j-meyers · 10 years
They're not good people, Min. I'm sorry that this is news to you, but it's true. Do you really think that they had the best for you in mind? No, of course not. Every Delta girl is cut throat. They're selfish. And they're followers. With the exception of you, I know I could never stand one of them and I would surely never trust one. I'm shocked you did.
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Yeah, yeah, I know I fucking do. I don’t know why, but I know I do. God, I really thought— I thought these were my fucking friends. These were the people that accepted me, so why not this? Why the fuck not this?
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j-meyers · 10 years
You still have people, you know that. I know you know that. You have people who are going to want to look out for you still. Some of them are in Delta still and some aren't. You have Summer. She won't let you down. You have Penelope-- she's clearly loyal. And you have me.
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What bragging rights, Jason? I can get opportunities without being part of Delta, the letters are nothing. I thought they were, I really thought they were, they were so fucking important to me it was disgusting, but not anymore. I’m angry and I’m hurt because I never thought I’d find people to accept me and they did, but if this is their definition of acceptance then I don’t fucking want it,
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j-meyers · 10 years
I mean think of the letters. The bragging rights. The opportunities that stem from this. You're mad for a reason, Minerva. A justified reason, of course. But if you're this hurt, you need to do something.
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No. I may be really fucking angry about it, but it’s not really worth it, is it? It doesn’t fucking matter in the end.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Do you plan on doing anything at all about it?
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Yeah, I fucking know that, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s compete bullshit, I put my fucking heart and soul into this god damned sorority.
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j-meyers · 10 years
It was bound to happen, Min.
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Fucking christ. This is unfuckingbelievable. Three fucking weeks left and I still got kicked out.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Oh, I don't exactly like them. They're just... Orderly. Math and accounting, it's so relaxing to know that if you do something meticulously that it will end up perfect. I love that aspect of it, I suppose. If you're not a woman of numbers, then what are you a woman of?
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Oh my God, congratulations! Well, I’m not a woman of numbers myself, but I sure am impressed with someone who actually likes them and get excited to be dealing with them for the rest of their life.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Oh, oh! I got news from the person in charge of my internship and I actually got it. I'm just surprised. 
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What was it?
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j-meyers · 10 years
I got my internship. Well, I wouldn't exactly consider it an internship because it's not with a company. I'll be shadowing this old woman who does taxes but I swear, she has the most beautiful books I have ever seen. Everything has been so-- hectic lately that I didn't even have time to prep and I was sure I wouldn't get it.
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What, what happened?
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j-meyers · 10 years
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j-meyers · 10 years
I got it-- something good actually happened.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Text → Jason
Minnie: My god you are insanely infuriating sometimes, I want to shake you.
Minnie: Jason, I am not worth losing your best friend for.
Jason: I say you are.
Jason: Wesley doesn't have friends, he has brothers. At least you're willing to put a kinder label on me than he is.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Text → Jason
Minnie: ...
Minnie: Right.
Minnie: No, see, I do, I do need to worry about it because if the Zetas...if Wes means as much to you as Delta did to me then you're unhappy and for fuck's sake for some reason that actually bothers me.
Minnie: And it's my fault, I took the wrong approach, so I do have to worry about it.
Jason: Minnie, drop it. He isn't going to forgive me. Trust me, I've thought about it.
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j-meyers · 10 years
Text → Jason
Minnie: Hi.
Minnie: How's the couch?
Minnie: I'm shit with small talk but I think maybe I can help you.
Jason: It's not terrible, Millie has great taste in cushions.
Jason: Minnie, I told you, it's fine. You don't need to worry about it.
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j-meyers · 10 years
I'm not sleeping in my car, although I'll probably keep a lot of my stuff there. I'm staying with Millie and her roommate, she nice enough to offer up her couch.
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D-don’t fucking apologize for that shit. I hate that. For fuck’s sake Jason it’s still your home, it’s not about being confrontational but jesus fucking christ you could have stood your fucking ground. I don’t care how much of a fool Wes feels like, I don’t care if we shat all over the fucking rules kicking you out knowing you had no place to go is a real fucked up thing to do, that asshole’s a real fucking piece of work. Yeah, well, they probably won’t be too keen on me either, not that anyone was anyway. Avery’s going to have a fucking field day.
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You’re not gonna like end up sleeping in your car are you? I mean if you need it I could, y’know, spring for a hotel for a few days.
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j-meyers · 10 years
I'm sorry I'm not combative or confrontational. I can't question him, I mean we broke the rules, didn't we? I'll figure something out, I'll figure it all out. You know I would take you up on that offer, but the Deltas wouldn't give me such a warm welcome.
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RIght. Of course you didn’t.
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Look, Jason, I’m sorry. About your friendship or whatever, it’s absolutely fucking ridiculous that he’s kicking you out and you won’t say anything to him and I’m not sure what you expected, honestly, but I am sorry. For what it’s worth, if you could stay with me I’d offer, but even then I’d doubt you’d want to.
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j-meyers · 10 years
You know what-- I'm going to politely decline.
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No…tears are the fountain of youth, not pain. But I think I’m looking pretty fresh at the moment so I don’t need you to cry at the moment. I understand the whole Greek House name thing…I’ve seen Greek. I still stand by calling your house Zeta Beta Zeta. But either way, that’s fucking stupid. You can’t be with her because of what house she’s in? Is that the new version of people not being allowed to date people of different races or religions? I can put up with the polos but you’re not allowed to clean my stuff. Not for a weird reason, more because I don’t want you to accidentally move my weed. 
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j-meyers · 10 years
Thank you, thank you so much. Jason, it's truly a pleasure.
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Oh that’s no problem. And of course. Anything you need just let me know. I’m always happy to help. I’m Megan by the way.
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