if there was anyway to get himself out of this situation. But, once Jackson and him made eye contact, he knew that was that, he was caught. Clearing his throat, Lucas smiled a forced sheepish smile. “Oh. Uh, hi. Fancy seeing you here.” he mumbled, cringing at himself in the process. What a way to greet someone.  
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jackson’s whole game of avoiding people he did not want to see on the island was getting pathetic. his initial plan was to stay in the mansion for most of the trip, but his fathers were completely against that idea, saying they didn’t come here so he can do what he does back in london. after a brief yet painful lecture, he found himself on the beach, secluded from the other vacationers and beach-goers -- at least he thought he was hidden. as soon as he realized the person he tripped was one of the people he was trying to steer clear of, his eyes widened, trying to not show how much he was panicking. he had been so careful only to end up in another unwanted confrontation. “no, i’m perfectly fine. thank you, but-- uh, how’s it going, mate? long time, no see.” he greeted, forcing a smile on his face to mask his nervousness. “how’s the -- uh, the bar? since you know, you work there and whatnot. and you know, like in general. you don’t really have to talk about the bar. it’s cool. i’m cool.” he mentally cursed himself for rambling yet again; lucas was bound to know how anxious he was now.
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
“I am okay, little brother”  he smiled, as he got up, he fell down on the sand, so it wasn’t that bad, maybe if he had fallen down on a sidewalk, maybe he would have gotten some bruises and scratched on his knees, after all, he did fall down on his knees. Even if that had happened, he still wouldn’t be mad, even if it wasn’t his little brother, Silas was someone that didn’t get mad easily, if you wanted to make him mad, you have to talk bad things about people he cared about or anyone else really. Even if he didn’t know the person,and they offended them, when they haven’t done anything to them, he would defend them, he had been into fights before to defend someone. “Enjoying your time around here?”
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jackson’s panic lessened once he saw he had only tripped his brother; he has accidentally hurt or tripped his brother many times. he figured at this point he was used to it. breathing a sigh of relief, he sat back down, clapping the sand off his hands. “yeah, i am, actually,” he responded, nodding his head. “i figured that i would be in a spot where no one would walk or find me, but it seems to be that i have assumed incorrectly.” a light chuckle escaped his lips and he looked up at silas. “what about you? what have you been up to so far? i feel like i haven’t seen you since we got here.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
cell phone headcanons
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
the soft hum of footsteps dragging in the sand behind her made her heart race momentarily, though she would never admit it out loud, nor would she react in a way that would betray her outer strength. taking a deep breath, readying, she peered behind her slowly – and then let out an imperceptible yet very deep sigh. jag. “you know i like to come out here in the early mornings, have since we were little wee’s.” she replied, watching as he took a seat beside her and shuffling over a tiny bit. crossing her legs under her, she rested her elbows on her knees and leaned forward. “i’d apologize for waking you, but i’m glad for the company - albeit you’re the only one i will even slightly tolerate at this hour.”
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jackson chuckled at her response, looking over at her with a soft smile. he laid his head down on the sand, staring up at the sky as the sun began to rise. “it was much simpler when we were little wee’s, huh? now we’re back on the island and there are several people i would like to avoid at all costs,” he spoke in a hushed tone as if the people he was referring to would even be up and roaming the beach at this early hour. “are you excited to be back, scar? be honest please.” he didn’t quite understand why he was feeling as tepid as he was about being back, but if there was anyone he could talk about it with, it would be london.
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
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      eden was quiet for a moment to make sure he’d finished rambling before she responded. “ just, you know, keeping busy. the wedding and trying to avoid it, all that. ” she gave him a brief smile before quickly asking “ how about you? though, like you said, if you don’t wanna tell me you obviously don’t have to. ” she wanted to apologise but exactly how do you throw out that you needed to be alone because you’re scared you might be gay without completely ruining what little friendship the two had remaining?
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“yes, that’s right. you have that wedding. do you have a date for that?” he joked teasingly, then quickly realized that probably was not appropriate. “just-- uh, forget i said that? my apologies for even attempting to be funny.” jackson let out an uneasy laugh, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact. “i’ve just been at uni, doing my studies -- not much is new, if i’m being honest. it’s a wee bit weird to be back.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
          quino couldn’t help but chuckle at jackson’s mannerisms;;;; as of right then, the finger guns were definitely his favorite. imitating his gesture, he nodded his head in support, actually thinking about how some sun would do the english blanquito some good. going to sit down next to the other male, joaquin patiently heard montgomery’s words, questions and clarifications. there was something about this kid that had him entertained within seconds and when breathing techniques was mentioned, he knew what it was. giggling a bit, the latino hesitated for a bit, that a was a first— he’s never been asked that. “ uh, well… no, actually. i come around to run a lot but, please, do fill me in on those important techniques– you run too? ”
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jackson couldn’t tell if quino giggling was a sign that they were friends or if he was getting made fun of by the other. either way, he continued to sit there, smiling uncomfortably. “oh-- well, no. i don’t really run all that often, but i was at the gym once and i overheard two gentlemen talking about it,” he spoke, somewhat embarrassed by his most recent word vomit. “however, i do know that you have to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth rhythmically. haven’t tried it though, so once you do please let me know if it works. it’ll kind of be like a yelp review.” he scratched his head, worried that they’d continue on with a topic he knew very little about. “obviously we don’t have to continue to talk about running, but a big thanks for humouring me.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
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the sounds of footsteps and doors creaking shook jackson out of his slumber; he was always a light sleeper. sitting up slowly out of bed, he rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the clock, which read 6:30. confused as to who in his family would even be awake at this time, he peeked out his window after hearing the backdoor close with a thud to see london seemingly walking towards the beach. he quickly threw on a hoodie and followed his sister’s steps towards the water. as he approached her, he saw her sitting there peacefully, causing him to smile at the sight. “may i join you?” he questioned, taking a seat next to her before she could respond. “why are you up so early in the morning? you’ve barely got a good night’s sleep.”
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finally, the montgomery’s had made their way back to the island for the summer.  sure, the uk was home, but nothing beat the sound of the the waves crashing onto the shore right at the brink of daylight. they’d arrived late last night and had passed out shortly thereafter. but now it was early morning, just past 6:30, and all london wanted to do was feel the water; the water that felt like her very own safety cloak. making her way down the montgomery mansion steps to the beach, she approached the water, taking in the scent of the sea, and sat down right where the waves appeared to be crashing this early. extending her arms behind her and her legs out, she took a deep breath. she was back - safe. but everything seemed different now.
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
as jackson walked towards the beach, a familiar figure caught his eye, causing him to pick up his pace and scurry excitedly towards the girl. right as he was about to greet her enthusiastically, he immediately heard her request, stepping aside quickly. “oh, my apologies, love,” he muttered before plopping down in the space next to her. “you’re a bit grumpy for someone who’s in paradise. what’s the matter?”
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a sigh of relief left andy’s lips as she sank her toes into the sand. she had missed the island greatly, especially the beach. it was had always been one of her favorite places to be. laying back on on her towel, she allowed her eyes to close, basking in the warmth of the sun above. only moments had passed before she felt a presence behind her, causing her to groan. “can you move? you’re blocking my sun.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
“well, they both look lovely, em,” he responded with a warm smile. “i think that if you’re having quite a bit of trouble figuring out what you want, you can flip a coin. i feel as though that’s the simplest solution, but if you’re afraid you’ll hurt their feelings, i say you get both. it can’t hurt to have two more shirts.” the advice was potentially unhelpful, coming from the son of two fashion icons, but jackson thought emilie was too precious with her worries.
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emilie was elated to be on the island. she had spent the past few weeks constantly buying clothes for this trip, she wanted to make sure she looked cute. “which one do you think looks better?” emilie asked, holding up two shirts. “i can’t decide. i think they’re both cute, and i really don’t wanna hurt the shirts’ feelings.”
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
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       a quick squeak left her lips as she began to fall but by the grace of some higher being eden managed to close her mouth by the time she hit the ground, saving her from a mouthful of sand. completely mortified she quickly sat up, brushing blonde locks into position as a familiar voice spoke. she knew the voice but she didn’t want to believe it was him, as if her vacation could get any more awkward. but as she looked at him, her suspicions were confirmed and she could hardly run off and pretend this didn’t happen. “ i’m fine, jackson. ” she said quickly, dusting herself off as she stood, “ how’s your foot? ” she asked, a small attempt to be humorous despite bright red blushing cheeks. 
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jackson stood up quickly and clumsily, following eden’s actions. “it’s fine. doesn’t hurt a bit,” he replied curtly, rocking back and forth on his heels. the plan for the summer was to avoid the blonde at all costs, yet here he was, racking his brain for something-- anything, really -- to say to her. “so, uh, what have you been up to? i mean, obviously you don’t have to answer that if you want. you don’t need to tell me about your life if that’s not you’re thing. it’s your life. do you what you want,” he babbled, his face rapidly turning red. 
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jacksonmont-blog · 8 years ago
Cap on the head, sunglasses on the nose and phone in the hand, Sasha wasn’t really paying attention to anything around except his little person. In fact, that was just like always. He was in his own world and no one was getting in there except if they were shaking him a little bit. Which the Montgomery boy did perfectly when he almost made him fall. First Sasha got surprised but succeeded to get balance back, and then he turned to the younger boy, clear anger on his face. “Are you fucking kidding me! Can you just pay attention sometimes, you stupid ass?“ A sigh of annoyance got out of the boy’s mouth as he stepped back when Jackson inched closer. “If you’d made me fall I would’ve destroy you, I swear.”
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panic ran through his body as the harsh words spewed out of the other man’s mouth, his eyes wide in fear. jackson tried his best to not show how frightened he was, praying that he wouldn’t get beat up on one of the his first nights on the island. “i’m-- i’m incredibly sorry, mate. it definitely won’t happen again, i-- i swear,” he stuttered, holding his arms up in surrender. he bit his tongue, knowing that if he didn’t, the ramblings would continue and god knows what would happen to him if he said one thing wrong. “i’ll start paying attention to my surroundings just for you. i can’t be out here tripping royalty, yeah?” he laughed awkwardly, trying to ease some tension. 
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