Izzie Gets Roasted
5 posts
A journey throughout a new writing space: The one and only Reddit
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Writing Space: Criteria and Judgment
How did Reddit match up to my criteria?
To be frank, Reddit exceeded my expectations for an online writing space. Yes, there were some internet trolls, but that was to be expected.
Through this assignment, I’ve realized that I value the following criteria in a writing space: First, it’s important to have writers with credibility (ethos) who are able to back up their claims with research. Secondly, I value logos, critical thinking and logical arguments in a forum based discussion. I also value the community based aspect of the writing space I chose. In a forum writing space like Reddit, the audience must be empathetic (pathos) especially when answering questions that other users have. Another example of a criterion I find important is the organizational aspect of a writing space. In Reddit, forums are organized by purpose and theme, which I loved.
In the end, the WeAreTheMusicMakers forum was my favorite because I was able to contribute to a collective forum which I cared about.
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Writing Space Review Four
Today, I want to explore my own definitions of writing space and writing tool.
For me, a writing space is defined by the integrity of its audience and the richness of its content. A writing space is a place where ideas and words created by humans exist and flourish. Reddit fits my definition of a writing space because many, many authors can come together to ask questions and post pieces of writing, and it is also collaborative.
A writing tool is anything a writer can use to make words exist where they haven’t existed before. In Reddit, the writing tool could quantify as the keyboard and the text box.
Reddit’s writing space and writing tool were easily accessible and familiar, but what I like most about the writing space I chose is its capacity for produsage, or collaborative writing by many users.
Reddit’s Relationship Advice forum was actually very helpful to me, and the users on it expressed empathy towards my situation with my roommates which I asked for advice about.
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Writing Space Review 3
My experience with Reddit and the users which exist in its electronic world has been mostly positive and thought provoking. When I posted about the musician’s role in social justice, my audience seemed to be very opinionated and willing to challenge my ideas, calling my questioning of pop culture in regards to social justice an example of me thinking I have an “ideological supremacy.” While I hadn’t considered this before, the Reddit audience made its point clear: diversity of ideas is crucial. 
This time around, I wanted to review the audience of Reddit in terms of their political beliefs. The posts that I saw first, meaning they received the most “upvotes” or engagement, seemed to all be left-leaning. When I delved into the comment section of these posts, the first comment was from a moderator which I found to set the tone for the rest of the comments. 
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This gave me a clear window into the purpose of this particular Subreddit (or distinct forum which is based off of a certain theme). The r/politics forum is a platform for civil discussion of politics, which I find crucial to our current political atmosphere.
I found logical and civil discussions taking place on this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ani32p/fox_news_hosts_not_coping_well_with_finding_out/
I also realized that the audience of Reddit do not fit into the demographic of extremely wealthy people, so their takes on this matter are somewhat biased. However, it was extremely heartening to see citizens engaged in critical political discussions in the absence of trolls. 
After reading these posts, I am confident that Reddit has exceeded my expectations of a writing space. The audience is what makes this happen: those engaged in discussion seem informed and opinionated, which makes for valuable conversation. 
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Writing Space Review 2
For my newest Reddit post, I chose to ask the Redditors or r/WeAreTheMusicMakers another question because I valued the intellect and dynamic thought they expressed in their replies to my previous post. 
I’ve realized what I value in a writing space is mature dialogue which seeks to further the understanding of every contributor involved. This type of dialogue creates valuable produsage in a writing space--as new ideas are brought forth in the forums, onlookers can further their own knowledge and contribute unprecedented ideas. 
I saw this in a large scale on my first post, as users were contributing to the dialogue and raising questions that wouldn’t have been asked if not for another user’s reply, and so on.
I value this particular forum, WeAreTheMusicMakers, because it pertains to my interests and allows me to connect to musicians who may have more experience and knowledge, which in turn allows me to incorporate those ideas into my practice and become a better creator. 
When I posted this question in the thread, I received two thoughtful responses, one of which I haven’t ever heard before. This is why I value Reddit--ideas from across the globe can come together. 
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Writing Space Review One 
My first two posts on Reddit garnered more reception than I initially imagined. Whether that is a good or bad thing, I have yet to decide.
Reddit is a forum with hundreds of thousands of daily users. What I like about Reddit as a writing space is that it seems to carry a collaborative and community-based feel. I dislike the tendency for trolls to reply to genuine posts. Nevertheless, the two forums I posted in brought me polar opposite results, which was very interesting. R/relationships, a relationship advice forum, seemed to be overrun with trolls, however I did get two genuine responses on my post. In the forum R/WeAreTheMusicMakers, I posted an inquiry into the relationship of music and social justice, asking Redditors what their opinions were on those who use their musical platforms for the greater good of the world. This post was not received well, and I was disputed for even asking the question.
Besides some trivial nastiness that is inevitable when people hide behind screens, I thought the responses of Reddit users to my posts were overwhelmingly thoughtful, especially on the music forum.
https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/alzx1w/music_as_a_means_to_achieve_social_justice/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
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