How The Nation Has Changed
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jack-carol ¡ 1 year ago
Do Wind Farms have an influence on Farming?
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Do Wind Farms have an influence on Farming?
My wife and I recently took a road trip from Atlanta Georgia to Colorado Springs Colorado. Driving along Interstate I7o through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado, we were surprised at the empty grazing land.
Beautiful rolling hills of grassland without a single cow. What we did notice was huge wind farms. Literally dozens of huge wind turbines, some turning, some just sitting there doing nothing. This sight got me to thinking.
The sight of all the empty farms and grazing lang made me start thinking about the past. A past when this country could not only feed itself but could export food to other countries.
My thoughts went back to the 1970s when we could keep the Soviet Union under control by selling to them corn and wheat. Now, the news is saying our prices at the grocery store are increasing due to the lack of grain imports from the Ukraine. How did this happen.
“In July 1973, the Soviet Union purchased 10 million short tons (9.1×106 t) of grain (mainly wheat and corn) from the United States at subsidized prices, which caused global grain prices to soar. Crop shortfalls in 1971 and 1972 forced the Soviet Union to look abroad for grain. “[1]
According to the Washington Post in 1979 we allowed the Soviets to purchase up to ten percent of our wheat and corn production.
“The Soviets can buy up to 25 million metric tons of wheat and corn during the next 12 months, about 10 percent of what the United States is expected to produce this year. A metric ton is 2,200 pounds.”[2]
According to the Department of Agriculture, not only is our production down but the actual land being farmed has decreased.
‘WASHINGTON, Jan. 12, 2023 – Production for both corn and soybeans declined from last year, according to the 2022 Crop Production Annual Summary released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
U.S. corn growers produced 13.7 billion bushels, down 9% from 2021. Corn yield in the United States is estimated at 173.3 bushels per acre, 3.4 bushels below the 2021 record high yield of 176.7 bushels per acre. Area harvested for grain, at 79.2 million acres, is down 7% from 2021.
Soybean production for 2022 totaled 4.28 billion bushels, down 4% from 2021. The average soybean yield is estimated at 49.5 bushels per acre, 2.2 bushels below 2021, and 0.7 bushel below the Nov. 1 forecast.
For 2022, all cotton production is down 16% from 2021, at 14.7 million 480-pound bales. The U.S. yield is estimated at 947 pounds per acre, up 128 pounds from last year’s yield. Harvested area, at 7.44 million acres, is down 28% from last year.”[3]
In addition to the reduction of farmland and production our cattle industry is declining.
“Cattle numbers in the United States have been stable or declining for many years. Beef cow numbers peaked in 1975, and the current number is similar to that maintained in the early 1960s. Dairy cow numbers are the lowest they have been in over 100 years.”[4]
We saw a lot of beautiful grazing land but very few if any animals. There were, however, dozens of wind turbines.
I recently talked to a family member of a large farm. They cited the large amount of work involved in raising a crop. A crop that could fail for many reasons. Even if the crop is successful the price for the crop is not guaranteed.
In addition to the work involved, there are seed, fertilizer, pesticide, and equipment costs. Some of which result in increased debt and interest payments that further reduce the potential profit.
Then the farmer is offered large sums of money to allow energy companies to place wind turbines on their land. “Wind lease terms vary quite a bit, but general rules of thumb are: $4,000 to $8,000 per turbine, $3,000 to $4,000 per megawatt of capacity, or 2-4% of gross revenues. Larger turbines should translate to larger payments.”[5]
Would you rather work 10 or more hours a day on a crop that may or may not produce a profit, or sit on your butt watching TV and receive a guaranteed income? To me the answer is obvious. Now add in foreign entities buying up farmland. In a short 50 years we went from producing so much food that not only could we feed ourselves but had enough surplus to export and control the activities of foreign powers to having to import many of our staples.
[1] Source - 1973 United States–Soviet Union wheat deal - Wikipedia
[2] Source - Huge Grain Sale To Soviet Union Approved by U.S. - The Washington Post
[3] Source - Corn and soybean production down in 2022, USDA reports Corn stocks down, soybean stocks down from year earlier Winter Wheat Seedings up for 2023
[4] Source - Are cattle in the U.S. causing an increase in global warming? | Drovers
[5] Source - How much do farmers get paid to host wind turbines? - Windustry
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jack-carol ¡ 1 year ago
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The Best of Intentions
History is replete with examples of acts committed with the best of intentions and ideals seriously backfiring and resulting in damage and or tragedy. Take the introduction of Kudzu into the United States.
“Actually, kudzu originated in China, and Japan did bring it to the U.S., but way back in 1876. It really didn’t get a hold in the Southeast, where it grows best, until the 1930s and ’40s.
Channing Cope was a Georgia farmer who also wrote an Atlanta newspaper column and had an Atlanta radio show, both constantly promoting the planting of kudzu. He used his Newton County farm as an experiment station and convinced other farmers it was the "miracle vine" that would save the soil from rampant erosion, add nutrients to it and could be used for livestock feed.”[1]
Although it was a wonderful intention to eliminate soil erosion, the fact of the matter was Kudzu overwhelmed the native natural ecology. Slowly killing it off and took over the countryside.
This invasive species, left uncontrolled, smothered, and destroyed the existing plants and eco system. The roots grow so deep it is almost impossible to eliminate and return the countryside to its original beauty.
Like our natural ecology the United States has a Culture and system of Government that has been in existence for over 200 years. This culture has kept the United States as a preeminent society. A society that has accomplished great things.
The Unites States has been a leader in keeping the world free of tyranny and fascism. Our independent spirit has tamed a wild country. Led the way in science and technology. We put mankind on the moon and was leading the way to the planets.
Do not get me wrong, we have made errors along the way, but we have consistently done our best to correct our mistakes and make amends for past wrongs. That is a key item of our culture. We will strive to improve and better our culture for all.
We have fought wars, but we have never fought a war to take land or resources from another country. We have done our best to establish the principles of freedom and rebuild war torn areas, even those of our once sworn enemies.
Having built this great country, we did not keep it all to ourselves, we welcomed immigrants from around the world to join us through a controlled and legal system. Yes, the United States is the “Great Melting Pot”, but like cooking a fine meal, adding a little salt improves the meal. Dumping in a bag of salt will ruin the meal. Culture is a fine meal.
Controlled immigration allows for the immigrant to assimilate into the culture of the United States while adding a taste of their previous culture to the mix. Uncontrolled immigration foregoes assimilation of the immigrant. Like Kudzu the existing culture is overridden and destroyed.
Illegal immigration and open borders are the human equivalent of Kudzu.
The masses storming our border are not bringing the best to our society. These illegals are not looking to become part of and contribute to our culture. Rather they are sucking out the milk of the benefits of our society while insisting on remaining loyal and promoting the very country and culture they are fleeing.
The very fact that they do not respect our borders and laws indicates a propensity to respect none of our laws. This lack of respect is made even worse by foreign countries emptying their prisons and mental institutions into this great influx of illegals.
Crime is rampant in our great cities. Our already struggling education system is made even less effective. A teacher cannot teach faster than the slowest student in the class. When a large portion of the students do not even speak our native language, the whole system suffers.
The once great culture of the Unites States is in serious decline. We are quickly becoming a third world country.
[1] source - https://www.gainesvilletimes.com/columnists/johnny-vardemans-column/how-kudzu-got-its-grip-on-georgia/
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jack-carol ¡ 2 years ago
Think about it
It takes just as long to fly to Europe from the United States today as it did in the late 60s.
Our primary means of ground transportation runs off the same fossil fuels it used 150 years ago.
A “electric” car still has to be charged off a grid burning fossil fuels.
We haven’t invented anything new in over 150 years
We just keep repackaging the same old technology.
Kind of makes you wonder. Did we get stupid or is knowledge being suppressed?
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jack-carol ¡ 2 years ago
The Truth about Congress
Most people do not understand how Congress works.
First off the President does not spend money. Congress controls spending.
The President can request money. In some cases redirect money. Congress has to approve all money and the President can approve or veto the bill.
Here is a hypothetical example of how Congress works.
Let’s say a congressman or the President wants to spend 100 million dollars on childhood cancer research. Well that has to pass Congress. How do we get the votes?
Well to get the vote of Congressman B, they want 10 million for yacht club improvements. Congressman C wants 300 million for a new stadium. Congressman D wants 2 million for their pet donor’s project.
That goes on and on and eventually Congress has enough votes to pass the Childhood Cancer Research Bill. But now it is over a billion dollars. The bill is presented to the President for signing.
The President can either sign or veto the bill. If he signs it he is blamed for wasting over a billion tax dollars. If he vetos it he is against Childhood Cancer Research. So the bill is signed, the national debt increases, the value of the dollar decreases, and taxes are raised so Congress dan spend more money buying votes and donors.
What is worse a bill that should have been a few pages is now a few thousand and even the honest Congress members have to vote on it without reading it. Their vote on the Childhood Cancer Research bill will become political ammunition.
The are only two ways to stop this:
Pass legislation that requires Congress to limit bills to one topic only.
Give the President the line item veto and make the President be held directly responsible for the waste.
The system as it stands now will eventually bankrupt the country and will be continue to be used to buy votes and donor support rather than what is best for the country.
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jack-carol ¡ 3 years ago
The End of Compromise
I know a lot of people are probably tired of my political posts, but I do not post them for politics.
Every day I pray for our country, but what is a country other than a group of citizens working together for the common good.
I am terrified of what I see happening to our country’s citizenry. There is a fight for the heart and soul of our citizens.
Approximately 80 million Americans define themselves as Conservative Republicans and the same number as Progressive/Liberal Democrats.
Conservatives believe schools are supposed to educate not indoctrinate. History, both good and bad, needs to be taught so lessons can be learned from the gains and mistakes of the past. People should be Free of government control, self-reliant and that each individual is to be held responsible for their own actions.
The government works for the people and its job is to protect the Nation and, insure all people have equal opportunity to achieve their maximum potential. Capitalism provides the best method of reaching these goals.
Progressive/Liberal Democrats are harder to classify. I do not believe all Progressive/Liberals are evil. They can be broken down into three major groups.
I hate to use the term, but it is the truth. Lazy have nots. These people believe 100 percent in Socialism and want the government to provide for all their needs. This group hates successful people and believe they do not deserve the fruits of their efforts and are responsible for all their woes.
The second group can best be described as immature. Immature in no way refers to their physical age but rather their intellectual development. They have an overly simplistic world view. They believe that everyone is the same and thinks as they do. They look for the proverbial perpetual motion machine source of energy ignoring basic physics and world trade.
To this group feelings are more important than facts. They pity the Lazy Have Nots, and with a martyr complex assume for themselves and others the responsibility for all the Lazy Have Nots Woes.
Regardless of Historical Fact they honestly believe a benevolent socialism can be achieved. Totally forgetting the nature of the Lazy Have Nots willingness to contribute and the resentment and loss of motivation it would cause to the Producers of society.
The third and final group are the top of the Liberal/ Progressive Democrat food chain is truly evil. This group is educated and are totally aware of the truth. They control the education system to produce more Immature World View followers. They use Political Correctness and segregate the populace into groups base on Sex, Race, ethnicity anything that can be used to created hatred and mistrust between the groups. They do this to gain and maintain Prosperity and Control.
They promote open borders to feed the lower levels of their following. They promise a Nirvana Paradise to all that will believe. Simultaneously, they spread rumors and create hatred and resentment of the older more experienced generation that will not fall for their fantasy. They state Veterans are the most dangerous group to the nation for they know that this group has experienced the real world and poses the greatest threat to their power.
Their greatest hope is to fill the country with more poorly educated illegal aliens while reducing the education of the coming generations and that the older generation will die out.
They are actively reducing the quality and effectiveness of our military to produce a lower threat level of Veterans as the older Veterans die off.
As an Old, White Heterosexual Conservative Veteran, Part of the 80 million conservatives, I will not become even a little bit socialist/communist. I grew up seeing what these philosophies have done. I swore and oath to defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. I have actively fought against Communist aggression.
The 80 million Liberals/Progressives either do not want to lose the government hand-outs, honestly believe in their immature world view, or will fight to protect the Power over the masses.
I do not see any room for compromise and honestly fear we will reach a point where the two opposing groups come to a head. My hope is to educate that part of the Democratic party that has the immature world view. The very top and very bottom of the democratic party is too well in entrenched to alter.
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jack-carol ¡ 3 years ago
The Difference between Faith and Religion
Merriam Webster defines Faith as:
"Definition of faith
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY lost faith in the company's president
b(1): fidelity to one's promises
(2): sincerity of intentions acted in good faith
2a(1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God
(2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b(1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return
(2): complete trust
3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction especially : a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith
on faith
: without question"[1]
Going by this definition Faith can be most easily defined as a personal trust and belief in God. Faith is a personal thing and as a one-to-one personal relationship with the All Mighty.
Merriam Webster defined Religion as:
"Definition of religion
1a: the state of a religious nun in her 20th year of religion
b(1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith"[2]
To greatly simplify the definition of religion:
Religion is an institution of doctrines and beliefs created by and promoted by man as part of a bureaucracy. This bureaucracy is normally associated with leading people to faith but historically has been used to gain power control the masses and associated resources.
The truth of the matter is a person can have faith and a relationship with God without participating in an organized religion. A person who has true faith in a loving and forgiving God is usually content and peaceful. On the other hand, people committed to a religious order have been responsible for more death and atrocities though out history than can be named or counted.
From the Egyptian enslavement of the Jewish People. The Jewish battles with the Philistines, the Crusades, the invasions of the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Inquisition, The Protestant Reformation, The American Revolution was started by colonists fleeing to America for religious freedom, the Salem Witch Trials, Communist Suppression of religion, The Jewish Holocaust, Islamic Terrorist attacks, to the current Arab- Israeli conflicts just to name a few.
I have deliberately limited this discussion to Judeo-Christian religions and their branches. Since all these branches profess a belief in the same God. Referring to the earliest writings of these religions, one of the most basic tenants is “Thou Shall Not Kill”. So how can any of the religions justify the death and destruction performed in the name of thy God.
Churches are the homes of religion. No matter how pure and genuine they start out, like any other organization of bureaucracy created by man, the purpose of professing Faith soon turns to maintaining the institution.
“If we had a little more money, we could build a larger building and serve more people.”
“If we had more money, we could get radio or TV time and reach more people.”
“We need more money to maintain our facilities in order to serve more people.”
“Although this pastor is a righteous man, he is failing to bring in enough money to the church, so we need to replace him.”
God has been pushed out of the church in favor of growing the facility and religion. Everyone usually says not my church. Not my Pastor. But his is the shame of it all. The flock has a greater belief in their sect of religion or, their church then they do in God.
In Modern times, take the on-going threat of Islamic Extremist Terrorism. Islam is an off shoot of Judaism. When Abrahams’ faith in God to provide him with a son weakened and so he produced a son, Ishmael, with his wife’s’ hand maiden. When God finally performed the promised miracle and provided Abraham with a son by his wife. Ishmael was cast out and started the Islamic faith. N
Now I know this is a greatly overly simplified explanation but makes the point. Islam was started out of resentment and even hatred and envy for the life and land of Canaan Ishmael was denied and granted to Abrahams’ son Isaac. This envy and hatred of all non-Islamic followers has grown and spread through the centuries.
Although both major branches believe in the same God, Islam has veered more to the envious and retribution mode of suppressing other faiths. This greatly questions how the prophecies provided to them by god are the same type of teachings provided by their shared original God.
[1] Source - Faith | Definition of Faith by Merriam-Webster [2] Source - Religion | Definition of Religion by Merriam-Webster
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
What Make America Great Again Means to Me
There are those that think that MAGA means something evil a desire to return to the past with all its wrongs and problems. in my opinion, nothing is further from the truth.
It is true that there were problems in the past but there was also hope and the ongoing effort to improve life for everyone. Now instead of looking at the accomplishments of the past more and more only the failures of the past are remembered and used as an excuse to promote hatred and to divide us as a people.
As a Nation we were economically strong. In technology we led the world. Our education system was the best and sociologically we were making great strides in racial and sexual equality. I do not know the exact trigger, but I believe it started with the media around the time the Vietnam war ended and Watergate.
As a nation we traveled to the moon, invented personal computers, the Space Shuttle, Cellular Telephones, and the Internet. For the last few decades, we must rely on the Soviets to get into space. NASA is slowly rusting away.
Yes, we have built upon these past accomplishments to a small degree. I can now take pictures with my phone and send text, so I do not actually have to communicate. Where are the great accomplishments of the scale of the 1940s to 1970?
We keep hearing about the Green New Deal. Are you aware that Hydrogen Fuel Cells have been around for almost half a century? Cars that can run off Hydrogen and produce water as a waste product. Hydrogen that a simple windmill can produce from rainwater. I heard of the distribution issues, and I say bull. We send natural gas and propane by truck, bottle, and pipeline all the time.
Have you seen the damage to the environment by a lithium mine needed to produce electric car batteries? I digress.
In the early 1970s the Vietnam war was coming to an end. Most racial inequality issues had been addressed or were in the process of being addresses. What were all the leaders and groups promoting social and racial change going to do?
Theses protest leaders found themselves with less and less to protest. So, they had to look for issues even if it meant creating them. With the main-stream media having less war news on which to report, they grabbed on to Watergate as the beginning of an anti-government campaign.
With the inflation and misery index of the Carter administration for a base, it provided a readymade justification and the ammunition to attack the government. With the creation of entities like CNN, news medias had to stretch the normal daily 30-minute news show to fill the 24-hour news cycle.
The only way that could be accomplished was for the media to begin presenting their interpretations and opinions of the news rather than just the facts. In other words, the media stopped being reporters and became a stage for a 24-hour soap opera.
To this mix we now add the leaders of various special interest groups each with their own opinions and a cause to promote. The 24-hour media starving for material to fill their time found these sources of potential controversy a welcome respite. Now by presenting special interest protestors the media found they could create controversy.
One idiot comes on or an unnamed source reports something asinine and then the media has so called experts give their opinions until this minor sometimes ridiculous issue is blown all out of proportion and then the media goads the government into commenting or taking sides.
Soon everyone has an opinion and has chosen a stance on the issue. Over years this has done more to divide the country then anything else and you may wonder why suddenly one hundred-year-old statues are dangerous and must be torn down.
Politicians being what they are soon learned how to manipulate this media by leaking rumors and sometimes flat out lying. The 24-hour media, like starving hyenas, pounces on every tidbit of potential controversy to promote their profits and ratings.
This abuse of our First Amendment right has created a viscous cycle that is destroying our nation faster than the Second Amendment ever could. Even when presented clearly as opinion, the American citizen has been dumbed down to the point where they take every misquote or sound bite out of context as gospel.
Then with the inception of social media, the swamp of even more ridiculous comments, speculation and rumors has become even deeper. We are now at the point where people may see a small clip of video, hear a sound bite, or read a short comment and base their whole existence on erroneous information. We have lost our ability to reason for ourselves and simply wait for the next spoonful of pablum.
Gone are shows like the original Star Trek with the hope for a promising future replaced by Deep Space Nine where we have an intergalactic war-torn ghetto. Gone are shows like All in the Family, The Jefferson’s and movies like Blazing Saddles that made fun of antiquated and ridiculous racial issues. Replaced with Critical Race Theory, BLM, ANTIFA , White Privilege and, Anti Police attacks creating mistrust and division.
Our education system has stopped teaching History in favor of politically biased Social Studies. Something as simple as teaching how to read an analog clock or learning cursive has stopped. States like California want to make getting the correct answer in math unimportant compared to the excuse the student has for the wrong answer.
Clearly since the 1970s we stopped improving as a nation and have become more polarized and segregated as a people and a nation. I want to Make America Great Again and return to a more hopeful and promising time. A Time where teachers teach rather than indoctrinate. A future where we reach for the stars rather than social media. A time where all people can come together in pride for our accomplishments rather than dwell on past failures. A future we can all look towards and be proud.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
The Re-segregation of the United States
Whether for Political Power, Financial Gain, Ratings, or a desire to be a promoter of historical change, A large portion of our society is creating an atmosphere of resentment and separating our people on racial and cultural lines.
School systems are teaching our young Social Studies instead of History and the little bit of history they do squeeze in has been slanted or modified. It is no wonder that minority children are terrified of their white friends. Courses like Critical Race Theory teach our children that they need to live in fear that white people today are persecuting, imprisoning, and suppressing their contemporaries.
Nothing is farther from the truth. If you truly study history slavery existed for thousands of years. Not all slavery was racial based. Some was based on religious, political or culture. The issue today though is slavery and how it relates to the United States.
If we go back to our earliest beginnings. People who had the technology and ability to cross major oceans ran into a group of natives with a caveman level of technology. Even lacking something as basic as a written language.
The European settles naturally at the time viewed the natives as savages and treated them as such. By todays standards that was wrong, but we must look at history as it was looked at when it occurred to make informed judgements.
Most people forget that the first slaves or indentured servants were white Europeans. But that is not what is being used to separate us today. The main issue concerning us today is African slavery.
First a factual history of Africa must first be accepted. Slavery existed in Africa thousands of years ago and probably longer. Just look at Egyptian history. There was constant tribal fighting for resources, land, and other commodities including a workforce.
Our children have been being left with the impression that evil Europeans just went into Africa and captured peace loving natives sitting around watching TV and surfing the WEB. The fact is a much different. Most of these tribes existed one step above cavemen barely making a subsistence existence. Theses facts are not being taught to our children for fear of hurting their feelings.
The truth is many slaves were prisoners of inter-tribal wars. These prisoners instead of being killed were often taken to the coast and sold to slave traders. Again, viewed in modern terms these slavers were evil but viewed at the time the slavers saw a commodity they could make money selling as a workforce. Not to mention the alternative for these prisoners was a violent death at the hands of other Africans.
Continuing to look at history objectively over the last century and a half the United States has fought wars and battled in legislatures to rise above the ignorance that allowed abuses such as slavery. Equality may have been slow in coming but it did come. No one born After Juneteenth was ever a slave and unless you are over 150 plus years old you were never a slave or owned a slave.
The issue today is that wrongs from the deep past are being used as excuses to segregate us as a people and undo all the progress that has been made. Are we perfect? No and we may never be 100 percent perfect but going backwards is not the way to reach our dream where color and race no longer divides us.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
Follow Me
Follow Jack-Carol
Fair and balanced conservative opinions.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
The Danger of open borders
I know that there will be a number of people who will call me a racist or a xenophobe depending on their intellect, but the truth and dangers of open borders needs to be addressed. The open border concept is a fantasy promoted by a group of people with a limited and un-realistic world view based on the premise that everyone is the same and everyone thinks in the same way. Nothing is further from the truth.
People will evaluate a situation and base their response on their experience, history, and environment. Since these factors differ greatly expecting everyone to respond the same would, to say the least, be asinine.
For example, to expect a cannibal from New Guinea to respond to a human rights violation in the same way as a person from Los Angeles would be ridiculous. To expect a tribal person from the mountains of Afghanistan to intelligently negotiate a dispute rather than respond in a physical confrontational manner is equally unrealistic.
Countries like Somalia, Liberia and Uganda where the populace has been brutalized by warlords and countries like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan where women have little to no rights and in some cases are treated as possessions, will not respond to civilized human rights appropriately.
Allowing small groups of these people into the country in a way that will facilitate their ability to assimilate into our culture would be acceptable. Mass influxes would result in damage to our culture by promoting and the acceptance of primitive concepts, reduce the safety of our citizens and when these immigrants become a voting block they can run for office and fundamentally change our nation.
Moving on to National Security, there is a large portion of the world jealous of the United States and our freedom, lifestyle, and accomplishments. These people continually attack our country and our interests. Allowing a dangerous element to have free access to our country is plain stupidity. 911 is just one example of the results this policy promotes. That attack was not the first on the world trade centers.
Recently the entire world just went through a very minor pandemic. Where the release of a modified animal virus was released either accidently or on purpose in response to trade tariffs, killed millions. Regardless of the origin, open borders, the lack of inoculations for international travel. Allowed this disease to spread uncontrolled. What will happen the next time when a more serious bioweapon is released.
With our southern border currently being wide open even for children, which sounds wonderful, is full of draw backs. For example, take a child from El Salvador or Nicaragua that has been raised poor, in a war-torn environment, a child that has grown up needing to fight and steal to survive. Now we dump that child with minimal education and language skills in a rural American school and expect them to fit in.
We wonder why grades fall in that school. It is a fact a teacher is unable to teach faster than the slowest student in the class. Violence in the school begins to rise and it is blamed on our children. Once again, a controlled immigration policy that allows for the immigrant to assimilate to our culture is better for all concerned.
When I turn on the news and see thousands illegally enter the country and then march around waving foreign flags all the while receiving government benefits that I and other taxpayers fund, it naturally results in resentment.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
The Job Market Lie
I keep hearing about how hard it is to get employees and all the jobs that have been created. I agree that a part, a small part, of the problem is workers being incentivized to not work.
In my experience, I have noted other more likely contributing factors. First, companies used the pandemic scare in 2020 as an excuse to reduce payroll costs. First, the furloughing of employees and then laying off senior, higher paid workers in favor of a cheaper, younger workforce before reopening. The funny thing is that this cost cutting practice has now backfired on them with increased hourly rates.
Second, a large number of people in retail, hospitality or service jobs took the one year paid time off as an opportunity to go back to school and prepare for a less volatile job or they became entrepreneurs and started their own business.
Finally , a lot of the current available employees had, managerial or supervisory positions. Positions that were cut as companies used the pandemic excuse to streamline operations and close less profitable departments or locations.
With the majority of the jobs being created are menial, entry level retail, hospitality and service jobs. Jobs in which managerial professionals are not interested.
An employee with many years of experience in a managerial job will not be interested in working as a server in a restaurant or a cashier at a big box retail location. Bottom line, there are too few really good jobs available and way too many over qualified candidates.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
The Destruction of the Second Amendment
For those of you that have not figured out the game plan yet, here it is. The Democrats have found a way to get rid of weapon without infringing on your right to own one.
Step 1
Outlawing “Ghost Guns”.
No big deal. Very few people have the desire or ability to by parts and manufacture their own weapon.
Easy to pass because it effects very few consumers but, takes a distribution channel from gun manufacturers.
Step 2
Outlaw “Gun Shows”
First lie about lack of background checks and the fact that dealers have to have a FFL to sell a weapon.
No big deal. Most legal gun purchases are at gun shops.p.
Who does it hurt? Gun manufacturers lose another distribution channel.
Step 3
Repeal “The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005”
As part of Joe Biden’s campaign proposal he wants to repeal this act.
This is the final nail in the gun industries coffin. It will leave gun manufacturers open to limitless financial liabilities and basically drive them out of business.
“Hold gun manufacturers accountable. In 2005, then-Senator Biden voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied Congress to secure its passage. This law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection.”
Step 4
Make it financially difficult to own a weapon by taxing an undefined group of weapons and magazines. Making anyone failing to report ownership or pay the tax a felon. Felons can not own guns.
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jack-carol ¡ 4 years ago
How The Nation Has Changed
I was born on an Army Base and Grew Up moving from base to base. I grew up with Sputnik circling overhead.
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When I was four my father was called away during the “Bay of Pigs”. I remember him waking me up in the middle of the night and telling me “He had to go and I was the man of the house now”. I remember lying awake the rest of that night and many nights to follow wondering how I was going to support the family.
Soon there after I started school. We were living in the shadow of a total nuclear holocaust. We practiced Civil Defense Drills and “Duck and Cover on a monthly basis.
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Then there was the “Cuban Missile Crisis”. I was living on base when it went on to “lock Down”.
This time my Father did not even say goodbye he just disappeared for weeks. I might point out at this time that my father was in Military Intelligence.
With President Kennedy's assassination, MPs came and got me out of school and returned me to base before it locked down.
I Lived through the cold war with neighbors installing their own personal fall out shelters. Even the closest of friends started viewing each other as a potential threat if the worst happened.
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The whole time this was going on, I knew that if I studied hard and graduated High School the best, I had to hope for was either enlisting or being drafted into the military. Then being sent to Viet Nam and being killed.
Nightly, the Tv was filled every night with images of the war.
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To make this worse the news from home was even worse. A growing hatred of the war and our troops was a constant image.
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However, through all this turmoil during my 65 years of life, I never saw the United Stated Capital Fenced in with Armed Guards and Razor Wire.
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Those in power in the Government are doing their best to violate the First Amendment and limit freedom of speech, including President Trump. In addition, there is a major push to violate the Second Amendment and disarm the citizenry.
This forces me to ask the question, what are they afraid of? Is it possible that they know that they have broken their oaths of office and have made such a large portion of the American Citizenry upset, frustrated and feel like the government has turned against them?
They are governing like the very regimes that the United States has proudly stood against since the creation of this great land.
NOTE: All images are the property of the respective owners.
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