85 posts
Just search izzypancakes if you only want to see my art. 22https://izzypancake.carrd.co
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izzypancakes · 9 hours ago
Im obsessed about their lore.. W lore.
Secret Tunnel
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Two lovers separated from one another ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Anyway lmao! These are my two iterator ocs! They are located on opposite sides of a mountain range. “Close” by iterator standards but not exactly with the jagged peaks blocking the path. There is a path along their communication cables but those were cruelly shut off by the Ancients.. I wonder if a slugcat could fix it.. Essentially they are living in a long distance robot pining plot.
Starting their friendship as the ancients died off then slowly becoming lovers after speaking for long enough. They somehow survived till the end of the world as the hight of the mountains have saved them as the void ocean rose. Creating a specialized ecosystem around them.
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Justified Arial Commune Of Blissfulness
“Moutian mother”
JACOB is a Iterator with a colorful history. Back when they were first made they were a great achievement for iterators. Being able to be built on mountains made the view from their top desirable by the ancient people. Many moved to their roof and before too long many fell into temptations. Many of JACOB’s functions were rerouted to creating agents to numb the mind and soul. The iterator saw nothing wrong with this as it kept the people away from their computing goal of finding ascension. Although it meant they saw it too late when their people left to swim in the void fluid.
Their can was damaged by time and a colony of winged slugcats roosted on their precipice. Becoming their massagers and friends. Gotta send texts to wifey somehow.
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Convincing Ace Preforms Openly
“Gilded Charismatic”
CAPO had a intriguing history. Being a iterator who came to be slightly later than JACOB. They were created to be a refuge to those who wanted to escape the intoxicated peak of JACOBS can. with the Iterators roof full of Ancients trying to unfog their minds. CAPO took on a jovial personality to ease their inhabitants helping some enjoy their existence. Trying to give them hope on The Answer but becoming too tightly intwined with their lives. CAPO secretly postponed their work until The Ancients became restless. Some even damaging the iterators face in anger after realizing what the Iterator was doing. Leaving soon after.
Im unsure at the moment if Ace is friends with any of the local wildlife but we will see!
Not to be insane but their symbol is a mix of some Rainworld text being in what I believe as a “surviving martyr”
Wow you read this far??! Thank you!! Have a good day!
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izzypancakes · 2 days ago
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Judas and Mako
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My little scene murder drones!
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izzypancakes · 2 days ago
Judas and Mako
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My little scene murder drones!
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izzypancakes · 2 days ago
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In my headcannon Skyfire doesn’t fight for the Autobots instead acting like a cargo carrier or emergency escape.
THOUGH in the aus its as follows
Human bound
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Kind of a fluffy au.. with a bit of angst
The humans found him first. Skyfire is experiencing the hyjinx as the military scratches their heads at a transformer who knows nothing about the autobots and deceptions.. literally saying and I quote. “Oh no that must be another species you are speaking of??? Im a Cybertronian from Cybertron!” Since he is pre cybertron war I believe.
We get to see a lot of cute moments where he learns about humans. Bonds with the scientists and tells them about the golden age of Cybertron.. seeing the quirks he provides.. like listening to earth music like its the best hit ever, sleeping on the ceiling in his plane mode… lmao.. and how he came to the planet at the age of the dinosaurs.. crashed and lost his energon cargo.. tried to search for it in the snow.. only to run out of fuel and go on recharge mode in a glacier. Which froze over and kept him sealed until global warming.
Soon the autobots and deceptions find out about the military keeping a secret transformer in their ranks. Idk who gets there first.. hijinks ensue tho.. and he kinda gives them the. “No I wont fight in your stupid war fuck off im gonna live with the humans..” Researching the planet and its inhabitants.. avoiding the decepticons.. and kinda allowing the autobots to visit while living his sciencey fantasy. Most of his decisions to avoid both parties is because of the horrid news that Cybertron is essentially dead..He blames it on both parties tbh..
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the decepticons find him first… instead of the autobots saving him and the humans.. He is forced to kill them.. and is tortured with dark energon.. though that probably is a really bad idea to force a huge tranformer to take on this burden.. He gains information on Soundwave and Shockwave.. who have interesting capabilities.. stealing their findings before being saved by the autobots.. Though he is forced to fight.. and keep up.. unfortunately that leads to him killing starscream in rage.. for not helping and freeing him.. corrupted by dark energon and Unicrons force.. he is directed to kill all Autobots and Decepticons.. using his advanced understanding of tech to kill most of both groups.. and rising unicron to finish the planet off.. and his life..
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Thank you for sitting in on crazy here is the full art.
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Help me im delulu
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izzypancakes · 2 days ago
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Full animation of Beeatrice!! Beautiful girl!!
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Here is her work in progress turn around!!
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izzypancakes · 2 days ago
Murder Drone OC
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Centipedes are MD’s specialty made to break open bunkers that worker drones are in. Small, Spicy, and Dangerous.
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izzypancakes · 5 days ago
Please look at this amazing animation I made with @f0r3v3ry0ur5
Day 13 General Systems Bus
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Today's art challenge post is a collaboration between @f0r3v3ry0ur5 and myself!
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This animation took us two days to make! I created the animation but didn't draw the character, so if you want to know more about Demo's character, The Eviction, please go to their repost!
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Thank you for your time!
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izzypancakes · 11 days ago
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What an honor it would be to be felled by your hand
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izzypancakes · 11 days ago
very adorable Ruffles!!
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Rainworld art month!! (yes im a lil late, yes this was day 2, shhhhhh)
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izzypancakes · 11 days ago
WORKED SUPER HARD ON THIS. If you like Rainworld please look.
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I personally have my own designs for all the Slugcats of Rainworld! Each cat is a different hight based on hunger and damage. This took two days and many hours.. I most certainly will create a whole other version of this in the future for them to be animation friendly!
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(I suggest looking at these images at full brightness because the background is rad)
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Below I will link posts of my thoughts and headcannons for each slugcat:
Thank you for showing interest!
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izzypancakes · 11 days ago
🥞My Name is Izzy🥞
its so nice to see you here! This post has some info and links to my other art platforms.
More about me. I'm a 22-year-old 2D animator and Illustrator who is obsessed with many different fandoms and bounces to a few at a time. My main interests are Speculative Evolution, Rainworld, Dinosaurs, and Transformers. Even if I don't create direct fanart I do love taking inspirationfrom Hollow Knight, Trigun, Arcane, and my new interest at the time.
For my platforms, I don't have any rules at the moment, just make sure to be kind. I also want to mention that:
💥If you wish to commission me, please contact me only through dms or email. Keep in mind that I specialize in creatures and 2D animation, also no NSFW at this time.💥
Now onto my actual platforms!
my website and separate tumblr accounts:
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Carrd Website
This website will have links to all my other platforms I post on! I have different art that I may not post here!
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Wip Tumblr
Has all the works that show my progress and also has sneak peaks at animations I am working on.
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Rainworld Tumblr
I am personally obsessed with Rainworld, and a majority of my art is based on this game. If you are also interested, thats wonderful!!
Thank you for taking the time to read!
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izzypancakes · 12 days ago
Absolutely adorable!!
i think gourm would bring moon food. i just think they would. the obvious lack of a mouth will not stop them
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not that much to do with the prompt today but shhh. made me think about them
bonus: more of them (from the other side of the page, try to ignore the markers bleeding lol). i just think they re silly
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izzypancakes · 13 days ago
Working on a Rainworld art challenge go check it out on my second account!!
Im going to do the March Rainworld art Challenge!! I am a few days late but im Excited!!
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izzypancakes · 14 days ago
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Still life I made of the fish light in my room!
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izzypancakes · 15 days ago
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Ze and Za! Me and my buddy Xatl Plays made them!
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izzypancakes · 15 days ago
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My roomates cat Pepper.. the scrungy.
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izzypancakes · 15 days ago
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I wanted to try and make a sona and have been jumping around.
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Definitely deciding on a shapeshifter who keeps these cute spikes/stingray tail/collar/horns.
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Have a good day!’
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