Coming out of my eternal hiatus for a mo to just give a warning; this blog doesn't and will NEVER support anon hate towards anyone, and its shameful that even in this tiny fandom it has to come to that. Basic rule: live and let live; blog and let blog.
Noelle has done nothing wrong, insulted anyone, she's just here like you and me trying to spend a good time and you have to come and insult her for mmm having the same birthday as CP? What kind of insult is that even? "Hey you're terrible for being born when you did, go kill yourself". Please.
Aside from that, if you're gonna critizise (on anon ofc, who would be brave enough to say this on public) at least make sure what you're saying is true even in the slightest tini tiney wimey part, and not a bunch of hate towards some opinions that doesn't exactly match your own, and that you haven't even stopped to analyze and realize what this person truly thinks about those issues.
You're entitled to not like the same things she does, but that's not the way of letting people know, and I would believe that's something every living person knows, but turns out it's not.
If this gets me anon hate, then fine. But I know this is not your first one of these Noelle, and I'm sorry I don't come out and defend you as much as I should (also you did a great job yourself). You're an amazing lovely person, and I can't understand the need of some people to come and try to tear you down.
Now, as I was saying, I will never support anon hate of any kind towards her or any other user, so if anyone reading this does that, please proceed to press the unfollow button (in the case that you're following me, don't want this lovely brave anon to think I believe myself to be one of the best of the fandom as well. Kisses and hugs to you). Thanks
you think you're one of the best of this fandom don't you? with your claims you make on having the same birthday as chrisopher, having these two stupid ass blogs but no original content, hating murtagh, idolizing Eragon. Seriously, are you new, whelp? First of all, fuck you for existing, kills yourself, second of all, eragon is a whiny bitch that can die, saphira deserves way better than a scawny little fuck up like him. I hate you.
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Ok, so normally I do not post hate anons, because their nothing new. This however, is too hilarious not to answer. 
You also just fuckjng went there and insulted Eragon. god, are you that blind?
You best fucking sit down, this will be a long ride.
(Also I’m clearly not the best, have you even seen the other blogs?)
First of all, I do actually have the same birthday as him, you need proof?
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go read it, sweety, go read the damn thing.
No original content you say? Let’s take it to the tags shall we? let’s see how many original content we can find, with only a few scrolls down. I even marked them for you!
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proof enough? or, do you need more?
About the Murtagh part, I do not hate him, I simply prefer Eragon more, I stopped writing about him in my reader x IC fic (on quotev) because I started getting hatemail from the likes of you.
You think eragon is weak? Have you not seen my (original content) post? Here’s a warning, you bitch about someone you clearly do not bother to try understand again and I’ll slice your dumb fucking heead off. Let me just drop you in the army, to kill hundreds of people and with the burden and resposibility he carries, while being a teenager. Let’s see how you shoulder it.
I have come here on tumblr, [searching for the eragon fandom] as one of the first. I still remember scrolling to the bottom of all the eragon posts in just about 4 scrolls. i remember @the8thsphynx roleplaying as Oromis and whising I could join. Don’t fucking call me a whelp, because the only one who is, is you.
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@theironeinparticular she left us on the dirt Cor 😂No seriously awesome again Noelle!! 👐👐💙
RE: You know his name wasn’t always Eragon Part 1
Original post 
Original art by @theironeinparticular @iwillfindadragonsomewhere 
My contribution to this post:
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That moment when you reach and surpass 700 followers but you don’t even notice because life
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and seriously sorry for the hiatus again. I would multitask but with tumblr that ends up being only being on tumblr and I can’t afford that xD
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Funny though, in Spanish in Eldest was translated to Espina (even if it’s feminine) and then in brisingr and Inheritance they just stick to Thorn. IT was so confusing for the 12 year old me tbh xD
Fun fact: In Italy, where I live, “Thorn” was not traslated the Italian world for Thorn (Spina) because it’s feminine and not very badass sounding.
It was instead traslated as “Castigo” or: Plague\Punishment
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Am I the only one that remembers the time Eragon threatened to put burning sand in someones stomach? Or the time that he was challenged to a duel, but I didn’t want to so he just killed the man right then and there? Or the time he found out sloans true name and liked controlling him for a few seconds? (I mean he scolded himself for it after) Or the time he killed a soldier mercilessly because he knew too much? Or that he literally killed thousands of people on the battlefield? Or that he shows clear signs of PTSD? 
But sure Eragon is just a dumb, helpless damsel in distress that cannot do anything but whine.
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Preparing myself to rewatch Eragon like
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(We might be watching tonight or tomorrow on discord and rabb.it in case anyone missed it and wants to join)
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Omg what did u just do to my brain... 👀👀
It dawned on me suddenly and for no obvious reason that the Twitter post from Chris about Murtagh and his fork Mr Stabby is a parallel to Nasuada stabbing the guards with a spoon in Inheritance and I know I’m being a ridiculous shipper on this but I’m SO SHOOK
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I will never really leave this fandom
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Roran: Take care of how you speak. Eragon is a Dragon Rider and he's my brother
Jeod: He's the reason why the Ra'zac burnt your farm and destroyed your village
Roran: He's adopted
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ahhhh @iwillfindadragonsomewhere; @i-wanna-be-eragons-gf
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Come on Inheritance Fandom
the Eragon fan film will not be made at this rate we have ten days to go to get the money to where it needs to be even just handing a fiver is enough
@darknesswearsangelswings; @shewhobreathesfire
also check out what you get if you donate more than fifteen dollars
edit: i’m an idiot here’s the link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/superlerty/eragon-fan-web-film?ref=user_menu if i remember correctly you will have to create an account
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Uh I didn't get the notification of this post yesterday, and now I know it's mostly set, but I needed to ask, is my dr who t-shirt and Minion pants that serve as a pj enough bd attire? 😂 Or do you want us to get all fancy? 👀
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@wolves-rider @dragonofyang @iwillfindadragonsomewhere Friends, friends, let’s calm down for now😂 I will definitely look into this discord thing! (@dragonofyang please help me bc I’m a fucking idiot regarding these things) Also if we meet, you have to wear proper birthday attire (That’s how this shit works I guess?) because it’s Christopher’s (And mine) birthday!
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I think we can all agree that Garrow and Marian and Brom met in the afterlife with Selena (post- scary) and the others who died and they all just watched Roran, Eragon and Murtagh during the series and collectively face-palmed whenever they did something stupid-- or cheered
Lol sorry but I had to do this.
After the events in Eldest
Selena: Okay, let’s see who has won the “Reckless award” this week. On one side we have Murtagh, who defied Galby again by not taking Eragon to Urû'Baen after the Burning Plains’ battle… he’s not gonna please the King with that, he should have known better
Garrow: that’s nothing. Our Roran tried to cross the biggest maelstrom in the world while he was being chased by an Imperial fleet. And succeded!! I think we have to give him extra points for not dying!
Marian: Yeah our son is awesome. *claps her hand with Garrow’s*
Garrow: so Brom, anything to add?
Brom: *slowly looks at them while smoking his pipe*
Brom: My son
Brom: Jumped from a flying dragon
Brom: While she was a 100 feet up in the sky
Brom: To damage another dragon
Brom: And landed on Saphira again by some fate’s gift
Brom: With all the force of a long free fall
Brom: On his groin
Brom: *drops pipe and leaves the room*
Yes, we can all agree
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Cool!! I'll check it out as soon as I can 😄
Eragon Discord Server Link!
Hey IC fans, saw a lot of chatter about how you guys wanted to have a Discord and I made this last night lol, but feel free to hop in and join the fun! We can use the voice chat feature in the server itself, and video chat is possible over private and group private messaging. I’ve got a bot in the server already so y’all can play games with it and stuff and am more than happy to help everybody new to Discord get acquainted with the server functions. Tagging everybody who I for sure saw interested in the server, but don’t hesitate to send the link to other people, it’ll never expire and it’s always fun having new friends in literally my oldest fandom and actually getting active in it again! :D
@i-wanna-be-eragons-gf @iwillfindadragonsomewhere @woogwoo-wren @dipperred @noredditorhere @wolves-rider @delicatebluebirdruins @lucy-joan-carlyle @supernatural-is-my-support-group @virgo-dragon @justanintjcalledemy
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Galbatorix: Look, I made a tragic antihero!
Every single reader: Fucked up a perfectly good sidekick\charming rogue is what you did. Look at him he has anxiety
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okaay gotcha! looks cool! (same person btw). I guess it’s up to what people think now!
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  iwillfindadragonsomewhere: …
Okay you beautiful soul would u mind explaining to a person that lives in the clouds what Discord is? ����
Yeah, it’s a chat client not unlike Skype, it’s more easily organized and secure, though! In it you can have individual servers, which could be compared to group chats but each server can have channels which can be devoted to individual topics. You can also voicechat within each server and there’s lots of bots and things that can be added for games or server upkeep (like announcing if a new person joins the server or what have you). I checked and there’s a big Eragon server already but I’m not sure it’s terribly active so it might be nice to just have a smaller server full of active Tumblr fans. ^^;
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