jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Tomorrow I turn 39 (three perfect 13s, if youā€™re in the know) and while yesterday I reflected bitterly on the year that brought me here, today I will honor it. . Because while it was a year of devastating loss and grief, it was also a time of tremendous personal growth for me. . I revised and submitted a manuscript to my agent, and my agent submitted it to publishers. I began this story inā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Was talking to @asherinley tonight about how long story ideas ā€œpercolateā€ in my mind and realized Iā€™ve been thinking about these sisters since I was in high school, maybe even junior high. Letā€™s say 25 years ago. ā˜• The idea is just a seed for the longest time. In the back of my head. With enough watering (curiosity, creativity, literature, wonder), the seed grows. After months (or years, inā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
I feel creative but exhausted, which means Iā€™m spending my time being curious. For me, this means reading articles about intriguing facts, phenomena, and philosophies. Iā€™m looking for little story-souls. Although I have lots of characters and major plot lines in my head, I need more. So Iā€™m soul-searching in a different way. šŸ“ø: Christian Dubovan viaā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Revision Syllabus
#BehindTheScenes of revising #YesNovel. Will I stay on track with this syllabus? Almost certainly no. šŸ˜‚ But itā€™s a guide, motivation, reminder, and gentle accountability. It also activates my 3 wing and moves me from my letā€™s-spend-ages-thinking-about-the-meaning-here 4 to my achiever 3. (#enneagram4w3 talk, if that just sounded like mumbo jumbo to you!) . . . #blog #writer #writing #writinglifeā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Behind the Scenes
Iā€™m reading a book that says to show my life behind-the-scenes. I already try to be very real and sometimes vulnerable on social media, but hereā€™s my recommitment to it in 2021. šŸŒ¾ So here are a few glimpses of me behind-the-scenes: šŸŒ¾ I need A LOT of rest. A lot a lot. Once or twice a month, I will stay in bed all day. (Today was one of those daysā€¦ Slept till 2 pm, though sometimes itā€™s 4 orā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Right Hook
This week was a right hook, wow. Monday took ALL my energy and I was able to make it through the next three days running on empty, but today my body said NO to spring semester orientation. I slept ridiculously late, but clearly needed it. Iā€™ll use this weekend to find the hope I had before this week. I sense itā€™s not too far. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJzIo_vnotz/?igshid=v3t3rmlghvdg
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Dear Self
Dear self, remember this week, this first week of 2021 and all the freedom and responsibility it brought. All the hope and effort and motivation. . Itā€™s gonna get harder from here on out, returning to work, diving back into the busyness. But please remember sitting on the couches with Chelsea, the two of you ticking off your accomplishments, and Chel saying, ā€œ2021 is coming up US,ā€ and how youā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
The Call
Started working on a plot outline for #YesNovel and then got suddenly super excited to write a #firstdraft and spent the rest of the evening thinking about #WheelNovel. Just feeling grateful for ideas and creativity and the call to write. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkzVB0nrgI/?igshid=1nswpbklu10xy
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Focusing on healthy spaces. It was the Fab Five from @queereye who made me realize just how much my disordered spaces both represented and enforced my disordered insides. It has been a SLOW SLOG, hampered further by physical illness/limitations, but Iā€™m getting there! šŸ“Œ Iā€™ve learned a lot from @home.by.eleven (and wholeheartedly endorse her if you need help organizing your own disorderedā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
twenty twenty-one
A weird, good start to the year: slammed with fatigue, I didnā€™t leave my room till 3:30 pm. But I finished a book and started a new one. I ate a salad and cleaned my room a little, including making the bed, which I almost never do. I watched a movie and started to figure out a revision plan for #YesNovel. šŸŒ± Just like 2020, Iā€™ll take 2021 one day at aā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Whale Day by Billy Collins
Death runs like a thread through these poems, weaving in and out, never subtle, rather, ā€œdeath is the magnetic north of poetryā€ here. āž• The fourth section hit me hardest, because ā€œThe Ghost in Youā€ by the Psychedelic Furs began to play, and the first poem is one I know well, only here Collins made the smallest changes, so it was like finding myself in a dream in a room I know I know but cannotā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Teen Talk: Writing Effective YA Dialogue
Teen Talk: Writing Effective YAĀ Dialogue
MN Christian Writers Guild Teen Talk 2020 by Jackie Lea Hereā€™s the presentation I gave earlier this week. I hope itā€™s helpful to someone out there!
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
The Future Looks Like Anna
The Future Looks LikeĀ Anna
I got a fascinating email today; it was from a librarian who runs a teen writing workshop, and they had used some resources from my website. One of the young writersā€“ Annaā€“ wants to write for film or theatre, and she noticed I didnā€™t have resources about script/screenwriting and wanted to share a link. You can read it here.
I love that Anna noticed a gap in my resources, found her own, andā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Courage, dear heart
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OCD treatment taught me to sit with discomfort. 2020 is reminding me how. . I've thought over and over and over of that scene in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, when madness seems to have descended on the crew, when nightmares feel close enough to hear climbing up the sides of the ship. . Lucy cries out for Alan's help and feels the tiniest bit betterā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
Blessed Work
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2020 has reminded me of the joyful, challenging, blessed work of creative writing. I canā€™t help but think of how Annie Dillard described it: "At its best, the sensation of writing is that of any unmerited grace. It is handed to you, but only if you look for it. You search, you break your heart, your back, your brain, and then ā€“ and only then ā€“ it isā€¦
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jackieleasommers Ā· 4 years
The Old Blinders
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Can we talk about self awareness for a moment? It's a wonderful, amazing thing. Self awareness allows us to evaluate ourselves, manage our emotions, make our lives and actions line up with our values. Taking part in weekly therapy sessions has been HUGE for me in terms of self awareness. I am always thinking through who I am, who I want to be, how toā€¦
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