jaaamen · 4 months
W14: Final Pitching Experience
Everything we developed and everything we imagined is built up for this moment and with Xyrus as a pitcher... I did hesitate but I didn't doubt his pitching skills but I did prefer if it was me who handled it. All the work me and group put into all lies within this moment but we also had issued that arrived which is regarding the BOHS site visit that interfered with the date and time it was scheduled but thanks to ma'am for being considerate and arranged us at a later time.
Overall this class was an experience that I will remember fondly because it's more than just the imaginary business we made and the super positive figures of profit, it's the experience of trying new ventures and peer our way through how things work in life. It might not be accurate but it is good to know what may or may not be possible or feasible in current markets. Will very much miss my groupmates, they've done so much so kudos to them!
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jaaamen · 4 months
W13: Launching of Idea
Kudos all to P for the launch. It's very nice to have an artist with a vision within your team so you can have a visually good launch. Overall during this time we were backed up with alot of work and we kinda crammed some parts of the Launch but all of it is mostly credited to P since again - all of the visuals put together and art is made by her
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jaaamen · 4 months
W12: Group Updates (Traction Channel, Updated MVP, and Product-Market Fit Customer Discovery)
I had fun with this one since we had to experience and see the problem ourselves and talk to the people who would benefit this product and really see the the grasp of what we can take and benefit from rather than
I don't really have anything technical I can share within this part since everything we did was a positive review
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jaaamen · 4 months
W11: Midterm Pitching Experience
I wish I was the one pitching for this term because I was the most confident to really pitch this whole thing myself but... I couldn't because I have no fitting formal attire to use for the pitching but! I still tried to make the myself present but truly most of the grunt work of visualizing and the 3D construct? was Hope's work and it's really good even for a simple construct on tinker CAD.
Overall the pitch went nicely except for the fact that we didn't expect our old instructor Mr. Jirby would be a panelist trying to cook me and everyone else with what if's and outside the box scenarios that we didn't consider. Also asking us about things we weren't supposed to put in into our products like technical pricing... Well it's fine since I wasn't the one really figuring out the mechanics - only the market figures
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jaaamen · 6 months
W6 - WEN Ignite Experience
Okay okay okay okay soooooo... the WEN website really has hard to navigate and it took me quite an embarrassing amount of time navigating to join my team. Well actually other than that it was quite uneventful really. Kudos to WEN btw for sending an email for the deadlines because we almost forgot to pass our Week 1 output
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jaaamen · 6 months
W5 - Customer Segments
Truth be told I never had that much experience with the new argiculture-esque costumers since I don't have any connections to the said costumers we want (Rice Farmers), but that doesn't mean i'm out of the loop... well I am, but I'm more keen on remembering the insights rather than the person that shared me the insights.
This Costumer Segment we had to choose a remarkable character to define our most likely costumer and it's great to know that some of our proposed techniques have already been thought about before and what are the weaknesses behind these techniques.
Best of all, it's not always everyday you get to talk to people who are very experienced on their craft so most of these insights are very reliable in terms of practicality. Finally, the funny part of these costumer segments is that they're very charismatic.
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jaaamen · 6 months
W4 - Value Proposition Canvas
Okay so this one is a doozy because you can technically get your own ideas on what people would say and 9/10 would fit into those criteria without the need of interviewing them in the first place... think of it as hypothesis' but this time without the research based interview affirmations. Now why did I say 9/10? Because there's some unique issues some people might have that aren't within the curve of reasoning that you were expecting so that's the 0.5 percent of it... so what's the other 0.5? some stupid remarks that doesn't make any sense in regards to the topic at hand-- like an example of which would be relating eating habits to things like weather moods. It's really hard to relate something to help aide a costumer with a really convoluted answer to a problem.
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jaaamen · 6 months
W3 - Customer Discovery
During W2 and W3 in between there was a lot of ideas thrown around and a lot of changes that had been made. First and foremost we changed ideas like 2 times and from DocEase to Password Managers to eventually something agricultural-esque.
Costumers can vary when it comes to ideas that aren't really full fledge and aims to capture a lot of costumers at the same time i.e. Vague ideas gets vague amount of costumers with vague classification. That's why the first few interviews we got we had like a 20 - 60 age range of interviewees... but hey it was funny to see if our ideas had any roots to them in the Filipino Culture/Economy. Whilst I still think the password manager was a good idea (Creator's Bias I, know 💀) . It was really hard to pinpoint its feasibility when your market is limited to whoever you can get your hands on that has a voice and opinion on password management and safety.
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jaaamen · 6 months
ME, XYRUS, and PRECIOUS? IN ONE TEAM? Nothing is impossible... dejoke. But it is great though that i'm in a team of capable and hard working people that is willing to go a mile higher than average.
We also got our first sneak peek to our first deliverable which is the a interview breakdown and the insights we get along with it. Me and my teammates agreed on one thing and it's that our reporting rotation should be last name alphabetical which means Xyrus goes first.
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jaaamen · 6 months
W1 - Intro to Technopreneurship
I don't particularly believe on personality tests but it is a good way to understand the gist of what you want to do and where you fit in a group effort project. Truth be told, I was laughing most of the time whilst answering because it's not always do you get to answer a quiz that questions your values and principles, but I digress.
Week one was great as to which we get an idea of what's to come to this course subject, but overall it was uneventful with a lot of interesting tidbits here and there like what's to be expected and preferred outcome and how we student should tackle these challenges.
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