ivynivekgames · 11 hours
how fun was it to write ivius's villainous breakdown at the end of NEW df?
Seeing as Ivius had ran out of tricks and minions by the time you reach him, it feels important to make the gravity of his downfall as apparent as possible.
There's nothing more gratifying than seeing a piece of shit get their comeuppance, especially when they've got no exit in the face of justice.
In short: yes, it very much was. :>
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ivynivekgames · 9 days
CatJam Zurba Sub 1 Minute Design% Speedrun.
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ivynivekgames · 2 months
Here's something Sorely Kneaded :3c (Sorely Kneaded Update Announcement)
Heads up, this is gonna be a MEATY post! (This is making up for all the time of I've been so quiet).
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It has been… checks watch okay, over a year since the original [猫はかわいい (kitties are cute)] demo dropped, wowza! Well, I got a couple of things I wanna mention and talk about, and about the future of this project (ALL OF WHICH ARE IMPORTANT)! I've been pretty quiet on saying anything update-wise, but there's a good reason for that… But first, some context!
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Now, when I started work on this, I wasn't sure about what direction to take this. I just kinda winged it and hoped for the best, but as I was writing up ideas and where to take the project in the background--the scope has been getting bigger... And the original ideas I had for the time being just weren't holding up. My ability as a writer has majorly improved throughout this (2024) year (I applied myself, tee-hee).
On top of becoming a better writer and getting a more concrete vision of where to take the game, a new musician has joined in helping with the game's soundtrack (an aspect I was woefully fearful of). Their music will be replacing the old (though there may be a track or two that will be kept from the previous composer, seeing as they're essentially... Perfect). The new sound is a lot more fitting in terms of atmosphere and energy.
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Art wise, it is still handled by me, but some of the workload is being taken care of by some good, talented friends that are willing to help make this project come to fruition, they too, have been gaining a better understanding of the artstyle that fits the game best. On my end, I've been getting even better at utilising the hard work that has been handed to me and having it make the most impact.
All things considered, I've realised that with so much improvement on the side of production, the earlier parts of the game would have to reflect my new standard going forward (namely The Void and Emerland). The original story is ill-fitting and its concepts too derivative (and anything original is ill-explored) and tone is mixed.
Hence, I am happy to the Sorely Kneaded update. A total reimagining of the CatJam's vertical slice. With half a year of development already, Sorely Kneaded will aim to show my vision and standard quality for the project going forward.
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This update is not an earth shattering or thoroughly exhausting endeavour in the sense of scope, rather, it's a showcase of something much closer to what the final game will be. In the update you'll find:
Remastered graphics of assets that were originally sub-par in quality.
New soundtrack and sound design, more fitting for the game's vibes and vision.
New content, more secrets, etc.
A much more balanced gameplay experience, with more interesting dungeons to navigate and more focus on narrative decisions (though the game will still only have one ending).
Greater focus on characters and their interactions, this is a character-driven game, after all. ;)
And finally, a much more fleshed out story and lore, completely abandoning the original "Hell" related plot. Frankly, even the original game barely attached itself to Christian canon, so I feel this was the right choice.
My goal with this project has always been to make a fun and genuine experience that comes from the heart. I have a vision and ideas I want to show to anyone that's interested, and I couldn't bear the idea that I'd somehow deliver it in a shoddy state.
I want to direct you all away from hell, and welcome all of you to the World of Mu, a place where magic flows like air and one only truly dies when their soul fades...
The update will drop when it's done, currently: The Void is in a near-complete state and Emerland will begin development shortly. I will make a follow-up announcement for when it's released, beyond that--hold tight!
Potential questions:
Q: How big will this update be? A: It will likely be bigger than the original demo, I project about 3~ish hours out of it on an average playthrough (the early parts are fairly story heavy).
Q: How will the new music fare compared to the original? A: The new music will be rad! Er... I mean, it's gonna be AWESOM- okay no. It will service the game's atmosphere and tone much better. You'll just have to like, listen, dude.
Q: How good will the new graphics be, compared to the original? A: It's nothing earth shattering, the art will merely be "spruced up" since I want the graphics to maintain a "soulful" look. I have a vision... Q: Any content being removed? A: Yes. As previously said, all the music will be getting replaced, along with the old sound effects. Story elements will be cut in favour of new ones. You may have liked some old concepts or ideas, but I promise that what's new will more than make up for that!
Q: Will the old [Kitties are Cute] save file work with Sorely Kneaded? A: 99% sure it will not (can never be too sure), disregarding that. I put so much effort into making this new stuff, you GOTTA play it, dude!
Q: What will happen to the old demo? A: It'll be left on the page, available for download. I think it's good to leave it archived as a way to show how far the project has come.
PS: The page will be update when the update is out.
Director, Writer, Designer, Programmer: Ivy Nivek
Music and Sound Design: @witchscadence, Ivy Nivek
Art: Guck, Split, Spoop, Ivy Nivek
Want to make developing this easier? Throw me some change: https://ko-fi.com/ivynivek
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ivynivekgames · 2 months
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ivynivekgames · 2 months
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ivynivekgames · 2 months
Still don't wanna spoil anything so have conversation with BALL to fill the Void (pun intended).
Ignore the text it's just for testing.
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ivynivekgames · 2 months
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Working on the game and I don't wanna spoil anything major story-wise, so have this screenshot of Natase being an awkward fuck.
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
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Also these were the stats, functionally only HP can go up to like 2 billion before it starts crapping out and like I said, stats stop mattering past 9999, must be some byte related bullshit.
Noticed that the stat limit for enemies in Maniacs Patch has been lifted (or at least greatly increased, you can go all the way up to like 999999 but functionally it only works up to 9999, anything beyond makes no difference).
Decided to test it out. :)
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
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For exactly ONE frame, you can see TOTAL DEATH.
Noticed that the stat limit for enemies in Maniacs Patch has been lifted (or at least greatly increased, you can go all the way up to like 999999 but functionally it only works up to 9999, anything beyond makes no difference).
Decided to test it out. :)
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
Noticed that the stat limit for enemies in Maniacs Patch has been lifted (or at least greatly increased, you can go all the way up to like 999999 but functionally it only works up to 9999, anything beyond makes no difference).
Decided to test it out. :)
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
Heads up!
There will be a drought in posting until music production picks up. For the time being there will be: silence.
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
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"Master Witch" feels too impersonal, so I gave her a real name that fits her personality (being a brat). She might look like a milf/bimbo, but don't call her that--that'll piss her off!
I didn't spend long workshopping the name but I wanted to aim for something that doesn't awkward but also has good girly energy. Lizzy supremacy (Master Witch is still her title).
Lizzy is really silly. (Her name is Lizzy).
(Gave her a name so I don't have to call her "Master Witch" every time.)
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
The characters, they towk [and start and stop]... (surprised at how simple this was to implement, 2k3 is usually janky with implementations like this).
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
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Playing around with the zoom feature in the Maniacs Patch and uneven zoom levels do exactly as you'd expect.
It's pretty cool, though, you can zoom in on particular layers to avoid things like pictures from being zoomed in, or just making the tileset really big while all characters remain the same.
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
Made a Ko-fi in case anyone wants to throw money my way (it'd be like really nice I got no FUCKINGG MONEY AAAAAAAA)
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
She's real.
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ivynivekgames · 3 months
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Meet Master Witch (she's a bitch)! Zurba (green cat)'s rival and an ABSOLUTE brat! Gets made fun of for being small so she maintains her image with transformation magic (she might be going a little overboard)...
Leads a coven where she teaches magic, but she's absolutely miserable to work with. She just keeps doing stupid bullshit with her powers instead of actually teaching (such as cursing an entire forest or summoning a powerful demon from god knows where, oops).
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