izzyloveskoko · 7 years
koko - 
I drew fanart of my latest obsession TAZ and my tumblr is blowing up. It is both exciting and terrifying. Terrifying because my notifications are just GOING OFF and I don’t know when it will end. Exciting because I’m glad people like my version of the scenes, and I even got some new mutuals out of it - which means more people to share my art with! I hope they will also like my FoB stuff too.
A few days ago, you left on your trip. I hope you’re having a great time!!!! Be safe!! Have lots of fun!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!! <3333
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izzyloveskoko · 8 years
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Izzy here!    ˉ̶̡̭̭ ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) ˉ̶̡̭̭
AND I’M SORRY FOR LIKE THE 1000 YEARS LATE POST. I just couldn’t think of what to even say bc my life is pretty much the same day in and day out these days -- but that’s in an extremely good way.
Basically, since my last anxiety-ridden post (tl;dr: everything worked out in the best way):
I got hired by my university part-time
I applied for full time staff; did not get it
I suddenly realized every source of anxiety has been fixed??????? like???? ok???????????????
Because of the previous two bullet points, I have a lot of brain space freed up to DRAW EVERY DAY (like our glory days~) and I’ve been hardcore pouring myself into this project... which I will now digress into...
Those cute boys above are based on ideas that Em and I got from that genderbend generator a million years back (It turned Em into the perfect boyfriend and me into ...well a pure, childlike soul). Things have changed since then, obviously. 
Basically, this update is to say that all I want to do is draw cute boys.
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
Happy anniversary, you cuties!!! Is this 2 years now?
AHHHHHHHHH THAT IS THE CUTESTTTTT!!!!! I am always up for new art, and you should totally feel awesome bc that is way more than decent ;) I especially love the soldier/turk one!! You look super cool as the turk, but sadly I have zero experience with ff7, so I don’t know the backstory. v_v
;A; I SO wish I could be back home to meet up with you (and M omg) bc I missed you completely at Christmas (like by one day wth?), but sadly, GA doesn’t give time off around Easter, so I’ll be teaching Good Friday and the like. My Spring Break was last week so... poop.
Things are good for the most part! I’ll have to make a post like before and tell you what I’ve been up to bc it’s been a whiiiiiile ;A;
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Hi Izzy! Easter and M&I’s anniversary is coming up so I’m sending him a card. M says he wants to see himself in all these different type of anime/games. The first one is suppose to be CLAMP/Final Fantasy???? It’s def. not CLAMP style :V The 2nd one is def. FF7. M even said he liked that I was the Turk because some back story about a Solider and a Turk that super FF7 fans would know. But, I do feel it’s been a looooooooong time since I did this decent (don’t look at the hands D:) I hope you enjoy! and that everything is going ok!! 
PS - We are going back home for M to meet my parents! Come back and visit!!! XDDD 
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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Hi Izzy! Easter and M&I’s anniversary is coming up so I’m sending him a card. M says he wants to see himself in all these different type of anime/games. The first one is suppose to be CLAMP/Final Fantasy???? It’s def. not CLAMP style :V The 2nd one is def. FF7. M even said he liked that I was the Turk because some back story about a Solider and a Turk that super FF7 fans would know. But, I do feel it’s been a looooooooong time since I did this decent (don’t look at the hands D:) I hope you enjoy! and that everything is going ok!! 
PS - We are going back home for M to meet my parents! Come back and visit!!! XDDD 
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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Hello Izzy,  First of all, I’m sorry if this scares you or if this is scary or just not cute. I think you know about those days where you feel nothing is good and everything is bad. Even though nothing has actually happen that would be considered bad, I still feel haunted. And it’s been lasting for a while. It’s really restricting me from doing anything. Doing work, watching anime, even simple cleaning or looking out the window. 
I was flipping through my “500 drawing prompts” book and landed on the “werewolf” page. Then, as though the haunting thoughts got an idea, they took on the form, and I went to go find a drawing of it as a werewolf to better visualize it. It’s out of my system now, and I like to believe I will feel better since it’s on paper and not occupying my head anymore. The more I look at it, the less scary it becomes.
My only worry now is that it might jump into someone else’s poor mind and inhabit it ruthlessly. So please don’t let it bother you. It’s sealed in the paper just as a record. I just wanted to show you another part of me. 
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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HI IZZY!! BIG SURPRISE! I’m so sorry it’s been so long ;A;. I haven’t drawn in ages, and anything that I did draw, I’m not proud of TAT. But, late last night, I was beating myself over for not working and basically, procrastinating that suddenly, everything got wiped from my mind, and I got instant motivation. (Such runon ;A;) I wrote a letter to Matt in the Valentine’s card that I got him and then, remembered that he wanted to be drawn as a Saiyan and an ANBU ninja. I didn’t before because I laughed at him for being so nerdy. But, it worked out in my head and now it’s on paper ‘v’ 
I hope you enjoy it! Much love from California!! <3 <3 <3 -Koko :D 
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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Storyboarding is kinda fun. Here’s the rest!
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
What’s happening these days
Izzy here, unloading quite a bit of things.
1) My University rehired me for a special program in August. I’ll be teaching 13 Japanese students English through content about American culture and such. It’ll be over mid-August, but I got a sweet office out of it.
2) I got a job offer from Texas for a full time esl job. I have such mixed feelings.
3) Another university in ATL wants to hire me (part time of course bc that is my life apparently)
4) My University again is talking about offering me a part-time job for the fall.
My issues are these:
- Do I choose stability (REALLY good money, insurance & benefits, steady work) over other types of fulfillment? Even if that means leaving a place I love in favor of a place I am both apprehensive and resistant towards?
- Do I choose a part-time position because I love the environment and think I’ll be more creatively and intellectually stimulated, yet will suffer repercussions of living paycheck to paycheck and dreading the depths of debt? Not to mention, I can stay in this diverse city where I have access to internationals and various cultures.
- How do I choose which one will protect my already compromised mental fortitude the best?
How do people adult? How are people ok with making such impossible decisions all the time? How are people ok with leaving paths untraveled, never wondering if that was the better option?
I’m so full of anxiety right now.
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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So this happened to me today.
In reality, I clicked the “OFF” button about 4 times before I realized it wasn’t the “power” button. What kind of remote has separate “OFF” AND “ON” buttons?!? I should know it by now, but I don’t obviously.
Oh, also! Got my hair cut! :D
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izzyloveskoko · 9 years
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Koko! I’m back, nearly 2 years later with some updates.
1. I finished grad school. My family came up here and it was amazing. I miss my parents.
2. I was offered a job in GSU’s IEP program. I was going to be a university instructor, teaching ESL in my preferred scientifically oriented intensive English program. I was scheduled to teach 2 classes, and then...
3. I was laid off a few days into it. Enrollment was too low and they fused the levels, getting rid of 12 classes. They didn’t need me anymore. I am crushed. I feel so doomed, like I’m destined to work myself to death for utterly menial pay. Those are the only jobs I can find. Meanwhile, all my colleagues are getting real jobs or going abroad and excitedly asking what’s next for me.
4. So... I marathoned so many things to distract me from my woes. Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, Gundam 00, all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Gargantia, and Season 8 of Supernatural, to name a few.  I looked up the Japanese to be able to write that, but since you’re watching 00 right now, you should be able to tell what it says.
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izzyloveskoko · 10 years
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I'm watching anime for the first time in a long time.
Don't worry. Can't sleep. But at least I know what happens.
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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Kittens don't like healthy food.
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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At the beginning of August, the JR train stations started to promote? these station stamp at 77 of their stations. It’s great fun to me because I ride the trains so often now, it’s nice to get a souvenir (and a goal) from each station without spending much money. Right now, I only have seven…  but hopefully, I can just spend a couple of weekend just traveling around to places I wouldn’t normally go to. I wished America had something like this, but then again, we don’t have an awesome train system~
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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Meet our new babies, Miho and Gumi!!!
They are named after the Korean gumiho/gumi (nine-tailed fox). According to Jagi, a female is called "gumiho," and a male is called "gumi." For our little girl kitty, we shortened it to Miho and then left the male with Gumi because he looked so much like a fox anyway!
Miho is our sweet little girl. She has a cute little diamond stripe down her nose, a white bib and belly, and four white socks. Her stripes are marbled and she has a brown complexion. She follows Jagi around all day and supervises all of his actions VERY CLOSELY. Because of this, she has tripped him a couple times already.
Gumi is our handsome boy. He has medium length fur, a small white bib, and very small white toe-socks. He has a more grey complexion with a long calculating face. He is still pretty shy and reserved, but he is our little hunter, tracking down his sister at any time of the day (mostly the night).
Both of these babies love to be snuggled (though you have to catch Gumi first) and are so so so so so sweet. Jagi is totally in love with them already and has become the most caring cat daddy I have ever seen. How cute!
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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Koko, sorry for the unannounced sabbatical from posting. A bunch of things have been going on. I went to RI for one, and got to see a bunch of the Northeastern United States for the first time. All in all it was a good trip, but I was beyond ready to return home and have some privacy. 
Since then, I have been on the apartment and job hunt. Through one of our friends, I found the most awesome place and roommate I could have ever dreamed of. The place is not far from my school in cool Midtown and it is the most affordable compared to every other option I saw. My roommate (we'll just call her Yogini because she lives and breathes yoga) is so nice and I am so excited to meet her. I plan on bringing my badcat so we'll see how he does with a sweet puppy in the house.
I've never had a dog before. Let's see how this goes!
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izzyloveskoko · 11 years
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Em and I cooked dinner at my house tonight. EVERYTHING WAS SO DELICIOUSSSSSS. We had some issues with the potatoes because I didn't know where to find the steamer. We tried to improvise and fry the potatoes instead. It took longer than expected but MAN THEY WERE STILL GOOD (Shout out to Em who did a good job despite all our difficulties tonight)!!!
On the menu, there was Pesto Ranch Chicken (You may find this delicious recipe here from Maggie's Bites). I'm not sure what the potatoes were called, but if I had to guess they are Butter Garlic Potatoes with Fresh Dill. Em found the recipe from an iphone app, so I can't really help you there.
But. Seriously. Amy. That Pesto Ranch Chicken was so ridiculously delicious. I hope you get a chance to replicate it - it's worth it!
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